2009 Halloween Event Bugs and Feedback





Testing Procedure

I 'knocked' on 200 doors. The first hundred I didn't fight the spawned 'tricks' (so sue me!), the second hundred I did. The cooldown seems unchanged: 10 seconds to knock, and a door you knocked on can't be knocked on again for 5 minutes... keep moving!

Ratio of Treats to Tricks

Treats seem to be on the rise this year. Last year, I figured Treats were 1 out of 3 knocks. This year they're 1 out of 2! (96 out of 200 doors were Treats.)


Inspirations: Two years ago, we had Tier 3 Inspirations. Last year, they were downgraded to 1 to 3 Tier 1 Inspirations. This year it's one Tier 1 for every Treat door.

Temp Powers: They seem unchanged from last year. Out of 200 doors, 47 gave up a Temp Costume for ~ 1 out of 4 knocks ( ~ 1 out of 2 Treats). Here's the results from my 200 doors:
0 Banished Pantheon Shaman Costume
1 Consortium Guard Costume
2 Carnival Harlequin Costume
1 Carnival Strongman Costume
0 Coralax Minion Costume
0 Council Galaxy Costume
2 Council Penumbra Costume
2 Crey Agent Costume
1 Crey Powersuit Costume
0 Crey Security Costume
0 Freakshow Boss Costume
3 Freakshow Stunner Costume
0 Goldbricker Costume
1 Hellion Thug Costume
3 Knives of Artemis Costume
2 Legacy Chain Costume
2 Lost Costume
5 Malta Gunslinger Costume
2 Malta Operative Costume
3 Nemesis Soldier Costume
2 Outcast Thug Costume
0 Paragon Protector Costume
1 Pirate Costume
1 PPD Cop Costume
6 PPD Hardsuit Costume
0 PPD Swat Officer Costume
1 Scrapyarder Costume
2 Skulls Thug Costume
1 Sky Raider Costume
1 Troll Costume
1 Tsoo Inkman Costume
0 Vahzilok Eidolon Costume
1 Warrior Thug Costume
I deleted the Temp Power as soon as I got it so that there would be no wasted gifts.

The big change among powers here would be *no* Rock Power! At least, I didn't get one. Last year with 200 doors I was sure to get a handful. Maybe I was just unlucky.

Halloween Salvage: Halloween Salvage is no longer given out as a Treat! You now get it by defeating the foes that spawn from a 'Trick' door. Out of 112 defeats, I got 7 Halloween salvage, that's about 1 out of 16 foes will drop one (6.25%).
4 Lord Recluse
1 States
0 Hami


I ToT'd solo set for no Bosses and -1 level, but I got Bosses (which I like). One time even a Boss and two minions! And two Lieutenants was pretty common also. This is a change from last year where I would have gotten 3 minions 66% of the time and a Lt./minion pair the rest. So, a soloist will have a good chance to get all the defeat badges. All the door-spawns seem to be spawning at a good ratio. The problem with last year's shortage of Spirits is gone, in fact, the Devs may have overcompensated a bit. Out of 104 Trick doors I got...
30 Zombies
27 Witches
25 Spirits (lieutenants)
24 Streng
19 Werewolves (lieutenants)
17 Sorcerers (lieutenants)
17 Vampires (lieutenants)
9 Vampire Lords (Boss)
8 Crone (Boss)
Tricks do indeed see through Stealth (I had 100 feet of it up!). And they'll follow you unless you can outdistance them by a lot quickly (Werewolves are fast!). Abandoned spawn eventually disappear.

As noted above, it's possible to get spawns much higher than you if you're at the low end of the spawn range in a zone. That is bad design and encourages knock-and-run, and also griefing (high level toon knocks on the door near a lower level toon). This leads me to my #1 Recommendation for Trick or Treating:

Have the Trick Door Spawn use the 'Purple Damage Scaling Code' that Giant Monsters use, please.

All special outdoor spawns should use it. Giant Monsters use it, Rikti Invasion uses it, Zombapocalypse uses it, the new Deadly Apocalypse uses it... please make door spawns use it.

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The description in this post mentions a timer, but I didn't see one. Is there a visible timer for the event? If there isn't, I strongly think there should be.
The timer for the event is in the Nav Bar UI when you're close to a banner. It won't be visible otherwise. I believe it starts at 15 min (could be mistaken). When the timer gets to zero, the banners disappear and the apocalypse is over.

Question about the new stuff:

When the banners are defeated, are the Aspect GMs going to be spawning at one of a few set points, or is it totally random? A waypoint on the map, like the Steel Canyon Fires, or what pops up when you find a key for a side mission in a mayhem/safeguard would be nice, or even something on the Event Channel like "The Aspect has been spotted in (Insert name of neighborhood)" would help us narrow down the search, especially if it can be so easily defeated before the majority of teams can find it.

ToT was more fun. I like that the costume salvage drops from the tricks, not from getting a treat. Once I got used to how the trick mobs spawn, it wasn't a problem. I got several treats right off the bat, then a long run of tricks, and then a few more treats, so I guess the ratio is about right. Saw plenty of ghosts, so those seem to be spawning as they should.

Suggestion for the Aspect: If Eochai and Jack are still going to be spawning like last year, is it possible to not have them in the rotation of Aspect GMs, to avoid the confusion? This way, if we see Eochai, we know for sure it's not the Aspect.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Success - I managed to spawn an event by turning in salvage.

Note on the Mystic Aspect - Getting the badge for this is going to be worse than getting the badge for the Halloween Jack or the Eochai. Even on Test where people are prone to cooperate, announce him the moment he's found, he's dead before half the people even have a chance to get there. This is going to be ugly.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
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Originally Posted by Human_Being View Post
I just experienced this with an alt character. However, I used the Ouroboros Portal earlier in the test with a copy of my main and did not experience the lock up then.

If it matters, I was in Pocket-D when I clicked the Ouroboros Portal Button, immediately after login.

EDIT: I just repeated it with both characters and neither one experienced the lockup this time.
I wasnt in Pocket D any time this has happened to me. The first time I was going from PI to Atlas and locked up on zoning into Atlas. The next time was on zoning into Ouroboros and the last was on zoning into Talos

Where are we going and Why am I in this Handbasket?



hehe! the seduction power looks like the Valentines day power.

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.



Was the spawn points were to show up on your map? If so none showed up on mine.

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.



More Event info: BUG

participated in the end GM kill for the event solo. I put all my debuffs on it (now on a L40 controller instead of a 23 defender) and tossed in my pet along with a few propels.

I did not get credit for the GM kill. I did get the temp power window. I did get the merits. I also received the temp power.

BUG: The Bug seems to be in Sking up (not sure about down) and getting the temp power awarded.

On Trick or Treating:

I really hope tot salvage isn't being awarded for only kills. This will penalize those who kill slower, do less damage, and are squishier then other AT's (mostly defenders/controllers of lower level and probably blasters too).

With the random spawns not taking into account your personal settings (eg no bosses, -1 etc...) doing kills on these characters for half the spawns is just not feasible. People are not going to be happy with being sent to the hospital constantly or having to run away or worse breaking out a "farmer" character to go farm salvage for their lowbies, assuming they have one.

These events are supposed to be fun for everyone, not just scappers/tanks and high damage high level AT's.

NOTE: I had zero problems with this event on my Scrapper, though i seemed to get more tricks then treats, which for my scrapper was juuusttt fine.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Maniac_Raid View Post
I participated in two events in Talos. The GM spawned in different places. So there is more than one spawn point for them.
That's good news then - more locations = less potential spawn camping, whether they decide to add a map marker for it or not.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Have the Trick Door Spawn use the 'Purple Damage Scaling Code' that Giant Monsters use, please.

All special outdoor spawns should use it. Giant Monsters use it, Rikti Invasion uses it, Zombapocalypse uses it, the new Deadly Apocalypse uses it... please make door spawns use it.
Been saying this for a while now... it would also eliminate the need to have level caps per zone, meaning that everyone would have more zones from which to choose, regardless of level.



Couple revisions after running it some more:

I caught the timer this time. I think it could stand to be more prominent, but that's a nitpick.

It seems there IS an fx for when the banner is shielded, so n/m on that - looks good too. Just needs to be more obvious that you can't attack it while shielded.

Using new art for the GM would obviously be preferable, but I don't think it should be random. It causes confusion about whether or not a normal GM you see walking around is the aspect. What about a giant unseelie? Or a giant behemoth?

Some better icons for the map markers would be good - if you're not going to put the UI up the whole time, then new map markers would at least let someone know when they look at their map that something special is going on. The current colored dots are easily overlooked.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Event Bug?

Banners kept appearing and disappearing on my map which made trying to get to them very difficult unless you had the spot already targeted. As they don't stay in your targeting window this will become frustrating.

Suggest that banners always stay on the map during the event until they are destroyed.

GM Could use a targeting thing on the map too, maybe like a fire or supradine event style target so people have a chance to get to said GM. Also for solo people the GM badge should be awarded for people who are near the GM as the rewards window seems to work that way.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by james_joyce View Post
Couple revisions after running it some more:

I caught the timer this time. I think it could stand to be more prominent, but that's a nitpick.

It seems there IS an fx for when the banner is shielded, so n/m on that - looks good too. Just needs to be more obvious that you can't attack it while shielded.

Using new art for the GM would obviously be preferable, but I don't think it should be random. It causes confusion about whether or not a normal GM you see walking around is the aspect. What about a giant unseelie? Or a giant behemoth?

Some better icons for the map markers would be good - if you're not going to put the UI up the whole time, then new map markers would at least let someone know when they look at their map that something special is going on. The current colored dots are easily overlooked.
Giant Succubus!

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
Been saying this for a while now... it would also eliminate the need to have level caps per zone, meaning that everyone would have more zones from which to choose, regardless of level.
I totally agree. The event should be using the invasion level code and thus would do as you said, eliminate the whole zone level tot thing, though It should also take into account your personal settings.

Trying to fight bosses and oranges on a lowbie defender was a study in frustration.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Zerlina View Post
Not sure if this is just an issue with so many flocking to test to see the halloween event or an actual bug but have been experiencing the following

When using Ouroboros portal on finishing zoning my character becomes stuck. I can not move, and typing /stuck /synch etc does nothing. I can see chat going on around me and others are moving around fine. I was able to get invite to a team but was unable to be tped by teammate the power activated but I didnt recieve prompt to accept.

After a few mintes I am booted from the server and have to verify files before logging in
I used Assemble the Team to try and unstick Zerlina. The power fired off just fine. I was standing still at the time so there was no interruption of said power. Zerlina was not teleported to my position.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post

Halloween salvage does not seem to drop if the invention salvage inventory is full.

Umm... No.

I was getting Halloween Salvage with a full Invention Salvage bin. My only issue was getting no BAB Gloves.
I got 3-4 Hamis, 3 Recluse, and 3 States over the course of about 35-40 ToT doors in Brickstown.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Hmmm...it seems like each door I click on I'm getting a Trick more so than a Treat! the salvage is dropping after I defeat the mob, but no treats as of yet and i've been ToT for like 30 mins.

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.



So because I have to be at work and don't get off until the event is over, I was wondering if anybody knows what the Accolade: Hell and Back does?



Originally Posted by Just_Blaze View Post
So because I have to be at work and don't get off until the event is over, I was wondering if anybody knows what the Accolade: Hell and Back does?

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing!"

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



The mobs that spawn to defend the banner still have the original info text of the mobs they were copied from. I don't know if this is intended or not, but since the names were changed (i.e. they're not *really* Hydra and Shivans), IMO the info text should be replaced.



Re: defeating the banners, they have super desk syndrome. Tons of HP - once they're attackable, it's not interesting to sit there and whale on them. IMO, they should go down fairly quickly. The fun is in making them attackable.

It also seems that the glyph auras on the banners affect the banners themselves. This was causing them to be even more infuriating, as some were regenerating health, or were highly resistant to damage.

If the intended purpose of the aura is to buff the defenders, which is smart and I like that, then I'd suggest excluding the banner itself from that buff, again because the banner is not interesting to kill, only interesting to make killable.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



* Are objectives clear when the Event is running?
Only after Ghost Falcon explained what we needed to do.

* Are rewards being handed out correctly?
Never received a temp power for the zone event,but I am glad to see the ToT mobs dropping rewards,hopefully this will ensure people cleaning up their messes.

* Are there any problems with the event occurring in any City Zone? (Note: The event will only be present In Paragon City or the Rogue Isles City Zones, and not in any PvP Zones, Hazard Zones, Trial Zones or Co-Op Zones)
None that I could see.

* Are there any graphical effect bugs?
Again none that I could see.

* Do banner icons appear correctly on the MiniMap when the event is running?
Yes,I like the way you implemented them on the MiniMap.

* Do waypoints correctly appear when the event is running? (Note: Navigation waypoints of active Missions orient players to the Halloween Event objectives when a playerÂ’s character is near one, and should disappear when they leave the area.)
Yes,had a bank mission up and this all seemed to be working fine.

* Are enemy NPCs appearing at the appropriate level? (i.e. a Level 50 should be able to fight side-by-side with a Level 5 character).
No problem that I could see,seemed to be working.

* Are all badges awarded correctly?
Now,this I did have a problem with.I was at a banner with just a few others not on my team.Perhaps a total of 5 people were at this banner.I was using my lvl 50 scrapper,doing plenty of damage but did not get the badge.I did eventually get the badge however in the next zone event.

All in all,I love this new event.
I know some are not happy with the way you have to hunt down the GM,but to me it was like a classic Halloween Scavenger Hunt.(I hope I am not the ONLY one to remember those) Kudos for that idea.
Although I do like the idea of a massive comet/lightning strike leading to the GM.Not sure how easy that would be to implement.And perhaps more hit points,seems he went down to fast for many to reach the area.
I never received any of the temp powers although I did get all badges including the accolade.
The timers could be extended perhaps,as some noted they are on the short side.
Love the look on the new badges,took me a few minutes to figure out which one I needed,but was able to figure it out by looking at my badges and compare them with the navigation waypoint marker info.They are color coded,perhaps some did not notice this as I did.

Looking forward to this years event. Kudos to all involved and thanks to the Dev's and GM's that assisted us today.

I believe our children are our future and I reflect on the lessons and values we taught them.
I believe the world has many real Villains,what we need are more Heroes.
*May you all be a hero in someone's life.*



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Oh and just a quick side-note, I'd like the NPC to not just be something for an 'event' like Halloween....have the NPC do info for all things like this (have info for Valentine's event, Halloween, Winter event, among other things...).
Make them be in the Midnighter Club - it's the sort of place we'd go for magical event info

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Just finished a late-EU stab at the new event. Avatea explained what we needed to do during the first attempt and with that knowledge for the second attempt we were a successful 8-man group.

Didn't have any issues regarding the badges personally and a few of the enemies appeared to be buggy at first - e.g. not rushing at the banners, standing around - but I think that only happened for one banner during the first attempt, the second attempt we didn't have that issue. As for the health of the Banner, our group was able to defeat them all with just under a minute to spare, kinda hurried us along.

The special enemies for the banners all started converging on the GM (again Avatea pointed that out) and I followed one set straight to the GM, so not that bad a hunt really.

Really loved the artwork for the new groups and the Banner of.. objects too. Cannae wait for it go Live.

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Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Oh and just a quick side-note, I'd like the NPC to not just be something for an 'event' like Halloween....have the NPC do info for all things like this (have info for Valentine's event, Halloween, Winter event, among other things...).
Agreed. (I teamed with 'ya this morning, by the way...)

I believe they've had a contact in AP before for the Valentine's event, but if they could have some sort of "Event" contact that would explain events while they are happening, and then switch dialogue to explain or "preview" upcoming events when there isn't an event currently going on, that would be wonderful for newer players.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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Originally Posted by GeneralHospital View Post
* Are rewards being handed out correctly?
Never received a temp power for the zone event,but I am glad to see the ToT mobs dropping rewards,hopefully this will ensure people cleaning up their messes.
It won't. People will still leave mobs behind, especially those who find the current random spawned mob group their facing tough.

What it will do is bring out farmer toons to farm salvage. You can bet on that. That's how players in mmorpgs operate when there are rewards involved, especially limited time rewards.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh