Why is the MA Booster Pack such poor quality?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Inphiniti View Post
It makes me ANGRY every time they release a new booster pack.
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@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
Booster Packs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Locked Costume Pieces

Sure I spend, what is the equivilent of a Large Doner Kebab with all the trimmings on a Booster pack but atleast I have those costumes/powers from the get-go on any new character.

I don't have to wait for level 35 to unlock any of them but I do with the Roman pieces AND do atleast 5-6 Mothership raids ontop of getting to 35 to unlock all the vanguard pieces (an additional 1 raid if I want weapons ontop of that..).

I'd rather fork over £5.99 and get both those outfits for all my alts from creation then have to do a TF or Mothership raid(s) to get them.



Originally Posted by Inphiniti View Post
So, are you going to tell me that you honestly think the content in two booster packs (you can even choose which two!) is roughly equivalent in value to the entire original game?
1) Value is entirely subjective.
2) To directly answer your question, "No." Of course, this is completely irrelevant. The real question is whether they are worth $10. To me, yes.

Nope, got nothing else to say. You either agree or you're clueless...
I figured you would end up here eventually. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is stupid. Right.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
1) Value is entirely subjective.
It's not entirely subjective. It is largely subjective.

2) To directly answer your question, "No." Of course, this is completely irrelevant.
It's absolutely not irrelevant. It speaks directly to whether NC Soft is charging a fair price for this content. Just because you are willing to pay, doesn't mean the price is fair. You're right that value has a subjective component to it, so to establish whether the price is fair (within some margin of error), all you can really do is compare what's provided and its cost to other similar things. In this case, the content provided by the game is similar (in nature, not quantity). The amount of content you get per dollar is nowhere close to what you get when you buy the game, or any game. That is as close as you can get to an objective measure of the fairness of the price. And the result of that measure is, it's ridiculous, particularly in light of the fact that you also have to pay your subscription fee to actually use that content. So the cost isn't $10... it's actually much higher than that.
Nope, got nothing else to say. You either agree or you're clueless...
I figured you would end up here eventually. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is stupid. Right.
You obviously stopped reading at that point in the post. This comment is asinine and deserves no other response.



Nope, got nothing else to say. You either agree or you're clueless...
Nope, got nothing else to say. You either agree or you're clueless... I figured you would end up here eventually. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is stupid. Right.
You obviously stopped reading at that point in the post. This comment is asinine and deserves no other response.

Inphiniti, no offense but do you have any idea how often we see variations of "Nope, got nothing else to say. You either agree or you're clueless..." by someone and they actually mean it? It always seems to be used by someone making the most ridiculous argument you can imagine, who is infuriated that people dare disagree with them. It's not something to use lightly, as it is automatically taken in the worst possible way.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Inphiniti, no offense but do you have any idea how often we see variations of "Nope, got nothing else to say. You either agree or you're clueless..." by someone and they actually mean it? It always seems to be used by someone making the most ridiculous argument you can imagine, who is infuriated that people dare disagree with them. It's not something to use lightly, as it is automatically taken in the worst possible way.
No offense taken (this time) -- but what you say above was exactly my point in making that comment. You accused me of trolling... I was reminding you what that looks like so you could see the difference. No part of my posts in this thread involved any trolling, save that facetious comment, which was made with humorous intent. No part of my posts involved nerd rage, insults, name calling of any sort... While I did express anger at NC's (mis)behavior with their pricing model, I did not display any anger. All I've done here is provided my opinion, along with a calmly thought out, logical rationale for having that opinion. But, as is often the case when someone posts a dissenting opinion in a forum, you called me a troll. Dissent is not the same as trolling; hence my remark. Ironblade's responses to my posts show that he has consistently misinterpreted or ignored my comments, and his responses were rather insulting, which is why I mostly ignored them.

Alright, I'm done with this thread. I've already canceled my game account, and none of you who've responded are able to do anything about my concerns with the game or NC's ludicrous pricing model, so there's nothing left for me to do here. My point was that I think NC's pricing model is morally wrong, and hopefully I've been able to persuade at least a few people that they don't deserve your hard-earned money for such minimal content add-ons, when you're already paying them a subscription fee. If not, then so be it. Enjoy!



...must.... resist.... natural.... urges...

EDIT: Okay, let me try to be as constructive as possible. The "full" game is the game itself... as opposed to, say, a free demo.

You can buy the full game from the website for like $20, which includes the first month of playtime for "free", a $15 value. So you're only actually paying $5 for the software itself.

You try it out with a free demo. If you like it, you can buy the game and play it for a month. If you STILL like it, you can choose to continue your subscription. If you DON'T like it, you're free to walk away any time you want.

The booster packs are ENTIRELY OPTIONAL. Look at the contents of each booster pack. If you don't like what's in them, or don't think they are worth the price, then simply don't buy them.

It's as simple as that.



Originally Posted by Inphiniti View Post
My point was that I think NC's pricing model is morally wrong

Morally wrong? Something tells me you don't actually believe this garbage. It's much more likely that you use it as an excuse to beat your chest and act superior to everyone else. There are hundreds if not thousands of things you pay for without complaint that fit your definition of a pricing model being "morally wrong". You aren't out there harrassing the customers of those companies. That means you are selective in applying your vaunted morality and that makes you a hypocrit.



Originally Posted by Inphiniti View Post
My point was that I think NC's pricing model is morally wrong,
What a load of absolute BS.
If someone was charging an unreasonable price for FOOD or SHELTER, you could make a moral argument. If someone is charging 'too much' for a *GAME*, you don't need to pay it.

You say you've canceled your account. Fine. If you feel the price was not worth it, than that would be the appropriate course of action. In my opinion, the pricing is eminently reasonable. I have two accounts and all booster packs except the Wedding Pack on both of them. Personally, I don't perceive $10 of value in the Wedding Pack. But I have all the others and am well pleased with them. After all, value in a LUXURY ITEM like a game is ENTIRELY subjective.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I have been playing since around June of 2005 (haven't checked the actual date in a while). When the boosters first started coming out, I was excited, especially for the magic and cyborg packs, those were costume pieces I really wanted to use. For me, those boosters were well worth the 10 dollars each I paid for them. The science pack I bought becuase of the super tailor, I have several toons that like to change from a basic size to a large robot or wicked looking magic form. The Valkyrie pack really added some nice costume pieces, which even furthered a ton of toons, irregardless of origins (Most people think those valk wings look awesome on my robot toon Hypernaut). The ninja pack, well, Ninja costumes were cool looking, but arguably the best thing about it was the sweetness that was Ninja Run.

Now, there are certainly people out there and who did not like or felt they could do without the boosters. That's fine, that is certainly your right. If you perceive their value as less than what they're offered, I certainly won't force you to waste money on them. But don't come into the forums confused, upset or questioning as to why someone would keep spending money on a game YOU think has died, is dying or will die because the boosters and the content doesn't suit you. We still play for the fun and excitement we feel the game still has, and we shouldn't have to explain ourselves to you and others like you.

The devs have done a lot in the last year to 2 years to bring us what they felt we wanted the most. We got shields, we got dual blades, we got weapon customization AND power customization (which the devs already said more is on the way). That idea in and of itself was a huge leap for this game.

Bottom line, If you feel the game has nothing left to offer you even with the new content being brought out for next year, then adios, mi amigo. But don't come in here expecting people to rally to your cause, Braveheart. Seems to me, most disagree with you.



I have never considered the boosters as *content*. They aren't essential. They are like a skin addon.
To me, there is no content in those.
They are costume pieces, emotes, a unique temp power.
So I don't expect anything more than that, and so far, I have found them all great value for money and have bought most of them (except MA).

The argument on the game needing new content on the other hand, I agree with, but I don't feel it belongs in this thread (as this thread was about the booster pack and not new game content (e.g. missions etc).

However, I do wish there was new content, more variations based on your origin, new exciting map types, more variety in ambushes, mobs that are more unpredictable (and not standing in little cluster-clucks like tightly packed mobs of sheep waiting to be slaughtered). You know, more challenges, and maps that I don't know the layout of. That sort of stuff. But that, belongs in another thread, and I'm sure its been discussed heaps before. Not that mentioning it again is a bad thing, this is one dead horse that I believe needs a good beating.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!"

Haven't seen him since.
Forbin, hope you don't mind, but I'm going to upgrade my signature with this little classic. Gave me a bloody good laugh

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Originally Posted by Inphiniti View Post
Alright, I'm done with this thread. I've already canceled my game account, and none of you who've responded are able to do anything about my concerns with the game or NC's ludicrous pricing model, so there's nothing left for me to do here. My point was that I think NC's pricing model is morally wrong, and hopefully I've been able to persuade at least a few people that they don't deserve your hard-earned money for such minimal content add-ons, when you're already paying them a subscription fee. If not, then so be it. Enjoy!
*falls over*
Wait, you're serious?
*passes out*
Sorry, i can't take that assertion seriously enough to give a coherent response. Read the other responses instead since i agree with them anyway.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by CaffeineAddict View Post
Forbin, hope you don't mind, but I'm going to upgrade my signature with this little classic. Gave me a bloody good laugh
Be my guest, but I have to give partial credit to Psychoti. It was from reading how he dealt with rude people up in the Rude Tells thread that inspired me to make the prisoner costume and wait for that creepy guy to hit on me again.



Originally Posted by Inphiniti View Post
It speaks directly to whether NC Soft is charging a fair price for this content. Just because you are willing to pay, doesn't mean the price is fair. You're right that value has a subjective component to it, so to establish whether the price is fair (within some margin of error), all you can really do is compare what's provided and its cost to other similar things. In this case, the content provided by the game is similar (in nature, not quantity). The amount of content you get per dollar is nowhere close to what you get when you buy the game, or any game. That is as close as you can get to an objective measure of the fairness of the price. And the result of that measure is, it's ridiculous, particularly in light of the fact that you also have to pay your subscription fee to actually use that content. So the cost isn't $10... it's actually much higher than that..
I'm glad I checked out this thread again.

Your prose embodies that indefinable je ne se quois exuded by folk who pen individually coherent sentences that, when strung together in sequence, make absolutely no sense at all.

Kudos, sir or madam!

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Inphiniti View Post
Alright, I'm done with this thread.
Credit where credit is due. This line was posted 4 days ago and he or she hasn't posted in here again. That's such a rare event I actually took notice.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Credit where credit is due. This line was posted 4 days ago and he or she hasn't posted in here again. That's such a rare event I actually took notice.
While it is unusual it could simply be the result of his or her account expiring.

I've already canceled my game account,
We have no idea when he or she cancelled his or her account. Assuming he or she paid monthly he or she could have cancelled at any time during the previous month.

When I read that last post by Inphiniti I realized it was nothing more than an "I'm quitting!" nerdrage post he or she snuck into someone elses thread because he or she knew it would be less likely to get deleted by the Mods.



RAGEQUITTERS who manage to stay out of a thread for ten minutes, let alone 4 days, deserve special commendation.

maybe they canceled, maybe not...but let us pause for a moment and admire the iron determination it took them to not keep posting here in a vain effort to have the 'last word'.

/em salute

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
RAGEQUITTERS who manage to stay out of a thread for ten minutes, let alone 4 days, deserve special commendation.

maybe they canceled, maybe not...but let us pause for a moment and admire the iron determination it took them to not keep posting here in a vain effort to have the 'last word'.

/em salute
You and Ironblade are both right. If the Ragequitter's account is still active then they deserve a kudo for managing to keep their mouth shut for this long.

I only hope Inphiniti enjoys whatever game he or she is leaving us for.

Of course if he or she is going to CO then he or she will be having the same little temper tantrum there.

It currently costs $37.50 to buy all the costume pieces in their online store. This will go up as more items get added.
It currently costs $12.50 to buy their all of the non-combat pets.
It costs $18.75 to buy 2 additional costume slots.
It costs $18.75 to buy 4 additional character slots
It costs $6.25 to rename a character.
It costs $12.50 to buy a respec. (They nerf the powers often enough that this gets expensive)

This game is a lot cheaper. The only thing that CO beats us at is the name change.