Booster 3: Super Science!




Did they ever announce a release date for the booster?

I don't recall one.

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Actually, it was Month the Soonith, When it's doneuary.




If you have a mad scientist character or one that transforms into a beast or something, you're going to love this one.

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indeed. I have a non-mad scientist that accidentally transformed himself into a plant beast (these things happen), and now I can make him hulking in his final form.



Did they ever announce a release date for the booster?

I don't recall one.

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Actually, it was Month the Soonith, When it's doneuary.

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Well, at least it's not Donetober.


Also on Steam



Does this mean it comes out on the third Swednesday in Smarch?



I can finally create a Captain Marvel sort of character. And a Hulk. And a Werewolf. and Antman.

Super excite!

(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)



I can't wait till my werewolf can transform back. Dang full moon has lasted forever



When are supposed to be seeing this in the store?



I can't wait till my werewolf can transform back. Dang full moon has lasted forever

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Jolerei is going to get a winter coat and mittens!



I'm just waiting to see if they take the most requested power set ever, Dual Pistols, and put it in Going Rogue to force folks to buy it.

I'll be buying GR anyways, but I'm curious to see if they offer Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning as a seperate purchasable package, or if buying GR for $50 will be the only way to get the set.

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Dude, everyone is gonna get those sets. They'll most likely be released with Going Rogue, but a free update for the game in general should flesh them into any archetype with access to it. They'll have to do some kind of general update to the game when GR is released, otherwise redeemed villains won't be able to see powersets for heroes or vice versa, as that's how it stands now. Not to mention there would probably be some glitchy things going on without at least a slight tweak to the game now that different archetypes are running around everywhere.

All this tinfoil hattery going on is grinding my last nerve. Everyone seems thoroughly convinced that you're only going to get Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning if you buy GR and I just don't know where it's coming from. Yes, super boosters exist, and yes Super Science has the size change thing included with it, but that doesn't mean that we'll have to pay for new powersets when they come out.



I'm very peeved that the tailor changes that some of us wanted since day 1 (changing body type and height) end up in a paid booster.

What's next? A jet pack costume item for the Natural Booster? Fox tails or animated tails in the Mutant Booster?

grumble grumble grumble

And yes I read Castle's post about it.

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Agreed, but what can you do? I sincerely hope that they don't limit all the cool costume pieces to Booster packs and expansions. I have to say almost all my favorite costume pieces have been from paid stuff, from the GvE pack to the Valkyrie armor. Of course, I instantly open my wallet for these things but I'm very sympathetic to those that cannot buy a Booster pack every couple of months on top of the monthly fees.

The only positive thing is that I know that when I buy a Booster pack it helps for the development costs so that all players may enjoy other content. However, I think that limiting all the very cool emotes and costume pieces to Booster packs will create a have and have-nots segregation for players that is not conducive to the community. Everyone should be able to enjoy high-collars, labcoats and slick Valkyrie armor.

Frankly, I think it hurts the community when these pieces are not available to the general player. New costume pieces create excitement; limiting them just creates resentment.



Dude, everyone is gonna get those sets. They'll most likely be released with Going Rogue, but a free update for the game in general should flesh them into any archetype with access to it. They'll have to do some kind of general update to the game when GR is released, otherwise redeemed villains won't be able to see powersets for heroes or vice versa, as that's how it stands now. Not to mention there would probably be some glitchy things going on without at least a slight tweak to the game now that different archetypes are running around everywhere.

All this tinfoil hattery going on is grinding my last nerve. Everyone seems thoroughly convinced that you're only going to get Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning if you buy GR and I just don't know where it's coming from. Yes, super boosters exist, and yes Super Science has the size change thing included with it, but that doesn't mean that we'll have to pay for new powersets when they come out.

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Actually, if the CoV launch is any indication, there will be a great many things that may or may not be exclusive to GR. This might very possibly include powersets like Dual Pistols or Demon Summoning or anything else they may add. When CoV launced, there was a general update to the game to bring CoH up to speed with it, but there were five entire ATs, many of which included powersets that were or still are unavailable to blueside characters, and whole bunch of costume options, among other things, that you couldn't use if you were just packing a plain ol' CoH code.

And by the way, heroes can see villain powers and vice versa now. That's how PvP zones work. Which is not to say there probably won't be an overhaul of certain things to let the older games "catch up" to the new one, but there's nothing there now preventing anyone from having access to anything.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Frankly, I think it hurts the community when these pieces are not available to the general player. New costume pieces create excitement; limiting them just creates resentment.

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I respectfully disagree.

While I can see that some people might be upset that they don't get certain things for free, you must know that there are things tied to that price tag. If they didn't cost anything, those pieces wouldn't exist. So if there were no "booster packs," you still wouldn't have those costume parts. It doesn't mean they'd be available for free.

Devs had also said that the booster packs have paid for other features to go live sooner. If it wasn't for the boosters, some features wouldn't exist, or would at least take a lot longer to appear. The booster packs pay checks for people to work on the game. Extra people and/or extra hours.

Costume parts are non-game-affecting. They're just cutness that you can opt to buy. If they aren't worth it to you to buy, you don't have to buy them. I like to buy them, because I'm a sucker for cuteness. Plus, I like to support the game.

In a way, I see it like getting a car. You pay a certain amount for the car. The same amount everyone pays. Some people end up paying extra for power windows or an XM radio. It's optional, and you opted not to get it. It's weird to sit around saying you should get those things for free, especially since the company couldn't afford to give them to you if you didn't pay them for it.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



All this tinfoil hattery going on is grinding my last nerve. Everyone seems thoroughly convinced that you're only going to get Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning if you buy GR and I just don't know where it's coming from.

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A look at the trend toward microtransactions over the past year or so should let you know exactly where it is coming from.

I only see this idea gaining steam with NCSoft, honestly. And so yes, paying for powersets is most likely next. Will they be able to resist the temptation to make everyone pay for one of the most-requested power sets ever? I wouldn't bet a dollar on that.

Whether or not that is a good thing for the game is another question.



It makes business sense for the new ATs to require a GR serial to use, at least at first. The goal is to sell a lot of copies of the 'new thing' and that would definitely drive sales.

Down the road, I'd expect them to either make them available in the store in a pack like GvE, or just release them free in a patch.

When CoV came out you had to buy it to get the costume bits and the base stuff. Later they made them available to everybody.

It seems likely GR will follow a similar gameplan

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone




Costume parts are non-game-affecting. They're just cutness that you can opt to buy. If they aren't worth it to you to buy, you don't have to buy them. I like to buy them, because I'm a sucker for cuteness. Plus, I like to support the game.

[/ QUOTE ]Non game affecting for whom? If I don't like how a my character looks, or I can't get them to look the way I want them to, I don't play. Costumes are VERY game affecting for a lot of people.




Costume parts are non-game-affecting. They're just cutness that you can opt to buy. If they aren't worth it to you to buy, you don't have to buy them. I like to buy them, because I'm a sucker for cuteness. Plus, I like to support the game.

[/ QUOTE ]Non game affecting for whom? If I don't like how a my character looks, or I can't get them to look the way I want them to, I don't play. Costumes are VERY game affecting for a lot of people.

[/ QUOTE ]Yeah, I have more fun making characters then actually playing them sometimes.



A business wants to make money, shocking!

I think Jetpacks make perfect sense for the natural booster. Then, maybe an issue later we'll get back items for everyone (similar to how the Magic Pack introduced costume change emotes).

Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning are a great way to make purchasing GR more worth your money, I think its a good idea and a good business move.

If you like City of Heroes, be appreciative of the fact that NC Soft is working to make sure its profitable and around for a long, long time.




Costume parts are non-game-affecting. They're just cutness that you can opt to buy. If they aren't worth it to you to buy, you don't have to buy them. I like to buy them, because I'm a sucker for cuteness. Plus, I like to support the game.

[/ QUOTE ]Non game affecting for whom? If I don't like how a my character looks, or I can't get them to look the way I want them to, I don't play. Costumes are VERY game affecting for a lot of people.

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Of course that's actually why I prefer these pay packs, they aren't level/content/vet locked.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!




Costume parts are non-game-affecting. They're just cutness that you can opt to buy. If they aren't worth it to you to buy, you don't have to buy them. I like to buy them, because I'm a sucker for cuteness. Plus, I like to support the game.

[/ QUOTE ]Non game affecting for whom? If I don't like how a my character looks, or I can't get them to look the way I want them to, I don't play. Costumes are VERY game affecting for a lot of people.

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Ten bucks must seem like a steal since they're that important to you.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



While I like the costume pieces, I was kind of hoping for more than just scientist stuff. Like various implants with liquid filled tubes or limbs/torso options that look malformed/monstrous and stitched up. Stuff for the experimented on, rather than the experimenter.

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Yeah or hunchbacks, or monster-back-spikes, stuff like that, if they are pushing the Jeckyl/Hyde or experiment angle. Even monster eyes/fangs/mandibles/etc. If you can create horns, these shouldn't be too far off mark, correct?



Just pretend that I quoted all of Nethergoat's posts in this thread, because there are too many that are too good to copy/paste them all. (Or, I'm too lazy.)

Keep on -goatin'.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Why isn't it for sale yet?! *cries*



Also, I would like to point out that from what I can see, the Super Science booster does not include Speed Suits.

Therefore, the booster is officially EPIC FAIL.



Also, I would like to point out that from what I can see, the Super Science booster does not include Speed Suits.

Therefore, the booster is officially EPIC FAIL.

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What's a "speed suit"?



Also, I would like to point out that from what I can see, the Super Science booster does not include Speed Suits.

Therefore, the booster is officially EPIC FAIL.

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What's a "speed suit"?

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Like a jumpsuit but for Super-scientists.

(It from the cartoon Venture bros -second season I believe- I wanted to find you the scene on youtube but it does not seem to be there...)