Why is the MA Booster Pack such poor quality?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
It'd be more realistic to say, it's not ALL the same people. Lots of people out there will say one thing (we don't care if it's clipping or not, just more please) then get what they want and be totally the opesite(good god, what a mess, you see all this clipping??)

People can be an ungreatful lot let me tell you...
well, actually the clipping thing has been hashed over several times and yeah, there will never be consensus. the old jay rule was no clipping with 90% of items, when he announced that the high collars from the magic pack were announced to clip badly with larger shoulder options, and honestly people were happy. The hard truth seems to be that if you make parts that extend a certain bit from the body, they are going to have issues. I know on champions the same thing comes up, there are a lot of costume options that clip horribly with others, you really have to make the aesthetic choice. For truth in advertising purposes, i would happily sacrifice some clipping to get tails with these new robes. a separate issue is the shoulder pads separating, this is a real issue and apparently its being fixed(maybe it has already been fixed, dunno, havent changed costumes for a bit)



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
If I was those wings I'd want to touch that butt too....
Problem is, those wings are not simply touching; they look like they are slicing into her bottom. Granted, since they are feathers and not steel blades, I can handwave the issue away and just claim that they are pressed and crumpled against her rump.

Still, it would be nice to have them fixed so they are placed more like the angelic wings from the vet reward.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Yup suck is so irrevocable that you were definitely being ripped off. You should sue.

Pay no attention to the several fixes that have been put out in the last couple patches, and the posts addressing costume issues that say more fixes are on the way. That's completely irrelevant to your point.
Right, 'cause if my credit card got bugged and I missed a payment, I'd still be able to play while I iron out the bugs...



Well count this customer satisfied.

I love, love, love, love, love Ninja Run. I did see some clipping here and there, but I can't think of a 3-D game with the kind of customization we have here that didn't have clipping. Ninja or not, seeing characters flip from roof top to roof top adds a ton to look and feel of this game.

My only complaint, of sorts, is that Ninja Run isn't a regular power we have to spend a power choice on and can slot up. What an awesome ability this would be if we could train down its endurance cost and it gave a slight bonus to stealth and attack. It looks plain incredible during melee fights, and I even use it to add flourish to my Ice troller when he jumps into melee.



Originally Posted by Puppycrusader View Post
Considering it was your opinion that was quoted and replied to, I didn't think it required
unusual perception to assume it was, in fact, intended towards you. Maybe for you that's
a more difficult connection to make, dunno.

If you feel the principle is worth your time to do so, sure, why not?

One of the biggest problems in the consumerscape is this. When we get screwed over
(again, speaking in general, not on the booster pack in specific,) we don't usually
do anything about it. Whether it's for $10 or $100, or whatever, we just shrug and
go "oh well it's only X" and go on about our business. Granted that's more
convenient to do most of the time, but it encourages patterns of bad behavior,
poor customer service, and nickel-and-dime money making at the consumer's

If you want quality service delivered to you, you have to stand up and go "Hey,
just a second here..." and let them know, when you feel you haven't received
fair value for your buck. If OP or anyone else, feels that the booster pack didn't
deliver said value for their buck for whatever reason, I wouldn't find it all that big of
a problem to go about reversing the transaction. It gets them their $10 back(which
would be worth double in personal satisfaction, in that event,) and delivers a
message about product quality/service, to the people who listen the hardest.
Yes, but there's also a fine line between standing up for getting good service for your money, and demanding to be treated like a king for parting with a pittance. Some folks find that line a bit hard to stay behind, and those are the ones that A) cause the most grief for the businessman, and B) cause grief on their fellow customers by inadvertantly making the business give poorer customer service to everyone, whether they complained or not.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf was justified once, but because he complained about nothing so many times, no one cared before it was too late.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



I didn't think this ninja pack was bad at all. Actually was the first pack that made it to both of my accounts. In my opinion, the ninja run is singaly the best "power" attained in any of the packs. As previously mentioned, ninja run makes low level travel exceptable. In higher levels, if you have the ever popular super speed and can't jump over a wall or some obsticle, ninja run is there to pull you over, making it worth the "value meal" sacrifice.

Fortune is in second place as being the top powers of the booster packs... btw.




Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I suppose it would seem backwards, if I considered a recurring monthly subscription to be free compared to a one time payment of $9.99

Super Booster Pack content does go through a more involved testing from our internal QA department specifically because that content doesn't go through the same training room pipeline. We do what we can to catch what we can, and then react as quickly as we can to fix what we missed. I can tell you that Ninja Run was a real nightmare to get integrated into the game. It has to layer on top of pretty much everything and work in conjunction with every combat mode and every power. It required a ton of animations (115+), an insane amount of sequencer moves 1,800+), and a lot of restructuring to many of the other existing player moves.
Would you have saved some time and work if you went form Ninja Run to The normal run animation and added a 1.25% Unbuffable defense bonus to make up for the delay.

The Legendary Cosmological Prince Reigar 53rd Illusion Control/Storm Summoning/Primal Forces Mastery/Incarnate

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£5.99, the cost of a foot long meatball marinara, drink, and snack (roughly).

While a moment of pleasure is good, the benefit of all characters on one account having access to Ninja Run means all my travel-less characters who either didn't take a travel power due to lack of powers or for concept all benefit. Even my normal characters benefit. Most of the costume parts are nice too, though I wish we could have the belt used on characters wearing tight costumes rather than only have it on robes-wearing characters. Speaking of that belt, could a scabbard or two be stuck onto the back of it in various ways and released as options be done? Since the belt already sticks out of the character, I wouldn't think it would cause any clipping...

As for Valkyrie Wings - no go on female characters since the tips of them stick into the back of their legs. :3

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getting back to recipe storage in base, while Castle may not want it, if marketing shows that they would sell 75,000 recipe storage booster packs at 10.00 each, do you really think they would turn down 3/4 million dollars?

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Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
you know, while they did go into the digression about minimum wage, the fact remains that if you are even nominally employed, 10 dollars is a relatively easily compensated amount of cash by shifting some other area of your budget. If all you eat is from the dollar menu, then perhaps your budget really is too tight, but since i eat at my place of employment and a standard meal is 5 dollars, the point stands that by just bringing leftovers and using the water cooler, my budget could shift the cost from 2 days of doing without. plus you must be darn tiny if you can be filled up on one entree from the dollar menu.
Who ever said anything about only buying one entree? I was only pointing out that a person can easily get more than one meal from a fast food joint with only $10 which is the price of the Martial Arts booster.

For example

Little Ceaser's pizza sells large 1 topping pizza's for only $5 bucks.

Burger King, Mcdonalds, Wendy's, Sonics all sell several types of sandwiches for a buck a piece as well as a variety of other items.

Taco Bell has items as low as .79 cents on their value menus

KFC has lunch boxes for $1.99

Long John Silver's also has their own version of the dollar menu

Subway has $5. foot long subs

Arby's run a 5 items for $5 deal

I'm a fat slob and I can easily get 2 or three meals out of $10. depending on where I go.



Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
getting back to recipe storage in base, while Castle may not want it, if marketing shows that they would sell 75,000 recipe storage booster packs at 10.00 each, do you really think they would turn down 3/4 million dollars?
Yes, they would if they thought it would be detrimental to the game.

Just look at the RMT sites that sell InfluencejInfamy. Do you think the devs aren't aware how much money the company could make if they started selling things like Inf, IO Recipes, Salvage.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
plus you must be darn tiny if you can be filled up on one entree from the dollar menu.
Not to mention incredibly unhealthy if all you eat is fast food, especially cheeseburgers and other dollar menu items.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
And in the event of a water landing . . .

Jennifer Lyons can be used as a flotation device.

Well she IS an airhead, so yes.

Gah! Phil, you're gonna make me bust out my Macroecon text book aren't you? Honestly, I'm not even sure I still have it, actually.
Hey! If you say you're in the Resistance, why are you supporting the control of the Loyalists????



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Who ever said anything about only buying one entree? I was only pointing out that a person can easily get more than one meal from a fast food joint with only $10 which is the price of the Martial Arts booster.

For example

Little Ceaser's pizza sells large 1 topping pizza's for only $5 bucks.

Burger King, Mcdonalds, Wendy's, Sonics all sell several types of sandwiches for a buck a piece as well as a variety of other items.

Taco Bell has items as low as .79 cents on their value menus

KFC has lunch boxes for $1.99

Long John Silver's also has their own version of the dollar menu

Subway has $5. foot long subs

Arby's run a 5 items for $5 deal

I'm a fat slob and I can easily get 2 or three meals out of $10. depending on where I go.
are you getting drinks or a side? i eat at subway often, and while i find a foot long to be a bit much for my taste, i just get the six inch sub, the drinks and chips plus tax tends to run things up into the 7 dollar range, plus if we are going beyond fast food, to sit down places like a perkins or italian oven, you find yourself within a dollar of the ma pack very fast. but you get my point about shifting resources, right? that the cost is fairly low and can be covered within a week by making subtle adjustments to your daily costs. Since we are talking food, i covered it easily, my regular lunches at work were 5 for a drink, side and entree, i just got heatable entrees for 2 bucks at the local grocery store and bought a drink at work, saving 2.05 a day, spread out over 5 days and the cost was covered for a minor adjustment and no real decline in food quality.
Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Well she IS an airhead, so yes.

i prefer larger pontoons myself:P



I like the packs they are awesome

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Tee Hee!



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
This. The funny thing is my favorite origin is Tech but for me the Tech booster is the least interesting. I don't hugely care for robot characters and the self destruction power is pretty much useless except in the sewers. Ninja Run on the other hand is extremely useful.
Self Destruct has a couple of uses that I find worthwhile:

If you're in a situation where you're about to be defeated anyways, activating the power pretty much gives you debt protection. (Not that debt is a big deal anyways... but still)

Base/Hospital porter. As it does not give you debt, this is a handy way to travel across a zone or access your SG base (should you not have the vet reward or day job power)

The only pack that I consider "useless" is the Wedding Pack. I suppose that it was worthwhile in the sense that the extra revenue brought us the VEATs early but other than that, I don't see much of a use for it. But to each their own.

Still, options are always a good thing. The more options we have, the better this game becomes.

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Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Hey! If you say you're in the Resistance, why are you supporting the control of the Loyalists????
I support the presence of a more moderate and less oppressive regime than that being fostered by the leaders of Praetoria. Human societies operate most effectively when subjected to enlightened benevolent control designed to protect fundamental human rights and ensuring a secure enough safety net to encourage risktaking while simultaneously giving its peoples the freedoms to take these risks and enjoy those rights. Government control is not a binary value with yes and no correlating to good and bad, or vice versa. An abundance of control is just as bad as a shortage of it. It exists as a continuum with the extremes being bad and the stable, moderate areas being good.

It is my hope, and the reason for my enrollment in the Resistance, that by taking down the oppressive regime currently in control of Praetoria that it will be possible to institute a new government that is there to ensure the good of the populace without enforcing the good on populous.

Besides, as my brother within the Resistance, we both believe in freedom, and you can't believe in freedom without the belief in the freedom to believe what you want to believe (no matter how crazy, unrealistic, unsupported, or outright crazy it is; as long as you don't start trying to impinge on other people's rights and freedoms, of course).



Besides, as my brother within the Resistance, we both believe in freedom, and you can't believe in freedom without the belief in the freedom to believe what you want to believe (no matter how crazy, unrealistic, unsupported, or outright crazy it is; as long as you don't start trying to impinge on other people's rights and freedoms, of course).
Well your "safety nets" sound like an impingement on my freedom and beliefs to me. I don't want to live with a safety net under me unless I built it myself. I'd rather fall into the abyss.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Well your "safety nets" sound like an impingement on my freedom and beliefs to me. I don't want to live with a safety net under me unless I built it myself. I'd rather fall into the abyss.
The problem isn't always needing to be caught by the safety net that you're falling in to. It's also the needed to prevent other people from impinging on your rights. Without that, you wouldn't be given the ability to do much of anything because then you would just be subjected to the rule of the strong.

Plus, I'm rather sure you've never actually been in what would amount to a freefall into the abyss. When you or someone you are close to is actually subjected to a completely uncaring system that will allow them to continue falling forever, then I'm reasonably sure you're going to pull a complete about face on your "I'd rather fall into the abyss" comment. When a single mistake completely ruins your life, it's not a good environment to encourage any kind of risk taking.

Excellent job with the Libertarian pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstaps, I-don't-need-anyone's-help-but-my-own speech, though. It's complete economic and social bupkis without any bearing on a world outside of the sheltered conceptualizations of those that the current system has never failed before and thereby never had the chance to prove its merits to. Still, you're free to believe it and continue to believe it, no matter how complete wrong it may be, without fear of repercussion thanks to the very safeguards you so adamantly rail against.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
are you getting drinks or a side? i eat at subway often, and while i find a foot long to be a bit much for my taste, i just get the six inch sub, the drinks and chips plus tax tends to run things up into the 7 dollar range, plus if we are going beyond fast food, to sit down places like a perkins or italian oven, you find yourself within a dollar of the ma pack very fast. but you get my point about shifting resources, right? that the cost is fairly low and can be covered within a week by making subtle adjustments to your daily costs. Since we are talking food, i covered it easily, my regular lunches at work were 5 for a drink, side and entree, i just got heatable entrees for 2 bucks at the local grocery store and bought a drink at work, saving 2.05 a day, spread out over 5 days and the cost was covered for a minor adjustment and no real decline in food quality.

To be honest when I was working I'd buy generic 2 or 3-liters of soda and refill my 20 oz bottles. The supermarkets where I live have them dirt cheap. .69 to .79 cents for the store brand 2-liters and .99 cents for the 3 liters.

I got disgusted with the price of sodas years ago when the ****** name brand cans got to be as expensive as the generic 2 liter knockoffs. I haven't bought a name brand soda in years unless it was a sale on 2-liters.

I'm good at shifting my resources around. I'm on a fixed income of $770. per month. (no job right now) and I save up to treat myself to eat out (cheaply) once or twice a month, and I always try to maximize what I get so I can stretch it out and savor it.

Buying things in bulk like Ramen Noodles help me free up the cash to spoil myself with junk food every once in a while.



Plus, I'm rather sure you've never actually been in what would amount to a freefall into the abyss.


It's complete economic and social bupkis without any bearing on a world outside of the sheltered conceptualizations of those that the current system has never failed before and thereby never had the chance to prove its merits to. Still, you're free to believe it and continue to believe it, no matter how complete wrong it may be, without fear of repercussion thanks to the very safeguards you so adamantly rail against.
I love how you can assume my entire life history. For all you know, I could have been raised in my early days in lawless Ethiopia. But you don't know, you can only assume, which you do.

And as soon as people start talking about my life or theirs directly, my history or theirs directly, that's when I step out. Because then no more rational discussion can be had.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I love how you can assume my entire life history. For all you know, I could have been raised in my early days in lawless Ethiopia. But you don't know, you can only assume, which you do.
Considering I said "rather sure", which means it's purely an opinion and is by no means definite, combined with the assumption that you're a moderately well educated American (based on communication style and the pictures of yourself you've let be seen) combined with your internet Ron Paul Libertarian fanboyism all sums up to have me conclude what I've said about you.

The fact that, rather than trying to refute anything that I've said with any information beyond "I don't want your stinkin' safeguards!" (which, if you had lived in "lawless Ethiopia" you would most likely appreciate because you're no longer living in "lawless Ethiopia"; this I actually know because I've met and lived with people that spent their formative years in third world African nations with barely anything in the way of infrastructure, with a government that has devolved to the natural state of a Libertarian regime, and would much rather exist in a system that guarantees a basic minimum standard of living and quality of life), you're simply abandoning the discussion in disgust at the simple notion that I could be outing you for your both farcical and hypocritical beliefs rooted more in the rebellious nature of the immature, internet-crawling, fad obsessed teen psyche sure of his own invincibility than on the basis of any sound political, psychological, or sociological model is simply verifying to me that I'm in the right about you.

If you're unwilling to have your own history brought into question as to whether the system that brought you up and protected you so that you could attain your current stature and begin berating the very system that helped you into a position that would allow you to berate that system without much risk in the first place and the ability to capitalize on it without much risk if the system were ever brought down then I don't think you're really in a position to neutrally gauge the merits of the system in the first place.



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
Between the clipping issues (Warrior shoulder pads, female hairstyle on "youthful heads, etc.) the unfinished weapon animations for Ninja Run, etc. I really feel like I didn't get my money's worth.

I have no problem buying the bosters, and I felt the other ones were ok, but this just seems rushed out and poorly done.

Are refunds available on booster packs? Will NC cancel my account if I chargeback my purchase? (I have a card that will let me charge back nearly anything within a certain time frame)

What?! no way! it's win!



So I looked closely at my female widow's crotch as she jumped using Ninja Run. I do see the appearance of an enlargement, but it seems to me that it's a result of the way the body is built and moves during ninja run. You can see the bulge slightly in regular jumping, too. In the ninja run jump, the legs go higher (the knee is closer to the face) than during regular jump. This isolates the area between the legs, making it look like it got bigger, even though it's just being shown on its own all of a sudden.

Ok never mind I looked even more closely, and the stomach gets sucked in and the extra material makes its way to the crotch when standing still in ninja run. This becomes very noticeable when actually jumping. But it still happens during regular jump, just not as noticeably because the crotch is its normal, smaller size.