
Mr. Liberty 2011
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  1. As I can be rather long winded, I shall show my appreciation for you by keeping this short and simple - it has always been a pleasure to game with you, Valor, and I will remember you and Steele both fondly. Hope to meet you both reality-side some time.


    PS Freedom Force was great, I kinda miss it but CoH was WAY better.
  2. RavenSoul

    /Em Salute

    You know, I still tell people about the two (I think?) times you've ended up on a team or TF only to later bow out with the excuse "I gotta go, my wife's water just broke." Think I was there for one of those, too, hehe.

    Anyways, Geronimo, you're one of a long list of people I'll miss palling around with on Liberty. Wish you well in your future, man.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
    Well it was bound to come to this sooner or later. I am quite sad that it is happening MUCH sooner than I expected.

    I was first introduced to City of Heroes through my older brother who bought it back in late December of 04'. I instantly fell in love with the game and basically hijacked my brothers account for several weeks. I was lucky enough to get my own copy of the game and created my account shortly after the new year of 05'. I am not ashamed to admit I spent my 20's playing City of Heroes.

    My first official character on my own account was a Wolverine clone, named Raging Wolf. A Claws/Regen Scrapper who I played up until Regeneration saw it's first major nerf. After that I created two characters back to back. The first was my second and favorite Scrapper, Patriot America, the second was an homage to my favorite DC hero, Dr. Fate. Interestingly enough, Mystic Fortune was the first character I logged into after they introduced the global chat systems so that became my global. It has remained Mystic Fortune ever since.

    I joined up with a great group of players who called themselves THE UNITED POWERS OF PARAGON later that year. I didn't know it at the time, but those great individuals would grow to be like a second family to me. I have been a member of the UPP ever since that faithful day.

    Over the years I saw my SG mates leave CoH, some of them returned every several months, some others left permanently for other games or different ventures in life.. but we have kept in contact.

    Nearly 8 years have passed since I joined City of Heroes. It has been an extraordinary experience, and I wish it didn't have to end... but as they say all things must come to an end. It feels me with great sadness to bring this post to a close. This game meant the world to me and I feel like a part of me will die on November 30th.

    So I say, to our development team, and to all those I have interacted with in-game and on these forums. "Thank you, I am a better person today for having been a part of something great for the these last 7 some odd years."

    "Until we meet again, may your travels in this world be safe..."
    Was always a blast teaming with you, Dead West and UPP. Still recall your jawdropping base that you took me on a tour of after that CC (that I brought the original Blue Eyed She-Devil to). PM me here with you're contact info, Steam, Diablo III, e-mail, or whatever and I'll try to keep in touch.

    In the end, I leave you with this:

    May your road be long and enjoyable, your companions be good company and never leave your side*, and may you have a warm fire and a hot bath at the end of the day.

    And, as it seems appropriate, the ending to Dr Strangelove:


    *Unless they're kender, in which case, they'll be great fun and major pains in your backside all at once, and leave you're side OFTEN to go find some big barking dragon or orc horde to bring back to you to "share". Much like my two cats. Well, minus the fantasy monsters, anyways.
  4. I remember you both, as solid people to team with in fact. As one person with sharp edges to another, you never bothered me, I have plenty of respect for you.

    Wish you luck and happiness in your future endeavors.

    And, as it's rather appropriate... the ending to Dr Strangelove...

  5. RavenSoul

    TPN after MSR

    Got the new rig working. Posting this reply with it, in fact. GOD I have missed having my hands in a computers guts and brains. Good to be back on that horse. Now maybe I'll have to get an IT job...

    Well anyways, on topic: I'm sure I'll have CoH installed and patched by next Friday, but don't expect me tomorrow (Sunday). While I look forward to playing CoH on a computer younger than the game, I still have quite a ways to go on this one since I had to install Win 7 to get the computer to work right. Which means... lots, and lots of work to get all my stuff moved over from Ye Olde Paperweight.
  6. RavenSoul

    TPN after MSR

    I feel kinda bad for bein' somewhat selfish of late and not playing or helping out with raids or trials, but I swear it's for a good cause - I'm gearing up to get a job by the end of the month. Kind of a goal of mine, tired of bein' a slacker artist type who's always broke and eating ramen and ******** about ramen.

    If I'm not on much this weekend - or the rest of this month maybe - it's because, in the words Meg Ryan from French Kiss, if I keep on going like this I'm "going to end up as one of those 50-somethings smoking a cigarette in a coffeehouse telling no one in particular that 'my *** is twitching, you people make my *** twitch.'"

    And while I don't have any problems with smokers or smoking, that's just not how I wanna end up.

    EDIT What the ****, when did they re-enable the censorship on the forums? Thought that was gone. Or maybe I just ******* forgot. ****! Hey this could be fun...

    Carlins Seven Words You Cannot Say On Television - **** **** Piss **** ********** ************ and Tits.

    Or maybe Cartmans rant from the movie. What? It doesn't hurt anyone. See? **** ****, **** **** ****, ****ity, ****-****-****.

    EDIT 2 - LMAO! So apparently MMO forums are looser in style than TV. That's alright, man, that's alright, I can dig it. Funniest **** ever, too!

    EDIT 3 - I felt it would be at least a little decent of me to cover up the f-bomb that had the suffix. Least I could do, since I had my little bit of fun doing something I've always been tempted to try on these forums. That's one more Bucket List item crossed off, now. <grin>
  7. RavenSoul

    Magey Mondays!

    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    I would say something like "ya should've met my ex-wife", but I'm guessing ya probably already did.

    Only joking of course.
    I have an ex wife too, if yours was anything like mine... well, let's just say either way on that, I can still relate. lol

    EDIT Yeah I know I was on earlier and said I would be back to run a few trials, and I never came back - really sorry about that. But I at least have a decent reason, I found a used computer for sale online that's better than this old fart of a paperwieght. As I was finishing dinner he got in contact with me and I now have a deal! So sometime next month I'll FINALLY be upgrading for the first time in six years!

    'Bout damn time too, though I broke the bank to do it. Well guess even if I have to flip burgers starting asap, it's still worth it. I'm amazed this build has lasted so long but it's way past due for retirement, and I am really looking forward to seeing the delivery dude or dude-ette next month.
  8. RavenSoul

    Magey Mondays!

    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Well done Magi! (regular run)
    Was fun indeed. Maybe tonight (it being Saturday at this time) I could be talked into a Magi Farm league for those still wanting Hybrid. And/or some other Itrials as well to get people up for Magi to begin with.


    PS Yes, half the reason for this post is an excuse to show Ukase my new forum sig.
  9. RavenSoul

    Magey Mondays!

    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Silly Raven Lord! Thought you knew me well enough! Literacy has always been a pre-requisite on my iTrials!

    Friday, my good sir, Friday.

    Now, if you're telling me that you can't make Friday, but can only make Saturday, that's a different box of goodies.

    I pick Fridays because generally, folks are more available then. On Saturdays, I never had much luck even when there wasn't impending DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
    Oops. Ion said Saturday, I missed where you said Friday. That works too.
  10. RavenSoul

    Magey Mondays!

    Saturday Magi? Count me in.

    @Raven Lord
  11. RavenSoul


    Gel, thanks for that post some years ago that you made on the forums. Telling people about Liberty (where I started out at but moved away from), and the Sisterhood. Thanks to you, I met a lot of extremely cool, very nice, and delightfully wicked fun people.

    I will always be proud to have been a Sister. Happy trails to you and Liz!

  12. RavenSoul

    It Has Been Fun

    Later Voltz, happy trails to you, too, man. Sorry I was almost never available when you were forming something. Was always a blast teaming with you.

  13. Have to agree about fantasy MMOs and MMOs in general. I just don't see anything anymore worth playing in this genre, myself. Some that some close but aren't quite?

    As for thoughts I have two I think worth mentioning.

    Diablo III - Sure, it got off to a pretty bad start but Blizz' is tryin' to turn that around. I can respect that and am patiently waiting for them to follow through since, having admitted making a great many mistakes, they now need to correct them.

    MechWarrior Online - Despite it's arena format I'm intrigued by this. I'll probably give it an honest try. Who knows, maybe a 'slow' FPS will revitalize the genre which, like MMOs, is in dire need of a shake up.

    Not sure if either of these are your cups of tea, but as I said, worth mentioning.

  14. Well one entry to my CoH 'bucket list' is doing an all Rocky Horror Picture Show themed ITF. Probably do this in October, Steele's already in, and I suspect one or two others might as well.

    Have I seen the movie? Well, not really, no. But, I have a *lot* of friends who are *huge* fans of it and it's rubbed off. If anyone has suggestions for a more appropriate venue than ITF I'm all ears. Still shaking off the emotions from this BS that NC is pulling so I'm really only in the early stages of planning.

    All I know is, men in drag shouldn't be too terribly hard to do, I made one up today using my main as a test and it turns out to be hard and easy at the same time. That said I won't restrict it to male only, Magenta etc homages are welcome too, of course.

    Anyways, will keep people informed as I go.


    PS And if anyone with NC doesn't want me doing an homage to RHPS they can bite me. Seriously.
  15. RavenSoul

    Magey Mondays!

    I'd be interested in RHW. Lord knows it can be pretty descriptive of how easy I am to get along with at times. <grins & whistles innocently>

  16. Actually, Arbie, the stories were fun, as a life long shark 'fanboy' or whatever*, I thought it was a very interesting collision, the nature of society vs that of the beast.

    Hopefully you can convince Paragon to let this be canon and if so, to also allow you to do other work, too.


    *Casual expert...? Amateur shark analyst...? Dunno what I'd call it but I've been enthralled with them since I was 5 and never get tired of learning more about them in the near thirty years since then.

    EDIT @ Tacitala - as long as Woofers isn't made into a were-chihuahua that Ms Lib' carries tucked under... <eyes T for Teen rating> Um, right. Well, I better leave it at that. <coughs>
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sukothai View Post
    Apparently they're not going to "map" 2 or 3 if there are any. A bunch of us were waiting for Mako's army on Peregrine Island 2 and nothing showed up, and the sam with Talos Island. But "map" 1 get all the event! Disappointing! >
    We didn't get "all of the event" either, as I've said, all Mako did in PD 1 was yell SHARK ATAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!, followed by a Monty Python Spanish Inquisition riff.

    <Warning - continuing to try to be lighthearted and humourus about the whole thing - there there be puns ahead in these waters!>

    I mean, we're mostly geeks here, we swim amongst geek culture a lot already, and seeing Mako quote Monty Python? Was hard not to feel at the time like he was giving us the fin, and on porpoise. Especially since he didn't even show up. It did blowhole, but, in the end, the event was fun in it's own way, even if it did at times feel Titanic in both good and bad ways.

    Anyways, enough depth charges already, so what if the invader was more Darth Maul than Mako? Even if he HAD shown, we had more than enough mussels needed to beat him until he blubbered, turned tail, and submarined back to the Isles. He would've been so out of his depth with us, we'd have needed a deep dive salvage team to get whatever drops we were owed.

    As far as rewards, we got a lot of squid, and even though people are blowing seals, or can't clam up about the event's issues, it WAS good to see a Shark Week homage. It didn't cost us a single sand dollar, plus the event title is as cool as an ocean breeze.

    So what if we didn't seem to need a bigger boat this time around! The event was still jawesome! I had a whale of a time bellying up to the sand bar in Peregrine, and will definately tuna in again for the next Shark Week event.

    So let's hope for moray of that next year...
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    So basically you're disappointed because you didn't actually get to fight Mako?

    You know what? I get it.

    Like you, I leveled up my Water/MM blaster and went villainside to get Mako's pool so I would have sharks for the event. I also made a special shark costume for it.

    I couldn't care less that there were no sharks in the event, and I didn't need to fight Mako himself, but it's Shark Week (which I honestly didn't know was such a holiday) and the head shark couldn't muster a single smiling dolphin.

    Had they not marketed it as a "shark" event I'm willing to bet it would have had rave reviews.
    Yeah, as I said before, the inspiration was Discovery Channel's long running traditon of Shark Week, where, every second week of August they focus a lot of their shows on sharks and related subjects, and therefore the inclusion of sharks in this event was only implied at best, and assumed at worst.

    As for the marketing, yeah, Captain Mako's / Zwill's inability to bring the title character to his own event was a real downer. I assume something went wrong somewhere, maybe he got DC'd or something, so I refuse to partake in the storied forum tradition of accusing the Devs of having slapped me in the face <rolls eyes>. I figure he did his best and it just so happened to be not good enough, and I can't fault him or anyone else for that.

    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    I still think the event rocked. In fact, I'll be repeating the experience when it goes to Virtue (Where I have characters of appropriate level).

    And I'll have a blast there, too.
    Sounds cool, the only two servers I have alts on are Liberty, where I play, and Exalted, where I retire my alts to if need be. I should check the schedule again but as I recall, I missed the event on Exalted already.

    Wish you luck though, kick Mako in the tail for me! <grin>

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Shoot, for that I'll make the noise AND shake your chair.
    <laughs> I'm suddenly reminded that there are professional gaming chairs available, or were at one time, that had both speakers and vibration units. Now I'm intriuged by the idea of having something like that to complete the ambiance of chainsaw weaponry...

    Or, I could make one myself, and scuff it up with a chainsaw, plus oil stains and duct tape, to give it the perfect Post-Apoc finish.


  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    You do realize Zwilinger was actually playing the PC Captain Mako, right? It wasn't an NPC, it was just him, spawning things, and taunting and trashtalking the players.
    Yeah, 'cause trolling a server and not attacking even once sure will show TV that he's a cold blooded murderer! Biggest body count from an invasion EVER! Well, in golf terms anyways.

    You know, lowest number wins? Well, zero is pretty low. Winner!

    And no I'm not serious. At this point, I found the event amusing, fun, and while I think it can only be made better, I think this event was a decent enough starting point for next year.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elf_Sniper View Post
    Just because you don't see the Stalker, doesn't mean he's not there.

    Stalker in Hide = Stalker yet to attack.

    Stalker yet to attack = Stalker who has yet to kill.

    In short, you're making up a really, really, pointless excuse. You really think Mako would be in a zone, in a murderous rage, wanting to leave a trail of corpses to show that sharks are not the smiling cousin to dolphins, and then instead of attacking and killing people, you *honestly* think he would just...

    ...troll us?

    Not Sure If Serious...

    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    You mean those scripted events where an enemy group appropriate to the theme just pops out of the air at random times to gank unwary mission loaders?

    Nemesis troops using rikti teleports doesn't break immersion for you?

    A community that gets so bored with them after the first day that they don't even bother to gather and participate for the remaining month that the Nemesis invasions were live?

    Yeah. That's waaaaaaay preferable to an event that the developers rolled up on a player's request and actually attended.


    NOTE - None of that sarcasm applies to Rikti invasions, which a) have a desirable reward, b) are actually in keeping with the theme of the enemy group, and c) have more to them than teleporting spawns.
    I realize you're not entirely serious, here, but I do agree with you, Joe. As far as Nemesis using Rikti teleporters - the whole Rikti fiasco was, in a sense, begun by Nemesis trolling Rikti Earth, with an end-game goal of simultaneously getting himself into every Rikti's pants...

    ...er... Heads. <innocent look>

    So, to me? Nemesis with Rikti teleporter devices doesn't seem wholly far-fetched. That said, I think it would have been better had the Drills been used.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    So let me get this straight - a player suggests that the developers do an event for Shark Week, and then they actually PUT AN EVENT TOGETHER on the heels of not one - but THREE OTHER SUMMER EVENTS and people are actually carping that it wasn't GOOD ENOUGH?!

    And did I actually read that someone PREFERRED the Nemesis invasion - where Nemesis troops - apparently using Rikti technology - just pop out of thin air to gank anyone loading out of missions ad nauseum for weeks on end? Seriously. After the badge was awarded on the first day to nearly everyone in the server no one actually showed up to fight them anyway. It became an annoyance. I'll take this event ANY DAY.

    Bah! You people just want to complain.

    And for my part, the event on Liberty Blueside was EPIC.

    It started out with very little fanfare. A league had formed at the ferry, and everyone was waiting for.... something?

    Then over broadcast: When did Lusca start spawning in PI?

    The response: What? Where?

    It was on. Lusca and a whole herd of Coralax were sitting right off shore. A few adventurous heroes swam out to meet them, but were quickly driven back ashore. At last the leagues got gathered (there was more than one) and we all went in.

    In broadcast: A giant monster? That's it? This event is a phail!

    We killed Lusca and the Coralax and gathered on the beach. Some started looking around the island.

    Two or four Arachnos Fliers dropped a herd of Coralax on top of us on the beach. All incarnate level. Halfway through the battle two Luscas come up from the depths.

    Then over broadcast: Coralax now? ROFL PHAIL!

    Two Luscas were followed by five. Things start to get sketchy here because I was in the thick of it. I have no idea where the third wave of Coralax came from, but I do know they came.

    And the same guy over broadcast: LAME. It's shark week, not squid week. Where are the sharks? This event is stupid.

    We were still swatting Lusca heads when the next wave of Lusca/Coralax hit us. More tentacles than you could wave a sucker at. People were going down, and just as quicklly rezzed by league members. Broadcast was filled with people shouting for Mako and generally getting into the spirit.

    Then over broadcast: red type. It's Mako.


    There was much rejoicing. And then the mass-o-tentacles spawned. No Lusca head, just tentacles. And tentacles. And tentacles. Holy carp the tentacles! Coralax swam among them - I know, a large member of the Coral species pwned me rather harshly.

    More taunting between the players and Mako over broadcast (I never saw Mako), and the announcement that we should go to Pocket D after the event.

    Then more tentacles and Coralax. By this time it was 10 pm.

    And the same guy over broadcast: A shark week event with no sharks? This event was epic PHAIL.

    Dark matter auras were given away in Pocket D (and 100 sided dice were rolled) and one Retro Scifi code.

    So shove your complaints. This event rocked.

    EDIT - and my level 48 blaster came out of it with two additional bars of XP and around 20 extra reward merits. Not too shabby for two hours' work.
    Well, as the guy you're almost quoting from bc, yeah, I did feel rather let down by the whole thing. Mako said about three lines, but effectively never showed up to his own invasion in PI 1. No one saw him anywhere on Liberty, in fact. Aside from him appearing in Pocket D, I heard afterwards.

    As far as my comments, and the amount of 'fail' I do have to take that back, but only to an extent. After looking back on this, I can honestly say a few things.

    1. Yes we have never had a "Shark Week" event before in eight years, despite having a pretty interesting and very prominent shark as one of the (usually but not always) villians of the game. He's also, pardon the pun, got a lot of depth to him as well. I've always felt he could be extremely effective if used more often in the story - with SSA Arc 2, his appearance is both ominous and engaging. So for him to finally have an event centered around him was, for this life long shark lover, a real treat to look forward to...


    2. The execution was lackluster in comparison to the anticipation brought on when this was announced. Never have I experienced anything on a live server that felt so slapdash, so non-commital, so half-way done, or had as many visible cut corners as this appeared to have. I try to live my life by a few truths one of which is this - Either do something right, or don't do it at all, halfway done is no better than not started at all.

    Now, I can easily see how, given i24 on the horizon, there is very little time to spare for an event such as this - also I have no idea when this was started. Does that mean this should be the first and the last of it's kind? No, mainly because (and I don't intend offense in saying this, but, honestly?) this event has no where to go, but better. I think with some effort it could be far more impressive.

    This first outing, however, was very dissapointing, and my comments in bc reflected that very deep dissapointment. As I said I do not wholely agree with them but I *do* agree in part. This event was spread simultansouly through 4 different zones, with at least one if not more of those having been multiplied by population overload. Previous events of this type that I experienced - the Praetorian Surge and the Praetorain Hamidon's so-called invasion as well - were both choreographed and fairly complex without requiring a great deal of guesswork.

    Such was not the case here. We had, in effect, multiple luscas with air dropped level 54 corolax in support, all spawning in a single location only. No AVs. No real noticeable variety, and absolutely no choreography - we onyl had one beach to worry about when we were on an island that would be VERY difficult to defend if the enemy were to attack along multiple vectors. And there was no goal, either. No one was ever really in any danger on PI. In fact, Portal Corps might never have known, and Vanguard was aware only because the guards could see us. As for the lack of sharks on "shark week"? Honestly this was no surprise to me since shark week was only an implication - and while hoped for, there was only one shark that I wanted to see, and fight.

    3. And despite being the title character of the event, Mako failed to attend his own... <ahem> "invasion". He said a few things, half of which was just geek-culture riff, and that was it. That was all. Three sentences - Darth Maul, anyone? And nothing even remotely resembling an in-character statement, except to hang out in Pocket D afterwards. People harmed in his murderous spree through Paragon - period, zip, zero, nada - no action to even remotely suggest he was anything to be taken seriously, and certainly NOT the way one goes about carving out a bloody rampage so as to silence any laughter.

    4. Worse yet, I *specifically* prepared the character I would attend with, a spine dark scrap who's journey took him from Paragon to the Isles to fight alongside and learn from Mako, who followed a somewhat similar path himself. Unlike Mako my characters story includes his turning from that life and becoming some one who's central motivation is one of rivalry with Mako. This event would have been a perfect cap to his story...

    ...had Mako ever shown up. Sadly he did not, and that is the other half of my dissapointment.

    Now, is all this personal, and not likely to be a common complaint? Well, yes, I can't truthfully admit otherwise.

    So, things to look back on as positive? Sadly, that is a very, very, short list.

    1. In the end, I have one or two good memories from this that I can look back on, but those had very little to do with this event. The main thing I take away from this is that i24 is getting a LOT of work put into it, as well as the first stages of i25 and i26.

    2. I also take away from this a continued feeling that the Paragon Devs do love us as a community, and do want us to be happy and have fun. They are human and this means that some of what they do will not be up to their - also very human - customers expectations. Despite this they soldier on and continue to try, to improve what needs improving, and give us what they can give.

    I have felt this way about them for almost 8 years and despite this event's lack of luster, that has not changed. If anything, it's been reinforced. I mean, hey, shark week event! Sure there weren't any sharks to fight against for us, but those of us on Liberty who did show up to fight sharks would have ended up at the end of the event with a shark in hand having used it to club his or her friends that evening, at the VERY least!

    3. Lastly the community itself - Liberty is very much a tight knit and dysfunctional family of friendly, strong personalitied (raises hand), booty kickers and maybe-we'll-take-their-names-and-maybe-we-won't players, and this event was no exception. As I said above, the leagues in PI 1 were a force to be reckoned with, and in this regard were most of my memories spawned. Highest point of the entire event - one league mate gave me a Scrapper ATO global, completely out of the blue. I asked why, and her reply?

    Even sharks need love.

    And, let me tell you, even a hardened murderous shark's heart in a moment of high emotion CAN melt.

    And on that thought, I shall bow out with what little grace I may have left. Here's hoping for a better tomorrow, and - work schedule permitting- a better shark week next year!

    ~Carcharias / @Raven Lord
  23. Wow, welcome back, man. 8 years? Amazing!

    As far as the three you're asking about, no I haven't seen them. As mentioned by Ion GEL is, effectively, not on anymore, BUT there are a few trying to keep The Sisterhood going. Which, since we're as dysfuntional as any family-type group, is going as well as can be hoped, heh.

    And, quoting Goddess? It has been a long, long time since I've seen anyone quote her - she was rather quotable, <laughs> . Although I miss her misstells, too. Seems some days I'm subconsciously following in her footsteps in that regard... but, oh well.

    Last thing I wanted to say, and also a question. Friends of mine got me to sign on to CoH back in '04 were mostly from the ol' United States Emergency Law Enforcement Special Services SG - U.S.E.L.E.S.S. - I don't know if you remember us but there are a couple of us still around, myself @Raven Lord and @Sonarr as well.

    The question that I had was - what supergroups were you a part of back then? I ask mostly out of curiousity, really. One of those friends I mention was part of Hamidon Death Squad, and another SG that was a late night / early morning superteam, and I'm always on the look out for people from those since he spoke highly of them.

    Anyways, again, welcome back and hope to see you in game!

  24. What Comic Book Staples are we missing?

    Why, the staples in the comic books' spines, of course...
  25. This pack just keeps looking better and better - can't wait to get this and start using it!

    Cheers, Dink! Stay classy!
