(Market): Poverty is Hard!

Adeon Hawkwood



Poverty is tough!
I'm no Marketeer. I'm a Casual Player.
I don't flip, stack, reflip, steat Inf transfers or use ebil tricks of Market PvP.
I don't use sugar daddy characters, farm the uber-maps or enter costume contests.

I just play the game normally, and sell my drops for a reasonable price at the Market. Usually at less than 2/3rds the average of the Last Five. Except for what's truly Vendor Trash and wouldn't likely sell even if I listed it for negative influence.
I set my characters up with decent Set IO's. Not Purples, and not usually the best non-purple sets either, but good sets.
I run in SG mode at all times.

And yet, I still can't figure out how people can be poor if they just defeat the little pixellated pinatas and gather up the drops that fall into thier inventory. After all this laziness I described above, I still end up with millions when I hit that final ding, and heaven help me, it's worse if I continue playing after that ding, to finish the contact's arc or such.
Poverty eludes me.



I transfered a toon to freedom and started pvping. The toon is a relatively well ioed one, ranging from 1-3 bil if priced conservatively.

As a sort of experiment i went into pvp and took quick notes, time, kills deaths etc. after spending approx. 20-30 hours of ingame pvp play time ive ended with 1.4 bil from pvp io drops.

Poverty eludes me aswell.



well now you've gone and done it. You've pointed out the obvious, and now the n utcases will tear into you for being an "evil marketeer who has money because you use the market instead of playing the game"

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Cav, its bait, i prey on the ignorant players like that, they taste like chicken

nom nom nom



I have two experimental characters I've been leveling lately, my stalker who's emulating the play style of the 'casual gamer' (all contact door missions all the time) and a brute who I'm playing with my usual mix of styles- some farming, some radio missions, some story arcs, and plenty of casual marketeering.

The results have been interesting- I'll be documenting them in a thread as soon as I can figure out how to take screenshots on my new widescreen monitor that don't end up all squished and compressed.
The stalker is parked at 30 and ended up clearing 30 million inf doing nothing but selling drops and crafting recipe drops that didn't take more than one or two pieces of cheap salvage.
The brute just hit 29 and in spite of my wily marketeering isn't that much richer- he's sitting at 45 million with all his market slots still full.

You really have to make an effort to be poor in this game.
The money just falls from the sky. If you're too lazy to grab a bucket and collect some, that's nobody else's fault.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I can totally understand how people can be poor. I have a lot of characters under level 10 that haven't done much on the market and are poor. After 10 or 12 levels, though, it's really, really, really hard to not be rich. And if you are trying to not be poor, it's hard to remain in that state beyond level 5 or 6.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are



Here's another point for you though... I'm certainly not poor (or wasn't poor) after this last double xp weekend.... after getting a purple drop on me and selling it for 250 mil infl, and making a TON of money on several of my 50s, I pooled it all together, and it added up to close to 650mil, which I transferred over to villains side with the help of a very nice, rich person, who actually included a bonus of 20 mil infamy for no reason, and didn't charge me a dime for the transfer.

So, that's 670mil infamy, right? I decided, I'm going to do the best I can to set out my Elec/WP Brute who just hit 50 on double xp weekend WITHOUT putting a single purple in him.

670 mil infamy later? He's still only halfway done. Sure, you have a point that no one *should* be poor in this game, but when *&(*&%^ flippers and marketeers charge EXHORBANT prices (especially on villains side) for EVERYTHING, including common salvage, I beg to differ. Even the *modestly rich* like myself wind up becoming poor because of the ridiculous prices posted for things that SHOULD be cheap. I saw a ceramic armor plate going for 1 MILLION infamy this past weekend. No, I didn't pay that for it, but I saw someone did, and it made me sick to my stomache. Either there aren't enough people playing the game anymore to warrant supply vs. demand, or....

...Another interesting point...


'Nuff said.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'll be documenting them in a thread as soon as I can figure out how to take screenshots on my new widescreen monitor that don't end up all squished and compressed.
Have you tried taking the screenshot then pasting into an image editor, rather than using the copy CoH saves? Secondly, have you tried bypassing CoH completely?

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I found that buying sub-50 recipes, usually 47-49 recipes and then crafting them cut the prices alot. I also don't buy crafted enhancements. Flippers etc. thrive on lazy or unattentive buyers to make extra on their sales. Paying attention and putting effort and time into slotting can end up saving some major inf.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
but when *&(*&%^ flippers and marketeers charge EXHORBANT prices (especially on villains side) for EVERYTHING,
Ur d0ing it rong!

I bought a level 26 Miracle +recovery crafted IO for 17 million in the past week or two. If you spent the 100 million it typically goes for, then you are the problem, not the seller. Why are you in such a hurry to get every IO you want? If you were to take your time to IO your character, you could do it for 30-60% off what you just spent.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are



Originally Posted by RagManX View Post
Ur d0ing it rong!

I bought a level 26 Miracle +recovery crafted IO for 17 million in the past week or two. If you spent the 100 million it typically goes for, then you are the problem, not the seller. Why are you in such a hurry to get every IO you want? If you were to take your time to IO your character, you could do it for 30-60% off what you just spent.

You silly goose. Stop trying confuse him with facts and logic.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



Originally Posted by RagManX View Post
I can totally understand how people can be poor. I have a lot of characters under level 10 that haven't done much on the market and are poor. After 10 or 12 levels, though, it's really, really, really hard to not be rich. And if you are trying to not be poor, it's hard to remain in that state beyond level 5 or 6.

I've heard that levels below 22ish (give or take. Stamina + SO's, usually) are a poor indicator of a powerset's combat ability. So I feel it's safe to assume that L1-10 aren't a good indicator of how well wealth can be accumulated in normal gameplay.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Here's another point for you though... I'm certainly not poor (or wasn't poor) after this last double xp weekend.... after getting a purple drop on me and selling it for 250 mil infl, and making a TON of money on several of my 50s, I pooled it all together, and it added up to close to 650mil, which I transferred over to villains side with the help of a very nice, rich person, who actually included a bonus of 20 mil infamy for no reason, and didn't charge me a dime for the transfer.

So, that's 670mil infamy, right? I decided, I'm going to do the best I can to set out my Elec/WP Brute who just hit 50 on double xp weekend WITHOUT putting a single purple in him.

670 mil infamy later? He's still only halfway done. Sure, you have a point that no one *should* be poor in this game, but when *&(*&%^ flippers and marketeers charge EXHORBANT prices (especially on villains side) for EVERYTHING, including common salvage, I beg to differ. Even the *modestly rich* like myself wind up becoming poor because of the ridiculous prices posted for things that SHOULD be cheap. I saw a ceramic armor plate going for 1 MILLION infamy this past weekend. No, I didn't pay that for it, but I saw someone did, and it made me sick to my stomache. Either there aren't enough people playing the game anymore to warrant supply vs. demand, or....

...Another interesting point...


'Nuff said.

"The One"
670 Million Inf, plus whatever he had on him before the transfer?
Can't call poverty on that one. His total value of all his stuff, both liquid (Inf in pocket) and invested (enhancements slotted) are pretty high, by many folks' standard.
Poverty eludes you.



My new character on Triumph is called The Casual Gamer, currently a level 8 Warshade.

The bio:

"Ebil marketeers are driving up prices!
"How will the Casual Gamer ever purple out her Warshade?
"Will I have enough influence to survive with these paltry drops?"

Now that I have Nova, I'll be building my cushion in Perez Park.
Not planning on buying and flipping, just selling drops and using my head to make profits. SOs at 22, Basic IOs at 32, sets as they come.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
My new character on Triumph is called The Casual Gamer, currently a level 8 Warshade.
The hardest part of the warshade I found was figuring out how to place my slots. So many powers, so few slots to play with. I'm sure the dilemma is only compounded when you start to try to figure out set bonuses. My WS is shelved for the time being. I haven't found the ambition to get him through the last 10 levels to 50.

I don't know if you're planning to document how things work out for you, but I think it would be interesting to hear what happens if you do.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
670 mil infamy later? He's still only halfway done. Sure, you have a point that no one *should* be poor in this game, but when *&(*&%^ flippers and marketeers charge EXHORBANT prices (especially on villains side) for EVERYTHING, including common salvage,
I was happy with this post until I got to this little clunker. I am having a severe case of deja vu. Somebody had better reconfigure the matrix. This could be trouble.



Originally Posted by RagManX View Post
Ur d0ing it rong!

I bought a level 26 Miracle +recovery crafted IO for 17 million in the past week or two. If you spent the 100 million it typically goes for, then you are the problem, not the seller. Why are you in such a hurry to get every IO you want? If you were to take your time to IO your character, you could do it for 30-60% off what you just spent.

This is pretty much it. I'm not rich by any means although I do some marketering on the side. My Blaster is pretty well equipped but I didn't buy it all at once, I bought it up over the course of several months as and when I had the cash, a purple here (back when they went for 60mil at least), a Positron's Blast there etc. If I'd tried to buy it all at once it would have been impossible but by spreading it out over time it seems a lot more reasonable.



The poor-by-choice don't deserve any sympathy. If you don't want to play the market / pay attention to the prices you set when selling stuff, don't come here and cry because you don't have any money. You cannot, after all, expect influence to be given for doing nothing? It comes in heaps if you're willing to do very little.

This also goes for impatient people (includes me sometimes as well). If you can't wait for a couple of days or a week to save influence (sometimes LARGE amounts of influence), don't come here and cry because you ran out of money.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
The poor-by-choice don't deserve any sympathy. If you don't want to play the market / pay attention to the prices you set when selling stuff, don't come here and cry because you don't have any money. You cannot, after all, expect influence to be given for doing nothing? It comes in heaps if you're willing to do very little.

This also goes for impatient people (includes me sometimes as well). If you can't wait for a couple of days or a week to save influence (sometimes LARGE amounts of influence), don't come here and cry because you ran out of money.
Except, there's no "Playing the Market" needed. Just USING the Market earns you enough money off your drops as you play the game to allow any character to be monetarily self-sufficient and equiped in decent enhancements at all times.

Unless you want the very tippy-top-most peak enhancement sets. In which case, you still don't need to use Marketeering. You can earn them playing the game normally and collecting the $Inf accordingly.
It is my belief that the $Inf earned directly from defeating foes pales in comparison to the value of the drops they give. At L50, you may want Purple sets. At that point, you should be completely capable of earning a lot of $Inf/hour. And it's not like Purple enhancements are any good to a character before L50, who can't slot them, or to a character that won't be played after L50.

I've tried being stupid and lazy and I'm still not broke. I still ended up dinging L50 at 300 million and enhanced to soft-capped Defence.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Here's another point for you though... I'm certainly not poor (or wasn't poor) after this last double xp weekend.... after getting a purple drop on me and selling it for 250 mil infl, and making a TON of money on several of my 50s, I pooled it all together, and it added up to close to 650mil, which I transferred over to villains side with the help of a very nice, rich person, who actually included a bonus of 20 mil infamy for no reason, and didn't charge me a dime for the transfer.

So, that's 670mil infamy, right? I decided, I'm going to do the best I can to set out my Elec/WP Brute who just hit 50 on double xp weekend WITHOUT putting a single purple in him.

670 mil infamy later? He's still only halfway done. Sure, you have a point that no one *should* be poor in this game, but when *&(*&%^ flippers and marketeers charge EXHORBANT prices (especially on villains side) for EVERYTHING, including common salvage, I beg to differ. Even the *modestly rich* like myself wind up becoming poor because of the ridiculous prices posted for things that SHOULD be cheap. I saw a ceramic armor plate going for 1 MILLION infamy this past weekend. No, I didn't pay that for it, but I saw someone did, and it made me sick to my stomache. Either there aren't enough people playing the game anymore to warrant supply vs. demand, or....

...Another interesting point...


'Nuff said.

"The One"
Wow. In a previous post in this section, i described how i managed to get about 3/4 of the way through IOing a 50 dark/dark with the 65 Mil i got on the way to 50.
Theres the full thread.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
So, that's 670mil infamy, right? I decided, I'm going to do the best I can to set out my Elec/WP Brute who just hit 50 on double xp weekend WITHOUT putting a single purple in him.
With a genius plan like that, I don't see how anything could go wrong.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
With a genius plan like that, I don't see how anything could go wrong.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



I'd like to see a Double Drop-Rate Weekend sometime. With no bonus XP.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
I'd like to see a Double Drop-Rate Weekend sometime. With no bonus XP.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
I'd like to see a Double Drop-Rate Weekend sometime. With no bonus XP.
I'd so stock up on everything.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!