Why is the MA Booster Pack such poor quality?

Adeon Hawkwood



You know, what disappointed me about Ninja Run is the fact that there isn't any stealth element. I would think that , you know, ninjas might learn to run stealthily.



Originally Posted by Zander_NA View Post
You know, what disappointed me about Ninja Run is the fact that there isn't any stealth element. I would think that , you know, ninjas might learn to run stealthily.
I suspect that mostly a balance issue. Currently if you want full PvE stealth you have to dedicate at least one power slot to it (and place a Stealth IO somewhere, normally Sprint). If Ninja Run had a stealth component it would basically mean you could get PvE stealth with just that and a Stealth IO which would basically mean that everyone who bought the back gets PvE stealth for free on all characters (free in terms of powers at least, obviously it's not actually free since you have to pay $10 for the pack and some amount of inf/merits for the IO)



So far I have liked all the booster packs.
But I am not sold on the Martial Arts pack...

Don't get me wrong. It does *look* like a nice pack.
And call me petty.

Because what actually bothers me is that ninja run.
At first sight it looked impressive.

However when the character stops moving, and is stuck in that stupid pose, it just looks plum retarded.
Especially when its a female character with a skirt, because the way she is standing, she is flashing her panties and crotch for the world to view.

The ninja run also looks incredibly dumb when the character is not dressed up like a ninja. To give you an example, earlier today, I teamed with someone, and he was a huge, fat, male, bright yellow, wearing tech armor, around 7ft tall, with the big meaty fat feet and plump legs. And running like a ninja. It made my eyes burn.

And the elbow-pointing-forward thing looks silly, when they character is standing still.

Maybe I need to watch more anime for this to make sense to me...
Sorry lol.

But honestly this is how I feel about it.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Originally Posted by CaffeineAddict View Post
The ninja run also looks incredibly dumb when the character is not dressed up like a ninja. To give you an example, earlier today, I teamed with someone, and he was a huge, fat, male, bright yellow, wearing tech armor, around 7ft tall, with the big meaty fat feet and plump legs. And running like a ninja. It made my eyes burn.
In hindsight, and now that I think about it, the above character I refer to, would look dumb to me no matter how he ran lol. I guess I'm still getting used to seeing toons with the ninja run, and I seem to have some belief that they must look like a ninja to be able to run like a ninja. Meh.

Well overall the ninja run looks great (during the run animation).
It's just the part when they are standing still that does not look right, it looks weird to me.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I'd highly recommend contacting customer support before doing a chargeback. I believe that we end up getting dinged with those charges and best case, it would cause your card to be flagged as invalid...leaving you to scramble around for another method of paying your subscription fee. Worst case, your entire PlayNC account would be flagged and banned. I'm not sure what OPs policy is about chargebacks, but it's in your best interest to contact them and find out if that's really the route you have to take.

As for the quality or unfinished weapon animations for Ninja Run, which would you be referring to? I'm sorry you don't feel this is content is worth the cost of a couple of fast food meals, but even though it may not be apparent to you the new travel power alone was a tremendous amount of time and work for us.

Booster packs are always problematic, because they don't get to go through the same testing period on the training room before they're enabled on the live servers. So we end up having to do fixes for bugs we didn't catch, and a lot of fixes for bugs we did catch don't have time to get into the builds before they end up on live. We have tried to address the bugs with it as quickly as we possibly could, and if you guys can continue to give us specific feedback about remaining issues, it's a lot easier for us to address those things than it is to 'fix a bunch of stuff that's messed up'
Well, my issue was only with this booster pack specifically. I didn't have any problems with the other ones. Not that I don't like the run power, but I just felt like that art of this seemed really rushed and unfinished. It would seem like basic internal testing would show the problems with the shoulder pieces clipping and the hairstyle clipping if you change the head size.



Originally Posted by CaffeineAddict View Post
In hindsight, and now that I think about it, the above character I refer to, would look dumb to me no matter how he ran lol. I guess I'm still getting used to seeing toons with the ninja run, and I seem to have some belief that they must look like a ninja to be able to run like a ninja. Meh.

Well overall the ninja run looks great (during the run animation).
It's just the part when they are standing still that does not look right, it looks weird to me.
That's why I turn it off when not running.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I will keep buying them as soon as they offer them. Now, can it be made so I can use the warrior belt bare chested? ;P
Mee tooo. I would love to see this added.

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winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



4) Valkyrie Pack. I have a valkyrie character, but I find most of the new parts way too gaudy to use. I also hate the big bulbous joints. I do however get a lot of use out of the small shoulderpads, as well as the belt, sword, and in a couple instances the headwings. I occasionally get use out of the mission teleporter when the game wants me to go to Dark Astoria or Mercy.
Originally Posted by Vega View Post
In my opinion the best pack released. The costume pieces blend well with others there is no real bad clipping
Then I take it you haven't made use of the wings.

They clip really really bad as you can see. They need fixed by perhaps tilting them up a few degrees so they sit like the other wings in the game.

I still make pretty decent use of the wings anyway despite the bad clipping, but am hoping they do get fixed anyway. And many of the other pieces are just fantastic, not all of them, but many of them.)



If I was those wings I'd want to touch that butt too....



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I suppose it would seem backwards, if I considered a recurring monthly subscription to be free compared to a one time payment of $9.99
That's the wrong way to view it. We pay the sub fee for access to servers and for the expectation, generated over years of CoH/V's existence, of free content expansions.

Booster packs are still new enough to be considered value-add and ultimately exist to raise extra revenue from the entrenched player base who often pay less than $15 a month to play (due to discount purchasing of extended play periods). These value-add boosters really need to be of good quality to keep these players consistently buying them, especially to avoid players feel that they are paying for what they used to get for free. Of course, the true draw to most Boosters are the powers, not the costume items. (This is a general observation, not a comment specific to any Booster pack released thus far.)

Interesting that no-one really picked up on the amount of work that went into Ninja Run. Ouch. No wonder new powersets are few and far between in the overall lifetime of CoH/V.



well i for one did NOT buy it, i do have all the others,i do not think of it as poor quality,just poor choices,and as for the price of a pack, years and years of marketing has determined tht most people willnot do anything if they spend 9.95 and get a poor product, look at all the print and tv ads,"yes for only 9.95 you too can own one of these fablous belly button lint cleaners"

my only question is what will be next? I assume the mutant pack,or maybe a base booster pack?(allow recipe storage?) producing a booster pack every quarter or so is a good bandaid to cover declining income. this last push for the Loyallty program is a example,it helped keep the numbers from going down .

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Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
I'm sensing a comment probably intended for me and I'll pretend I didn't read C and give you the chance not to make an idiot of yourself.
Considering it was your opinion that was quoted and replied to, I didn't think it required
unusual perception to assume it was, in fact, intended towards you. Maybe for you that's
a more difficult connection to make, dunno.

Its still only 10$. Are you really going to go through all that trouble just to get 10$ back for a purchase you made in a video game? 10$ for most people is a hour or more of work or 1/3 the price of cutting some old ladies yard. Or as babs posted, less fast food for you. (which is a good thing in the end)
If you feel the principle is worth your time to do so, sure, why not?

One of the biggest problems in the consumerscape is this. When we get screwed over
(again, speaking in general, not on the booster pack in specific,) we don't usually
do anything about it. Whether it's for $10 or $100, or whatever, we just shrug and
go "oh well it's only X" and go on about our business. Granted that's more
convenient to do most of the time, but it encourages patterns of bad behavior,
poor customer service, and nickel-and-dime money making at the consumer's

If you want quality service delivered to you, you have to stand up and go "Hey,
just a second here..." and let them know, when you feel you haven't received
fair value for your buck. If OP or anyone else, feels that the booster pack didn't
deliver said value for their buck for whatever reason, I wouldn't find it all that big of
a problem to go about reversing the transaction. It gets them their $10 back(which
would be worth double in personal satisfaction, in that event,) and delivers a
message about product quality/service, to the people who listen the hardest.



Originally Posted by CaffeineAddict View Post
However when the character stops moving, and is stuck in that stupid pose, it just looks plum retarded.
Especially when its a female character with a skirt, because the way she is standing, she is flashing her panties and crotch for the world to view.
Someone has to be a pretty odd perverted angle to get a view like that. Because just standing in front of you normally having a conversation with you ingame won't reveal anything. Unless you're getting some really weird and bugged animation with how your character was built. I'm certainly not having that problem with mine.

You're more likely to give people a "free show" while you're at the consignment house or during combat without noticing it at all. Still though, you do have to make sure some of the "kids" aren't watching

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Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Someone has to be a pretty odd perverted angle to get a view like that. Because just standing in front of you normally having a conversation with you ingame won't reveal anything. Unless you're getting some really weird and bugged animation with how your character was built. I'm certainly not having that problem with mine.

You're more likely to give people a "free show" while you're at the consignment house or during combat without noticing it at all. Still though, you do have to make sure some of the "kids" aren't watching
I was playing my dominator, and, she is short.
I turned around, and copped a face full of crotch from a tall female who was caught in the standing still animation from the ninja run. Was kinda hard not to notice that

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Originally Posted by Puppycrusader View Post
One of the biggest problems in the consumerscape is this. When we get screwed over
(again, speaking in general, not on the booster pack in specific,) we don't usually
do anything about it. Whether it's for $10 or $100, or whatever, we just shrug and
go "oh well it's only X" and go on about our business. Granted that's more
convenient to do most of the time, but it encourages patterns of bad behavior,
poor customer service, and nickel-and-dime money making at the consumer's

If you want quality service delivered to you, you have to stand up and go "Hey,
just a second here..." and let them know, when you feel you haven't received
fair value for your buck. If OP or anyone else, feels that the booster pack didn't
deliver said value for their buck for whatever reason, I wouldn't find it all that big of
a problem to go about reversing the transaction. It gets them their $10 back(which
would be worth double in personal satisfaction, in that event,) and delivers a
message about product quality/service, to the people who listen the hardest.
While I agree there should be a refund or try before you buy mechanism, I'd like to counter with some conusmers have unreal expectations (and in no way am I making reference to the OP) and they are generally the squeakiest hinge in the joint.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



my only question is what will be next? I assume the mutant pack,or maybe a base booster pack?(allow recipe storage?)
Hate to dash your hopes, but recipe storage isn't going to happen. I believe Castle already put the kibosh on that happening in order to make sure the auction-house economy continues to move.

There's a design reason why you can only store so much of the in-game items. At some point you are going to need to sell the item off or delete it. Increasing storage would simply cause yet another strangulation of supply in the Auction House and send influence prices skyrocketing.



Originally Posted by CaffeineAddict View Post
I was playing my dominator, and, she is short.
I turned around, and copped a face full of crotch from a tall female who was caught in the standing still animation from the ninja run. Was kinda hard not to notice that
I'll give you that with short players. But short players come up to *** view of most of my characters anyway. Not a whole lot that can be done about that heh. Wouldn't get caught leaving ninja run on while idle if thats the case.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Judas_Ace View Post
waaaaah waaaaaah waaaaah waaaaaaah wah waaaaah waaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Yeah, you should definitely sue.

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Ninja run has many issues with the female forms. The most obvious are that costumes clip, and the texture specifically on the left side is stretch in odd ways. The worst is that female forms have what looks like... ehem... "junk" when using the ninja run jump animation.



Originally Posted by Puppycrusader View Post
Considering it was your opinion that was quoted and replied to, I didn't think it required
unusual perception to assume it was, in fact, intended towards you. Maybe for you that's
a more difficult connection to make, dunno.

If you feel the principle is worth your time to do so, sure, why not?

One of the biggest problems in the consumerscape is this. When we get screwed over
(again, speaking in general, not on the booster pack in specific,) we don't usually
do anything about it. Whether it's for $10 or $100, or whatever, we just shrug and
go "oh well it's only X" and go on about our business. Granted that's more
convenient to do most of the time, but it encourages patterns of bad behavior,
poor customer service, and nickel-and-dime money making at the consumer's

If you want quality service delivered to you, you have to stand up and go "Hey,
just a second here..." and let them know, when you feel you haven't received
fair value for your buck. If OP or anyone else, feels that the booster pack didn't
deliver said value for their buck for whatever reason, I wouldn't find it all that big of
a problem to go about reversing the transaction. It gets them their $10 back(which
would be worth double in personal satisfaction, in that event,) and delivers a
message about product quality/service, to the people who listen the hardest.
not that i think it will matter, but i really have to question your use of screwed over. outside of aesthetic complaints, we got a power that, if anything, may be a little too good for a microtransaction item. we got a lot of costume options that occasionally clip but have spawned several long threads of admirers that have made novel uses of them, and several new sword models.

I hate to invoke personal responsibility here, but pics of the costumes and youtube vids of the ninja run were out on the day the pack was released. the "screwed over" consumer has the responsibility to educate him/herself as to the aesthetics of the pack before buying it, if they don't do that really is not the fault of the company. If you are that concerned about quality, wait a few days for the full report of the consumers to make sure, and be educated , beyond that knock off the entitled consumer deal, and try the informed consumer instead.



Originally Posted by Mephisto_Kur View Post
Ninja run has many issues with the female forms. The most obvious are that costumes clip, and the texture specifically on the left side is stretch in odd ways. The worst is that female forms have what looks like... ehem... "junk" when using the ninja run jump animation.
I play only female toons, with all sorts of different weapons. And I've been using NR a lot lately. I haven't seen any problems. Could you be more specific about the clipping issues?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



i sell 90% of my unneeded recipes at a store so they never get to WW or BM

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Originally Posted by madhobbit View Post
i sell 90% of my unneeded recipes at a store so they never get to ww or bm
i sell my fist to your glass jaw.

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Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
In fairness, it's not the same people. Everyone wants different things, done different ways, and has different thresholds for what's acceptable and not acceptable.
It'd be more realistic to say, it's not ALL the same people. Lots of people out there will say one thing (we don't care if it's clipping or not, just more please) then get what they want and be totally the opesite(good god, what a mess, you see all this clipping??)

People can be an ungreatful lot let me tell you...

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I play only female toons, with all sorts of different weapons. And I've been using NR a lot lately. I haven't seen any problems. Could you be more specific about the clipping issues?

Several of the longer, helmet-head style female hairdos, mostly. The costume issue that is most noticeable is the twisted textures. The jumping crotch issue is the one that makes me cringe the most.