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  1. You guys DO realize that these powers you are making so they do something different if cast on a friend/foe (e.g. Injection and that nature aff power) completely ruins the whole "assist" mechanism you have in place for those powers, right? Have you forgotten that feature? Or is it that I am one of the only ppl left who still uses it?
    Can't cast my heal on the mob and heal/buff who he is targeting anymore with those powers, for example. I really hope (and doubt) you thought that through well.
  2. I said it before and I will say it again, this needs a minimal or no fx mode. I know I don't want to be around anyone with this set. there are enough sets that fill the screen and make it impossible to see whats going on, don't need another.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    Everyone seems to be saving points every week.
    I wish I could spend them in a Black Knight or DA Tsoo costume bundles.
    If they would finally put out the Banished Pantheon pack (as they implied to us they would, "all costumes designed for NPCs would be designed with Player Ports in Mind" or whatever it was, guess that plan got left behind too) I might be willing to buy another time card...
    From what I have seen lately my points will be 'safe' for a long time, may never get used...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
    Don't know about anyone else, I purchased extra enh slots when they were recently on sale and still I only purchase enhancements in groups of ten, this due to 50% forgetting at time of purchase and 50% just plain habit lol
    myself, I won't buy any of those things, ever. Just principle.
  5. It might be a good time to take a vacation... (grumbles about reenacting the stupid invasion events happening again) for why they announce it, think about it this way, they chose to look like that, first to look like the lost, then the rikti, they are obviously stupid. There are plenty of ways to get power w/o making yourself into something that hideous, and worse yet, joining a group where everyone looks like that, no beauty left in the species. Looks might not be everything, or even the most important thing, but it IS a thing.
    So they are like Cartman thinking the South can win the reenactment.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    Did freebie items get the axe again? I don't recall seeing one since the tri-corner hat the first week of the month.

    Edit - now that I think about it, I vaguely recall there being something else maybe offered for free the week of the 10th, but nothing last week or this week.

    I've been on vacation a lot this month, so I might have missed an announcement about this.
    the freebie thing is on hiatus, that last one was just a holiday bonus, =). One I was glad to see since I had been trying to buy that hat since I saw it last year but it was never made avbl. to me on the market.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    ive never really been a fan of stuff like this, 9/10 times the codes are used up within the first 30 sec

    will be nice to get it but hate that limited time items like this wont have another way to get them for very long time if ever
    30 sec? I think you are giving it way to long for that, I bet 10 sec is too long. Best thing to do is just un-follow them, if no one is on their twitter feed they wont do this any more.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    Our original plan was to run this for months instead of weeks, but we simply don't have the bandwidth or the tools necessary to run it in a way that gets everyone involved.
    As long as it remains on FB and/or Twitter, the tech required for such an outcome is not possible. Because Twitter is stupid, and by using it as your medium of distribution, you automatically exclude people who despise/can't use such sites. Many, like myself, hate those sites, and others are not allowed to use it.

    It is one thing to give things away on these sites, but to make them exclusive items is wrong in every sense of the word. It is wrong no matter how it is done. It is wrong no matter who does it. It's not enough to get the prize for free? It was the first twitter give-away for, what was it, the mutant pack?... that got me to sign up for twitter, a fail, of course, not that I cared too much, because it was not exclusive, but it was the most annoying place I had ever been on the net (not counting the old days before popup blockers, and better search engines kept the worst pron sites from showing up in the most innocent of searches), so I deleted the account and never went back, and never will. And no shiny, no matter how shiny, will ever make me jump through that hoop again. Hoop jumping is not fun, and that one is on fire, a mile high and I have 2 bad knees. And so far, everyone I have talked to in game has had the same reaction.
    Me: You hear about that twitter giveaway thing?
    Them: What Twitter giveaway thing?
    Me: You have to follow them on twitter and have a chance to win free dots aura code exclusive.
    Them: Ugh! =( Yuck! Icky! Etc. etc. etc...

    So while most people it seems have no idea this even happened, those that have were not thrilled. So if 5% of the populace is here in the forums, then you get a fraction of them that know about this and then do it. And the rest who don't follow you on twitter anyway, are just completely left out of the loop, and never even had a chance even if they wanted to try to jump the hoop. You should at the very least announce these things In The Game! where most people who play the game get their information about the game. Not in the launcher (the only time you have time to see what is on there is when there is a patch, because it shows other game info before you pick one, and I know many ignore it completely), not on your forums, nor the social media pages, but in the game where most players are. Then you only miss the people who have accounts but never log in. At least that way the whole player base is informed, and can make informed choices. I would be willing to bet if more people knew about this giveaway you would have gotten even stronger feedback, and upset even more people.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Guys, two requests please...

    Please make it so that a person has the ability to solo, if it's missions or arcs. And two, NO invasion-style event like Rikti/Zombies/Nemesis/etc.

    I like that you're doing more event style stuff, but please, have some consideration for those of us who like to play at odd hours and on less populated servers. Not every event should require people to team. If you want to team, you can, but throw the soloers a bone or two, please?
    yeah the standard invasion mechanic is tired, old and annoying, and at the time of day I play it is impossible to get enough ppl in one place to do this, even if I wanted to be around that many people. Let soloers and small groups have a shot too.
  10. Avast (for windows systems), not only is it one of the best, but it is free to home users. I clean up viruses for a hobby/side job, and most of the time when people have kasperky, or mcafee or nortons (and many of the others) they also have viruses. (of course people only bring me systems that have problems too, but many of them used those, or that one with the panda...

    The real key issue is to make sure that your virus program isn't trying to do other things too, use a separate program for firewall and for spyware (I use Zone Alarm and SpyBot:Search and Destroy, all have free versions, the same can be said for these programs too, ignore the versions that try to do too much) When a program tries to do too much, it tends not to do anything well, look at nortons, it will bog down your system from running so much but still never really helps with much of anything. I have family who love Norton's (I think because it is 'fancy looking' or because they think because they pay so much for it it has to be good, and getting the free one means they paid for nothing, and they can't admit that) but they are always infected, in part because they also insist on using IE, no matter how many times I tell them they are asking for trouble using it. They are intentionally making their lives more difficult. /shrugs. What can you do, you know what they say about horses and water...

    And yes, the ones that come with windows are even worse, completely useless.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
    I personally find this sort of giveaway very frustrating, and I don't enjoy it.

    I can't say I'm happy to learn that every week I get to be as frustrated as I was yesterday.

    I didn't mind so much, for instance, the /e facepalm promotion on Facebook because everyone COULD get that. But this... this just makes me frustrated and sad.
    I have to disagree with part of this, as a non-facebooker, I never even heard of this until now, and I am rather upset about it. =( just goes to show how bad an idea that sort of giveaway is. And it's not fair to those who only play the game IN THE GAME.

    so they put out a code and only one person gets to use it? oh that is seriously messed up, I thought they at least put out the code and everyone who saw it could claim it, once. This is so much worse it is just insane that anyone thought it was a good idea, worse than the contests they did on there a couple years back.

    #COHFAIL, if only this were in time for the Meme CC...
    The whole social media fad is highly overrated and not good for everything. This is NOT the way to use it. Gah, I gotta say, if we had a worst CoX idea of the year this one would have some really strong competition this year. "Code Grab" should probably win though.

    Face book isn't free, it costs you your information, and your soul. And more time of your day than most people spend on their actual lives! Most ppl I know who use it spend more time on it than they do on their jobs, so it costs you your life! Besides, the creator of FB is a taxdodger, and should not get our support for anything.

    Is it worth it if a few find it fun, if most find it maddening? It's one thing to give away things we can get in other ways, but this exclusivity just makes it worse. Worse even than the $700 you expect to get out of the avj person who wanted a black wolf pet, and that was horrendous. This means that only a handful of people will get the item, not kewl at all. And to do a timed thing in the middle of the morning? when most of us are either at work or asleep?
    I give you, The Bird, it is the word after all

    Speaking of "fixing the rewards" I am still waiting on the new version of the vet reward badges to start coming again, I got 34 when freedumb went live, and not one since.
    I for one am among the people that no mater what browser I am using (and I have about a dozen installed) this site will NEVER "Remember Me" no matter if I check the box or not. As a matter of fact it forgets me if I do not keep refreshing the page every so many min. and I am using ''.
  12. oh well too bad it uses TWITer. like things on facebook, it is something I won't be able to get, because I will not open the site.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Except that isn't really 'gambling' any more than a kid buying a pack of CCG cards is, which is functionally what happens. Sometimes you get the holo card and sometimes all you really get is the gum.
    Except the kid buying the pack of magic cards, at least get the cards. Even a card you have 6 or more of, has value, if one gets destroyed, or lost, or traded. AND as a card collector, you have the option to trade for the card you want, or buy it outright from a shop, and this doesn't have that option. (and frankly the buying of random cards is just as much gambling as playing the slots, its just not as bad, because you will always get cards). IF this was like a real collector card game, and it's not even close, and all I wanted were these 12 cards from the whole set, I would just wait and buy those cards, and not waste my money for a chance at 'winning' the one I want from a random 'drawing'. (But then that's comparing to the stuper packs, not the freebie friday, I liked the way it worked before, just of 75% of the items, only liked the hat myself, but its free and I don't have to claim them)
  14. If it were a problem then the super packs would be subject to it and they seem not have a problem with it yet, but then maybe no one has reported them to the appropriate people. The problem with random is the same as with the packs and every other random thing, someone get 'uber shiny thing #1' and someone else gets an insp, or an enh they cant use. Far better to give everyone the same thing, and save those problems. Computers can't do true random anyway, they always get stuck in strings. One of the reasons electronic "dice" were not allowed in tournaments.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Did you follow this up at all? Because that comment from CS is bull... he said it should be awarded on your bill date. There is no other interpretation of those words at all.

    Please, Black Pebble, please get CS to work right with you guys on this.
    basically if you use a time card they don't care about you and you will get it up to a week or two later. At least that's pretty much what they told me. People who pay with a Credit Card (and let it go automatically) get them roughly on time, the rest have to wait. And none of us get token badges beyond day one of freedumb.
  16. I am sorry ahead of time to anyone not pushing, but trivializing things that annoys the heck out of other people just ticks me right off, especially when I am the one of the ones annoyed, lol.

    Originally Posted by Stargeist View Post
    Considering that the parts of the event that aren't fighting are all on short timers there's not much of anything to read. The way the event is structured pushes you through, not your teammates in this case. And some info is delivered in cutscenes, so yeah, give it a shot. It might not be as horrible as you think.
    that makes it sound even worse. I don't like being 'pushed' and cutscenes suck in this game. Though come to think of it the Holloween one was the same way, it pushed and pushed and gave you no time to figure out what was going on too.

    and the IO adds a proc that gives kd to powers that dont do it normally?!?!?! OMG oh no, I definitely don't want that. I just want KB to go away, completely, no KD, no KU, just gone. KD would be OK if so many wimpy mobs didnt go flying anyway, like monkeys, but it doesn't, so it's not. I don't even like stun because everything stumbles out of range right as my attacks go off!

    And No, I do NOT have to do large team play, just because it's an MMO, I can completely ignore all other players if I choose to (for now), there is nothing that will get me to do these forced teaming events/missions, I even solo the invasion events when I don't avoid them completely. I just skip garbage like this. I specifically picked this game due to the soloing abilities it offered. It was the only one that offered soloing as a way of life. No 'carrot' will change that for me, nor will rude, thoughtless comments. If they want to make events then they should make them so that we can ALL do them in any size group we choose, period. To someone who is a solo/small team style player, there is no compromise that is acceptable in that regard.

    It's not a 'shocker', it's annoying, and offensive to those us us who hate to be forced to team up with people we do not want to. ANY team member requirements, be it 1, 4, or 28 it doesn't matter, it's all bad! Anything that screws up your working team is a bad deal, and it takes away from actually playing the game. Every mission should work with every team size, so everyone can enjoy them at their own pace, in their own way. The main goal of new content is (I assume) to get all of us to want to do it, and that would be the best way to do that. It should be obvious to anyone who gives it any real thought at all.
    Why is it so many people think that because these games allow for group play that it should be the only reason anyone plays it? Can a person not just like a game and not just the fact that it is build on top of a big chat room? Can we not want to see the new things without having to deal with other people's garbage, like mine. (I wouldn't wish waiting on me on anyone else, I never have time to read anything in this game in a team situation, takes to long, never get any playing done).

    And no this isn't once a year, it happens every 2-3 months on the average, not counting the trials (and all the other missions that have team member requirements), that are as close to required as it gets if you want the incarnate stuff {a.k.a. not retire at 50}, DA helped but not near enough. They should just switch it so everything that would give xp gives incarnate xp to the ones who are working on it and let us pick which bars we fill in what order beyond the alpha, get rid of the whole idea that you can only get incarnate xp in certain places. What it means as is that all content stops existing at 50, and only incarnate content can be done or you are wasting your time. As it is it's like this whole system was put in place solely to get more people to do their stupid trials.

    Well, if there are plenty of people out there who want to play slowly through an event without feeling rushed, you shouldn't have any problem filling a team of four people with like-minded players, right?
    Wrong! I (and other 'like minded people') DON'T WANT A TEAM! I don't want to have to deal with other people, don't want to try and find those same people, who are all likely hidden, like myself, and I am dyslexic, so no, there is not likely to be ANYONE who needs as much time to read as I do, no. Nor do I want to spend the time to LOOK for other people like me (We make it hard to find us intentionally, because we don't want to be found, too many people blind inviting [even when we say not to in the search box] or begging to join, so we have to hide), most of the ones I do know are not on when I am, and I am fine with that (and frankly most of the people I like chatting with, are not people I want to team with either, because they like to rush rush rush, and not play the little game I like to call, 'follow the tank', the healer is in charge, and the tank leads, these are basics tactics, everyone is welcome to play the way they enjoy, but I like to be slow and methodical, and almost always go left, heh). At the time of day I play the whole bloody game is a ghost town. And that is the way I like it, and why I always log in to the least crowded servers. That was why I started playing on test on EQ, to be left alone (even soloed a cleric, well), I did that here but they wiped the server and I lost everything. (every game said that was possible, but it never happened on any of them I had played before this one, at least not that were not restored soon after from a back up, 14 years later, my toons are still on EQ's test server).
    And as a natural reaction, the more people push me into these forced teaming situations the more I will resist, the more of them there are, the more I will hate them, human nature.
    I guess it doesn't matter, if they do to KR what they did to AP and Mercy (and I assume they will) in the upcoming revamp, then I am done, I haven't been happy with the direction they have been going for years, but at least I had old content and new powersets, but if they are going to ruin all of the other zones with their gimicky garbage, take out all of the old arcs, add black out areas and all those awful gimicky missions, then I want nothing more to do with them. I refuse to pay for things I find more frustrating than fun. Bad enough we lost the leveling pacts, I really liked have my characters who have partners to always be in sync with their partner, I could play that toon w/o worrying about getting ahead, or his taking all the missions wouldn't get him ahead because he got more xp from the dumb missions (fedex, kill XX, etc...). It was really nice to be able to both do our leveling and shopping at the same time, and not make one of us wait on the other one.

    Many game players have disabilities, and being pushed and rushed is not something all of us can handle. If I had good hand eye coordination I might play more action games, but being in pain isnt fun for me, so I stick to rpg's (of which there are few real ones these days), but even then, having to do things fast is painful to me, my right arm doesn't like being used. Try playing with 8 (mostly) full trays and almost no mouse, doesn't work well at all.

    Again, sorry, I tried to be as calm and reasonable as I could, but just because something is not a big deal to you, does not make it trivial to everyone. It takes all kinds in this world, and THAT is what makes MMO's a great idea, an ever evolving game that all people can participate in the way they enjoy. It when too much of that evolution doesn't keep that variety in mind that they fail, in my eyes. Wish they had just spent this effort to give us a switch/option to turn KB on or off as we like. After all it is not the power that causes the KB, the way it is used, if you have enough control you could KB or not as you desire. I can get you to fall back with a feather too if I use it right. ...and don't worry, I won't be back to this thread to bother you groupers again. sorry if I was annoying.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    Sweet zombie jeebus guys. Can we PLEASE get an event that does NOT require teams? I'd like to be able to go through these at my own pace and reading everything without feeling like I'm holding the rest of the team back.

    While four is a lot better than eight, it's worse than one.
    Oh I can't agree with this enough. I will not do this no matter how much I want a way to turn off KB, and considering this thing isn't even a permanent effect that you can count on It's SO not worth it. Removal of KB is so critical it should be something free for everyone not something tied to one of your horrible events. It would be something I might be able to get into if not for being forced to team with 2-3 other random ppl who already know what they are doing, and won't even talk for the whole mission, or give me the time to figure out what is going on. I hate trials and the like, and these are even worse, as if that were possible, at least in a trial you can talk to the people before hand, and usually pick who you go with. I hate that all the kewl maps and things get tied into these awful things.
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    A movie does not have a single star~

    ( Okay SOME do but they're not always good. )
    But it ISN'T a movie, no matter what they want to say, it's a game, and a game should be playable in the way that makes the players most comfortable, making the player uncomfortable, and feeling rushed is not, to many of us, FUN, the key element to a GAME.

    As far as the single star movie vs multi stars, many of both are bad, many of both are good, the number of stars doesn't matter, its the writing and the acting that matter. And writing seems to be a dying art these days. If you are counting the bad guy/antagonist as a star (and by some rights that's true) but then what role is left for the npcs? duh can't count that for the game, unless the event is also pvp! The bad guy from Die Hard would be the boss NPC if that were the game event, so no he can't be part of your team, the 'star' has to be the hero and or his/her team otherwise it is unrelated to the topic at hand, team vs solo missions. What you are saying is that batman comic with out a team wouldn't be good... The main character(s) are all that count, the rest are npcs, many a good movie has has one main character. Especially when we talk about heroes.

    I am kind of glad we didn't get a new raid, the nem one was really annoying. I am pretty tired of them too, can't step out of a mish with out getting attacked for half the night. Switch zones and it follows you. Of course with the nem it was like it was going on in half the zones at a time. All the time. At least this one I can completely avoid, and will, tyvm.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Suspicious_Pkg View Post
    So are the power amplifier hours game time or clock time? If I fire up the 8 hour amp and log after 5 hours, do I have 3 hours left when I log on the next day?
    it's in game time, they do not tic down when you are logged out.

    That said I think they are one of the worst things ever put in the game. "I can't play the game so I will throw money at it and make it easier...." or worse yet, eventually they will make it so this type of booster is required for certain things, if not the whole game. That is something I expect out of Blizzard. Why not just sell maxed out level 50 toons while you are at it? I am sure they would sell well. And we get more people not knowing how their character works...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Razai View Post
    *looks for water blast to be hidden in there somewhere*

    What do you think made the Rainbow Bridge?
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice
    They were trying to add [3 extra slots] as part of the normal leveling up process for all players.
    I have been hoping for that since inherent fitness, well 4 slots is what I need to make up for that, minimum, but whatever, every lil bit helps, also depends on what I take in place of it, took a bunch of those clickie power up powers for one guy so i didn't have to slot them, cause i never remember/want to use them anyway, course there are other guys who I never bothered to respec because I liked the build as it was and didn't want to mess it up by trying to figure out how to slot with the best average (not to mention how long it takes for a high level toon, and messy, my power trays are cluttered enough, tyvm). So many toons now have to get in their 30's before I can slot attacks at all (well, on melees, and some defenders). I would say Khelds needed it pretty bad too, but thanks to that popup tray I plan to respec mine into pure human builds now, if I bother to play them at all. Hard enough to solo with voids and Q's popping up in ambushes and what not, lol. I guess they still need it, I just care less about it.

    I would like to see them come in at either 2(3) or 20, 2 is when you get the fitness powers, 3 is when you first get slots, and 20 is still early enough to help w/o being too bad, not that much matter before 12. Maybe a 5, 10, and 20, one each (5, 15, 25). Probably easier to just give them all at once though. Should just do it at level 1 or 2 and make it easy, heh. Or maybe just start giving us the 3 slots 3 slots levels sooner, so at 25. That shouldn't be too hard, relatively speaking. ...I wouldn't think, but I don't claim to be an expert in that field. (or I would be making my own game! lol ...still might)

    Anyway they do that (other than charging me for it) will make me happy, and that's not something can I say often.
  20. You only have to do one thing to get me to PvP, get rid of the other players.

    Never had a good experience in a pvp zone or on a pvp server. Always about who can gank others first, some games even PvE is like that (but thankfully we have mostly instance zones). I don't want to team with most other people, let alone fight with them. Frankly if this game were avbl. in a single player format I would have gotten that instead.

    The only form of PvP I find acceptable in any game is something like the duel feature in some or the arena here, 2 (or more) people agreeing to terms, and dueling as they see fit. Two friends duking it out to see who built a better toon. Anything beyond that will never interest me.

    And as for the idea of not playing with your character, makes it even worse to me, one of the only reason I play games like this is to play MY character. I love making costumes/characters. And despite them starting to fall behind in a few aspects of the costume creator and I wish they would allow us greater freedom in that, they still do it better than any other game I have found so far over all. That is one of the only things that keeps me paying for this game. And it is one of the reasons I won't do that States arc thing, I play rpgs to play MY characters. There are thousands of games out there that do pregenerated characters, and ones that are heavy on the PvP, and there is a reason I don't own really any of them.
  21. I just can't believe they are trying to sell that awful 'new zone'. Just one more reason not to go there.
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Also new on the market: Leather and Chainmail costume pieces
    Bet they will still charge 400 for the set...
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Remmet View Post
    To those complaining:

    What were you seriously expecting to get for these Freebie Fridays? Costume pieces? IOs? Vanity pets?
    Well, what I expected by "Account Wide Item" was an item that would be useable by all toons on my account, a one time use consumable does not qualify for that. What I expect, is that people who have a job 'speaking' (putting out statements) to the public, to know what the words they are using mean! Something these people have been really, incredibly bad at for years now. (they can't even get primary and secondary colors right sometimes anymore, or even the word "long"!?!?!) I expect people to take pride in their work, meaning to put out work that is worth being proud of, not being proud of trash, but that seems to be the way all gaming companies are going these days. Guess that's what happens in a culture that can bribe their way into getting good reviews on gaming sites (and no I am not saying this company does buy reviews, but others have, and even others have even posed as customers to give consumer reviews). I don't really care about the item, it's the principal, that's what I care about, something so many people don't have any more...
    For the last time,

    And yes, a costume piece would have been nice, a hat, a belt, a pair of shoes... an emote, whatever, (the "slap your own face" emote would have been just awesome imo, that is something I would log in for) anything that could be useable by all toons on the account, as an 'account wide item' would indicate... and not some consumable item i have lots of (and never use) already. Maybe a use for the costume items and stuff they were not able to sell well, like the single hats and such. But, no, an IO would NOT be an account wide item, so no, I would not want that either. (personally I would be much happier if they would just give me the things I pay for, like the tokens, points, and token badges we were supposed to be getting, on time if at all, maybe if they spent more time making the game work right instead of advertising gimmicks they would be making more money... but no, it's all about more garbage for the market, as if more trash would make it better).

    I am not complaining about the item itself, but the wording they used to get us to look at said item. I expected a consumable thing I didn't want and wouldn't bother to get, until they told me it was an "account wide item", then I expected something useful, but I will no longer do that, and probably never look at it again. There is no point to wasting the time it takes to load the slow store if they are going to be so blatantly misleading. Once bitten and all that.

    What I expect, is not to be lied to, honesty, 'truth in advertising', we used to have laws about that. I expect that if you use words for a living that you be good with them, and know what they mean before you state them publicly (just like if you cook for a living I expect you to be good at making food, or if you drive for a living I expect you to be good at that). I expect people to have a work ethic, and want to do what they do better than anyone else (even if you don't like what you are doing)! I expect people to want to be the best there is at what they do, and if you can not, then look for another line of work.
    Don't promise (or imply to) me one thing, and then give me something else. Most normal people are offended when they are lied to, or they used to be, I really don't know what is happening to us as a people that we accept such shoddy business practices. And work ethics seem dead in this country anymore. One would assume in a nation that has so few job openings, and so many people looking for work, that people would want to make sure they are the best they can be to keep their jobs and not be replaced by someone willing to work harder for less money, but I guess not enough people value learning enough to qualify any more. It's a really sad world we live in, and it gets dumber every year.

    I expect, people not to let companies to lie to them. But I guess there are not many people left, only Sheepeople. Baaaaahhh. So just stand there and let them shave you and wait for the sweater they told you they were going to make out of it... (because you are not the one getting it, even if their wording implied it, the worst part is I had to add this footnote or many wouldn't get what that implied).
    Read A Book!
  23. I don't really consider a consumable an 'account wide' item, but whatever, like I said before, you guys seem to have issues with using the language. You got my hopes up and smashed them quite expertly, good show! Claimed it on principal, but I doubt it will ever get used... Oh well, I won't get my hopes up that it might be useful again.
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    You've probably heard this already, but since there are so many rednames on this thread, I'll repeat it:

    Freebies are nice, but a feature for the Market I'd really like to see is showing if you've already bought a given item. (At present, the only way I know of doing this is attempting to purchase it again.)
    Agreed or better yet, to hide items you own, I would also like to see a way to sort by newest first.
  24. Well, yes, they are really bad at anything involving naming things these days, though this is far from the worst, and may be fixed 'soon', if they go with the following when it is finalized.
    And yes, I also agree with the 48 hour world time "day" thing, so that anyone can log in at any time during their friday and claim the 'prize', seems like the only way to go and keep with the name (though I also rather liked 'Thievery Thursday' too), but hopefully that will be the case when it is out of the 'test' phase.

    I would like to see it be the same item for everyone as it stands, as I am not a big fan of random, but failing that I hope if they do go to a randomized system that there are checks in place so people are getting things they can use, and not something they have already or other issues that may arise. Of course a 'new' item every week could get difficult to pull off too, even if it is something relatively simple, like a pair of boots or a belt or something.

    The way things are sounding though this sounds pretty kewl. And by 'account wide' it sounds as though they are planning on something worth getting, which actually kind of surprises me, when he said random I got worried, super pack like things popped into my head. But the more I 'hear' the more it sounds like they are trying to make it something people will want. So I say 'Awesome, good deal'. And hope this isn't another of those things that gets started and forgotten about. But, either way, free stuff is free stuff.
    I look forward to seeing what it will be tomorrow. and hope it's something worth having.
    [though if it is a super pack I can see myself not bothering, well maybe to get that one last costume piece i didn't get with the 3 tokens i used to try and get the costume set, but that's beside the point and I don't care much about the helm, point is I can see missing it and not caring, and I 'assyoume' that they were hoping we would want to get it]
    {and for the record, this is me being really positive about something, optimism isn't really in my nature... in case anyone wants to count this as 'complaining', I am a negative person, this is about as positive as I can be, , a roaring endorsement as it were, I even used words like 'hope', lol}
  25. 2k for a set, insanity. Even with the 50% off that's $25 for a enhancement set, because why? it was so difficult to make? nothing in this game is worth $25, once again the guy who sets your prices is apparently insane... good to know.
    Them failing "someday" was never a question. MMOs don't last forever, no matter how badly some of us may want them to.
    maybe not, but the first one is still there, I know people who still play EQ even if I can't go back.