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  1. I started playing City of Heroes shortly after the release of issue 8 and in all that time I have never stopped being amazed. I am still finding new things to do and places I haven’t seen before after all this time.

    And it is not just the game that amazes, but the people as well. Over the years I have been able to enjoy this wonderful community of people. Help with the game, good jokes, bad puns, topics of the day, or general silliness could all be found here.

    This truly was a special place and I want to thank everyone who contributed to all of the wonderful memories I will take with me. I hope I was able to return the favor.

    Take care and farewell

    The Road goes ever on and on
    Down from the door where it began.
    Now far ahead the Road has gone,
    And I must follow, if I can,
    Pursuing it with eager feet,
    Until it joins some larger way
    Where many paths and errands meet.
    And whither then? I cannot say.

    The Road Goes Ever On by J.R.R. Tolkien
  2. Lord_Garth


    Well said, my friend.

  3. I wanted to post a thank you here is the scrapper forum before the lights went out. Scrappers have, for whatever reason, the AT that I was best able to play and understand in this game. However, that understanding was not without help. There are so many people that posted help, suggestions, guides, etc. in here that made my City of Heroes experience the great thing that it was.

    I also want to thank EvilGeko in particular. I started playing during Issue 8 and a few months later I discovered your guides, “EvilGeko's I7 BS/Regen Guide: KILLIN' VILLAINS!” and “EvilGeko's I8 BS/Regen Guide: Serve, Protect, Kill”. It radically changed my understand of how to build and play a scrapper. My BS/Regen became the first alt that I felt truly comfortable playing, and became my first 50. That gave me the confidence and enthusiasm to try different things and really explore all of what City of Heroes had to offer. Thank you.

    Take care everyone and good luck
  4. I'd like to give it another try.

    FMD2 @Tenebrous
    lvl 53 Katana/Willpower Scrapper
    T4 Seers Core and Radial
    T4 Rebirth Radial
    T4 Assault Core and Radial
    6 Ultimate Inspirations
    Achilles Heel Slotted
    I have Call to Justice


    Serveral people mentioned needing the Ready to Rumble badge. Any chance of going for that one?
  5. Thanks Yat Man for the Magi trial runs. Thanks also to those who came out for it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StormVyxen View Post
    Good to know - I was curious since Protector uses DA as the meeting point for trials, and rarely PD.
    Same here. Liberty has been using DA as the jump off point for almost iTrials since the zone got revamped, and RWZ before that.

    Good to know Freedom uses Pocket D. I'll be headed there for this.

  7. Where are we going to meet up for this? I was also wondering if there is a channel we should join to coordiate things.

  8. Great MoM trial. Glad we were able to do one all the way through this time

    Thank you again for taking the time to lead these
  9. I'd like to join. I would transfer over for this.

    FMD @Tenebrous
    lvl 53 Katana/Willpower Scrapper
    T4 Seers Core and Radial
    T4 Rebirth Radial
    T4 Assault Core and Radial
    7 Ultimate Inspirations
    Achilles Heel Slotted

    I can respec out of Assault/Manuevers and into Assault/Tactics if needed.
    Call to Justice is also be attainable if needed.


    Note: Due to a name conflict on Freedom, I am known as "FMD2" on Freedom. I also now have Call to Justice
  10. I have two Titan Weapons Brutes that I have at 50 (TW/WP and TW/Energy Aura) and I was looking for some advice on two things:

    First, what is a good power to slot the Brute's Fury ATO into? It's my understanding that the fury proc is connected to the recharge rate of the power its slotted into. The longer the recharge, the greater the chance of it going off, with 100% being around 12 seconds. Is that right? It is also my understanding that if you slot it into an AoE power it only procs once even if you hit multiple targets. However, the chance for it to go off is still checked against everyone you hit. I searched around the Brute forums and I think that's what the conclusion was. That would seem to suggest that Crushing Blow or Titan Sweep would be good candidates.

    The second question is what power is can be skipped out of the primary, if any? I was testing out the TW set and I took all of the powers just to see what's what. But it is apparent that my secondary and pool powers are really getting short changed by doing this. I could really use the slots elsewhere. As far as play style I wasn't looking to specialize per say as AoE or single target. That could be the problem I'm having. Maybe you need to pick one path with Titan Weapons and focus on it.

    On a side note its great having seven attacks plus build momentum. You can really go nuts with this set.

    Thanks for any help you can give. And thank you for all the advice and discussions over the years. It's made playing this game much more enjoyable.
  11. You know, I've been playing this game for around 5 years and this is the first time I've seen this thread. How could I have missed this? It's hilarious! I had to stop reading it a few times because I was laughing so hard.

    Thanks City of Heroes community. With things the way they are, I needed a good laugh
  12. Thanks for the reply, Llydia. It's not the news I was hoping to hear, but at least I now know.
  13. Does anyone know what the Weekly Strike Targets are going to be after November 5th?

  14. @MWRuger,

    I have had the pleasure of meeting up with you from time to time and always walked away with a smile. Thank you for the good memories and good times.

    This is a wonderful charity you are playing for. I wish the best of luck on your Last Stand for Liberty, and wherever you future travels take you.
  15. Lord_Garth

    TPN after MSR

    This was great! I got the MoTPN on my main during the first run. This was one badge I had given up on even before the announced close. So it was a very pleasant surprise indeed to get it.

    We very nearly earned the MoTPN badge outright on the second run, even though we technically only trying for the Fair & Balanced badge. The only one we missed was News Flash, and that was just barely.

    Thank you organizing and leading it, and thank you to everyone that came out.
  16. Does anyone know what the Weekly Strike Targets are going to be after November 5th?

  17. Lord_Garth

    TPN after MSR

    Count me in! I'm up for all of that.

    Thanks a bazillion, @Ukase!

    PS. Any chance of going for some of the badges? Might be asking too much, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
  18. Lord_Garth

    Magey Mondays!

    Thanks for the iTrials last night. A Magi, BAF, and the first part of a second Magi. I was able to finally unlock Hybrid on one of villains right at the end of the second Magi (yay, me!).

    Hope to see everyone tonght.
  19. Sorry I didn't post this earlier, but thank you for the Gladiator's Armor teleportation protection/+3% defense lvl 50. I've never had the 2 billion need for one.
  20. Lord_Garth

    Magey Mondays!

    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Hey, I did say maybe!

    Perhaps the West Coast contingent, if they are still around could chime in.

    @FCM(abbreviated)? @Brightfires?

    @Guardian Pixie?

    I might be able to get a hold of a couple of folks via e-mail. Just need to pin down a specific time to let them know what time to show.

    I will try for 8:30pm Central, 9:30pm Eastern, this coming Friday 9/28

    And fear not - I will not wait an hour to form a trial. It goes in 15-20 or we do something else, like give wedgies to QP.
    Count me among the West Coast crew.

    I'll be there if at all possible.
  21. Lord_Garth

    Magey Mondays!

    Sorry to hear that EI. I just got home and I was hoping to read that the turnout was better this week. I guess it confirms what many of us have been thinking: that incarnate trials are effectively over on Liberty. It's really too bad. Even with our declining numbers there are enough people on to run them, at least during prime time hours, but hardly anyone seems to be interested in them anymore. Not a criticism, just an observation.

    Thank you very much for running them. I enjoyed participating in them and appreciate the effort you put into organizing and leading them.
  22. Thank you for the all the hard work, Zwillinger. It was great having you as part of the community.

    Good luck and take care.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    They are going to prior to the November 30th shutdown, Zwill already mentioned that. We just don't have an exact date.
    I'm not saying Zwill didn't say that, but could you post a link to it? I think I missed it and I'd like to take a look for myself. It most likely means I missed some other information as well.

  24. Lord_Garth



    Thank you for introducing me to the Sisterhood and the SisterHoodFriends channel. I've met alot of nice people over there.

    I'm going to miss the Green Eyed Lady.

    Take care
  25. Lord_Garth

    Magey Mondays!

    Thanks for leading the MoM iTrial. I'm still not really sure what happened during phase 3. I've only done a couple of those, but I don't recall being overrun by "refelections" before.

    As for Magey Mondays, I'll show up as long as you do.