[Costume concensus] What's the next thing?
Evil bunny suits with metal masks...
I find your lack of signature disturbing.
I want animal head masks/hoods
I want a barbarian/shaman/singing telagram who doesn't have an animal head, but wears one on top of his
and I want alternate shapes to bodies and limbs. Not quadraped. But bones that are bone thin, invisible limbs with floating hands, etc
Expanding basic tights/masks/etc. as per the discussion taking place elsewhere in this forum section, eventually moving forward into Golden/Silver Age stuff.
*cross fingers*
When the Beast Pack was released Second Measure discussed work that had been done on Reptile/Dinosaur pieces. Within an hour that information had been edited out of Second Measure's post.

Invisible clothes.
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Expanding basic tights/masks/etc. as per the discussion taking place elsewhere in this forum section, eventually moving forward into Golden/Silver Age stuff.
*cross fingers* |
Okay, so anything else?
To reiterate, not your personal wants, but rather what other trending things am I missing?
Personally, I think we could use more normal clothing. The Pocket D pack only has 1 shirt, a pair of pants, and metallic dress. Lot of room for stuff in that area. I'd be happy if we could get some male shorts and some short boots/shoes that don't go all the way up to the knee. Though to do that, they'd really have to fix the male calves, as those things are ginormous and ugly. I wish we could do 2 color costume pieces on tops that have skin showing, but that seems to be some technical hurdle they can't get over.
I'd love some kind of 'modern fantasy' set like stuff you see in modern settings that have some kind of magic in their universe, like what you'd see in Final Fantasy and a lot of anime.
Also, an 'accessory' pack would be awesome. No overall theme just a lot of minor things here and there that you can add to your character to differentiate them from others wearing a similar outfit. Chest details, necklaces, shoulder pieces, maybe some tattoos, etc.
Just a few ideas anyways.
Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.
When the Beast Pack was released Second Measure discussed work that had been done on Reptile/Dinosaur pieces. Within an hour that information had been edited out of Second Measure's post.

ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.
I´m also still waiting for a truly stunning Insect set.
I've been waiting for something organic, perhaps slimy, something to go with the splicer cape and/or boils & slime auras.
I'm still holding out for animated propeller beanies.
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios
Hats all folks...
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
I'm still holding out for animated propeller beanies that let you fly.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
As far as things that have often been requested that haven't been done yet... The Devs certainly have done well, because it is slimmer pickings...
It's more of little things here and there, verses wide themes.
Hmm, I'd say Face Tentacles is a common request...
Of course, Back Details, especially Jet packs plus Quivers and Scabbards and Weapons and such...
Ape costume bits
Duck Bills
Beaver Tails...
I suppose the animal realm really has a lot of ground to cover still.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Aboriginal/Native American
Pulp era
The Adam and Eve pack.
tri-corner hat... chainmail head piece... and i'm still waiting for quivers...
No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."
I want a cyberpunk set. Or magepunk. That ultimate blend of magic and technology. Mostly something with more laser rifles and rocket packs.
your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.
I'd love to see some primative and tribal-inspired bits, as well as "feathery" things. We have a sad lack of feathers in this game.
Gold/Silver Age is a good bet, obviously, and we know the three-corner hat is out there. Past that? I'm still waiting to see those chain pieces.
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
But it's hard to imagine what the future trends are when we're still talking about the ones on the horizons like the Club clothing line, the tights thread and the Chinese new year armor.
Personally, I think more attention could be paid to animal parts. So many things that could be added (ape, insect/beetle, ram/goat, shark/whale) along with more accessories like hands, feet, tails, wings, and beast/monster options to go with other available pieces like hats, hoods, shorts, skirts, so on and so forth.

I would like to see a dinosaur costume set. You could have a triceratops head, raptor claws, a spiked tail, stegosaurus spines, etc. Thank you for your consideration.
When the Beast Pack was released Second Measure discussed work that had been done on Reptile/Dinosaur pieces. Within an hour that information had been edited out of Second Measure's post.
Around the time, the Beast Pack was released there were also some hints in a video and on an image.
There was a reptile or dragon character, who was build with old reptile parts but with new reptile feet.
We've gotten Some Animal heads, Steampunk, and Retro Sci-Fi appears to be building itself nicely. Both of which turned up a lot in various costume threads. So, first of all, Thank you so much for listening Devs. As well as a "Streetwear/club" look forthcoming.
Surprises like the Imperial Destiny, which those with Beta access can check out now. come out every so often. Even the Halloween Monster pack was cool.
But, for the life of me, I can't figure out what the next thing is. I'm a pretty regular reader of the costume/aura threads. Occasionally, I'll jump in and usually I can see the bigger trends. And seeing as I probably won't be making it to the Player Summit, I'd like to see if somebody else has noticed something that I've missed.
So, what's the next big player-sourced thing?