5 Year Anniversary Celebration! ~ Discussion




You got to see a lot of stuff on test that you would rarely (or never) see live.

The Nemesis Mole Machine.

All the Longbow-skinned "Corruptor", "Dominator", etc models.

I could go on...

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I rubber-banded a little. MOST of what annoyed me was the "lazy trays", where the button/shields wouldn't size-cycle properly due to all the action in-game.

And it didn't change if you lowered the detail or resolution either.

I'm sitting on a 2.5Ghz C2 Quad with 8GB of RAM, hard drives with 32MB caches, and a GTX260. During Rikti and zombie raids, I get just enough server lag that "/target_enemy_near" grabs foes that haven't "beamed" in yet but zero frame droppage.

Fighting in the midst of 6 Kronos Titans, a few dozen Zeus Titans, and a horde of sappers and Quantums only caused rare frame-skips.

I actually found that it was during quiet times that my client seem to want to loop-crash (frame freezes and a short part of the sound-byte loops infinitely until you get the report dialog or manually shut the process down.

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I actually found that it was during quiet times that my client seem to want to loop-crash (frame freezes and a short part of the sound-byte loops infinitely until you get the report dialog or manually shut the process down.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've gotten this a lot since Architect came out.




Ignoring the other forms of notice.... this was an anniversary event. Of course, it will take place on the anniversary. It is not a big secret which day the anniversary occurs.

Admittedly, it would have been nice to run it on a weekend, but as you acknowledged, the spawns needed to have an element of control by a dev. Though it may have inconvenienced you, the player in Australia to miss out on this.... it would inconvenience them, the developers to work a weekend, likely, they are salaried employees and would do so without getting paid. I would imagine it would be a greater inconvenience to have you pay their overtime.

[/ QUOTE ]

When did I ignore other forms of notice? I already said I rarely get time to visit the forums, that does NOT constitute ignorance.
Unlike some people, I do NOT have access to the internet from work. I have to use my home PC for this luxury.

I try to visit the forums once a week.

Unlike some people, I do not walk around with my personal computer strapped to my rump, fervently waiting for the next big news about COH to enlighten my life. I actually work long hours, have a real life to live, and responsibilities that leave me very little time to enjoy the pleasures of my heroes, and with what little time i do have, I spend it actually PLAYING and not lurking in the forums.

I already said that the coh launcher has always been used to announce events, and was not used this time. I also said that playNC sent me the announcement email ONE DAY before the bloody event. The fact that they sent this email to others a week in advance and myself less than a day in advance was unfair.

They could have just done the same thing as the scheduled rikti raids, and announce various week days that the event takes place with varying hours, so at least a greater portion of the player base might get a chance to enjoy the event.
They could run one at the time that they start work, and in the last hour before they finish work, that way those on the other side of the planet might somehow be able to join in the fun.

And no, I do not have the CoH anniversary tatooed on my forehead nor fondly scrawled in my diary. I had no idea when it was happening. And yes, I have been around for years. I never paid attention to the anniversaries in the past, as there never was an event tied to it in the years I've been playing.

I know how this sounds, but after reading pages of "gee this was awesome" and then being patronized back with "you didn't miss out on anything spectacular or anything else you can achieve in game", of course I am going to be pissed off.

It's like there was a fun party with all the cool devs, and they only invited the USA and told the other half of the planet to bugger off. The events always revolve around what suits the USA, and I do understand a large chunk of the player base lives there along with all the devs; but they have always made efforts in the past to include more time windows and dates for such events. Having to log in at 4am or take leave from work to play a game is sadly not possible for me.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



I try to visit the forums once a week.

[/ QUOTE ]So then you missed the announcement of the festivites last week?

Unlike some people, I do not walk around with my personal computer strapped to my rump, fervently waiting for the next big news about COH to enlighten my life. I actually work long hours, have a real life to live, and responsibilities that leave me very little time to enjoy the pleasures of my heroes, and with what little time i do have, I spend it actually PLAYING and not lurking in the forums.

[/ QUOTE ]Get off your high horse. You're not the only one with responsibilities, a job, and all that. But plenty of people managed to take the 10 seconds it takes to check the announcements, or the City main page, to see if anything new had been announced.

I already said that the coh launcher has always been used to announce events, and was not used this time.

[/ QUOTE ]And what if it was? You'd just be complaining about that, too. "They put it in the launcher, but they only did it 1 day before! DEVS HAET AUSTRALIA!"

They could have just done the same thing as the scheduled rikti raids, and announce various week days that the event takes place with varying hours, so at least a greater portion of the player base might get a chance to enjoy the event.

[/ QUOTE ]And how would that make it an Anniversary event?

They could run one at the time that they start work, and in the last hour before they finish work, that way those on the other side of the planet might somehow be able to join in the fun.

[/ QUOTE ]So...approximately the same exact time the event ran. What's your complaint again?

It's like there was a fun party with all the cool devs, and they only invited the USA and told the other half of the planet to bugger off. The events always revolve around what suits the USA, and I do understand a large chunk of the player base lives there along with all the devs; but they have always made efforts in the past to include more time windows and dates for such events. Having to log in at 4am or take leave from work to play a game is sadly not possible for me.

[/ QUOTE ]Did you miss the people in this thread from non-USA countries that said they attended? It lasted for 13 hours. Unless you have an especially long workday, there would be opportunity for you to take part no matter where in the world you lived, if you really wanted to. And you know what? People all over the world *did* take part.



I try to visit the forums once a week.

[/ QUOTE ]So then you missed the announcement of the festivites last week?

[/ QUOTE ]I did not see anything about the event on my previous visit to the forums, otherwise I would NOT be in this situation

Unlike some people, I do not walk around with my personal computer strapped to my rump, fervently waiting for the next big news about COH to enlighten my life. I actually work long hours, have a real life to live, and responsibilities that leave me very little time to enjoy the pleasures of my heroes, and with what little time i do have, I spend it actually PLAYING and not lurking in the forums.

[/ QUOTE ]Get off your high horse. You're not the only one with responsibilities, a job, and all that. But plenty of people managed to take the 10 seconds it takes to check the announcements, or the City main page, to see if anything new had been announced.

[/ QUOTE ]Way to go using insults *clappity clappity*. No high horse here. Was trying to describe that I do not visit the forums as fervently as other players do. And this is the ONLY forum I have ever used and ever posted on, if that gives you an idea. You have no idea what responsibilities and problems I have in my life, so don't try to trivialise my situation in comparison with your own/others. Also, it takes me more than 10 seconds to open the forums, then about half an hour to skim through the latest posts and hot topics. I am NOT a forum guru, I still struggle using the damned thing. Take a look at when I registered and the number of posts I have made. There are people who joined after me with an extra 2 digits to that number. SO do not assume that I have the same forum knowledge as you. I know other players in game who have NOT registered on the forums yet either. But I'm sure you would just pooh-pooh that concept also.

I already said that the coh launcher has always been used to announce events, and was not used this time.

[/ QUOTE ]And what if it was? You'd just be complaining about that, too. "They put it in the launcher, but they only did it 1 day before! DEVS HAET AUSTRALIA!"

[/ QUOTE ]Oh nice one. This shows how constructive and polite you can be. I'm pretty sure that I read somewhere, that the forums are intended for constructive criticism, and not flamers or trolls. Here is something constructive - at least if they had put the message in the launcher (like they do with EVERY other event), I would have known it was coming up and could have made arrangements to somehow get time to be involved in the event, and, my friends would also have known about it too (and they also missed out). Oh and the part about Australia? Do you seem to have trouble comprehending, that we are 12 hours behind you? Therefore, a lot of this time is in our midnight hours, followed by day break and people going to work? Can you not see why I am frustrated by this? Every other event is always scheduled over windows of time periods to allow greater flexibility for people to be involved.

They could have just done the same thing as the scheduled rikti raids, and announce various week days that the event takes place with varying hours, so at least a greater portion of the player base might get a chance to enjoy the event.

[/ QUOTE ]And how would that make it an Anniversary event?

[/ QUOTE ]If that is your rational, then they better remove the anniversary badge as it is no longer the anniversary. Oh wait -- you can get the badge for a whole month. How is the event any different? Your argument lacks substance. While you're at it, go back in time and remove all five anniversary badges from characters that were not logged on the specific day of the respective anniversaries. Then your argument will mean something to me.

They could run one at the time that they start work, and in the last hour before they finish work, that way those on the other side of the planet might somehow be able to join in the fun.

[/ QUOTE ]So...approximately the same exact time the event ran. What's your complaint again?

[/ QUOTE ]I must apologise in this instance, I did not explain myself fully. I was hoping for something like split-shifts of the devs, and so that there was a definite zone event in the very first hour and last hour (as players had been complaining of nothing happening during certain periods of the 13 horus). If I had KNOWN the event was being run in advance, and got some time off to attend, I would have been ONLINE for either the first or last hour. Does that make sense now?

It's like there was a fun party with all the cool devs, and they only invited the USA and told the other half of the planet to bugger off. The events always revolve around what suits the USA, and I do understand a large chunk of the player base lives there along with all the devs; but they have always made efforts in the past to include more time windows and dates for such events. Having to log in at 4am or take leave from work to play a game is sadly not possible for me.

[/ QUOTE ]Did you miss the people in this thread from non-USA countries that said they attended? It lasted for 13 hours. Unless you have an especially long workday, there would be opportunity for you to take part no matter where in the world you lived, if you really wanted to. And you know what? People all over the world *did* take part.

[/ QUOTE ]At the time that I first posted, I did not see a single Aussie player post on attending the event, but then, I didn't read every single thread in the announcements section either. Not that it matters, as I was stating how I feel. But I'm sure some Ozzies got into the fun, not everyone was working on that day I guess. I'm pretty sure a lot of players took time off work for this, as they knew it was happening. And I'll repeat again, my email turned up ONE day before, and I was NOT able to get time off at such short notice. If I had not turned up for work, I face losing my job. As much as I enjoy this game, it is NOT worth losing my job over. And for the record, I work a 12 hour day, and half hour drive each way to/fro from work.

[/ QUOTE ]

And I am still upset that I missed this event.
I really hope that the devs run this again when more players can be involved, and send me the email one week in advance this time

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Unlike some people, I do not walk around with my personal computer strapped to my rump, fervently waiting for the next big news about COH to enlighten my life. I actually work long hours, have a real life to live, and responsibilities that leave me very little time to enjoy the pleasures of my heroes, and with what little time i do have, I spend it actually PLAYING and not lurking in the forums.

[/ QUOTE ]Get off your high horse. You're not the only one with responsibilities, a job, and all that. But plenty of people managed to take the 10 seconds it takes to check the announcements, or the City main page, to see if anything new had been announced.

[/ QUOTE ]Way to go using insults *clappity clappity*. No high horse here. Was trying to describe that I do not visit the forums as fervently as other players do. And this is the ONLY forum I have ever used and ever posted on, if that gives you an idea. You have no idea what responsibilities and problems I have in my life, so don't try to trivialise my situation in comparison with your own/others. Also, it takes me more than 10 seconds to open the forums, then about half an hour to skim through the latest posts and hot topics. I am NOT a forum guru, I still struggle using the damned thing. Take a look at when I registered and the number of posts I have made. There are people who joined after me with an extra 2 digits to that number. SO do not assume that I have the same forum knowledge as you. I know other players in game who have NOT registered on the forums yet either. But I'm sure you would just pooh-pooh that concept also.

[/ QUOTE ]Wow, if you didn't see the way you phrased that as "being on a high horse", you're pretty much clueless about social norms. Seriously, you can't [censored] about someone being less than polite if you weren't polite to begin with.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Okay, so here's my guess for the Issue 15 event to celebrate the 5 Year Anniversary...

Issue 15 is going to be called "Anniversary"...

There has been construction work going on all over Paragon City and the Rogue Isles on large steel-framework structures.

Some rumors early on implied these could be launch platforms for the rockets that would allow Moon Base mission access...

July 20, 2009 is the 40th Anniversary of the greatest event in the history of mankind, the first moon landing...


Wouldn;t it be cool IF Issue 15 "launched" on July 20 with access to new mission content on the Moon?

Well, ***I*** think it woud be REALLY cool!


If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



as shown here i haven't been able to play the game at all since you launched the event for this. worst idea evar. please roll back whatever garbage changes were put in for it because they fail.

Debt is temporary, prestige is forever

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