5 Year Anniversary Celebration! ~ Discussion




Was that just announcement that there was going to be an event as a whole, or did it describe the AVs/GMs being spawned everywhere and only lasting a few hours? Either way, people missed out on it and they should have this event again so everyone can partake in it.

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We were told that Chaos would happen, with opportunities for badges and merits. Which is definitely true.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



I got my email announcing this event 1 day before the event.

I would have at least expected the coh launcher/start up screen to advertise this event, and long in advance, as, this is what they normally do for events. But not so in this case.

I rarely get time to visit the forums, let alone post in them.

And the time period this event was being run, was whilst I was at work.

I criticized the lack of consideration and gave feedback suggesting they run this over a weekend, over various time windows (I am aware that a dev or NC employee has to control those spawns).

Don't label me as a 'whiner'. I have every right to feel the way I do, and post my point of view. I even gave constructive feedback. I am sure I am not the only person who feels this way.

I fall into the category of pissed off, and, hoping that they run this some time over a weekend (with more than one day's notice).

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Yeah, I wasn't whining, just pointing out that not everyone was informed about the event, or at least the people who don't lurk in the forums. With this large number of people who missed out on the festivities, the devs should be more than willing to run it again. I agree that this would be ideal as a weekend event and I will be severely upset if last night was the only time to get those badges like that.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



I had a lot of fun. I think the timing worked our well enough because even on the other side of the world, unless you have a 15 hour work day (which sucks for so many more reasons than missing out on some monsters) you had an hour or two to see the chaos. And an hour or two was all that was needed to get a few giggles and a few badges, and then get sick of the massive, massive lag.

The worst for me was a zombie attack and GMs in Atlas 1 on Virtue. Between the AE farmers and the fighters, I never knew if any of my powers were going off. Other zones were fun, even if the big fights got a little laggy - that was not.

All in all, good times. I got screenshots of Eochai dancing on top of a tram singing "I'm to Sexy for my shirt", which I will treasure (or will haunt me) for the rest of my days.

Altoholism isn't a problem, its a calling.

60+ characters, 5 years, 3 50's.



Yeah, I wasn't whining, just pointing out that not everyone was informed about the event, or at least the people who don't lurk in the forums. With this large number of people who missed out on the festivities, the devs should be more than willing to run it again. I agree that this would be ideal as a weekend event and I will be severely upset if last night was the only time to get those badges like that.

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All of the badges from last night are achievable in the game. If you want them, go get them. Go hunt GMs, go take down the arachnos patrons in RV. There are plenty of teams around doing this, I personally already had most of the badges myself.

You didn't miss anything in this event you can't otherwise get any other time.



I posted these in another thread, but several pictures from Pocket D on test:

pic 1

pic 2

pic 3

pic 4

The Dragon and cohorts were camping the hospital... I swear my poor level 50 regen scrapper never died so much in her life!

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



...I will be severely upset if last night was the only time to get those badges like that.

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No badges were given out yesterday that can't otherwise be earned in the game. Well, some cross-faction badges were awarded by mistake, but will be revoked. It was probably a lot easier to get some of the badges - the RV badges in particular - if you were on yesterday, so yes, as far as we know, it was the only way to get the badges the way we got them, but there were no badges exclusive to this event.

As for Virtue - I made sure to play on Virtue earlier in the day because I figured it would be greyed out last night. I was shocked to see that neither it nor Freedom even went red (unless they did and I missed it).

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



You know, I'm all for promotion, but come on:

From Positron's 5th anniversary address:
Speaking of Issues, I know you are chomping at the bit for any news on Issue 15. Well, I can give you the title: Anniversary. The plan is to get it on the Training Room very soon. As part of our gift to you, we are going to give ALL accounts access to the closed beta portion of the testing! That's right; EVERYONE gets into the closed beta!

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Um, if everyone has access to the closed beta; wouldn't that just make it a normal open beta?

(And BTW until issue 9 - with the notable exception of the CoV expansion testing prior to issue 6; there was NO SUCH THING as a closed beta for issues on the Training Room server); but sheesh - to say "Everyone gets access to the closed beta." is kind of a contradiction interms here.



just pointing out that not everyone was informed about the event, or at least the people who don't lurk in the forums.

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You don't have to lurk the forums. Pop in once a day, check the announcements section. Takes less than a minute. If you can manage to squeeze another minute out of your incredibly busy life, you can check the community digest as well and be even more informed. Easy as checking your e-mail.



just pointing out that not everyone was informed about the event, or at least the people who don't lurk in the forums.

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You don't have to lurk the forums. Pop in once a day, check the announcements section. Takes less than a minute. If you can manage to squeeze another minute out of your incredibly busy life, you can check the community digest as well and be even more informed. Easy as checking your e-mail.

[/ QUOTE ]

There are even RSS feeds of the digests



It sounded like lots of fun. I didn't even try getting near lagville aka Atlas on Pinnacle but I did get to see a lone Kronos Titan in Steel while flying over. Heard lots of things spawning talked about in the global channel.

At the very least I got to play my characters again and change their costumes. And my 50 kicked butt in another Rikti invasion. Always fun.

Though I hear an e-mail was sent out? I certainly didn't get one and yes, I checked my spam folder. I knew about the event because I read the forums & announcement sections. I do get the bug report/petition e-mails from NCSoft so why not the advertisement e-mails?



I am so glad I took half the day off work for this, I was on victory for about 8 hours. I made sure all my SG had plenty of notice for this with the post from Niviene on 4-23-09.

The title of the Choas Invasion was exactly what we got, and what a blast. When I 1st got home nothing was goin on then about 1 hour later all heck broke lose. I hope they do this again. Everyone getting on teams for a common goal was just like the good ole days. My lag wasn't bad but I had a hard time shooting off my powers due to so much happening on the servers(powers saying they are charged but really not).

So much fun, Thanks Devs

Please do this again.............



Was that just announcement that there was going to be an event as a whole

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It announced the event.

or did it describe the AVs/GMs being spawned everywhere and only lasting a few hours?

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It didn't specify WHAT the activities were. But they DID specify the timeframe.

As has been said. The reason this was time-limited as it was, is because you had real people at Paragon Studios custom spawning the mobs people were fighting. Keeping that going for 24-48 hours is...unrealistic.

Also, the load on the servers would have been absolutely evil.

Either way, people missed out on it

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No matter WHEN they set the event, people were going to miss out on it. Through various combinations of work, family obligations, premade plans, girlfriend/boyfriend aggro, or any of the zillion other minutae that comprise "real life", SOME group of people were going to miss part or all of the event.

and they should have this event again

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They will. Next year. See ya then!

so everyone can partake in it.

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Equity is nice and all. But stuff like this is a case of "you snooze, you lose".

Would *I* have been ticked if I'd missed it? SURE! The only reason I was able to be there for the whole thing was I'd asked about the anniversary a week-ish ago. Then I was lucky enough to be able to make plans to be there.

Otherwise I would have missed out on several hours of supreme beatdowns (both mine and my enemies'").

You now know the date for next year. Stick it on your calendar.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



You didn't miss anything in this event you can't otherwise get any other time.

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And this right here is what I saw complaints about while logged on - there were a few broadcasts of "is that it?"

I personally enjoyed it, when I wasn't lagging so badly that I couldn't get powers to fire.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



The Dragon and cohorts were camping the hospital... I swear my poor level 50 regen scrapper never died so much in her life!

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So were the Honoree triplets. And the CoT AVs. It got invaded by the Cimerorans a time or three as well.

I'd hit (Hospital), res in, and immediately fall over before I could even get ONE of my defensive toggles on.


LOL! I just looked at #4 and noticed I'm almost dead center of the pic in my monkey suit!


Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



I can post, but I can't login in-game. And yes, my username and password is correct, I reset and rechecked. I could post since April 28th noonish afternoon. But could not login. Thought today would fix that.



You didn't miss anything in this event you can't otherwise get any other time.

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And this right here is what I saw complaints about while logged on - there were a few broadcasts of "is that it?"

I personally enjoyed it, when I wasn't lagging so badly that I couldn't get powers to fire.

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Being fair I myself was a bit bored with the event on live. Many many people though seemed to love it. But it had a bit of a "meh" quality for me. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate or recognize the massive effort that went into it though, and that I do appreciate.

I myself had insane fun once I hit up test, Pocket D was true insanity. But again depends on the player. For a lot of people they never get to the see the Arachnos Patrons or Signature Heroes outside of an occasional "oh noes!" spawn in a safeguard/Mayhem mission. Likewise probably for some of the GMs, so I can completely understand the excitement.

Not complaining through, I didn't get the people whining over broadcast either. Some people have to be a party wrecker though.



I can post, but I can't login in-game. And yes, my username and password is correct, I reset and rechecked. I could post since April 28th noonish afternoon. But could not login. Thought today would fix that.

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You might want to contact nc's support about it.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



If the lag hadn't rendered me completely useless, this might have been fun. Why have these huge events and spawn multiple random GMs and AVs if the servers can't handle it?

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sounds more like your pc.

I have friends who were running on max graphical settings with a teched out computer and still getting 10-20 frames

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



I think the event was cool, it did lag me a bit, but I think I was more angry that Statesman was pimp slapping me every few seconds. =)

Quintessence: the stuff, of which, heroes are made.

Proud Member of the City of Gaymers Coalition



The lag we were experiencing last night was most definitely server side. I myself have a decent computer, but what was really killing everyone was the rubber banding and/or power lag, taking 30 seconds to recharge a power that looks like it's recharged, but still won't activate. The only trouble some people might have had with older systems was the sheer number of people in the zones and in game at one time, causing some degree of frame-rate skippage.

[Team] Nicholas Flamel: i turned my mircrowave on
[Team] Nicholas Flamel: it took me out like a sausage
Blueskin, Inc. ~ Champion
Nites of Darkness ~ Pinnacle



I got my email announcing this event 1 day before the event.

I would have at least expected the coh launcher/start up screen to advertise this event, and long in advance, as, this is what they normally do for events. But not so in this case.

I rarely get time to visit the forums, let alone post in them.

And the time period this event was being run, was whilst I was at work.

I criticized the lack of consideration and gave feedback suggesting they run this over a weekend, over various time windows (I am aware that a dev or NC employee has to control those spawns).

Don't label me as a 'whiner'. I have every right to feel the way I do, and post my point of view. I even gave constructive feedback. I am sure I am not the only person who feels this way.

I fall into the category of pissed off, and, hoping that they run this some time over a weekend (with more than one day's notice).

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Ignoring the other forms of notice.... this was an anniversary event. Of course, it will take place on the anniversary. It is not a big secret which day the anniversary occurs.

Admittedly, it would have been nice to run it on a weekend, but as you acknowledged, the spawns needed to have an element of control by a dev. Though it may have inconvenienced you, the player in Australia to miss out on this.... it would inconvenience them, the developers to work a weekend, likely, they are salaried employees and would do so without getting paid. I would imagine it would be a greater inconvenience to have you pay their overtime.

Thank you, Champion.



what's wrong w/ Eastern Standard Time? afaik...television programming commonly uses that...

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Because the country (most of it) isn't ON Eastern Standard Time right now. It's Eastern DAYLIGHT Time.

When the rest of the country is on EST, Arizona is 2 hours behind. When it's EDT, we're 3 hours. To the few million of us here, it matters quite a bit. And it's easy enough to get it right.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



...why? Go read the Announcements section, loads and loads of publicity on this event, the new studio name, the Steam launch... Same goes for the COH front page.

Not Marketing's fault if, you know, you didn't read it.

[/ QUOTE ]Not to mention the e-mails they sent out...

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Which I didn't get.

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check your junk mail? or have a email address listed w/ them?



If the lag hadn't rendered me completely useless, this might have been fun. Why have these huge events and spawn multiple random GMs and AVs if the servers can't handle it?

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sounds more like your pc.

I have friends who were running on max graphical settings with a teched out computer and still getting 10-20 frames

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10-20 frames? Your saying that's good? Look, my rig is awesome, my connection is super fast. I run on max settings always and never experirnce lag.....except when there is any kind of special event or release. When you start rubber banding and your powers won't work even though they are recharged, it's server side. It's not like this is new. Freedom is thier most popular server, and yet 5 years in every special occasion is a lagfest. It's just old and lame.