Booster 3: Super Science!




Just to throw my $0.02 in...

I really like this new booster, not for the normal to super tall/Powered armour form but actualy the other way...I have toons that are short 4' tall when they are super and normal height build when in this is gonna be great...

I already had a few toons that I wanted to be Henry Pym types with taking a serum and all, now I can go the whole Giant Man/Ant Man route by lvl 30 with normal scientist slot 1...Giant Man clone slot 2 & Ant Man clone slot 3...

Happy days...Now all we have to do is convince the devs to raise and lower the height caps to 1' tall on the short end and 10' tall on the high end...

Then actully giving us real Alt Power/AT builds that we could connect to costume slots...ah one can dream can't they...

"Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is." Josey Wales



Somebody had an idea for a terrorist villain and wanted to know if screaming "Allah Akhbar!" while popping off self destruct was a petitionable offense. Needless to say, the idea did NOT go over well, with many posters saying that they would petition such in a heartbeat.

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Truly, epic lulz. I would be more sympathetic if this stereotype were NOT borne out yet again any time one switches on the evening news. Since it happens every day IRL - and often more than once per day - I'm not seeing where the alleged slur is.

Moral of the story: do stupid stuff IRL, open yourself up for lampooning. I fail to see this as some horrific problem demanding immediate game-master action.

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Don't get this whole thing started, Bad, please.

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*shrug* The truth hurts...

In other news.... i did some experimenting with the pack on Test. I have to admit, the goggles are Teh Sex. I really like most of those.

The problem is, is that $10.00 worth of like? Because nothing else in this pack makes my hackles stand on end with delight... o well.



In other news.... i did some experimenting with the pack on Test. I have to admit, the goggles are Teh Sex. I really like most of those.

The problem is, is that $10.00 worth of like? Because nothing else in this pack makes my hackles stand on end with delight... o well.

[/ QUOTE ]For my money, it's all good, between the new goggles and breathers and the size/gender/model changing aspect, it's well worth the 10 bucks.




I fail to see this as some horrific problem demanding immediate game-master action.

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alas, many other players find it necessary to scream their heads off and dial 911 every time they see a stray cat in their yard.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



In other news.... i did some experimenting with the pack on Test. I have to admit, the goggles are Teh Sex. I really like most of those.

The problem is, is that $10.00 worth of like? Because nothing else in this pack makes my hackles stand on end with delight... o well.

[/ QUOTE ]For my money, it's all good, between the new goggles and breathers and the size/gender/model changing aspect, it's well worth the 10 bucks.

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Although I have a couple new hero concepts that will make full use of the size and model switching feature, I would have paid $10.00 for the option to go back and re-size some of my older characters that were created under the apparently mistaken impression that 6' tall should be fairly tall as it is in the real world. I'm tired of having contacts and humanoid mobs towering over some of these characters.

Now if we could just get a numerical value window added on height and scales so we don't have to eyeball it, everything would be downright groovy.


Attache @ deviantART

Attache's Anti-401k Art Collection



I dunno, i don't really see much that i really like in here that i find worth paying for to be honest. The Super Tailor part is nice but it's something that should be in the game as a feature and not as a buy able bonus pack. Seems kinda lame. I won't be buying it, atleast right now.

No big loss to me, i don't really see much of the new costume pieces that really, do it for me. Still, it's a maybe in the future buy, it's not going anywhere and i might have a spare 10 bucks one day

All in all, not for me, but more stuff is always good.



You know, thinking about the suggestions of SD being the superpower in the Super Science booster... I think that's a great idea. Not only does it free up the transformation feature (that people have been asking for for years) at the tailor to become an additional costume option [u]like it should be[u], but it fits more thematically.

Instead of the steam release, how about an animation of mixing test tubes together, sparks and foam spewing from them, and them BOOM... with the afterimage of an ashed figure of the toon standing there a minute before dropping to the ground in a pile.

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



I don't mind the character size changer costing money, I'm just dissapointed that it's in the Science booster pack. The pack features less emotes than either previous packs, less costume change emotes than the magic pack and it lacks a science power.

Also this is in because Castle says he couldn't come up with a power that wasn't more fitting to technology in his opinion. To me science and technology are linked enough that it wouldn't matter that much, plus we already have the animation in place for drinking or injecting a formula and powers could be based on that. But more than anything, how is changing your body type any more linked to science than magic, technology or mutation?

It's a nice pack and all, it just feels a bit like it's part of a science booster pack and then a much-demanded general thing stuck on the side (Or vice-versa).



Somebody had an idea for a terrorist villain and wanted to know if screaming "Allah Akhbar!" while popping off self destruct was a petitionable offense. Needless to say, the idea did NOT go over well, with many posters saying that they would petition such in a heartbeat.

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Truly, epic lulz. I would be more sympathetic if this stereotype were NOT borne out yet again any time one switches on the evening news. Since it happens every day IRL - and often more than once per day - I'm not seeing where the alleged slur is.

Moral of the story: do stupid stuff IRL, open yourself up for lampooning. I fail to see this as some horrific problem demanding immediate game-master action.

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Don't get this whole thing started, Bad, please.

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*shrug* The truth hurts...

In other news.... i did some experimenting with the pack on Test. I have to admit, the goggles are Teh Sex. I really like most of those.

The problem is, is that $10.00 worth of like? Because nothing else in this pack makes my hackles stand on end with delight... o well.

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The height adjuster doesn't make you giddy?

My AR/MM will likely get more play now, as she's suppossed to bebable to go from a 13 old to full adult in certain situations.

And old comic character I came up with (before CoH), can get made almost to full concept (multiple personalities with limited shapeshifting. Different appearance for the 4 alternate personalities.). All I lack is the ability to give every personality a few specific powers to just them, and the ability to play all 5 of them at one time.

But then again, I see more use of this pack than I do of the CYborg pack. Only ever use the cyborg belt from that, and still I think it was worth the money.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection




The height adjuster doesn't make you giddy?

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Personally I think it's nice, but it's not something I can see myself ever using outside of a novelty thing. Like I say it just dissapoints me that it's in the science booster instead of something more science-y.




And old comic character I came up with (before CoH), can get made almost to full concept (multiple personalities with limited shapeshifting. Different appearance for the 4 alternate personalities.). All I lack is the ability to give every personality a few specific powers to just them, and the ability to play all 5 of them at one time.

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Can't help with playing all 5 of them at once, of course, but there are a couple of things you could do to at least get some of the flavor of specific powers for each personality. The big one is using a dual build with a couple of different power choices and different IO slotting (different procs, for example); use each build as a baseline for a subset of the characters (3 on one build, 2 on the other). Then set up a tray with a different selection of "special" powers (temp, vet reward, day job, etc) for each character. (You may have to run a lot of safeguards to accumulate the temp powers.) Then set a bind to swap that tray in while changing into the appropriate costume.

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



The height adjuster doesn't make you giddy?

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It really doesn't. I am not interested in that in the least; I am glad those who are will enjoy it, and I wish them all the fun in the world.

The only thing in this pack I care the least bit about is 4 pairs of the goggles.... but I dont know that those are enough to wangle $10.00 out of me. Those Death goggles sure are sweet, though. *thinks it over....*



Yeah, I gotta agree there Bad_Influence. The goggles are pretty cool, especially the retro goggles, but that's just not enough to make me spend $10. The height adjuster would come in handy now and then, but I think it should have definetly been free to everyone and not included in a booster pack. People have been asking for a height adjuster longer than power customization. Kinda messed up IMO to put it in a booster. About as messed up as if they put Dual Pistols in the GR expansion and force folks to buy GR to finally get Dual Pistols.

If the booster packs and expansions are full of quality stuff, they wouldn't have to put things like height adjuster in there to get people to buy it. It's not to late. I really think they should through a temp power and a few more cotume peices in the science booster, and just make the height adjuster included in issue 15 or 16.




The only thing in this pack I care the least bit about is 4 pairs of the goggles.... but I dont know that those are enough to wangle $10.00 out of me. Those Death goggles sure are sweet, though. *thinks it over....*

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Even if you never use anything else (which I'm skeptical about- there's stuff in the Cyborg & Magic packs that didn't inspire me initially but which I eventually found uses for) $2.50 per goggle seems pretty reasonable.

I didn't buy the wedding pack because it didn't have anything that appealed to me. Ditto for the Mac pack.

But if there's ANYTHING I like in a pack, it's worth it to me.
Ten bucks is chump change- one movie ticket, a meal at a burger joint, a case of soda, a six pack of beer, a decent steak at the supermarket, two magazines, one paperback.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I paid $25 for a Rugby Match (South Africa - British Lions) on PPV yesterday.

I'll likely pay the same next week for the 3rd match in the series

$10 is definitely good value for these in my book.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Yeah, I gotta agree there Bad_Influence. The goggles are pretty cool, especially the retro goggles, but that's just not enough to make me spend $10. The height adjuster would come in handy now and then, but I think it should have definetly been free to everyone and not included in a booster pack. People have been asking for a height adjuster longer than power customization. Kinda messed up IMO to put it in a booster. About as messed up as if they put Dual Pistols in the GR expansion and force folks to buy GR to finally get Dual Pistols.

If the booster packs and expansions are full of quality stuff, they wouldn't have to put things like height adjuster in there to get people to buy it. It's not to late. I really think they should through a temp power and a few more cotume peices in the science booster, and just make the height adjuster included in issue 15 or 16.

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QFT. I wish they'd do that. They won't, but It'd be cool if they did.



I didn't buy the wedding pack because it didn't have anything that appealed to me. Ditto for the Mac pack.

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For female characters at least, the wedding dress patterns fit perfectly with the stuff in the magic pack. I've mixed them to make several really nice costumes.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I didn't buy the wedding pack because it didn't have anything that appealed to me. Ditto for the Mac pack.

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For female characters at least, the wedding dress patterns fit perfectly with the stuff in the magic pack. I've mixed them to make several really nice costumes.

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If it works for you, right on. =)

It's smart of them to release things that appeal to different types of players.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone




The only thing in this pack I care the least bit about is 4 pairs of the goggles.... but I dont know that those are enough to wangle $10.00 out of me. Those Death goggles sure are sweet, though. *thinks it over....*

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Even if you never use anything else (which I'm skeptical about- there's stuff in the Cyborg & Magic packs that didn't inspire me initially but which I eventually found uses for) $2.50 per goggle seems pretty reasonable.

I didn't buy the wedding pack because it didn't have anything that appealed to me. Ditto for the Mac pack.

But if there's ANYTHING I like in a pack, it's worth it to me.
Ten bucks is chump change- one movie ticket, a meal at a burger joint, a case of soda, a six pack of beer, a decent steak at the supermarket, two magazines, one paperback.

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I disagree, just because of the message it sends the devs. If they decide that lots of people will spend $10 if someone likes ANYTHING in the pack, how long until individual pieces cost $10? Some people would clearly be happy with that, and it'd cost them less to do.




I disagree, just because of the message it sends the devs. If they decide that lots of people will spend $10 if someone likes ANYTHING in the pack, how long until individual pieces cost $10? Some people would clearly be happy with that, and it'd cost them less to do.

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I doubt enough people share my philosophy to make that a cost effective decision.

Also, while my burning enthusiasm for the skull faceplate was my inspiration for buying the magic pack, if that's all they'd had on offer I'd probably have skipped it.
There was a lot of stuff I sorta liked, some stuff I wasn't that into, and the faceplate, which I really really loved.
The faceplate was the deciding factor, but getting the coats and hats and emotes and the power definitely factored in.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone




I disagree, just because of the message it sends the devs. If they decide that lots of people will spend $10 if someone likes ANYTHING in the pack, how long until individual pieces cost $10? Some people would clearly be happy with that, and it'd cost them less to do.

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I doubt enough people share my philosophy to make that a cost effective decision.

Also, while my burning enthusiasm for the skull faceplate was my inspiration for buying the magic pack, if that's all they'd had on offer I'd probably have skipped it.
There was a lot of stuff I sorta liked, some stuff I wasn't that into, and the faceplate, which I really really loved.
The faceplate was the deciding factor, but getting the coats and hats and emotes and the power definitely factored in.

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Oooh, well that's different then



I really think they should through a temp power and a few more cotume peices in the science booster, and just make the height adjuster included in issue 15 or 16.

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Not targeting you specifically (you're just the most recent commenter), but this general attitude makes me laugh.

People complain that they won't buy the booster packs unless there's something they want in there.

Then when the booster pack comes out with something good in it, people complain that it should be taken out and given to the players for free. Often, these two groups are exactly the same people. The whole situation is actually rather funny.




The only thing in this pack I care the least bit about is 4 pairs of the goggles.... but I dont know that those are enough to wangle $10.00 out of me. Those Death goggles sure are sweet, though. *thinks it over....*

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Even if you never use anything else (which I'm skeptical about- there's stuff in the Cyborg & Magic packs that didn't inspire me initially but which I eventually found uses for) $2.50 per goggle seems pretty reasonable.

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Stop it with your logic that I find impossible to refute!



I'd get the height slider, you never know when you're going to say "Man I wish I could adjust the height slider right now."



I'd get the height slider, you never know when you're going to say "Man I wish I could adjust the height slider right now."

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I've been saying that for about 4 years...