Free Server Transfers - FOREVER!
Infinity already lost their pvpers . No more!
Join the Advocates of Fate on Infinity today!

I theme my characters by server and used it to move one character who I decided would fit better on a different server, that's about all I've used it for myself, but I can see the value of it, for PvPers, special events and to free up slots in anticipation of GR.
It's also the best possible answer to complaints from people that their server is 'dead'.
/double signed!
Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
I would Love love love this, I only ever bought 2 server transfers before but during the period used like a dozen or more just to move toons around to free up slots and take part in other events on other servers.
Despite my opinion of the OP typically . . .
<3 Alt (sorta . . . in a "the Bible tells me so" sorta way)
Double signed
Triple SIGNED!

i'll /sign this.
I think this is a terrible idea and ...
Just kidding.
/signed for being a great idea.
okay then. Explain why it's a great idea?
Because quite frankly, it's awful. It's also been done to death in other threads before. |
2) In a similar vein, special server events. If I find that a few devs or mods are on a particular server doing something crazy, I can go transfer over a character quickly and check out the fun!
3) The likely amount of income gained from server transfers wasn't that significant, given that they gave us free transfers for a month to begin with and then even extended it.
4) It allows people to flee [insert server name here].
okay then. Explain why it's a great idea?
Because quite frankly, it's awful. It's also been done to death in other threads before. |
I'm personally ambivalent towards the idea. It would be a nice gift horse, and while I don't know how much money NCSoft usually makes with server tranfers, I don't see them being quite that generous.
Still, though, it's a better alternative to merging the servers. Not that that needs to happen, either, but we all know that MERGE THE SERVERS comes up every week or two.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
i'm all about it. Up the weekly allotment to an even 10 tran while we're at it.
I fully support this idea!
I'd sooner see them make a uni-server before just leaving server transfers perpetually open. Naming issues, Super Group status, server populations, bah humbug.
It's not like I have a reason to really complain if it happens, but it's not something I'd write out in capital letters, either.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Signed, as long as it's somehow limited. Say, you can only transfer a certain char once every 15 days/1month. And not over 2 transfers per month. The only reason why I'm signing is because it would be lovely for roleplaying meetings and pvp tourneys.
Still, I don't see this happening.
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]
Signed, as long as it's somehow limited. Say, you can only transfer a certain char once every 15 days/1month. And not over 2 transfers per month. The only reason why I'm signing is because it would be lovely for roleplaying meetings and pvp tourneys.
Still, I don't see this happening. |
I posted in Avatea's thread that I expect to see it made permanent.
If the company decides that they can afford to stop charging for the transfers and that the system can handle the workload without losing any characters then I have no objection.
Honestly it's not something I see myself using all that much (I only moved 3-4 characters to free up space on one server), but as long as it doesn't break anything, I don't much care either way.
Hmm, that reminds me - I moved one villain to Freedom to soak in that experience of being on Freedom - better move her back soon before the free transfers go away.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
It's also the best possible answer to complaints from people that their server is 'dead'.
As an EU player on Defiant, I have a choice of two English servers and two non-English speaking, so finding which server I prefer is pretty easy, the one that I can communicate with other players and the one I chose with my friends to play on.
I never got around to trying Union, and I doubt I will now as Free transfer is about to come to an end, though if it gets impemented again whether temporary or permanent I would probably give Union a go as it's supposed to be FULL of RPers and most that I have met on Defiant are there for the levels, badge accolades etc.
Okay, it was brought up in the announcement thread,
here ::
It's always worth a shot.
If you'd like to keep
Post here and/or over at the thread above.
I personally only used the free transfers to help out someone (no details will be given). I don't have many free slots at this point (got some at Christmas), and I'll be using them for certain new power sets to be released soon.
I really don't need to move characters around, but I have the feeling that some people are really liking the ability to be able to move characters for free, so let's hear what you have to say!