5 Year Anniversary Celebration! ~ Discussion




what's wrong w/ Eastern Standard Time? afaik...television programming commonly uses that...

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Because people are anal. We're currently in Eastern Daylight Time.

Thank you, Champion.



Its funny that people are complaining about how long the initial event would last (13 hours), in my humble opinion I think people would complain that the event didnt last long enough even if it had gone for 24 hours. Heck people complained that the Halloween event only lasted a week and they didnt have time to get all the shinies.

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



I was on Freedom -and had a great time - I was only on about 2 hours in total ayesterday - but I got to see captain mako twice, lord recluse, ghost widow, Several winterlords, a ritki invasion, and a number of Kronos. I had a great time, the only thing I could never seem to land was a Party title- but maybe a dev will take pity on me over the next few days.



Let me say this, I have been playing this game (And all my others since 97) since beta in 2004, on dial-up...
I got disconnected and or game freeze at least 30 times on the red side yesterday, but I still managed to get 12 badges I needed.
I couldn't even play the blue side because of the overwhelming lag for me on a land line.
But guess what, I still loved the event! and I cant say a bad thing about it.



well i got on pinnacle and had mostly a good time,was able to get the pvp badges in atlas on my 4.5 year old semi retired emp/psi def,after ED she was retired and most of my badge hunt has gone by the wayside,without worrying about griefers, and the power reduction in pvp zones ,fighting the AVs was fun,was able to get teh villian versions on my 2nd oldest villian a stalker,some players were not happy due to it made getting MA team harder(1 day event vs many, a no brainer), the only real complaint I hear was it was a weekday, and some players who can only play weekends had to miss out.seemed like in AP it was raining vilians at times we have multiple copies of LR and the gang by Ms liberity, yet we had to do a multi zone hunt for statesman and crowd, finaly found them all on top of the radio tower or ontop of the pymarmd, talk about a slide show, all the aoe and stuff, clicking was almost impossible,there were less villians so it was a bit eaiser to get badges, i had to help defeat sirrocco 5 times to get the 10% needed for the badge as all the villians were swamped in AP by 80+ heros

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



Back alley brawler just spawned..4 kronos titans, 6 adamastors, 5 babbages, Honoree, hro-dothz, Lusca, and a rikti raid among other things in Infinity Atlas.


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lolz heard BABs signed into Infinity AP and said "hello Virtue" >.>

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Now that's cool. He was greeting two servers at once!

I <3 BABs!

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Or maybe he was just dizzy from all that dancing.



Guardian was NUTS durning this *chuckles* LR came out and randomly killed people, Hero's EVERYWHERE In Cap. GM wise saw the WinterLord...normally five at a time! Jack in Irons was coming in threes or more. Cabal was buzzing about. The Flier made a few apperances in Grand.
Best part was Cap some how got STUCK in a permeant Rikti Raid. Two ships, one in each south corner, got stuck in the blue end of map walls. Was funny as all heck! They sat there bombing the heck out of the wall for no reason.

Heard Hero side was just as insane, though Villian side owes thier end of day insaninees to Mod 8. Thanks man you made it great!

Ruthia Dascht >Co-Founder of Garden of Thorns VG on Guardian. Lvl 50 Energy/Cold Corr



...why? Go read the Announcements section, loads and loads of publicity on this event, the new studio name, the Steam launch... Same goes for the COH front page.

Not Marketing's fault if, you know, you didn't read it.

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See ! Zealots read these post. The game intro screen should be update to point your average player here



Had a GREAT time on Test last night in Pocket D. Probably about 100 toons, lots of Devs, and an all out AV/GM slug-fest on the dance floor. It was quite something to see a giant squid rise up out of the dance floor and 3-4 drop ships flying around Pocket D. Can I make a suggestion to make the Test Pocket D AV/GM slug fest a regular event, like once a month or so?



...why? Go read the Announcements section, loads and loads of publicity on this event, the new studio name, the Steam launch... Same goes for the COH front page.

Not Marketing's fault if, you know, you didn't read it.

[/ QUOTE ]Not to mention the e-mails they sent out...

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Which I didn't get.



If the lag hadn't rendered me completely useless, this might have been fun. Why have these huge events and spawn multiple random GMs and AVs if the servers can't handle it?



...why? Go read the Announcements section, loads and loads of publicity on this event, the new studio name, the Steam launch... Same goes for the COH front page.

Not Marketing's fault if, you know, you didn't read it.

[/ QUOTE ]Not to mention the e-mails they sent out...

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Which I didn't get.

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What e-mails? nobody I know got one



I had a great time, the only thing I could never seem to land was a Party title- but maybe a dev will take pity on me over the next few days.

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Same. Watched nearly everyone around me get it, but not me Same every year. The Devs have it out fer meh!!! No party title fer joo!!!


Beware the Woods at Night.
Miles to go and Skies to Fly!



I had a blast yesterday. I only played on two toons - my red and blue badge toons. I picked up 10 badges redside (Virtue) and 14 blueside (Guardian), as well as getting yellow titles for both.

While I can't say positively that I saw any of the Devs online, it's cool to know they were hanging around. At one point in SC on Guardian I was getting sick of fighting only Kronos titans and DE giant monsters, so I said, "I wish something different - like Winter Lords - would spawn."

Within a few minutes there were half a dozen WL wreaking havoc in the zone. THAT was awesome! I don't if that was a result of my comment, but in retrospect I wish I'd asked for a pony instead.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



This was poorly announced (not enough notice) and running it on a weekday was pretty stupid.

Not all of us live in the USA, some of us live on the OTHER side of the globe.

I could not participate in this, as, during this 13 hours I was at work.

Very dissapointed. Great to see that anyone outside of the US and with a job is so easily ignored.

It would have been better for customer satisfaction to run this over a weekend, announcing in advance the specific time frame/windows that the zone events would take place. Then players would have a better chance to get involved.

I am bitterly disspointed by the lack of consideration for players real-life commitments/situations.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Its funny that people are complaining about how long the initial event would last (13 hours), in my humble opinion I think people would complain that the event didnt last long enough even if it had gone for 24 hours. Heck people complained that the Halloween event only lasted a week and they didnt have time to get all the shinies.

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At least it would have given the rest of the world a chance !



While I can't say positively that I saw any of the Devs online

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I saw Sunstorm on Victory redside near the end of the event. He spawned about 50 Rikti Monkeys which killed me and then crashed me to my Desktop. It was awesome! The Devs seemed to be having fun with their new "Make the players crash" button.



Thank you, Paragon Studios. I had a blast yesterday, collecting an assortment of badges and fighting herds of AVs and GMs at the same time. I even (temporarily) collected Pumpkin King on my badge Mastermind (got screenshots!), and Sandblasted on a level 1 Scrapper!

Happy 5th Annivesary, City of Heroes, from a 4 year veteran.

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City of Heroes LiveJournal community.
Friendly, helpful and surprisingly light on the drama.

Save our game Master post.



Absolutely amazing fun event. Point of Balance hasn't had that much debt in a long, long time. I was hanging out in Virtue, and things got particularly crazy in PI near the end. On the arena's roof--12 GMs circling the edge and Recluse in the middle.

I will agree that the event would have been better during a Saturday. I suspect it's incredibly labor-intensive (not just flipping a switch) so a workday was easier to get all of their employees to do it.

Absolutely incredible!

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



I managed to be here during most of the event. I was on the test server mostly, though. The D was much more awesome than atlas on many levels. I did hop live though, got some badges. Good times to be had.
I'm really lucky I was able to participate though; if bossman wasn't easy going than I couldn't be here. I understand a lot of people weren't so lucky for this and various reasons, which sucks.

Celtech Main Site
My DA Profile



The event itself was fun, at least for the hour I was able to be on. The problem is that it wasn't announced in advance and it didn't last nearly long enough. Hope our wonderful devs give more people a chance to take part in the event, because if that was just a one night thing, a whole lot of people are going to be upset.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



I was on virtue for a little while last night. I would have liked to take part, but OMG the lag..It was almost nothing but slide show, and I'm running a brand new GEForce 9600 card.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Was that just announcement that there was going to be an event as a whole, or did it describe the AVs/GMs being spawned everywhere and only lasting a few hours? Either way, people missed out on it and they should have this event again so everyone can partake in it.


- Dawnshift (50 Peacebringer/Virtue)



Was that just announcement that there was going to be an event as a whole, or did it describe the AVs/GMs being spawned everywhere and only lasting a few hours? Either way, people missed out on it and they should have this event again so everyone can partake in it.

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I don't think you people realize this event actually meant devs are custom spawning these critters. They weren't scripts or other items going off, real live people were sitting on the other end dropping doom.

This was announced five days prior, thats plenty of time. I personally was able to participate long after I got home from work. I was on test hanging out with Positron and Mynx till almost 2 AM EDT.

So I'm glad the devs did this, I hope they had as much fun as we did, and I'm grateful. I didn't really get to experience the events on the live services due to the lag. But I still appreciate it and their time.

Even if I hadn't made it I wouldn't be whining about missing it because I had to work or didn't bother checking the events announcements.