Discussion: Featured Items at the Paragon Market - 3/13/12

Agent White



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
I meant like when pigs fly and they actually do it quote me lol.
You never know. They tend to have awesome sales during their anniversary month (April 28-May 31).

But I do believe you're right in that they're never going to discount global storage bonuses outside of special event sales (anniversary, Black Friday, holiday season, etc.).

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
You never know. They tend to have awesome sales during their anniversary month (April 28-May 31).

But I do believe you're right in that they're never going to discount global storage bonuses outside of special event sales (anniversary, Black Friday, holiday season, etc.).
Even then you will NOT see those items going up for sale prices sorry. They are in fact the most valuable items on the market and they have ZERO incentive to discount them and never will.

Go ahead devs prove me wrong since some "special" dates are coming I dare you.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
I meant like when pigs fly and they actually do it quote me lol.
Attention new item at paragon market flying pig
Ability warp reality: When seen causes those who see to do what they said they never would

Some of my suggestions from posts i have done
Here is all My toons



Originally Posted by dbhellfist View Post
Attention new item at paragon market flying pig
Ability warp reality: When seen causes those who see to do what they said they never would
Day one purchase. I'll unleash it right around the center-point of Steel Canyon (just northeast of Cooke's Electronics), and receive me a viable solo Incarnate system.



Originally Posted by dbhellfist View Post
Attention new item at paragon market flying pig
Ability warp reality: When seen causes those who see to do what they said they never would
Now, see, THAT would be worth 800 points.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



Does anyone know what the buff rate is for this inf pet?

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
I thought it was "Faith and begorrah!" not "Sure and begorrah!" to be honest.
It is.

Apparently Paragon's marketing department is cool with racial/cultural insensitivity but is still afraid to touch anything related to religion with a ten foot pole. I'm not sure if I should feel happy or insulted about that.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
Even after three or four green beers I wouldn't buy the littler feller at that price point. Besides the way he follows you is creepy but his death animation (dies easily) is obnoxious.
ohhh... he's easy to kill....

yeah that's a deal breaker right there if the price wasn't already

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Those are NEVER going to go on sale. Yes, quote me.
Unfortunately you may be right

*hopes that this reverse psychology will work*

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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I'm sorry but this one is such a epic fail its borderline sad.

In this game and at this point in its history Inf is the largest joke this community has, any VIP can make a few mil in a single log in with out trying throw in actually trying and drops cash flow is a non issue.

In fact cash flow is so much of a none issue the Devs have put in how many massive INF sink holes just to bleed the stuff out, Crafting, Prestige conversions, Market kickback just to name a few.

This pet would be useful IF it had the "windfall buff" but it dose not it only buffs INF that's pointless, and why was nothing else listed in the store, all the sales were just left out of the post, sloppy just sloppy.

I know you guys are rushing head long to keep up the pace of this dumb once a week release plan marketing has forced on you but its starting to show in your work. I beg you just slow down and put your all in to this stuff.

There is but one truth. Time is limited. ndnw its over



Originally Posted by ChaosAngelGeno View Post
Two words: Bling Gnome.
Shouldn't that be Underpants Gnome? Of course if you had one of them you'd be getting underpants salvage which leads to ??? then to profit.



So is he untargetable/invulnerable, or does he die in one hit like the other buff pets?

Why is there confusion on this point? It's being claimed both ways in every thread about this.

Shouldn't that information be clearly stated in the item description? The difference between 8 seconds of buff (how long he'd live in a fight as a standard buff pet for most ATs) and a permanent buff is a big one.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Even then you will NOT see those items going up for sale prices sorry. They are in fact the most valuable items on the market and they have ZERO incentive to discount them and never will.
As long as people are buying them at this price point, you're probably right.

I'm not, and I never will. There are too many things that are more entertaining for me to spend my points on. If they cut the price in half on the enhancement trays, I might consider it.

Because there are things I'd spend 800 points on. There aren't many that would get me to exceed my monthly "allowance," but they're out there. The leprechaun ain't one of 'em, though.

I've given up trying to understand the pricing model, and guess my points will continue accruing until there are sales on some of the more recent costume sets, or they release a new round of super packs.

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Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
So is he untargetable/invulnerable, or does he die in one hit like the other buff pets?

Why is there confusion on this point? It's being claimed both ways in every thread about this.

Shouldn't that information be clearly stated in the item description? The difference between 8 seconds of buff (how long he'd live in a fight as a standard buff pet for most ATs) and a permanent buff is a big one.
It looks like he's supposed to be unkillable. If he dies to anything other than fall damage, it's probably a good idea to /bug it.

Also I saw someone on Beta mention his slow movement speed and how you could outrange the buff. Except that the +Inf doesn't appear to be a function of the pet but rather the toggle itself. So you don't have to worry about that.

That said, flame on about 800 points...



Wow I'm surprised at you people. It is painfully obvious that this little guy is a precursor to a new power set. Just Like the german shepard brought the shadow wolfie thing in dark control and the new beast set for masterminds. I just know this has to be part of the new mastermind set "Cereal Killers". You would have the Lucky Charms Leprechaun, the Trix Rabbit, and Tony the Tiger. So give em a break or else Ghost Falcon will have to post how the players aren't the targeted customer for this item. They only want to sell it to Gingers without souls. And even though I truely, madly deeply support Paragon I will have to pass on this awesome item; I'm saving up for next week when the new Hokey Pokey Dance emote hits Live for 1200 points.



At least the German Sheppard had value in looks and future promise. This... this is NOT getting my points... even once it finally goes on sale (unless it appears in a bundle full of lots of OTHER stuff I am interested in), I have no plans on ever buying it....

I will really, really like to see the sales figures for this once after it's 'limited time' period is over.

BTW, I felt 250 for a cosmetic 'fun' power like Flying Disc is also a 'won't buy it'. Yes, it makes sense because it is something that the game studio does for fun in house and the programming on it was done 'off the clock' and all that as a 'fun for US' (US being the in house studio).... and it does prove the studio does 'fun' stuff just for themselves. But 250 points??!

This vanity pet (even with it's little buff) for the price of a power set is WAY over priced. It must have really cost a LOT to program!!!

Too Many Characters... not enough player
Member of Alts-R-Us.



Paragon, please note what you don't see here:


"A Leprechaun? Suuuhweeeeeeeet!"

As for my gripe, THIS is what comes out in time for the DXP???
I'd rather see the DXP delayed til after the new sets. (You can delay just mine if you want )



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
It is.

Apparently Paragon's marketing department is cool with racial/cultural insensitivity but is still afraid to touch anything related to religion with a ten foot pole. I'm not sure if I should feel happy or insulted about that.
Reads an awful lot like the forums here - Just take an eye on the first page and read the insensitive comments directed against Americans.

Does the Leprechaun pet catch a flying disc if you throw one to it?

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Moiread View Post
Expensive, ugly, and mostly useless. No thank you.
Oh dear. You've met my ex haven't you?

On topic: 800 points is a rip off. The buff just isn't good enough to justify it.



sure it's cute, and I DO like the rainbow effect when he appears, but 800? for something that useless? Maybe if it helped with ALL transactions, but it only affects drops, and the inf that drops is nothing compared to selling items, so this doesn't help in any way, shape or form, definitely not $10 worth, even with a 100% increase it's not that much more inf in my utility belt. Especially when it kills my other pets. Or if it was 10% on all transactions (like in the AH and the regular store). but no, it only affects the smallest part of our income. If I had to rely on the inf I gained from things that this affects, I would never have inf on anyone. I would have considered it if it had been cheep, but at that price, it ought to actually come with a huge pot of gold the instant you summon him, BOOM, pot o inf, Boom, pot o inf.... you people really don't get the value of a $1 at all. $10 I could eat on for days, if I am spending that much on something then I am going to get something of value out of it, this isn't it.

You guys really need to rethink this whole vanity pet thing. The way you guys have ruined them and now set them up they are completely useless and I will never spend points on any of them ever again. They are so ridiculously useless that they are actually a detriment to have out due to the way you have reworked them. And as if the timer on recasting wasn't bad enough now it doesn't happen until the pet is dead! Which makes it twice as difficult to replace every time one of the mobs I just attacked targets my buff pet instead of me. One possible way to work it is to differentiate between buff pets and vanity pets and the way the buttons work, change the buff ones back. Then you could allow one buff pet and one vanity pet out at a time and actually have some value to the one that is just for looks, or at the very least not make it have negative value. I assure you if you hadn't made those changes to the buff pets to make all of these vanity pets kill them you would be selling a lot more. I can't even bring out any of the ones I had bought (or gotten free) before that change anymore because, I NEED the end buff one, desperately, on many characters.

And seriously this is IT, one useless thing? Why are we still waiting on the power sets? Has Staff Fighting not been ready for weeks now? I have seen no change on it in all that time. You put out the Imp Dy costume long before it was ready (not that it ever will be since you guys seem to be refusing to fix the pretinting on so many of the pieces, gold? really? USELESS) but the ones that I would want early? of course not. The ones that would be useful to have early? With all this waiting you guys need to be working on a spear for the ID costume set then... =/ or a bunch of new weapons or something! It seems more like you are just waiting till you want to boost your numbers instead of when the stuff is ready. It really would have been nice if you had put out the new power sets BEFORE double xp weekend.... =( And, for the record, I won't be buying anything else on the market until they do. Saving all my points for them. And I won't be buying the Imperial Dynasty costume until you fix the /w skin option and give us what we actually asked for, the tight piece with the tinted section cut out, not this golden monstrosity. How hard could it be to cut out that one section and leave the rest of it alone? It isn't like there aren't two tone pieces in that section already, even if they don't show any 'skin' (Fire & Ice at least), so it's obviously possible, and if it were not, then wouldn't that be a better use of the tech you used to put a slightly different toned version of the one you actually picked, as opposed to one that doesn't match anything available to us on anything else? (sorry, sorry, I digress, ...as usual) But while we are on the subject shouldn't there be a gold and silver color option? as opposed to yellow and grey respectively?

I was so looking forward to today on here, I figured at least the market would bring something new to play with, like the staff I have been waiting on for years, but like FiOS canceling my favorite channel this week, my step dad going into the hospital and no one else I know even having gas money to come by for cake, including me (can't even afford to drive enough to keep my battery charged), my birthday week is going to be full of disappointments. You would think I would be used to it by now...

Murphy's Rulz!

True Alt-o-holic, so... way too many to even think about listing =p
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About the usage of "Sure and beggorah" (which is used with "Sure" elsewhere)...

Since most people's exposure to a Leprechaun is pretty much represented precisely with overly done fake Irish sayings and such... I am thinking, you know, that is the inspiration for them using the phrase...

I don't know... if there really is a major problem with this phrase, then I am not aware of it.
Although, I am half English, so... I don't really care one thing about the concerns of the Irish!!
B'dum Pshhhh

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



normally I pride myself in being a CoH fanboi, but unfortunately I have to agree with the rest of the sentiments in this thread.

$10 for a non-combat pet is too much. I know its a limited edition, but non-combat pets should not be the same price as a complete powerset.

I feel there should be some kind of price uniformity.

Powersets: 800
Costume sets: 400
Non-combat pets: 200

The sales on the other non-combat pets that put them at 325 points (about $4.06) is almost reasonable, but for 75 more points (not even a dollar) you can buy a whole costume set.

I really like super packs because if I have less then 200 points I'll just buy the super packs because they are a buck each. The non-combat pets should be this way. At 200 points a person who is sitting on like 210 points would be like "well I don't have enough for a costume set, I could buy 2 super packs, or grab this snazzy leprechaun who will give my toons some extra cash. yeah, lets do that!"



Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
Wow I'm surprised at you people. It is painfully obvious that this little guy is a precursor to a new power set. Just Like the german shepard brought the shadow wolfie thing in dark control and the new beast set for masterminds. I just know this has to be part of the new mastermind set "Cereal Killers". You would have the Lucky Charms Leprechaun, the Trix Rabbit, and Tony the Tiger.

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Originally Posted by legendaryjman2 View Post
normally I pride myself in being a CoH fanboi, but unfortunately I have to agree with the rest of the sentiments in this thread.

$10 for a non-combat pet is too much. I know its a limited edition, but non-combat pets should not be the same price as a complete powerset.

I feel there should be some kind of price uniformity.

Powersets: 800
Costume sets: 400
Non-combat pets: 200

The sales on the other non-combat pets that put them at 325 points (about $4.06) is almost reasonable, but for 75 more points (not even a dollar) you can buy a whole costume set.

I really like super packs because if I have less then 200 points I'll just buy the super packs because they are a buck each. The non-combat pets should be this way. At 200 points a person who is sitting on like 210 points would be like "well I don't have enough for a costume set, I could buy 2 super packs, or grab this snazzy leprechaun who will give my toons some extra cash. yeah, lets do that!"
Actually it isn't the same as the vet non-combat pets - it does grant buffs like the other combat pets.

I agree on your price points though. 250 for the disc throw is also too high.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by legendaryjman2 View Post
normally I pride myself in being a CoH fanboi, but unfortunately I have to agree with the rest of the sentiments in this thread.

$10 for a non-combat pet is too much. I know its a limited edition, but non-combat pets should not be the same price as a complete powerset.

I feel there should be some kind of price uniformity.

Powersets: 800
Costume sets: 400
Non-combat pets: 200

The sales on the other non-combat pets that put them at 325 points (about $4.06) is almost reasonable, but for 75 more points (not even a dollar) you can buy a whole costume set.

I really like super packs because if I have less then 200 points I'll just buy the super packs because they are a buck each. The non-combat pets should be this way. At 200 points a person who is sitting on like 210 points would be like "well I don't have enough for a costume set, I could buy 2 super packs, or grab this snazzy leprechaun who will give my toons some extra cash. yeah, lets do that!"
I actually agree with this, the price uniformity. It would at least lets us know where we stand and IF we VIP's actually want to spend a little extra cash to purchase points or even just to budget them more properly. I have been a little more loose with my point purchasing than what I normally am, but that will slow up until I get my staff and beast mastery...

This green guy is not worth his price, the frisbie I did not care about 250 points so I got it. but these non-combat pets or pets in general are pretty redonculous in terms of price...

You all may even want to think about VIP and non subscriber prices...