Who decided to put forced single player only missions in the middle of Petorian arcs?
The Single Player only arcs are Morality missions. They're that way because they're designed to be a moral choice. If a team went in, then they'd have to decide who gets to make that moral choice, and how to deal with the teams alignment, and it would be a huge mess.
Since it's possible to team with somebody in any other quest, even power and crusader, I don't think there can be a story justification for it. They should probably be team compatible, but require you to do your own, if multiple members each have it.
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!
I think it's to avoid making everyone on the team accept the moral choice made by the leader.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Which is a good thing, to be honest. Would a hero honestly stand by while their vigilante friend decides to give someone a good kicking? No true hero would. And would a villain stand idly while their Rogue companion decides to destroy that artifact instead of stealing it? I doubt it.
I'm loving the morality missions, even though they're single player only. It's just not something that would work in a team I don't think.
The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)
The single player missions are GREAT, and they only work because they are single player.
Also the single player bits are short, takes less than 15 minutes really. We aren't even talking storyarcs here.
I can understand your frustration, me and my partner had been duoing everything in a leveling pact and finally stumbled across this. Thing is though we immediately parted ways and and completed it by ourselves and have to say we loved every second. The cut scenes (with your character in it!) and the story opportunities involved in making were simply awesome, we really enjoyed it actually. So despite the inconvenience, I am a huge lover of them!
The real frustration is not that they exist. But that theres nothing viable to do instead. The contact chains are so nice tied together that These are not nice optional extras, these are road blocks in advancement to the next chain of missions. With no 'radio' stuff to work around it by possibly outleveling the contact.
Sure i've found a few contacts (1 that responded to loyalists and one that responded to resistance) that you arnt introduced to, but i never did their arcs yet, so maybe they too have a moral choice aswell.
The only real option would be in doing the opposite arc, which for Loyalists isnt that bad, if your doing the "for fame and glory" stuff, then maybe that takes a back seat, but your doing the same general thing.
But if your a Resistance member then you have a choice of basically being a pretty decent guy...or a sociopath that feeds innocent people to ghouls...if your not blowing them up for fun. (the ghouls and the innocent people)
With nothing else to do when I finished a nice resistance arc, and I couldnt find any 'nicer' loyalist contacts to take me, I was forced to do these morally reprehensable arcs, and tbh, given a choice of more contacts or 'anything else to do' my hero would have laughed in the face of the first contact when he introduced himself and his plan.
I agree about the road block bit. They should probably allow you to be introduced to the next contact without having to complete it, making it more optional for those who truly hate soloing.
As for contacts, I've seen that Crusaders for the Resistance and Power for the Loyalists are both extremists who are difficult to approach because their usually sit in their bases faction which is off limits.
The Wardens for the Resistance and Responsibility for the Loyalists are both pretty decent - depending on your perspective.
Lastly don't forget you are meant to be playing undercover and as a double agent when doing opposite story arcs. My loyalist has done a few Resistance arcs and managed to make sure it ends in the Loyalists favour. Deep cover, remember ;-)
Depends, Paragon Studios seem to be pushing the RP element of the game. I consider these single player missions interactive RP missions critical to your characters ingame place in the world. Especially as sometimes they can result in contacts disapearing from the world, outside of the missions. It wouldn't make sense to take part in killing X, only to see X outside and then offering you missions to save their cat. ;-)
Wouldn't it have made sense to then only apply the moral choice to the leader?
No cuz if the rest of the team disagreed, then it would be an excuse for PVP.
I personally think it is a good thing... but maybe it needs to be able to "bank" the mission, and visit it later rather than right now.

Thelonious Monk
Excluding the tutorial and the portal to CoH/V missions, there are only 12 solo-only missions.
Since 2 arcs per zone is enough XP to level up to 20, then you'll only encounter 6 solo-only arcs from level 1 to 20.
If you're teaming with a RL friend, you can chose co-operative team completion, thus when you hit the solo-only mission, the two of you can split up, each do the mission and re-team easy enough.
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It would be nice if you could do them whilst still on a team, but each team member goes into their own individual instance and makes their choice (without breaking up the team)
Always remember, we were Heroes.
I think its a good idea to have them...if it comes up. put it on hold for the moment.

So, you're angry about missions that you must complete solo.
Now you know how solo players feel about missions that have simultaneous glowie clicks, that you MUST team to complete.
I'm kind of happy that there's finally some parity there. For years there were missions that absolutely REQUIRED a team to complete, now there are missions that absolutely REQUIRE you to be solo.
Fair's fair.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
So, you're angry about missions that you must complete solo.
Now you know how solo players feel about missions that have simultaneous glowie clicks, that you MUST team to complete. I'm kind of happy that there's finally some parity there. For years there were missions that absolutely REQUIRED a team to complete, now there are missions that absolutely REQUIRE you to be solo. Fair's fair. |
Except that unlike forced team missions, everyone can do a forced solo mission.
So, you're angry about missions that you must complete solo.
Now you know how solo players feel about missions that have simultaneous glowie clicks, that you MUST team to complete. I'm kind of happy that there's finally some parity there. For years there were missions that absolutely REQUIRED a team to complete, now there are missions that absolutely REQUIRE you to be solo. Fair's fair. |
Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running
I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!
You are in a maze of twisty little passages
I just wanted to say "Shame on you." We use VIALS of bees in this game not crates.

ON-TOPIC: You are not required to complete the solo missions. The solo missions do not lead to the next zones' missions nor do they gate you from doing any other missions in the zone you are in.
All the solo missions are the "capstone" to a particular path for that zone. So at the end of the Warden arcs in Nova you get a morality mission. However, Scott or Marchand will give you the next zone's contacts when you hit the appropriate level whether you do the morality mission or not. So I wouldn't stress these missions much if you like to team.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
It does feel like a double edged sword! You spend the time to team with a few friends, enjoy romping through the new areas, opponents and scenery and then *wham* time to break up the team and crawl through a solo mission.
I can't imagine that would be too much fun if you are a new player using a low level controller with no vet rewards!
Ways around it could be to 'bank' the missions till the end maybe, so you have to complete them to leave Praetoria but you could stack them all at the end.
Some sort of auto complete mission equivalent. - Complete this mission with type X morality result or prompt before hand to say play the mission as type 'morality result' so each player can choose before they zone in.
Or just have a paper mission alternative for teaming.
Just my thoughts
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
So, you're angry about missions that you must complete solo.
Now you know how solo players feel about missions that have simultaneous glowie clicks, that you MUST team to complete. I'm kind of happy that there's finally some parity there. For years there were missions that absolutely REQUIRED a team to complete, now there are missions that absolutely REQUIRE you to be solo. Fair's fair. |
I can only think of 2 missions with multi glowys in the game aside from the shard task forces and there bad game design too.
Ya it kinda stinks when you and a friend are playing and the game splits you up even though you both plan be on the same side of the coin in a massively multi player game. Sees like it goes against the exact thing the game stands for but maybe that's just me and my friend.
Until you run it on your empath/* with pitiful damage. You cant heal your way outa this one!
I've run my Emps on higher difficulty settings in the old content while soloing without needing any assistance and they were a lot harder than the stuff in Praetoria.
Edit: Emps have always required more strategy than simply rockin da healz.
To be fair. How on earth do you manage to not outlevel a zone in praetoria before reaching a morality mission when grouped?
The last group I was in we had so many mobs per mission we could barely finish an arc or two without shooting right past a zone unless we turned off exp on the leader.
Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!
Arc ID 58363!
And to what address can I send a crate of bees to them at?
Longer explanation. So the weekly sg that I run on Victory finished the last redside run and restarted this week; all new characters leveling up together and then going blue side when we out level the new zone. Several teams, going strong, having fun, then BAM.
"Sorry, this mission is SINGLE PLAYER ONLY." What the heck, man. Drop it... And the next one from the contact is SINGLE PLAYER ONLY. Arrrrrggghhhhh. Nooooooo.
Seriously, who thought this was a good idea?
Currently listening to the Ramones' Anthology
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
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