Obtaining recipes and salvage on test




I use the test server to test character builds using IO sets from time to time. Some of these builds use sets or enhancements that are in short supply on the live servers. Sometimes I'm lucky to have some of the enhancements already available in my inventory, but sometimes I've yet to invest the influence into obtaining them.

Is there any way supplies for, well, everything on the market to be readily available rather than someone filling an order for a new round of testing or relying on drops/copying from live/etc.?

Tools like Mids are invaluable in planning builds, but I'd like to test drive things before committing to a respec or plunking down a ton of inf to invest in enhancements. I feel having all of the resources such as recipes and salvage effectively freely available in the testing environment would benefit in at least this aspect.



Unfortunately something like this is unlikely to ever occur for two reasons that I can think of.

1) Code may get sent to live accidentally thus utterly destroying the markets.
2) This isn't technically what the test server is for.

That said I too would be interested in something like this happening.



Only time things like this happen is when the market gets seeded with stuff, usually during closed betas. In the case of the I16 closed beta, we got 9999 merits instead, which was helpful for buying all the recipes we'd ever need, but didn't really help in the salvage department.

EDIT: 6666 posts! >:O

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



I don't know how much extra work it would be to do this, since I don't know anything about the game's code, but it seems to me that adding something to the market itself to seed every recipe and salvage piece with a perpetual 9999, or even a regenerating 9999, specifically with a hook that makes the code called only when the environment is development or test, and just have those pieces be seeded for sale on the markets for 1 inf.

As it stands, there shouldn't be any form of economy on the testing server, but all of the shiny bits should be easily available (even ultra-rares and pvp sets) for taking these into account with testing, not only using the test server like a living Mids, but with power-related testing. I'm sure there are more reasons why this is a good idea, but since I don't know the code, I don't know what sort of level of effort is required. If I knew who to poke about such a thing, I'd poke them.



They could set it so you get 9999 merits each time they post a new build, and also give 9999 AE tickets as well. These are numeric quantities they could set to a script to run after they patch up the servers during the downtime.

You could buy recipes with merits, and salvage with AE tickets. Anything that drops that you don't need you can drop on the market for 1 inf each in cases anyone needs it. It was free to you anyways... so why not.

They did have a bot that would search out bids on a special game account they made and would fill them. Yet it took alot of resources to run... I.E. it lags the heck out of a server. So they don't prefer to use that unless they can dedicate an entire system to it or some such like that.

With merits and tickets though... you should be able to get anything you want... especially with that many. Wouldn't that be the case?

x Jeremy M.

Global Handle: @JeremyM
City of Heroes LiveJournal Community



With merits and tickets, one could get most things. However, that still excludes ultra rare and pvp. Since the drop rates on those are so low even on live, they would be nonexistent on a test environment without someone filling orders. Not being able to obtain these two categories of enhancements is what prompted me to suggest just seeding the test markets with 9999 of everything that could be obtained for, say, 1 inf so as to not require resources beyond the crafting costs.



They've done this before.... When they came out with PvP recipes, they announced on (I think) the beta tester in-game channel that they were going to seed the market with them, so if you wanted them for testing, you needed to post a bid (1 influence was ok)...

So, I know the capability for this exists.... It just might be not what the Devs want to spend any time on.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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I remember seeing that but I thought that was something which required some sort of manual intervention. If a redname were to respond to this thread, it would definitely help answer my questions about the testing environment.



Originally Posted by drogoh View Post
I remember seeing that but I thought that was something which required some sort of manual intervention. If a redname were to respond to this thread, it would definitely help answer my questions about the testing environment.
Last time I was in a Closed Bet with new IOs, Ghost Falcon came on several times and filled every bid for any of the new IOs or recipes. This was a huge time commitment, as there was no way to just fill the orders - he had to look them all up, spawn them one at a time and list them.

There was a bot that filled all the orders on The Market automatically. This bot was a dedicated server of its own that scoured the market and filled bids. It only existed during the testing of Issue 9. Since then, it has been repurposed as a second Training Room to test server transfers, as the test enviroment for the Mac client, and several other things.

We can't get a store on Test only to sell these things - as has been said earlier in the thread, Test and Live are meant to be the same, and "Test only" code accidentally leaking to Live could be BAD. Especcially if there was suddenly a store in Atlas Park that sold all purples and PVP IOs for 1 Inf each.

And, of course, Test isn't for testing your character. It's for testing new patches in the game, and if there's things that they want us to test, they'll give us the means

As nice as it would be, there's no good reason to expect freebies to be handed out on Test; don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen.
