Why is the MA Booster Pack such poor quality?

Adeon Hawkwood



I dunno about bad quality for the booster, only quirk I've noticed is the problems with bows. On the other hand, this booster helped me create one of my favourite characters thus far.



Originally Posted by Felderburg View Post
So I looked closely at my female widow's crotch as she jumped using Ninja Run. I do see the appearance of an enlargement, but it seems to me that it's a result of the way the body is built and moves during ninja run. You can see the bulge slightly in regular jumping, too. In the ninja run jump, the legs go higher (the knee is closer to the face) than during regular jump. This isolates the area between the legs, making it look like it got bigger, even though it's just being shown on its own all of a sudden.

Ok never mind I looked even more closely, and the stomach gets sucked in and the extra material makes its way to the crotch when standing still in ninja run. This becomes very noticeable when actually jumping. But it still happens during regular jump, just not as noticeably because the crotch is its normal, smaller size.
I haven't laughed this hard all day, thanks.



Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
Self Destruct has a couple of uses that I find worthwhile:

If you're in a situation where you're about to be defeated anyways, activating the power pretty much gives you debt protection. (Not that debt is a big deal anyways... but still)

Base/Hospital porter. As it does not give you debt, this is a handy way to travel across a zone or access your SG base (should you not have the vet reward or day job power)

The only pack that I consider "useless" is the Wedding Pack. I suppose that it was worthwhile in the sense that the extra revenue brought us the VEATs early but other than that, I don't see much of a use for it. But to each their own.

Still, options are always a good thing. The more options we have, the better this game becomes.
I use Self Destruction to spite PvPers, haha. Dunno if it doesn't count or not, but still.

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Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I love how you can assume my entire life history. For all you know, I could have been raised in my early days in lawless Ethiopia. But you don't know, you can only assume, which you do.

And as soon as people start talking about my life or theirs directly, my history or theirs directly, that's when I step out. Because then no more rational discussion can be had.
I'm fairly certain you were born a turtle, raised in a pet store, then bought by a kid in the late 80s. after a couple of years you and your 3 brothers were flushed down the loo, whereby you encountered a mysterious ooze. This mutated you into a kind of anthropomorphic being, and were then taught ninjitsu by an old man, who'd encountered the same ooze and become mutated into a rat-like form. He instilled in you the urge to do what is right, an affinity for a particular colour (out of red, purple, blue and orange) and an overwhelming desire for pizza.

I might be wrong though.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Originally Posted by craggy View Post
I'm fairly certain you were born a turtle, raised in a pet store, then bought by a kid in the late 80s. after a couple of years you and your 3 brothers were flushed down the loo, whereby you encountered a mysterious ooze. This mutated you into a kind of anthropomorphic being, and were then taught ninjitsu by an old man, who'd encountered the same ooze and become mutated into a rat-like form. He instilled in you the urge to do what is right, an affinity for a particular colour (out of red, purple, blue and orange) and an overwhelming desire for pizza.

I might be wrong though.
Originally Posted by Felderburg View Post
So I looked closely at my female widow's crotch as she jumped using Ninja Run. I do see the appearance of an enlargement, but it seems to me that it's a result of the way the body is built and moves during ninja run. You can see the bulge slightly in regular jumping, too. In the ninja run jump, the legs go higher (the knee is closer to the face) than during regular jump. This isolates the area between the legs, making it look like it got bigger, even though it's just being shown on its own all of a sudden.

Ok never mind I looked even more closely, and the stomach gets sucked in and the extra material makes its way to the crotch when standing still in ninja run. This becomes very noticeable when actually jumping. But it still happens during regular jump, just not as noticeably because the crotch is its normal, smaller size.
Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
NOW can we retire this thread?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by CaffeineAddict View Post
I seem to have some belief that they must look like a ninja to be able to run like a ninja.
Ah, you see, what you are witnessing here is a ninja who has mastered the technique of hiding in plain sight. What better way to avoid suspicion than to not look like a ninja?

I mean, if you're running around in a gi with tabi boots on and a mask, it's obvious that you are a ninja. If you're running around in spandex and a cape, people just think you're weird. Although, in Paragon City spandex and a cape are a fashion statement, so you blend right in.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I think the Ninja Booster was totally worth it and have absolutely zero complaints based on cost vs reward to me as a player.

Keep it going dev's. I'm itching to see what you do for the Muntant pack. Hrm, maybe that's just the rash though.

Regardless, Go Team Paragon!

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Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Ah, you see, what you are witnessing here is a ninja who has mastered the technique of hiding in plain sight. What better way to avoid suspicion than to not look like a ninja?

I mean, if you're running around in a gi with tabi boots on and a mask, it's obvious that you are a ninja. If you're running around in spandex and a cape, people just think you're weird. Although, in Paragon City spandex and a cape are a fashion statement, so you blend right in.
I don't really consider this Ninja Run. I consider this Rooftop-vigilante-movement-power-that-I-wanted-all-along-but-made-do-with-superjump-instead Run.

Learn modesty, if you desire knowledge. A highland would never be irrigated by river." (Kanz ol-Haghayegh)



Originally Posted by Felderburg View Post
So I looked closely at my female widow's crotch as she jumped using Ninja Run. I do see the appearance of an enlargement, but it seems to me that it's a result of the way the body is built and moves during ninja run. You can see the bulge slightly in regular jumping, too. In the ninja run jump, the legs go higher (the knee is closer to the face) than during regular jump. This isolates the area between the legs, making it look like it got bigger, even though it's just being shown on its own all of a sudden.

Ok never mind I looked even more closely, and the stomach gets sucked in and the extra material makes its way to the crotch when standing still in ninja run. This becomes very noticeable when actually jumping. But it still happens during regular jump, just not as noticeably because the crotch is its normal, smaller size.
I am having a difficult time visualizing this, would you mind posting a few screen shots of your widows crotch as you run ? thanks


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Originally Posted by The_Dude73 View Post
I don't really consider this Ninja Run. I consider this Rooftop-vigilante-movement-power-that-I-wanted-all-along-but-made-do-with-superjump-instead Run.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Well your "safety nets" sound like an impingement on my freedom and beliefs to me. I don't want to live with a safety net under me unless I built it myself. I'd rather fall into the abyss.
So when are you moving to Mogadishu?

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Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
That's something we've already changed (both back to the cross armed jump), it just hasn't made it into a build yet.
*is late*

Awww, I like them uncrossed >.>

@Deadedge and @Dead Edge

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
So when are you moving to Mogadishu?

@Deadedge and @Dead Edge

Peace through power! Freedom is slavery!
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a yo-yo



I happen to love what I've gotten from each of the Booster Packs. Sure, each has it's disappointments... going all the way back to the Wedding Pack (I still really want some high quality 3D rose & carnation lapel flowers as an Over-the-Jacket chest emblem to go with the formal wear). Maybe the Science pack didn't come with a real "power", but being able to change from a 4 ft tall anime girl into a 8 foot tall anime mecha is as good or better than some powers (and also helps to sate my desire for growth powers, if only a little bit). Ninja Run? yeah, it looks a little goofy when holding an Arachnos Shotgun, but more than make up for it when holding a Nemesis Staff (sometimes I'll just activate the nemstaff and ninja run around with it cause it looks so cool... I'd still love to see some entire powersets themed around the Nemesis Staff).

Anyway, as always, thanks for the great work that came with these optional packs, and I'll be looking forward to the next one. If you want some early testing on it, just let me know and I'll shell out the 10 bucks a couple months early and you can activate it on my account

Dear NCsoft, if you go through with this shutdown you've guaranteed you'll not see another dime from me on any project you put out, ever.




Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I suppose it would seem backwards, if I considered a recurring monthly subscription to be free compared to a one time payment of $9.99

Super Booster Pack content does go through a more involved testing from our internal QA department specifically because that content doesn't go through the same training room pipeline. We do what we can to catch what we can, and then react as quickly as we can to fix what we missed. I can tell you that Ninja Run was a real nightmare to get integrated into the game. It has to layer on top of pretty much everything and work in conjunction with every combat mode and every power. It required a ton of animations (115+), an insane amount of sequencer moves 1,800+), and a lot of restructuring to many of the other existing player moves.
Dear BaB's,

My only qualm with the booster pack was that it came with a travel power that was more than just aesthetic; it's an extremely useful power that allows the player to respec out of most of their travel powers without much harm to their build.

I don't like the idea of micro-transactions especially when it comes to in-game powers. never did, I feel my monthly fee should be enough.

Is there anyway of having a $19.99 version of the booster pack that comes with a month subscription, similar to the mac edition with the Valk set?

That felt like a HUGE deal and I didn't feel like I was just paying for powers.

Just throwing out a suggestion.



I have enjoyed all the boosters and loved the Magic pack the most (even now). Martial Arts' Ninja Run is a blast.

I don't see the issues people are having but I can certainly understand how one person's major issue can be unnoticed by others but if someone cannot risk $10 on a booster that they may like or hate, I really don't think they ought to buy it without doing research and due diligence.

I didn't really know what I was going to get in the Martial Arts pack when I bought it for all 3 of my accounts but I was sure I wouldn't regret it. If I had doubts I would have checked and waited.

So I thank the devs for it and look forward to the next one.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
I haven't laughed this hard all day, thanks.
No problem. I debated on the wording, but stuck with what I posted. Glad it helped.

As for whoever asked for screenshots... I'll work on that. But you can look yourself: I *think* it was the backflip that made me reconsider that it was just an appearance thing. At one point, in the jump, there was a big bump that went below the body as she was returning to the ground. Very weird. It happens quickly and you have to be at an interesting angle to see it, but whoever pointed it out first was correct, and I just wanted to see if they were.



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
Between the clipping issues (Warrior shoulder pads, female hairstyle on "youthful heads, etc.) the unfinished weapon animations for Ninja Run, etc. I really feel like I didn't get my money's worth.

I have no problem buying the bosters, and I felt the other ones were ok, but this just seems rushed out and poorly done.

Are refunds available on booster packs? Will NC cancel my account if I chargeback my purchase? (I have a card that will let me charge back nearly anything within a certain time frame)
Have you lost your freaking mind? This was the best pack they ever did. Sure there are clipping issues but there are clipping issues with every costume option in certain combinations. We got more than our money's worth to me, ninja run is worth $50 to me. The only one where I felt ripped off was with the science booster. I dont feel that a sex change counts as a power. If anything they should go back and redo that one.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
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Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Dear BaB's,

My only qualm with the booster pack was that it came with a travel power that was more than just aesthetic; it's an extremely useful power that allows the player to respec out of most of their travel powers without much harm to their build.

I don't like the idea of micro-transactions especially when it comes to in-game powers. never did, I feel my monthly fee should be enough.

Is there anyway of having a $19.99 version of the booster pack that comes with a month subscription, similar to the mac edition with the Valk set?

That felt like a HUGE deal and I didn't feel like I was just paying for powers.

Just throwing out a suggestion.
Arguably, your monthly subscription gives you access to a ton of powers and content that put you at a significant advantage to players who don't play a monthly subscription.



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Have you lost your freaking mind? This was the best pack they ever did. Sure there are clipping issues but there are clipping issues with every costume option in certain combinations. We got more than our money's worth to me, ninja run is worth $50 to me. The only one where I felt ripped off was with the science booster. I dont feel that a sex change counts as a power. If anything they should go back and redo that one.
You must be crazy. Personally I'd have paid $50 just for the Super-Tailor, forget all the other stuff in the science booster. Ninja run I take or leave. Most of my builds have room for travel powers, but being able to change bodies and height at the tailor was more than worth it to me.



I bought the Super Science pack because my brute discovered too late that 6' 5" is short in paragon city. I had bugged Babs for months (really a little over a year) about the Height slider in the tailor. So when it was offered, there was no way I was not buying it.

All of the packs have been more than worth 10$ to me, this is my favorite though.

As for those complaining about ninja run, you have the option to purchase it just as the rest of us did.

I for one like micro transactions. They allow for overtime and extra staff above and beyond what is normally there for development. I am with that.

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