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  1. As VexXxa says, some nice pieces and Welcome to the boards, Us art newbies seem to trickle in, hehe
  2. I tried it for half an hour or so, for a web app I have got to say I was impressed but I am still trying to get used to my tablet, i keep reverting to my mouse :S

    As for free alternatives I use GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program not the leather clad chap who sleeps in the basement... opps :-o MT! ) I've heard people say that it's a really poor piece of software and to be honest I have no idea why... Although I am operating from the "Ignorance is Bliss" perspective. So I wouldn't know which adobe product I would use as an alternative anyway.

    I created this in GIMP, took me aaaaages literally months of a couple hours every few days as I was learning everything on the fly


    Welcome to the boards Orange I've only been here a day or two myself ^_^
  3. *Cackle* the advantage of being new... so was I
  4. lol... err... yay!.. i think...

    I leave this post with a shiney but somehow I still feel battered and bruised... (^_~)

    Thank you so much!!
  5. every 12 hours? dang i was thinking it was every 24 >_<

    umm... my 2nd guess will be.... 36

  6. It does feel like a double edged sword! You spend the time to team with a few friends, enjoy romping through the new areas, opponents and scenery and then *wham* time to break up the team and crawl through a solo mission.

    I can't imagine that would be too much fun if you are a new player using a low level controller with no vet rewards!

    Ways around it could be to 'bank' the missions till the end maybe, so you have to complete them to leave Praetoria but you could stack them all at the end.

    Some sort of auto complete mission equivalent. - Complete this mission with type X morality result or prompt before hand to say play the mission as type 'morality result' so each player can choose before they zone in.

    Or just have a paper mission alternative for teaming.

    Just my thoughts
  7. 63

    how are the morals holding up?
  8. You're saying your not getting any missions because you have no morals?

    Maybe I've been posting with the wrong person! help help! By the time I get back to work it will be time to leave! yay!

    *watches clock for the last 5mins of the day....
  9. Great! I use Virtue as my spillover server so that works well stuck at work at the moment >.< but i'll check it out when i get home!

    Lol, I'm not worried about being bitten, I'm told I don't taste very nice anyway >_> and I totally understand about the critique... I've only got 1 digital piece of 100% my own work (CoH related anyway :P ) on DA myself so I'm not about to rip into others hard work, a touch hypocritical!

    I've updated my Signature with links to my reference galleries good tip! In general I have a fun outlook on life, usually got something to smile about so looking forward to some banter
  10. Whoops! quite right, edited my original post

    it's of my blaster Fusion drawn by Windriderx23 and coloured by Bakanekonei
  11. lol thanks

    I just wanted to put the feelers out there and see if I recognised anyone, get some tips, have a natter, you know

    Are there any general global channels people use too?
  12. Hey All,
    I've been playing CoH for a long time, but always been lurking in the shadows, never really used the official forums or anything like that. So this me making an effort to change that

    I've had a couple pieces done of my 2 mains over the last year with a few more on the way, So I'd like to share some with you ^_^

    Any suggestions for good forum areas to keep an eye on?

    Edit: This is a piece by windriderx23 on DeviantArt of my blaster Fusion Reacta
  13. FusionReacta

    Call for Models

    Fusion Reacta - 8ft Tall Elec / Elec Blaster, Victory

    Front Costume
    Rear Costume
    Top Down
  14. OHMS (On Her Majesty's Service)


    Commanders - Fusion Reacta, Darkspeed, Royal Guard.
    Officers - Flea Mark Two, Poison Pixie, Inferno Jones, Vivace, Ad-Hoc, E-Motion, Galaxy Gal

    Preferred Method of contact - Please read the rules sticky on 'The Application Desk' section of our forum. if you agree please apply! one of the officers will contact you to run a team mission or two with some sg members and then if every one gets on you'll be invited for your weeks trial.

    SG Description - We are a friendly Super Group that encourages (though does not insist on) RPing(Role-playing) and having fun (the fun part we do insist on). We are predominately a UK/European SG, so our most active times are 6pm-Midnight GMT (So that is around Noon-6pm central time, I think) on weekdays and 11am-1am (5am-7pmish central) on weekends.

    However, we do have a members in various different time zones, and also people who don’t sleep nearly enough, so there is normally someone around.

    Alts - Each member may have 1 main and 1 alt in the SG, to avoid overcrowding. Allied SGs exist (and more are planned) so that more of your characters can share the OHMS experience!