5 Year Anniversary Celebration! ~ Discussion




Incredible that it has already been 5 years. Even more incredible that I have been with this game and these people for almost 8 years now...

Cheers to all of you!




If it is scaled, where Past Events happen for an hour, then another past event happens for an hour, etc... Most working folks EDT will miss the first 6-7 Events. Never to be able to experience them or the Full Aniversary Celebration.

It sucks if this is the case.

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I am one of those east coast folks, but you know what would be even worse? Living and working on the west coast, where this thing will run from 8 AM to 9 PM - they'll probably miss 75% of the fun.

I don't see why it needs to stop at midnight - just run it to 8 AM ET on Wednesday. Or at the very least until midnight Pacific time.

Hmmmm, maybe it will run 'til 8 AM ET. Don't they usually announce the special events like Rikti raids and the seasonal celebrations shut off at midnight even though they keep going until the following server maintenance?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Darn... two bad I am working two jobs on the 28th.

Sure looks exciting however.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



I nearly fried my video card only to be covered by text? Lame lame lame.

I hope there are more pictures to be used.

And the event sounds cool i will be there [u]ALL DAY![u]



Would be a nice present if they either made it so that the Gladiator gotten for having the 1st and 2nd Anniversary badges was now any TWO Anniversary badges to unlock, or gave the Gladiator to everyone regardless of badge status. While my account was created 4 days after the game went live, I had let it lapse for awhile(which included the 2nd Anniversary) :P



It's on a tuesday...

Make the party on a weekend ?



My birthday is April 28th too! It was destiny I play this game haha. If I can prove it can I get a happy birthday gold title?



Where are the new year's worth of desktop calendars that outline when events are like.... DOUBLE XP WEEKEND?



For the time designated............OPEN PVP with Paragon open to villians through the pvp zone gates and the Rogue Isles open to heroes via the same...........woot!!

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Awesome. For the Five Year Anniversary I'll be quitting the game.

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Would you quit the game if said invasion included MC Escher stairs and crappy special effects with David Bowie music playing? And no lollipops, promise.



please do the anniversary stuff in REAL zones. i have been here for the 5 years and have never been able to get into the "test" servers. i have tried and tried again and turned down my closed beta invites as for whatever reason it doesn't want to work for me. a suggestion to what to do, why not make 3 day events on each server for the month or alternate days and servers so all can have fun with this.

just my 2 cents, now go back to fighting crime or causing it.

@Canadian Canuck @Canadian Canuck2




Orange... Lieutenants are sometimes Orange... something that's never been done... I got it!

They're going to fix the "run-away!" bug!


It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



Call me ungrateful, but this seems really unfair to habve this event on a weekday.

Am I wrong to assume that most of us work? and that since this is based on eastern time, those of us in the west coast and further out wont be able to participate as much as the resT?

And I know you cant please everyone, however, this isnt like having the event on a weekend and 5% of the population cant make it. This is a weekday day, where I am sure 90% of the population willl miss most of it due to work.

If only i had numbers of demographics to make my argument more substantial. then if we want to go on the test server we really have to choose how we want to spend our time. On test to talk to the devs? Or in game to not miss out on characters based rewards rather than account based.

Simnple solution. give us a week, something so that we all have enough time to particpate.

*please excuse typos.



Call me ungrateful, but this seems really unfair to habve this event on a weekday.

Am I wrong to assume that most of us work? and that since this is based on eastern time, those of us in the west coast and further out wont be able to participate as much as the resT?

And I know you cant please everyone, however, this isnt like having the event on a weekend and 5% of the population cant make it. This is a weekday day, where I am sure 90% of the population willl miss most of it due to work.

If only i had numbers of demographics to make my argument more substantial. then if we want to go on the test server we really have to choose how we want to spend our time. On test to talk to the devs? Or in game to not miss out on characters based rewards rather than account based.

Simnple solution. give us a week, something so that we all have enough time to particpate.

*please excuse typos.

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I think a lot of people seem to fail to realize this is during the day so the devs can participate during work. They have lives, work a tough job with deadlines and demands. I personally wouldn't want to see them have to work overtime just to give us some sort of event in game.

I'd rather them do it during the day (11 AM EDT is 8 AM PST the devs are on the west cost), and get time to go home to their families at a normal hour in the evening.

Sure I'd love to get to attend the event for the whole time, unfortunately I will miss the early festivities for work. But I'm ok with that. Overtime, even paid, sucks.

Also its on a weekday because April 28th is the *actual* 5th anniversary.



Of course technically speaking noon and midnight are neither am nor pm....

To the writers of this fluff announcements. Please use noon and midnight. It will solve a whole host of confusion up front.

I mean is it that hard to write 11am until midnight (Eastern) ?

Thats total clarity right there.

Of course then there is your use of EST, when the 'real world' East coast is on EDT right now.

aside from that:

Grats on the 5 years and I cant wait for the event.

[/ QUOTE ]Well, if you're going to get technical, noon and midnight are the conventions, 12am and 12pm are very specific.

12:00 actually refers to the entire minute from 12:00:00.00 to 12:01:00.00. Since the time at 1 minute after midnight is 12:01 AM, and since the AM/PM shift happens at 12:00:00.00, not at one minute after, then the minute before 12:01 am must ALSO be am.

"Meet me at midnight May 1st." Now does that mean the midnight between Apr 30 and May 1, or the midnight between May 1 and May 2? THAT's the non-specific one, that needs more information to figure out. Some people will say it's the one that occurs the night of Apr 30. Others will say it's the one that occurs the night of May 1. I've seen people practically come to blows over it, arguing over why one didn't meet the other at the agreed on "midnight" time.

"Meet me at 12:00 am May 1st" is much more specific, There's only one 12:00 that meets that description. The one that comes before 12:01 am May 1st.



Completely covered by text in the picture...

Add me to the list of people concerned about the majority of the playerbase who will be either at work or in school for the majority of this event. And by opening this up to inactive and trial accounts it is going to ensure server overload and lockout on busy servers.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Here's a question i've been wondering.

Remember when we got our 1, 2, and 3rd year badges, we got a 5th coloum glatior? Will heros that have "all" the aniual badges get some kind of special accolade? It'd be kind of neat if they did...

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Wow I cant believe that folks are having issues with the time thing......

its starts at 11 am which is in the morning and before noon....have folks forgotten that (not am) and that 12 AM is in fact MIDNIGHT? The event will last from (not noon), thus giving us 13 HOURS and NOT ONE HOUR! Come on folks seriously........

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



I expect Freedom to be a ghost town and not get locked.




Wow I cant believe that folks are having issues with the time thing......

its starts at 11 am which is in the morning and before noon....have folks forgotten that (not am) and that 12 AM is in fact MIDNIGHT? The event will last from (not noon), thus giving us 13 HOURS and NOT ONE HOUR! Come on folks seriously........

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Not everyone is on the east coast. The people on the west coast are going to see this end at 9pm their time, just a few hours after they come home that night.

That's why the concern. I'm on the East Coast and am a housewife, I can set aside much of the day by planning ahead and play for the event. Most people can't and, by golly, that is just too bad? An event that is meant for the players is scheduled in such a way that the majority of them will have little opportunity to participate.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Wow I cant believe that folks are having issues with the time thing......

its starts at 11 am which is in the morning and before noon....have folks forgotten that (not am) and that 12 AM is in fact MIDNIGHT? The event will last from (not noon), thus giving us 13 HOURS and NOT ONE HOUR! Come on folks seriously........

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Not everyone is on the east coast. The people on the west coast are going to see this end at 9pm their time, just a few hours after they come home that night.

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It can be worse. For me, this will start at 5am my time, and end at 6pm my time. Technically speaking, I'll be able to see the first couple of hours of it, assuming I wake up early enough. There is practically zero chance of seeing any part of the end of it, unless my office burns to the ground at lunch and I head home early.

At best, I might pop my head in during the day from my laptop, but if CHAOS includes zone events, I'm very likely to be seeing the Powerpoint version of it.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I'm Pacific Time. I work till 3:00 pm.

I'll see about half of it, at most.

But you know what? I DON'T CARE.

I believe the devs recognize that it's a work/school day for a lot of their players, and that they will make sure the "coolest" events will happen in the last part of the window, even if they also happen earlier.

I expect to enjoy the snot out of what I do see.

5 years! Congrats!

(If you skipped my long version: 12am/12pm is easy to figure out. 12:30 am is half an hour after midnight, yes? So 12:01am is one minute after midnight, yes? Then midnight itself must be 12am, not pm, because AM/PM changes on the hour, not one minute after.)



They're going to roll back ED and travel suppression for the month of May! All perma'able clicks will be returned to their issue 1 values! Instant Healing will be a toggle! Smoke Grenade will self-stack and apply a 50% tohit debuff again! Wait, those aren't the "great" things they were talking about? Well, I'm sure it'll still be cool.

As long as I get the badge and some weird Inspiration/Temp Power/Emote, I'm fine.

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You know, for one day, that would be pretty funny. Just set everything back, and have a whole day of tankers herding the entirety of Brickstown into a dumpster and Regen scrappers soloing the Hamidon. Now that we have IOs and 5 years worth of min/maxing knowledge, the abuses we could wreak would be epic.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball




time zones withstanding...

11am - lunchtime
12am - midnight

that's what it's supposed to be right? cause I thought it was fairly obvious...



w00t!! the BIG 5...congratz all!!



sweet I made tha banner pic :P, also woot new badge soon :P

Plus a host of other stuff hmm waht day is the 28th O.o omg im off that day let the GOOD TIMES ROLL

There is but one truth. Time is limited. ndnw its over