It Has Been Fun




Well it was fun while it lasted folks I sure will miss logging on and seeing all those globals I don't know where your paths will take you just make sure you enjoy it while you're there.

Take care Liberty

Get Worked!



Take care, Voltz. It was fun.




Later Voltz, happy trails to you, too, man. Sorry I was almost never available when you were forming something. Was always a blast teaming with you.


Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



Adios, Voltz. I appreciated your generosity when you invited me to PCS. Thanks for asking me to join on task forces! And thanks for opening my eyes to the AE/ticket system. I'd already had a few 50s at that point, but learning about that system helped me to explore ATs and combinations I'd never have had the time to without it.

Good luck!

Lady Deacon, 50 ill/ff
Cinder Imp, 50 fa/wm
and many more!