2009 Halloween Event Bugs and Feedback




In the event I participated in Talos, I never saw any kind of barrier despite hopping as fast as I could to the different flag things. I did see some kind of glowing rune on the ground, but people were attacking the flag anyway.

With all the people testing, the flag went down nigh-instantly. I'd say sub-10 second.



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
I just want to say - some of us DO want those temp costume powers!
I understand that, and I am one of them *scratches badge rash*, but I am just saying that the rewards from treats are no longer going to make a permanent change on your characters, as they no longer drop the halloween salvage. The costume temps are cool and all, but they aren't permanent. A 5th costume slot is.




One thing that I haven't seen mentioned is this: once the banners are down, does the event timer still apply to the GM that is spawned? We took about 11:50 in a Cap run to defeat all 4 banners, and spent 10-15 minutes looking for the GM. Is there another timer for defeating the GM, or is it the same timer? Is the GM vulnerable to the drones?

Also, it's my understanding from reading the above that the costume salvage is awarded on defeating door spawns, not simply opening a door. Probably incentive to not knock and run...



If we really must have an NPC contact for this event to give people backstory as well as the rules, then give DJ Zero in Pocket D the job. He doesn't do much except when it's Valentine time. Anyone should be able to get to Pocket D, either by Base Teleporter, Pocket D VIP or just zone to a Pocket D entrance.



the event was ok, i played for abut 30 mins with lvl 50 tankin PI,my biggest complaint,was that no longer do arena doors allow TOT.if a team of players wanted to do door "farming"
what is the difference from doing it inside the arena,or outside?yes i know we willnot
be involved in the other zone events but that should be our choice.and why do personaly diff not apply? i was set to group of 4 and normal lvls, just got what seemed like the
1 person spawns, do have a queston, is jack and pumpkin king not going to spawn this event?or if they will was it tested? would hate for the new events to mess up getting the
other badges for GM spawns,also hope ther is at least 1 more test of it with all turned on,last year there was similar testing then for the real event a bug or tweowas discovered , and not fixed

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



I gotta say, cool new event, but is it going to be too much?

I saw the new Apocalypse event, Eochai, and ToTing all going on in the same zone. I never saw it, but will the Zombie attacks also occur during this? If so, it may be too overwhelming to figure out what to do, especially for badgers trying to get all the badges!

That said, at least Snaptooth is nowhere to be found.



Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
my biggest complaint,was that no longer do arena doors allow TOT.if a team of players wanted to do door "farming"
I never did the Arena, but if you find one of the "motels," those are just as easy to use (if not easier) than the Arena.



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
Bugs & Feedback[*]In both cases the GM died so fast with the huge group on test that I only got to hit it once in one instance and none on the second instance, yet if made tougher the gm won't be able to be killed by smaller groups on less populated servers.
Why not give the mob a power like Rise To The Challenge? Make it so a small group or low pop server can beat it, but when a huge group gets around it, then it becomes an even bigger challenge? Maybe with some high can like it only gets buffed by the first 30 people or something?

Perhaps it can increase it's base HP depending on how many people are piled around them as well, and also similar to (or perhaps on top of) rise to the challenge?

If done right... it can be a really tough solo fight... or a incredible and hard group fight.

x Jeremy M.

Global Handle: @JeremyM
City of Heroes LiveJournal Community



Originally Posted by Quilcene View Post
I never did the Arena, but if you find one of the "motels," those are just as easy to use (if not easier) than the Arena.

Anyway, I loved the arena for ToTing because I could avoid other players. This is a sad day if no Toting in the Arena is intentional.


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"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
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Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
I think that's those 2 level buildings built on 3 sides of a carpark - they have loads of doors really close together.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I know this is going to be an echo of other posts but heres my two cents on the new event.

1 The new event brings me back to the nostalgic lag days of early Hamidon raids. And no this is not seen as a good thing. There definitely is a serious lag issue with the event.

2 The banners and the magic sigil around it looks awesome. the guardians of the banners? its a grab bag of random rehash. please tell us these are place holders and this isnt going to become "City of Recyclables".
Even if you just change the colors of them to make them feel like they are there for a reason.

3 There definitely needs some form of story behind this part of the event. While I never knew they story behind the Zombie Apocalypse (was there one?) the event was pretty clear; zombies are attacking on Halloween. KILL 'EM. The premise behind that felt more on the common knowledge that Halloween and zombies fit together and it was simple enough to just take it at face value.
This new event however is not a natural tie into Halloween and feels off with out a back story in some form, even if its the Bannor Defenders dialog durring the fight.

4 The GM needs an indicator on the map, even if it only pops up the first time its attacked so the rest of us know. I was on a team looking for it all over the zone and by the time we found it another team who never said anything had it down to 1/4 health and our team couldnt get the badge.

Bonnie and her bunny
Arc ID: 59406

The Trash Came Back
Arc ID: 350303



Originally Posted by Quilcene View Post
I gotta say, cool new event, but is it going to be too much?

I saw the new Apocalypse event, Eochai, and ToTing all going on in the same zone. I never saw it, but will the Zombie attacks also occur during this? If so, it may be too overwhelming to figure out what to do, especially for badgers trying to get all the badges!

That said, at least Snaptooth is nowhere to be found.
Zombies do indeed come out as well. When I logged in the first time there was a Zombie invasion ongoing.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



The zombie event won't run at the same time as the new event within the same zone though. It will be one zone event or the other running.




Originally Posted by BigMoneyHustla View Post
The zombie event won't run at the same time as the new event within the same zone though. It will be one zone event or the other running.
Correct. Also Ghost Falcon was commenting that redeeming Halloween Salvage now has a random chance of triggering Zombie Apocalypse or the Deadly Apocalypse.



Originally Posted by BigBubbles View Post
I know this is going to be an echo of other posts but heres my two cents on the new event.

2 The banners and the magic sigil around it looks awesome. the guardians of the banners? its a grab bag of random rehash. please tell us these are place holders and this isnt going to become "City of Recyclables".
Even if you just change the colors of them to make them feel like they are there for a reason.

4 The GM needs an indicator on the map, even if it only pops up the first time its attacked so the rest of us know. I was on a team looking for it all over the zone and by the time we found it another team who never said anything had it down to 1/4 health and our team couldnt get the badge.

Ah but which is easier and can also save money on the budget? Rehash or create new monsters?

Also the GM indicator for the map was perhaps the most popular request on Broadcast and the Test Channels. I hope that said feature does get added along with the Jack/Eochai spawn code being looked at and hopefully tweaked to have a better chance of Jack.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Also the GM indicator for the map was perhaps the most popular request on Broadcast and the Test Channels. I hope that said feature does get added ...
But the majority of people asking for that didn't realize that all the remaining banner defenders run off to where the GM has spawned and that provides the indicator of where to find the GM.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
But the majority of people asking for that didn't realize that all the remaining banner defenders run off to where the GM has spawned and that provides the indicator of where to find the GM.
I noticed that, however is it confirmed as the design intended? Also a glowing red dot to indicate the GM location would still be good for those that just arrived and missed the banners, and also for showing the location of the normal Jack/Eochai spawns.



Something else I think really should be changed - the title of the "Malleus" badge - it's in very bad taste, and is being trivial about a seriously evil thing - it could be called something like maybe "Spellbreaker" or "Disenchanted" instead.

I know they changed the "Untouchable" badge art from the Italian flag to a brick wall instead after it was pointed out it was in bad taste, so I hope they could also change this one.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Something else I think really should be changed - the title of the "Malleus" badge - it's in very bad taste, and is being trivial about a seriously evil thing - it could be called something like maybe "Spellbreaker" or "Disenchanted" instead.

I know they changed the "Untouchable" badge art from the Italian flag to a brick wall instead after it was pointed out it was in bad taste, so I hope they could also change this one.
Are you referring to Malleus as being the "book of witch hunting" which heavily influenced witch hunts back in the day?

A google and wikipedia check reveals many different uses/meanings of Malleus, from the book of witch hunting to a bone in the ear.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Are you referring to Malleus as being the "book of witch hunting" which heavily influenced witch hunts back in the day?

A google and wikipedia check reveals many different uses/meanings of Malleus, from the book of witch hunting to a bone in the ear.
I mean the "witch" killing one - as the badge is tied to defeating the Halloween witches, which is not very tasteful at all - and quite a bit worse than the "Untouchable" badge having the Italian flag on it when it was first in the game.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I mean the "witch" killing one - as the badge is tied to defeating the Halloween witches, which is not very tasteful at all - and quite a bit worse than the "Untouchable" badge having the Italian flag on it when it was first in the game.
An understandable concern. Do you have any alternates in mind?



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
An understandable concern. Do you have any alternates in mind?
Maybe something like "Spellbreaker" or "Disenchanted"? Something that refers to overcoming magic, without referencing real life murder.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Maybe something like "Spellbreaker" or "Disenchanted"? Something that refers to overcoming magic, without referencing real life murder.
Hm, of the two, Spellbreaker seems nice. Disenchanted may be too reflective of some peoples feelings about the game.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Hm, of the two, Spellbreaker seems nice. Disenchanted may be too reflective of some peoples feelings about the game.
Well, they were just the first two "anti magic" sort of titles I came up with - I'm sure there are betters ones

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork