5 Year Anniversary Celebration! ~ Discussion




edit: huzaa! only took me two years to get Uppercut and Blackguard on my NB/Regen



Back alley brawler just spawned..4 kronos titans, 6 adamastors, 5 babbages, Honoree, hro-dothz, Lusca, and a rikti raid among other things in Infinity Atlas.


Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



This just in! Comm Officers forming a PROTEST LINE outside the Infinity AE Atlas building.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Back alley brawler just spawned..4 kronos titans, 6 adamastors, 5 babbages, Honoree, hro-dothz, Lusca, and a rikti raid among other things in Infinity Atlas.


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lolz heard BABs signed into Infinity AP and said "hello Virtue" >.>



Back alley brawler just spawned..4 kronos titans, 6 adamastors, 5 babbages, Honoree, hro-dothz, Lusca, and a rikti raid among other things in Infinity Atlas.


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lolz heard BABs signed into Infinity AP and said "hello Virtue" >.>

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Now that's cool. He was greeting two servers at once!

I <3 BABs!

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Back alley brawler just spawned..4 kronos titans, 6 adamastors, 5 babbages, Honoree, hro-dothz, Lusca, and a rikti raid among other things in Infinity Atlas.


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lolz heard BABs signed into Infinity AP and said "hello Virtue" >.>

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he did. we all had a good laugh out of it.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



This just in! Comm Officers forming a PROTEST LINE outside the Infinity AE Atlas building.

[/ QUOTE ]


Got a screen of that?



I suggest we have the GM event every CoH and CoV anniversary. If the devs decide to make it like the Rikti Invasion and Zombie events, then its all good.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



This just in! Comm Officers forming a PROTEST LINE outside the Infinity AE Atlas building.

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Got a screen of that?

[/ QUOTE ]

yes actually. Multiple ones. I'll post what i had shortly.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



This event was a disappointment. I log in around 3pm pst and ask what's up. People say GMs and AVs are spawning. I think cool. Eochai and Jack spawn in Talos and my character gets the badges. (We had a full team. No lag).

I switch to my badger and things seem to have stopped in Talos. People camp out on the hill by the tram but nothing is happening. I check a few zones, do a mission, and nothing in broadcast.

There are zombies and I fought rikti so things look better. I don't feel like sitting around Miss Liberty waiting so I quit my team and do a mission.

I come out of my mission and Atlas has that Rikti Invasion look. Lots of people by Miss Liberty but nothing happening.

I go to Steel Canyon and, whoa, there's 3 Winterlords near the Mutant store. I join a team and we defeat them and get merits and badges. Cool. We defeat Babbage and don't get a badge.

The team goes to Atlas and things pick up and then slow down due to horrendous lag. For 90 minutes or so we stand around waiting for our attacks to fire. We help defeat 7 plus GMs/Avs and get credit/badges for 2! (Part of the problem was the team split into two fights that were close by).

I finally get the badges for Scirrocco and Ghost Widow and the "thank you/goodnight" message from Ghost Falcon comes on.

Some balance would have been nice. Hours of nothing followed by lag wasn't nice. It would have been better if GMs/AVs were reported in the events channel.

Some people will be raving about the event. I'll just go back to playing in the MA and doing missions. If you see a GM/AV send it my way...sans lag.



Well I'm one of those raving about it. I had a blast, and it truly felt like an epic comic event



Well I'm one of those raving about it. I had a blast, and it truly felt like an epic comic event

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same. if nothing else BaB's appearance and those screanshots I got are epic win enough.

that and I have a lvl 10 scrapper with 4 Recluse Victory badges.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Well that was nifty.



Awww, no one came to Protector doing that, unless Ghost Falcon spawned the 20-30 odd kronoses under the bridge to Steel...

This was a FANTASTIC event. For folks who kept missing things, are you on any good Global channels? That's the best way to keep up, since not everyone will be in the same zone and they can give heads up on stuff.

In atlas on protector we were hitting Kronoses until the bitter end, I've never SEEN so many of them... it was pretty darn awesome. I got a buttload of badges, though I am a bit disappointed that we didn't really get any halloween stuff - I didn't see Jack or Eo anywhere, at least not in steel or atlas the whole time.

Fighting Recluse and a huge mob of Spiders and then suddenly having the sky go green for a rikti invasion = precious

SO much fun. Devs, let's do this again some time. Say, around this time next year?

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Okay, carnage. Carnage. MOAR CARNAGE!

133 Pics Here for Test's Pocket D and Protector.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Came in at 11:00 AM for a couple of hours, got a couple of badges almost right off the bat. Got DC'd a couple of times, and after awhile I decided to take a break mid-afternoon to do some household chores.

Came back online about just before 8:00 PM, and was a bit dissapointed with Posi's 'message'. It was pretty much 90-95% of what we had already read on the forums - although I can understand it being for those players who don't read the forums. A couple more DC's for me, but I stayed on until the end message.

For my part, I stayed on with All-American Teen on Liberty for the entire event. I might have switched over to Grey Whisper - my first ever toon here - but wanted to finally nail down the badge for Ghost Widow.

(I know for certain that three previous times I faced her I had connected, but I think it was a case of the rest of my team being distracted two or even three ways with other AVs/EBs.)

As others here have said, lag was horrendous in AP - and most everywhere else was a ghost town. (Although I did anchor a team against the Rikti in Talos late in the evening.)

The most interesting thing I saw was at the top of Atlas' statue after we had defeated The Clockwork King. Once defeated, instead of keeling over, he starts dancing.

And by the end of the evening, we were pretty much running around City Hall en masse, moving from one spawn group to the next. I started thinking, "Oh great, it's almost like we're running some sort of COH 'Indy 500'." - well, except that we were running clockwise instead of counter-clockwise.

All in all, I enjoyed it. I got nearly another dozen badges, got to talk with some new people between spawns, and think I may have gotten my RL friend another MA badge when I ran the remnants of one team through his shortest arc. I'll have to remember to get a pic of Teen with her snazzy anniversary title tomorrow.

Global: @All-American Teen
70 toons across 11 servers.

Top hero -All-American Teen lvl 50 eng/invul Tanker (01:10 EST; 1/24/09)
Top villian -Poisoned Plum lvl 30 robots/devices Mastermind



I think most of Triumph just loved this event.
A big Heck yeah to the people controlling the spawning.
Everyone was getting a kick out of me shouting out for something to spawn, and BAM! they drop out of the sky.

You guys really outdid yourselves, and, hope that you guys do this again sometime.



This is the worst publicised event EVER ! You haven't even updated the web based info start-up messages. Only the die hard zealots that lurk in the boards even know it's happening.

Why don't you update the web intro screen and while your at it you could tell people you have fixed the SG bases so they might use them again.

I'm sure the rest of the community would love to know.

P.S. I'd get a new marketing team if I were you.



...why? Go read the Announcements section, loads and loads of publicity on this event, the new studio name, the Steam launch... Same goes for the COH front page.

Not Marketing's fault if, you know, you didn't read it.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Of course then there is your use of EST, when the 'real world' East coast is on EDT right now.

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That's a pet peeve of mine. One could always say just "Eastern time" or "ET" and be safe, but people throw in the S and then it's wrong.



what's wrong w/ Eastern Standard Time? afaik...television programming commonly uses that...



The fun was intense at Guardian...

We had mass attacks of GMs and AV/Heroes on all areas...

My villains had sooo much fun kicking Positron...

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



...why? Go read the Announcements section, loads and loads of publicity on this event, the new studio name, the Steam launch... Same goes for the COH front page.

Not Marketing's fault if, you know, you didn't read it.

[/ QUOTE ]Not to mention the e-mails they sent out...