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  1. To be fair. How on earth do you manage to not outlevel a zone in praetoria before reaching a morality mission when grouped?

    The last group I was in we had so many mobs per mission we could barely finish an arc or two without shooting right past a zone unless we turned off exp on the leader.
  2. Reporting for duty!

    We shall arrest Golden Girl and her evil Terrorist friends!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
    Tunnel Rat seems to have built up a 'best NPC eva!' status during Closed Beta. Probably because she's funny, quirky and slightly nerdy.

    Though there are some sections that the Praetorian version of Penelope Yin is the best one...

    I think we should just give them their own show as a comedy pairing.
    They are both hilarious arcs. About the only one to compare in the Loyalist Responsibility path I can remember being as funny was iVY's arc, mostly because of the random reprogrammed clockwork that are constantly calling Neuron various names.
  4. Incidentally, Belladonna and Tunnel Rat = Best resistance npcs.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The truth is never a lie
    Perhaps so, but neither side is telling the whole truth :3
  6. Leave it to GG even in a topic like this to spout her pro-terrorist lies about Emperor Cole :P

    Nice pics though.
  7. Having this same issue myself.
  8. Cavatina

    So... Stalkers.

    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post

    I am so doing this on my hero stalker when GR goes live.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JDub View Post
    It's funny, I brought up this idea as a different option for travel in a Suggestions and Ideas thread about 3 or 4 months ago. My idea was to have a travel power that had run speed faster than sprint, but slower than super speed and also had more jump boost than combat jumping but less than super jump....all in one power with new run/jump animations for the more "natural" type of characters.

    This idea was met with 3 or 4 pages of trolls telling me how stupid I was was and the idea was idiotic. Well....just wanted to say HA HA BITE ME!

    Thank you.
    One problem.

    Champions Online beat you to the idea by 5-6 months
  10. I didnt even know this was going on till I got a PM about it ingame on my arc ratings. I uh..o.O. Didnt expect my arc to be this popular?

    well, I'll make a valiant effort of trying some of these other arcs!
  11. Aw. But its funny when people give me negative rep for such hilarious reasons as telling me that I roleplay on CoH or play WoW on the side are bad. and I quote. "A strong argument can be made that roleplayers ruin Pocket D for everyone. RPers are a blight on the game." or "If you like WoW so much, go play it and @#$% off our forums"
  12. Cavatina

    Nice Job, Devs.

    Originally Posted by prae View Post
    First two characters I did the event on, I was on a team of 4-5, got all six badges (four banners, GM and "everything") in a single go.
    Good to know. I've done the event 4 times on my main. Havent seen a single badge yet from any of it.
  13. Cavatina

    Nice Job, Devs.

    Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
    Gee I got the badges on my team of two...


    point of clarification I mean banner badges...not the real GM badgey
    I havent. I've attacked the banners on all sorts of teams. never gotten a single badge.


    so I've given up.
  14. Huh. I was supposed to nominate my own arc? Oh well. too late now.
  15. Cavatina

    Nice Job, Devs.

    Originally Posted by Vega View Post
    I really like the new wrinkles added to the Halloween event. It's pretty cool!

    I hate the new event.

    The banners con as GMs for badge credit apparently so if you dont have a team of 8 you plain wont get badges from it .

    Needless to say I dont even bother showing up to the zone anymore because I always end up on a team of 3.

    Its far less fun when you show up to every single ******* ******* stupid-*** banner, help take them down, and get NOTHING for it all 4 times while desperately asking for a team only to realize theyre all full.

  16. Cavatina

    Can MA be saved?

    Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
    We are past the fad now. Past the exploitation as well. I expect that the people who like to play new content and people who like to be creative will slowly return to the AE.

    Good xp is one thing, but I care more about new and interesting stories and I am not the only one. Maybe in time it will grow popular again for the proper reasons. One thing that might help is when we create some 'eventlike' things we can do with the AE and then promote it of course.

    Like a few Halloween themed arcs next month.
    Proper reasons my ***. I love a good story as much as anyone, but given the constraints of storywriting the small amount of text we get is, I sure as hell dont give a **** if I cant gain xp while doing it.

    as an aside also about reviewers, as any seasoned Art or English major will tell you, criticism isnt your enemy, its your friend. Critiques serve not to tear your work apart, but to give you ideas on problem areas you can work to make better.
    If people are being discouraged simply because someone found flaws in their work and stated as much after submitting it for review, they need to get thicker skin or the ability to divorce themselves emotionally from their work, or else they'll never be a good author.
  17. My first 50 (Earth/Thermal Controller) who I always envisioned as being someone who controlled heat, rock, and Lava, finally has a lava skin for her earth control powers. I am Teh pleased.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tayla Ewa View Post
    On Virtue yesterday, I was running through Atlas to a mish and I saw in broadcast..

    "Sewer team forming- 4 spots"

    It made me smile since it'd been forever since I'd seen a sewer team form. Guess people are starting to trickle back to the real game.
    so in other words theyre back to farming the sewers and those boring as all **** radio missions for exp? :P
  19. Cavatina

    Farmers Adapt.

    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Very well put.

    Not really. Farmers will always farm. its what they find fun, and the devs wont exactly stop them. All the devs watch out for is abusive ways of taking advantage oif it. Though their current fix reeks of bill roper boat-ism imo.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    You're crazy!

    But seriously it would suck to win so much that I would have to hire people to manage the money given how many professional athletes find themselves ripped off years later by money managers so I would also have to go to school to learn how to do those things myself so I wouldn't have to rely on others.
    Seriously. if I won that much money I'd throw most of it in a bank and pay my way through the finest art colleges I could find xD
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xyzyx View Post
    Nothing to see here...just another example of how farming never effects regular game play.
    Last I checked most farmers used maniacs.

    This is more a case of "morons who think radio missions are awesome" causing a problem if anyone. :P
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    I imagine that there are some number that do but in general you're correct. Marketeering high-end recipes is a moderately risky and long term strategy. While each one can sell for a decent profit the time required to sell can be quite long so in my opinion the actual profit on a slot/time basis is lower than a lot of other items. Plus the fact that purples are so visible means that there's more competition.
    Pretty much. Theres far better speed in generic or orange rarity IOs on money
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    Seriously. I'm happy crafting and selling. BUT...

    I decided I wanted to make a little money on another server that I never play on. My highest character there is level 14 and is not rich. I'm in no position to buy a 10-pack of a favorite recipe, salvage, craft and sell.. I need to raise a little capital first. So what's easier than buying some popular salvage for a low price and selling high?

    This worked well the first night and I put in a lot more bids for stuff, including some recipes.

    Tonight I logged in. While I paused to read something on the forums, I purchased two Titanium Shards for 5,000 influence each. Apparently the price hadn't reached my buy price in the last 24 hours until just before I logged on.

    I saw that some had sold recently for 500,000. I put up one stack for 80,000 a piece. I immediately sold one for 500,000 and not three seconds later bought two more for 5,000 influence.

    Hello? Reason? Are you out there?

    I also had put up bids for a certain level 30 damage set IO for 100 influence each. I'd picked up 6 of them so far for that price. I saw that some had sold for 500,000 and some for 1,000,000 in the last 5, so I decided to price them at 510,000 influence.

    All six sold instantly! For almost 8 million all told, mind you.

    It can't always be that easy, can it?

    (Well ok, a lot of my bids didn't fill... I've only made 15 million after starting with maybe 50,000 earlier this week... but damn.)
    it is that easy.

    I have a similar strat at times. I'll buy reci[pes for peanuts. craft them for a couple peanuts, and then sell them for almost 1000% what I crafted them for.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
    8 AE Tickets for a random Tech Common roll. Just do an AE arc (Farm, non-farm, whatever) and hit the random button until you get what you want.
    If you somehow manage to fill your salvage pockets before getting four of what you want, then sell the other stuff. I sincerely doubt that only one of the salvage items in that group would be jacked up. You should then be able to buy what you need.
    Trying to reason with someone dumb enough to spend 4 million on common salvage isnt likely to work.

    Theyre like those morons I used to see all the time when i worked at a gas station who would roll in with their expensive gas guzzling SUVs or Humvees with ironic (to me when theyre using such a costly on gas vehicle, anyhow) support the troop's bumper stickers, then complain to me about how they were spending 100 dollars at the gas pump just to fill their vehicle up. (as if I forced them to buy the most fuel inefficient vehicles on the earth)