High Voltz

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  1. High Voltz

    It Has Been Fun

    Well it was fun while it lasted folks I sure will miss logging on and seeing all those globals I don't know where your paths will take you just make sure you enjoy it while you're there.

    Take care Liberty
  2. High Voltz

    SS/Regen Brute

    Just looking for builds not really even completed builds just more along the lines of what people like to use for power selection and epics. If you want to put a finished build on here cool just wanted to get a general idea.
  3. What I gather from your question you are asking about if the proc will work well after i24 in Soaring Dragon correct?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Karmaa View Post
    Might have to dust off my account for this. Sounds fun. Hope people show up.
  5. Gotta love getting inside their base lol. Who tp'd the vills this time?
  6. High Voltz


    Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
    We achieved a record of 11:17 just recently on the itf. Good to see others are also still working on this record.
    Congratz on that! Hey get someone to post up the Screen-Shot for your ITF think I will post more if we got some good ones.
  7. That was some good stuff! Glad we could help you out Geronimo_69 have to do it again some time.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Geronimo_69 View Post
    What are the odds that someone might be interested in running this really early Saturday morning, the 19th? Like, sometime around 3 in the morning-ish EDT? I know it's a really long shot, but I thought I'd ask since I've yet to run this. (I know, it's been going on for a while, but I just never managed to catch a team that was running it.)

    I can try and see how many people in the SG would be up for this. So you are shooting for this Saturday @3am Eastern time?
  9. High Voltz

    Bucket List

    Ukase you running MoM trials every Monday now or do you mean just this up coming???

    I think we should try to run a TPN some time this weekend just to get into the flow of it before any full MO attempt.
  10. Bed Intruder Song (feat. Kelly Dodson)
  11. High Voltz

    Bucket List

    Originally Posted by The_Warmage View Post
    You want a list, you get a list

    Midnight Dodger What Dodges at Midnight (Tin Mage)
    Gotta Keep 'Em Separated (BAF)
    Strong & Pretty (BAF)
    Well-Stocked (LAM)
    Antacid (LAM)
    Lambda Looter (LAM)
    Anti-Anti-Matter (Keyes)
    Bunker Buster (Keyes)
    Loves a Challenge (Keyes)
    Avoids the Green Stuff (Keyes)
    Avatar Assassin (UGT)
    News Flash (TPN)
    Fair & Balanced (TPN)
    Dreamwalker (MoM)

    Those will get me the Mo for the iTrials.

    Both 5th Column
    Not sure what you have done so far since Ukase started running these but i'd be up for helping you with the TFs/SF MOs almost any time.
  12. High Voltz

    Bucket List

    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Thursday Night 9pm Central MoTPN Dark Astoria

    Please bring your level shifted toons for this effort. I have a feeling that we will have a pretty good turnout, so if we need to do another run to let the others that don't make it, I'll be repeating these the following week.
    Meet ya there!
  13. High Voltz


    I actually put it up here because someone said they wanted the screen shot of it because they clicked past the time lol.

    But take it as you will
  14. High Voltz


    Just a little fun speed ITF run with-

    @Heavenly Perverse
    @Dragon Chaser
    @The War Mage
    @Avenger Redux

    Fun run with you all!
  15. If I am online at that time i'll gladly run that as well.
  16. High Voltz

    Cat Herding

    Originally Posted by RavenSoul View Post
    As far as the lack of true teamwork goes, I agree, but there's a reaason for this that I didn't see you meantion, Ukase. I've been seeing teamwork go downhill for a while, and this downward trend has inversely followed the upward trend in 'speed' TFs / SFs where teamwork is neither needed, or even wanted.
    I personally think that speed TFs require a good bit of team work to be successful in your goals of being a true speed TF. I do see what you mean though you can make a TF speed up by yourself but you aren't really helping much if that's not the goal. Also speed TFs require team work if you want to actually make it "speedy" but that's why you use people that "know how to speed" and want to speed. I mean it's much easier to have a team wipe on a speed TF than that of a non-speed but that's if people don't know what too do that's why you make sure people are comfortable with the style of TF the team is running.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rathulfr View Post
    If I was "whining" about anything, it was about HP/HV's team /petitioning a GM, and their waiting there for almost 2 hours for the GM to arrive. While they were waiting, they were the ones whining about how they couldn't get at me, and how I was going to be banned for it, etc. Then when the GM arrived and ported me to the surface, they swarmed all over me like a pack of hyenas.

    They could've /petitioned me for exploiting and simply gone about their business to let the GM handle the situation. But they didn't: they sat and waited and gloated like stuck-up brats that report everything to teacher and then smirk with satisfaction at having one-upped the offender. It was all just so juvenile.

    As I've indicated earlier: I accept the risks, and am willing to accept the consequences. Is it too much to ask for or expect a little respect or honor? Perhaps I'm still being a naive...
    Well I'd like to say what I said before I wanted to get under the map too lol but the fact is someone sent a petition and killed your toons when they got tp'd out of the ground. I think it's perfectly fine to kill your toons that got tp'd out of the ground heck had we not that would have been even more of a waste. And I don't believe gloating was done what so ever only thing we were doing was showing other ppl that came along where you were. And when the GM came they said everyone good now with this yada yada yada you said NO like they were going to do something for you? Don't forget you were using the Exploit and nobody else was.

    Like I said I'd care less if your toons were dead in the hosp but i'll leave your rezer's up. Don't think anyone said you were going to get banned expect for the GM either saying don't do it again it's warning something like that. IDK but have fun setting up the farm again.
  18. From what I have been told pvp drop rate is based on a global number not just you....that can be completely false but either way it doesnt matter anyway.

    I like to kill AFK farms and it'll happen again but I am not going to send rezers to the hosp.
  19. I know that it can seem like a waste of time and tbh I KNOW it is lol but that's what happens when you get bored in a PVP zone on Liberty. We did kill the other ppl that were in the zone and they left. And you logged into another toon and tried to come and kill us so you weren't so "afk" as you deem yourself being. It was really more like a challenge trying to get you out of the map with out that GMs help but eventually someone sent in a petition for you. I know it may not make sense to you either that even though you are afk we find it fun to kill ANYONE in pvp zones AFK or NOT. I appreciate you not "holding a grudge" and I don't hold a grudge against you or any AFK farming ppl I just kill everyone in the zone that isn't on my team if you are AFK it helps me get drops like you too does it not? I mean I know people that AFK farm lower my drop rate too so I have a reason to kill them and that's part of my motive behind killing them.

    But you did ask that I leave your rez'n toons alive and from now on I will. Only thing I will ask if you find your toons dead don't forget it's a PVP zone and I don't speak for everyone in my group like you said there were a few of us there.

    I will be leaving this subject dead from now on assuming that it stays dead.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Voltz, that's kind of you to say. Thank you.
    No problem!

    And E Ion lol sounds like good times.
  21. I know that HP lolPVPs on Freedom and I do as well I find it very fun mainly because of the mass of ppl that try to pvp and then there are those who are decent on the server too so it's a fun balance.

    I know Rath you are just raging on here because you got tp'd out from under the map in Warburg and it's ok I think everyone understands. And I don't think anyone is proud of killing your afk farm I personally just find it F'n funny because we know someone will just come rage about it. (Case and Point)

    Ohh and yes Ukase is a great leader and fun to team with!
  22. Next CoP will be run on the 1st Friday of March (3-02-11). Hope to see you all there going to try and keep these CoP's going while HP is away.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RavenSoul View Post
    Is for suckers!
  24. High Voltz

    Reminder no CoP

    Reminder to everyone that our CoP is every other friday. On (1-20) we WILL NOT be running a CoP see everyone on the 27th for CoP.