Freedom Player Summit-Post Apocalyptic WIP




Dink, I have a question for you, and I hope you see this request amidst this... um. "Thread."

Any chance that the nail-mohawk could be used with Helmets / Half-Helmets? I would love to combine that nail-hawk with the HiTech Helmet, and maybe the hockey mask, too.

T'would be one of those cases of clipping the item on purpose - and looking at the nails as they are in this preview they may not be long enough. I know I'm asking to put more work on your plate - believe me if I could help I WOULD in a heartbeat - so I understand if this idea of mine doesn't see the light of, um, digital day.

But, it would be cool to have the option of helmet nail mohawks as well as skull nail mohawks. <grin> Either way, thanks for another stellar set of costume pieces - keep on rocking!


Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



Originally Posted by RavenSoul View Post
And now on to something completely relevant - Dink, I have a question for you, and I hope you see this request amidst this... um. "Thread."

Any chance that the nail-mohawk could be used with Helmets / Half-Helmets? I would love to combine that nail-hawk with the HiTech Helmet, and maybe the hockey mask, too.

T'would be one of those cases of clipping the item on purpose - and looking at the nails as they are in this preview they may not be long enough. I know I'm asking to put more work on your plate - believe me if I could help I WOULD in a heartbeat - so I understand if this idea of mine doesn't see the light of, um, digital day.

But, it would be cool to have the option of helmet nail mohawks as well as skull nail mohawks. <grin> Either way, thanks for another stellar set of costume pieces - keep on rocking!
Oooh yes! A helmet with nails in it would look pretty cool. But if that's extra work you can't spare, that's fine too (uh, not that you needed my consent I just mean EVERYTHING IS OKAY I LOVE YOUR WORK).

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Another suggestion that would work great with this set, but not sure if it's possible...

Take away one pant leg!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Another suggestion that would work great with this set, but not sure if it's possible...

Take away one pant leg!
I think that would require a different lower body category, like the Robotic Arm chests have.

Not having one pants leg would require being able to select the underlying leg type, which none of the current leg options support.* Otherwise either only "human" characters could use the part, or they would have to make a great many versions of the one-legged pants to support all the possible leg styles. (Skin, Fur, Reptilian, Zombie, Stone, etc.)

*Except the Kilts(skirts)/Shorts category, but I'm not sure how well that would work with having to model the pants around existing leg geometry for the side with its pant leg still.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



This costume set looks okay...

Not a fan at all of the chest/belt...



Looks Great! The "Utility" Belt is a great touch and the golf bag back pack. I can tell you have some great Inspirations!

Can't wait to see the female WIP, and don't worry about undressing. As a female player I would happily wear a spaghetti strainer bra!



So far, I like the feel for this. The gritty look is appropriate for the theme.
Not super crazy 'bout the golf club bag.
But definitely looking forward to seeing what else is in the works.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Aside from a second hockey mask with straps, I think the golf bag backpack should be angled diagonally over the right shoulder. It just doesn't look right being straight vertical. That way you can use that 1 barbarian chest detail strap that goes over the right shoulder and set it to the belt version and it would be perfect to make the golf bag actually look like it's strapped onto the back instead of just floating there.



Oh, forgot to say this before. Really liking the idea of themed packs instead of straight up costume sets. Tastes like flexible.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Looks fairly nifty, though, I don't see myself using any of it. Buuut... might buy it anyway, just because I like the look of it.

As for the one pant leg thing, I'd loooove that as a tights pattern.



Originally Posted by monkeyslap View Post
Aside from a second hockey mask with straps, I think the golf bag backpack should be angled diagonally over the right shoulder. It just doesn't look right being straight vertical.
This is a pretty good point. i knew something about it looked a bit off to me. i was actually unable to find any shots of golf bags being worn completely vertically when i searched.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



According to this article, there was a sweet-looking headband in the concept art and a few cybernetic parts along with a chest band with skulls? Are those going to be in the set and just aren't ready to be shown or not?

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
According to this article, there was a sweet-looking headband in the concept art and a few cybernetic parts along with a chest band with skulls? Are those going to be in the set and just aren't ready to be shown or not?
It's a definite maybe. Still waiting on the "brain slug" shoulder pet that was in the concept art for the Retro SciFi Pack.



Originally Posted by Dink View Post
Howdy all,

First off I would like to thank those for your input at the summit for the Post Apocalyptic Costume Pieces.

I am currently working on it and wanted to keep you updated on what I have thus far. There is no concept as the pieces are pretty much already made so Google was my concept artist ^_^. With the Post Apocalyptic pack, we’re going to try something new in the Paragon Market: A “Themed Parts Pack.” What does this mean? Well, rather than making a unified, “complete” costume set we are making a set of various costume pieces around the Post Apocalyptic theme. I think you’ll like the results as it has the potential to offer much more flexibility than a soup to nuts costume.

Here's what has been decided:
  • Cornrows
Different from the already existing cornrow hairstyle, I assume?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



While this set wouldn't be something I requested, I think I can find use of one or two parts. That's my favorite part of the market--being able to select what costume pieces you want to buy.

I really like the chest detail, as it has a "tactical" look.



Originally Posted by Legend_Light View Post
While this set wouldn't be something I requested, I think I can find use of one or two parts. That's my favorite part of the market--being able to select what costume pieces you want to buy.

I really like the chest detail, as it has a "tactical" look.
Absolutely love the pants. Love the gloves. Toolbelt looks like it'll be good when it's finished. I can't complain.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



mmmm, buying for the asymmetry alone



Chainsaw chainsaw chainsaw CHAAAAIIINSAAAAWWW

I'm buying it JUST FOR THAT.

The rest is a bonus.




I apologize if someone hasn't already mentioned it.

Better bare feet. The zombie feet look better than the bare feet, but that necrotic flesh texture spoils any use on just a regular barefoot toon.



While we're at it, can we some Lost parts too?

Those already fit the post-apocalypse/scavenger theme too.

Super Ero-kawaii - Grv/FF Go Girl - Kin/Rad
Dana Roberts - AR/Dev Choh-oppai - DM/Inv Orangah - Fir/Fir

@Lovely Larose(2 and 3 too!) ---------- #Arc 243518 - Just do it.




Some more pics of WIP. I got a lot of good suggestions int this thread, thanks so much ^_^

Cornrow Hairdo, you have 3 choices, First choice is without the ponytail and just short cornrows. This is the second choice with the ponytail.

Third choice is the buns (my personal fave ^_^)

Golf Bag, moved the arrows down since. I also had to remove the strap as it will cause too many problems.

And I ported over the welders mask since you asked ^_^ I had to delete the top strap due to clipping and it will clip with some hairdos. It is in Detail 1 since there was no other category to put it in. I also finished the belt.

I also added another Nail hairdo only the nails go from ear to ear LOL! I'll add pics on next update. I will also add pics of the other back pieces as well as the weapon.



Wow, looking good :-) The belt looks great, and thanks for the Welder's Mask!

Always remember, we were Heroes.



That hairstyle alone interests me in this pack. Bonus points for taking player suggestions with the welder mask and implementing that.

But honestly, Dink, thank you for giving us legit, normal hairstyles that actual human beings have. Please keep busting out more of those, because right now a majority of our hairstyles are things no one would ever use, like Shark and Doofus, and mohawks.