What haven't you done?




So we all know the end is near, we have a choice. Be pissed off or enjoy what time we have left... I choose to do both. If you haven't done something in the game: ie Dr. Quarterfield, Really Hard Way Badge, etc POST IT BELOW! I'm not saying I'll be the one to help you get the badge or do what you want, but someone might.



Well one entry to my CoH 'bucket list' is doing an all Rocky Horror Picture Show themed ITF. Probably do this in October, Steele's already in, and I suspect one or two others might as well.

Have I seen the movie? Well, not really, no. But, I have a *lot* of friends who are *huge* fans of it and it's rubbed off. If anyone has suggestions for a more appropriate venue than ITF I'm all ears. Still shaking off the emotions from this BS that NC is pulling so I'm really only in the early stages of planning.

All I know is, men in drag shouldn't be too terribly hard to do, I made one up today using my main as a test and it turns out to be hard and easy at the same time. That said I won't restrict it to male only, Magenta etc homages are welcome too, of course.

Anyways, will keep people informed as I go.


PS And if anyone with NC doesn't want me doing an homage to RHPS they can bite me. Seriously.

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."