855 -
Heh. A belated "Thank you!" for that.
They should send out some kind of global message when the global server is down.
Something like "The global chat server is down, but if you're reading this message, it's back up now."
Howdy all! I've been away for a while, and was dropping in tonight to check out Ultra mode.
I logged onto one character, and had the normal access to BMT of Champion.
Then I logged into a different character, and that one no longer had access. I tried a couple of others, and they didn't either. So I went back to the first one, and he no longer had it either.
Do we get dropped from the channel for inactivity? If so, how do I get back in? Or am I banned for life for infidelity?
When I joined the first time, it was open access. That's how long ago it was. I know it's no longer open access, but don't remember how to get in.
Thanks in advance!
Tripp -
"FREEEEEEM!" was the "visual sound" for Energy Blast in one of the illustrating pictures. It kind of took on a life of its own from there.
Quote:Just to clarify, you don't have to actually go out and buy a second physical copy. Either of the digital versions available from the online store will work just fine to create an additional account.Yes, you will need to purchase another whole copy of CoH in order to start a second account. No, the same billing info on both won't throw up any flags.
Just be sure, in this case, that you DO use the code to create a NEW account, and NOT to upgrade your current one.
I have two game accounts, both under my single NCSoft account, both billed to the same card. (One is prepaid a year at a time, so I don't know if they would bill on the same date each month.) The second game account will need its own user name, and you should use a completely different password for each for security. -
Ouch. Check first, and make sure the ones who could do it locally can't set everything to English for you. (I should have put that in the first post -- caffeine levels weren't high enough yet.)
The "bad" effects are minor at most, and have compensating pluses, yet people void entire chimneys over them.
The Fool gives a MINOR -To Hit, and a +Speed, +Recharge.
The Tower inflicts a small amount of damage on you, but gives a Damage Bonus. -
Cancel the order and buy from someone who can supply it in English.
It doesn't matter how much time or money you save if you can't use the final product.
You don't have to be tech-savvy to set Windows to English (even a "foreign" edition of Win 7 should include multilingual options), but you first have to figure out the choices in whatever language it comes set to. A good translation dictionary MIGHT be enough.
Better is to have a system you can use out of the box. -
Others said the same thing I will: do NOT dump me into a mission without warning, and especially not if I'm hitting the tram.
If I'm hitting the tram, it's because I'm going somewhere. Anything that interferes with that is only irritating.
I like the idea of random, unexpected mission opportunities, but ONLY if it's MY choice whether I enter them. -
Quote:I know for sure I still had the problem the week before the upgrade. I happened to be playing one of the two that weekend, and remember having to reset his opacity a couple of times. And we're talking about setting the opacity to 75% and after a few transitions (enter/exit mission and change zones) it would be back down to 5-7%Window position/scaling/opacity is saved separately on each character. Is it possible those characters used different preferences (even by 1%) than the rest?
If you /wdwsave and /optionsave from a working character, then /wdwload and /optionload on the affected characters, would that have possibly fixed it?
Did you change any of your in-game options after your upgrade that may have been responsible for resetting those options and fixing it?
Never tried the save/load idea.
And yes, the new card let me change from minimum settings to max. I do think that's part of what fixed it, along with just having a much better system overall now.
I had the problem on everything from Minimum to Recommended on the old setup. (I could run it at Recommended, just very, very poorly. I usually ran at Performance soloing, and Minimum on any kind of group action.)
I may be wrong, I recognize that. In my reality, wrong is ALWAYS an option. It's just that, for me, after upgrading my system and video, the problem is gone.
So I posted it as a possible solution for anyone else experiencing it. -
As stated, for me it was happening even during normal gameplay. After a few transitions, the opacity would be back down to about 7%. The multiple applying was only confirming it on those two characters. Doing the same thing on others had no effect.
I upgraded on Saturday the 20th. Is that when they "fixed" it? -
Quote:The last two months of free transfers have almost certainly taken care of all the "I want to transfer these characters, but not bad enough to pay for it". So why put a limit on it? What downside do you see (that I don't) to allowing people to transfer anyone anytime?Signed, as long as it's somehow limited. Say, you can only transfer a certain char once every 15 days/1month. And not over 2 transfers per month. The only reason why I'm signing is because it would be lovely for roleplaying meetings and pvp tourneys.
Still, I don't see this happening.
I posted in Avatea's thread that I expect to see it made permanent. -
I had a problem on a couple of my characters ever since I started playing in Sept '08 where every time I logged in or just zoned, the opacity slider for my windows would slide downward. It only affected a couple of characters, but it was consistent on those two.
I could even go into the video options, slide it up, and watch it slip downwards every time I clicked apply. I know of at least one other player who has experienced this, and Support has never been able to help me out on this.
I even tried copying one character to another server as part of my investigation, and the problem followed him to the other server and back! I even created a new character in his old slot before copying him back to see if that would help. (It didn't.)
Recently I upgraded my system, going from an AGP NVIDIA 7600 to an NVIDIA 9800 PCI-E.
And the problem went away.
On BOTH characters I had it on.
So if you have the same problem, I found a fix. Unfortunately, it ain't a cheap one. -
Quote:I don't think the generic enhancement recipes you posit would necessarily follow.^^^
My new lowbie alts would be very sad pandas if someone took away their income from overly expensive Common Arcane Savages.
I also like the flavor that varying salvage gives to the inventions system. I mean, it makes perfect sense that an Accuracy IO takes some Luck from a Luck Charm and some help from a Boresight to focus your aim to make a better shot, doesn't it?
Switching to OP's system would be bland & boring. "I combine two White thingies to make a <generic IO>". At that point, since every basic Generic IO would have the same recipe, then why not eliminate the different IOs as well - why keep Accuracy and Damage Resistance as separate enhancements? Making a single Generic IO that could be anything would be the next "logical" step.
You'd still have to specify WHAT it enhances (Accuracy, Damage, ???), and the actual amount of the enhancement varies depending on what category, so the different recipes would stay.
But yeah, genericizing the salvage needed is Not A Good Thing. -
Quote:I think that depends on how easy/difficult it is to actually switch. If you have to do several "opposite" missions in a row to switch that would be a natural limit on how often you could do it.I don't believe it was clear that characters who switch sides will be stripped of all possessions, which I think this email option makes pretty likely. Otherwise market arbitrage opportunities just became a heck of a lot easier (buy product X from the BM, send it to a character on the cusp of becoming a hero, move them across, sell it at WW, profit, send the money back via a character on the cusp of becoming a villain, repeat).
I'd be surprised if a character who's just switched can switch back immediately. -
Quote:This. "Caveat Transporter." (Apologies if I screwed up the Latin.)I really do not think it was a joke. I can understand messing up your name. But I also agree that if you mess up your name you should not get your stuff back (unless the person does not exist of course). This would be similar to how the market is done, you may by accident put in 1M instead of 100,000.
Quote:My 2 Inf, based on pure speculation:I don't get what everybody means "split up" into 2 parts, but still 1 TF
. What movie do they play for intermissionz?
Overall, it's still about the same length as the original Posi.
There's a badge for each portion, plus the normal TF badge once you've run both halves on the same character.
Splitting it into two parts means you can add players between the parts to make up for ones that dropped out. It also means that if you're running each part on different days/weekends/whatever, characters aren't locked out of doing anything else in between.
You don't have to run the first part before running the second part, but it'll make much more sense if you do.
Each part will award merits.
Doing both parts within a certain amount of time will award extra merits/a special badge. -
Oh. My. Furry. Gosh.
For some reason, I was convinced that Ultra Mode was part of Going Rogue. Not a free expansion item. Very, very glad to see I was wrong.
Animated tails? Cool! Hopefully this also means we'll soon get some NEW tails, too. Like a proper lizard or wolf tail.
Revamped market interface. Sweet!
Email Inf.? Sah-weet! If they ever add a way to send a SG invite to a character that's not online, I'll never need my second account again!
Revamped Positron TF? Sounds interesting. I've done Posi once. Once.
Another issue chock-full of win! -
Quote:You're right. As many times as I've read that problem, this is the time it finally sank in. I have worn a pack with a waist strap enough to confirm that even normal movements are restricted by something like that.You don't understand, Trip. It's not the PACK'S animations that are the issue. It's all the other animations in the game which don't account for a rigid spine to accommodate the pack.
Think of Whirling hands. Your spine curves and arcs, twists to accommodate the motion you're making, right? Put a rigid item flat against your back and do the same exact animation. The item will clip every time if it reaches from the shoulders to the waist, which most people would want for jet packs rather than the Pocket D shoulder-boost jump-pack.
Even the basic run animation has the hips and shoulders move in slightly different directions (since that's how a human moves) and such an item would swing across the lower back, not attached at all.
All in all, it's easier said than done.
I think that it could be accounted for in the design of the packs, as Sam described, though. Even a half-height-only jet pack would be better than none at all. -
Quote:It seems to me that you could use the wings code and attachment points, and all you need is some new animations.Capes are fabric and use the in-game physics engine to collide with a player's model in order to avoid too much overlap. The Wings anchor to two specific points on the player model and scale well due to the fact that they arc away from the body, thus avoiding clipping for the most part.
There may be an anchor point. But it's one that doesn't accommodate a rigid item pressed flat against the back at different sizes which works with the various animations in the game. This is why we don't have them, yet.
A pack with folding wings (think Buzz Lightyear) would need a folded image for off, one with the wings extending for starting, one with the wings extended and fixed for flight, and one with the wings folding for landing.
A pack with no wings (or fixed wings like the Raptor Pack) would be even simpler. You'd only need the on and off images/animations, as appropriate.
You would have to make one change to the Wings code: Wings flap when you jump. You'd have to take that part out of the wings code, so the jetpack would activate only when you're actually flying/hovering.
But I must be overlooking something else, because if it was really that simple, wouldn't it have been done by now? -
Heh. I've discovered what happens when you use Energy Blast attacks near dumpsters and mailboxes. I assume Hurricane has a similar effect?
Quote:That is very, very cool! I love the way it was sucking in more leaves from the tree!I think you'll want to see this, which is what happens when you can crank physics particles to the level of "zomg! not recommended!!"
Quote:Then you don't read much of the PvP related material here in the forums. Or you have mental blinders on. Otherwise you'd know it's a problem already in the existing system.I get that PvP isn't really wanted here... but those with this view confuse me... what experiences have you had that make you think it would be THAT bad? I played WoW and Aion and never once had any of the experiences described when people whine about getting ganked or griefing. I'm sure it happens but I think it's being over exaggerated here.
This would not generate new PvPers. It would drive away non-PvPers. And it would spread the existing PvP playerbase even thinner.
What part of that is a good thing?