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  1. Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever tried to focus on +dmg bonuses? How much can you get? Is it worth it better than recharge?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    Give Blasters their crown back, please.
    Buff the damage, not the defense.
    Pretty much this. I used to love Blasters because of their absolute mad damage output and squishiness. These days I see controllers do better than Blasters. I see Scrappers and Defenders playing tanker roles. I see Empaths soloing GMs.

    The sad truth is that this game really is balanced around SOs. IOs and Incarnates completely broke that balance.

    EDIT: I'm not saying IOs and Incarnates are a bad thing. Every MMO needs evolution or people lose interest in it. However, IOs should be AT specific (with different bonuses range) in order to avoid the actual situation.
  3. False_Fiction


    Thanks Kioshi. I'm still leveling up, but I can certainly extract some ideas out of this build.
  4. False_Fiction



    Does anyone one have an up-to-date MA/EnA build? I'm OK with purples, but I'd rather avoid PvP ones.

    If I come up with a decent build I'll post it for review.

  5. So, say I'm using a Spines Scrapper with Quills, or a Storm with Hurricane toggled on. If I use Vorpal, would hurricane debuff the whole targets? Or would quills do damage to them all?

    I'm pretty sure it wouldn't, but how awesome would that be?
  6. False_Fiction

    Have yourself...

    ...a merry little christmas!
  7. False_Fiction


    Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
    Personally I don't think the OPs build is worthy of that kind of derision. If the intentions are to do level 50 content and only that, many of the above points are moot.

    I see 74% accuracy bonuses.

    1) Transfusion already has a 20% acc bonus, so it's capped as is, it will hit +3s 95% of the time.
    2) Current slotting for siphon speed is capped at 95%. Also current slotting recharges in 23.5 seconds with 1 Siphon Speed. One more rch takes that number to 20.2. I do think a recharge would be helpful.
    3) I'm 100% in agreement with this.
    4) I agree with this sentiment, but Kinetics allows for unconventional slotting of damage powers. However, the absence of this s/l def bonus would still keep the OP in the "1 purple away from soft-cap" space so Apocalypse this one up.
    5) Transference has a 10% bonus and will hit +3s 92% of the time, I would want to sneak in an Acc here, even an end mod triple io would get to 95.
    6) Fulcrum Shift definitely needs some help. As is, it will hit +3s 84% of the time, which is insufficient. One accuracy will fix that. As for how many recharges? Following is a list of # of recharge IOs and resulting recharge time. 0 - 25.81, 1 - 21.83, 2 - 19, 3 - 18.1. I'd add 1.

    Anyway, I do think there are tweaks to do, but "completely gimped"? Not at all.
    I did mention "unless you have a bunch of accuracy bonuses" Still, I was only trying to point out that it needs tweaking and it could be improved quite a bit.

    Merry xmas all.
  8. I've never seen Vorpal before. Or at least I haven't noticed anyone using it. Most people go for Ion (and man, does it look cool).

    I'm introducing myself to incarnates and working my way to Judgement. Could anyone upload a short video of Vorpal for me?

    EDIT: Found it. I wants it.
  9. False_Fiction


    I don't even know where to start to be honest. I hope someone with Mid's will pop and give you a better build because this one is completely gimped.

    1) Transfusion is NOT auto-hit. It needs accuracy or quite a bunch of accuracy bonuses
    2) Siphon Speed is a key power of Kinetics. You want it to hit all the time AND you want it to be available as soon as possible. So, 2 acc, 2/3 recharge here.
    3) Hasten could use at least one more recharge.
    4) Bitter Ice Blast should be slotted for Damage. Don't ever gimp a key power for bonuses.
    5) Transference is NOT auto-hit. 2 acc and then maybe 3 end/rech IOs.
    6) Fulcrum Shift is NOT auto-hit. 2 acc, 3 recharge is the most common slotting.

    Hope this helps a bit. Also, I'm sure if you look you'll find a better build somewhere in the forums. Even if it's outdated, it should help you out a bit.
  10. Ah! This is exactly what I was looking for. Ty muchly.
  11. I've seen it in some thread before, but my search-fu seems to be failing.

    So what I want is a Macro to combine any insps into reds, medium reds, large reds, and so on. Also delete wakeys.

    Actually, if something like this worked, it would be awesome:

    W key -> move up, combine small insps into reds
    A key -> move left, combine medium insps into reds
    D key -> move right, combine large insps into reds
    S key -> delete wakeys

    Thanks in advance.
  12. I actually find Poison to be great as it is. Especially since procs now work on PT.


    Since we're at it, I've got a few Qs:

    1) Does PT actually needs accuracy?
    2) Does PT actually affects targets' endurace?
    3) When I use Mid's, VG doesn't seem to be affected by ToHit debuff enhancements. What's the best slotting for this?
  13. TW/Fire does quite well. My bud and I run a dual farm sometimes and he deffo can keep up with my SS/Fire.

    OFF Topic:

    I seem to recall a post with insp combine macros. Can anyone point it out for me? I really could use those for red insps madness.
  14. Here's what I'd change:

    Sonic Siphon - I like it the way it is, but I always though this power should stun the target. So I'd say, add a mag 3 stun to it and increase its recharge if needed be.

    Sonic Repulsion - I'd remove this power. Or make it a Location AoE with chance of stun. Pretty much like Electric's Static Field.

    Liquefy - Decrease it's recharge (quite a bit) would make me happy enough.

    New power suggestions:

    Ode to the Fallen: Click dead team mate. PbAoE Team +Res(all), +Dmg, +ToHit (pretty much like Vengeance)

    Cheer Infusion: Single Target Ally, +Recharge, +Damage

    Battle Cry: Click. Target AoE Terrorize, -ToHit
    Battle Cry: Click. PbAoe Team +Dmg, +Recovery

    Keep in mind I'm not suggesting to add all these powers. These are alternatives to, say, Sonic Cage or Sonic Repulsion. Or even a new Tier 9, dropping Liquefy to L26 (a tweaked version).

    I also understand that my suggestions might not fit the concept of "Sonic Ressonance" entirely. Those are just some powers I'd like my Sonic to have. Dreams be dreams.
  15. I'd say Poison Trap could be a fun trick against stalkers. Maybe not so much on zones, but still.
  16. False_Fiction

    Storms and PvP

    Originally Posted by The Katalyst View Post
    I think if you are going to make a storm, you would definitely want a fender. Beyond that, you would probably want to either go storm/dark for kind of added survivability, or storm/fire if you want a damage focused secondary. I don't think storm trollers are nearly as good as they were pre-i13, while Storm fenders can still dish out some pretty good debuffs and damage, especially if you are able to land freezing rain reliably, and keep them hurricane'd and stuff.
    That's awesome news actually. My fave toon happens to be Storm/Dark You think you could put a build together for me? I'm funded, but I wouldn't want to spend 10bil on a build. Just something that would work fine.

  17. Straight to the point: would Lightning Storm's end drain be boosed if casted after PB?
  18. False_Fiction

    Storms and PvP

    Just out of curiosity, which Storm combos (both troller and defender) would you consider to do well/fine in RV?
  19. Well, my only doubt is if PT is a pulse power like Volcanic Gasses or is it like a Trip Mine (one boom and thats it).
  20. How are you folks slotting this power for PvE?
  21. If you're too worried about gimping some powers because your lacking slots, consider dropping one of those ST attacks (on which you'd spend 5 slots) and grab Grant Invis and/or Invis for a easy LoTG+Rech proc.

    I don't have mid's at work so that's about the only tip I can give for now.

    EDIT: You could actually use the bonus finder on Mid's. It might make your task easier.
  22. Hello forumites.

    Dominators are one of those classes that have always looked fun to me, but I've never bothered playing it much.

    So, I have a Fire/Earth sitting at ~L40 that I'm thinking of dusting off. I'd be interested in turning him into a solo monster (which it should be fairly easy since damage output is not an issue).

    I've been surfing through the domi forums and there aren't many recent builds regarding this combo, so I thought I'd ask someone with Domi XPerience for a few suggestions.
    Money isn't really an issue, but I'd like to stay away from PvP sets.

    I was thinking of going Ice mastery, just because sleet is that good. As for incarnates, that's something I haven't even STARTED reading/exploring about - so I'm completely clueless here.
  23. Just for the record, endgame != iTrials.

    iEnemies don't ignore defense. They do however have a bunch of +tohit, therefore the soft cap is higher (a tad over 60% iirc).

    Honestly, just soft cap for normal content and then focus on recharge. Let your support buds give you the +def you need for the trials and be happy with it.
  24. I like having TAs on a team. I just can't stand playing them.
  25. I fail to see why should we improve the only class (maybe along with Blasters) that is actually performing as it should.

    If you think about it, the game was way more balanced back in SO's days. IOs are too good and too much fun to be skipped or ignored, but it is the main reason why some ATs are losing their uniqueness and being replaced -or not so needed- by others.

    Now, I'm not saying IOs and Incarnates aren't a good thing - they are and it's the only reason why this game still lives. What I'm saying is IO's should've been made AT specific so that a Scrapper would never be as tough as a Tank; or a Controller wouldn't possibly be able to MELT +4/8 spawns this easily. And so on.