(Market): Poverty is Hard!

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Poverty is tough!
I'm no Marketeer. I'm a Casual Player.
I don't flip, stack, reflip, steat Inf transfers or use ebil tricks of Market PvP.
I don't use sugar daddy characters, farm the uber-maps or enter costume contests.

I just play the game normally, and sell my drops for a reasonable price at the Market. Usually at less than 2/3rds the average of the Last Five. Except for what's truly Vendor Trash and wouldn't likely sell even if I listed it for negative influence.
I set my characters up with decent Set IO's. Not Purples, and not usually the best non-purple sets either, but good sets.
I run in SG mode at all times.

And yet, I still can't figure out how people can be poor if they just defeat the little pixellated pinatas and gather up the drops that fall into thier inventory. After all this laziness I described above, I still end up with millions when I hit that final ding, and heaven help me, it's worse if I continue playing after that ding, to finish the contact's arc or such.
Poverty eludes me.

People are only poor relative to the super elite stuff...which is bid up as a result of RMT created and purchased inf. All the extra inf purchased from the RMTs that is spent on the elite stuff does get spread out on lower demand items thus raising costs of everything, but supply is appears generally adequate to keep inflation under control for most common items..

The flippers and ebil marketeers ARE contributing to price increases as they are creating the motive for people to use RMTs. All accused are guilty to contributing to any perceived problems in the market. The statements made by the self proclaimed ebils demonstrates a lack of accountabilty. Nonetheless, the current system allow Ebil marketering, so it's not really their fault. Where the opportunity exists, there will be profit.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Here's another point for you though... I'm certainly not poor (or wasn't poor) after this last double xp weekend.... after getting a purple drop on me and selling it for 250 mil infl, and making a TON of money on several of my 50s, I pooled it all together, and it added up to close to 650mil, which I transferred over to villains side with the help of a very nice, rich person, who actually included a bonus of 20 mil infamy for no reason, and didn't charge me a dime for the transfer.

So, that's 670mil infamy, right? I decided, I'm going to do the best I can to set out my Elec/WP Brute who just hit 50 on double xp weekend WITHOUT putting a single purple in him.

670 mil infamy later? He's still only halfway done. Sure, you have a point that no one *should* be poor in this game, but when *&(*&%^ flippers and marketeers charge EXHORBANT prices (especially on villains side) for EVERYTHING, including common salvage, I beg to differ. Even the *modestly rich* like myself wind up becoming poor because of the ridiculous prices posted for things that SHOULD be cheap. I saw a ceramic armor plate going for 1 MILLION infamy this past weekend. No, I didn't pay that for it, but I saw someone did, and it made me sick to my stomache. Either there aren't enough people playing the game anymore to warrant supply vs. demand, or....

...Another interesting point...


'Nuff said.

"The One"

Is not our fault.

I just liquidated my common salvage blue and red side from personal storage... mebbe 100 pieces Blue and 150 Red. Listed everything for 11 Inf... it all sold. Net Gain: ~1.25 mil blue, ~1.75 mil red.

It is NOT the marketeers.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Originally Posted by Eran_ View Post

Is not our fault.

I just liquidated my common salvage blue and red side from personal storage... mebbe 100 pieces Blue and 150 Red. Listed everything for 11 Inf... it all sold. Net Gain: ~1.25 mil blue, ~1.75 mil red.

It is NOT the marketeers.
I do not think your one example is sufficent to prove that point. If anything, you only supprted my statement. If ALL ebils did what you did, what would happen? (Impossible to do, but nonetheless, it's the opposing argument.)

I think it's a combination of Ebils, RMT'ers and greedy players...with each pointing fingers at the other two.

But alas, my analysis will always fall of deaf ears in this forum.



Originally Posted by JohnX View Post
But alas, my analysis will always fall of deaf ears in this forum.
Well, that's because it doesn't make any sense.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by JohnX View Post
People are only poor relative to the super elite stuff...which is bid up as a result of RMT created and purchased inf. All the extra inf purchased from the RMTs that is spent on the elite stuff does get spread out on lower demand items thus raising costs of everything, but supply is appears generally adequate to keep inflation under control for most common items..

The flippers and ebil marketeers ARE contributing to price increases as they are creating the motive for people to use RMTs. All accused are guilty to contributing to any perceived problems in the market. The statements made by the self proclaimed ebils demonstrates a lack of accountabilty. Nonetheless, the current system allow Ebil marketering, so it's not really their fault. Where the opportunity exists, there will be profit.

The system was intentionally made for market pvp. Its capitalism, if you dont like supply and demand determining prices, then buy your SOs from the vendors and stop whining. Nobody forces people to use RMT. The only reason you would possibly need RMT is if you're too goddamned lazy to earn your own money. RMT's reward laziness, nothing less, nothing more. changing the market wont keep lazy people from being lazy.

and while we're on the subject, why does everyone who is anti-market have this crazy-*** notion that a market is supposed to work like some sort of communal lovefest yet generally speak in the same conspiracy theorist tone as the average moron in the real world who decries socialism as evil and trumpets capitalism at every turn?

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



My [very rough] math says that if you farm for an hour you introduce, over and above what you consume in market fees and crafting and such, about 500K into the system. To burn that 500K completely means spending it ten times; people have to spend 5 million inf to bring the system back to where it was. The extreme example is someone who put almost 40 million into the system in an hour of play, which requires 400 million inf of spending to get rid of it.

With numbers like that, who needs to blame RMT?

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
With numbers like that, who needs to blame RMT?
conspiracy theorists who are confused by numbers.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by JohnX View Post
People are only poor relative to the super elite stuff...
'Tis true, which is exactly the way things are supposed to work. There's another thread talking about what it means to be rich and the relativity of the term is explained there quite well. Of course there are expensive items, but if there weren't, what would I have to spend my influence on? Not everybody has the ambition to build their own base, which is something that I rather enjoy, but creates quite a price tag because my SG is one i run by myself and fund mostly by converting influence to prestige.

I may not have as much influence as Bill Gates, as it were, but I only need as much as it takes to make me feel rich. With time, there isn't anything in this game I haven't been able to acquire.

Originally Posted by JohnX View Post
...which is bid up as a result of RMT created and purchased inf. All the extra inf purchased from the RMTs that is spent on the elite stuff does get spread out on lower demand items thus raising costs of everything, but supply is appears generally adequate to keep inflation under control for most common items..
Fiddle faddle. Have you noticed what's been happening to RMTers? The amount of influence they sell has increased dramatically. If memory serves correctly, I last saw 1,000 million (One Billion for those who aren't good with numbers) influence was being sold for around $40. If they had the monopoly on influence generation, they wouldn't be doing this and would still be charging the same price for 100 million. The general populace is also generating more influence than ever before with MA farms. With how quickly you can gain levels running AE farms, it almost makes me wonder if RMTs aren't becoming a bit obsolete in this game.

Originally Posted by JohnX View Post
The flippers and ebil marketeers ARE contributing to price increases as they are creating the motive for people to use RMTs. All accused are guilty to contributing to any perceived problems in the market. The statements made by the self proclaimed ebils demonstrates a lack of accountabilty. Nonetheless, the current system allow Ebil marketering, so it's not really their fault. Where the opportunity exists, there will be profit.
Sheesh, where do you get this silliness? Accountability is just a synonym for control in this context, and I don't know who you think you are to be the one who determines what is fair in this game. Capitalism is all about individual liberty to be able to pursue a goal in the way that individual sees fit. Natural law will lead him to find out whether his course will ultimately get him there and leaves him with the additional freedom to alter his course if needed. What you seem to want is control, not realizing that when there is disproportionate control, it limits you just as much as it does anybody else and only makes life more difficult. Instead of whining about the market, why not play the market. It is not a difficult system to figure out.

The intricacies of market control have been talked about over and over again on this forum. The bottom line is that the market works best when the individuals engaging in the market set the rules. If there is inflation in the market, it is because there is more money moving through it which means an increased opportunity to snag your own portion of it. The goods traded in this game are not a static pie that is divided and subdivided amongst the players, but is a pie that is continually expanding due to player activity. You too can have a purpled warshade and any one of us would be more than happy to tell you how if you're interested in learning.

I might get some flack for saying as much, but we are not as ebil in this forum as we would sometimes like to think. Though we do have our moments when we like to toy with the system.



Originally Posted by JohnX View Post
I do not think your one example is sufficent to prove that point. If anything, you only supprted my statement. If ALL ebils did what you did, what would happen?
Probably something crazy like all the bids for luck charms would be filled, the price would drop precipitously, and then 2 weeks later it would be back around where it started, proving the the ebil marketeers are not the reason the price is what it is.

But that's likely never going to happen.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are



Originally Posted by JohnX View Post
I do not think your one example is sufficent to prove that point. If anything, you only supprted my statement. If ALL ebils did what you did, what would happen? (Impossible to do, but nonetheless, it's the opposing argument.)

I think it's a combination of Ebils, RMT'ers and greedy players...with each pointing fingers at the other two.

But alas, my analysis will always fall of deaf ears in this forum.
I used it not as a singular example, but an example in extremis.

Any time I list common salvage, it's for 11 (minimum with fees that I make a profit on). I can count on one hand the amount of times I've seen that salvage bought for 11. The marketeers (I being a lazy one) take advantage of lazyness... By buying low, and listing higher for the impatient crafter, buying low and then reselling during higher demand (flipping?), or buying recipes cheap, crafting, and selling expensive IO's (my lazy method).

I'd say the worst thing for the markets right now are those doing buisness with the RMT'ers and gaining exorbitant amounts of inf, and the effective 4:1 inf:ticket gains due to the over-use of AE and low ticket caps.

But, then again, you can always stick your head in the sand, screaming out of the mouth you've left in the air "It's ALL THE EEBIL MARKETEERS FAULT!!?!?!!!!!!111!111!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!111"

It's your game, and your $15/month. have fun.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



I guess I'll unload another stack of Celerity+.

I bought them for 5.2M each back in June.
The little Olivers of the world could have bought 3 or 4 of them back then as well.

As crafted, the "last 5" is flush with 50,000,000...and this time I had *nothing* to do with it

No better time than right NAO

Repeat Offenders



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Poverty is tough!
I'm no Marketeer. I'm a Casual Player.
I don't flip, stack, reflip, steat Inf transfers or use ebil tricks of Market PvP.
I don't use sugar daddy characters, farm the uber-maps or enter costume contests.

I just play the game normally, and sell my drops for a reasonable price at the Market. Usually at less than 2/3rds the average of the Last Five. Except for what's truly Vendor Trash and wouldn't likely sell even if I listed it for negative influence.
I set my characters up with decent Set IO's. Not Purples, and not usually the best non-purple sets either, but good sets.
I run in SG mode at all times.

And yet, I still can't figure out how people can be poor if they just defeat the little pixellated pinatas and gather up the drops that fall into thier inventory. After all this laziness I described above, I still end up with millions when I hit that final ding, and heaven help me, it's worse if I continue playing after that ding, to finish the contact's arc or such.
Poverty eludes me.
My last three 50s dinged 50, burned their merits and the poorest wound up with 150M left over (of course, she did have a LoTG, Miracle, and Numina's slotted that didn't go on the market).

I've basically stopped trying to make money on the market because it isn't worth the trouble. I run TFs not because I like to grind, but because they're fun so I wind up with enough crap to sell that I have everything I want.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by MsMisery View Post
ok the person that pointed out that we are talking about the period immediately following dbl xp is correct and I have played cov long enough to expect the spike my statement was that this is not a normal spike and yes I had to buy pistons for 1 mill to complete a toon lucky for me I only needed 4 more but 4 mill for something I normally pay as suggested 5k or less for was painful and no I am not JOKING its not FUNNY
Actually it is funny. And y'know what? Everyone else is too nice to let you have it square in the chops but I lack that level of restraint. You are the problem. Go look in the mirror. If there is a person in CoX responsible for high priced items, it is you and those like you.

You come here and whine about people jacking up prices artificially and then admit to paying said inflated prices, which makes you a, say it with me now, hypocrite. You say one thing and do another. You whine about exorbitant prices, and then you pay those prices. Anything in the world is worth only what someone else is willing to pay for it. If you're willing to pay 1 mil for a hydraulic piston (and I don't give a flying flip how you justify it to yourself) then a hydraulic piston is worth 1 mil. Man, until now I've never been one to take advantage of folks and do something like that but now I feel like I've missed out. Luckily, I also lack compunction so I'm definitely going to have a rarely played alt put up some stuff at crazy high prices.

You wanna stop high prices? Stop paying them. Or, barring that, stop coming here and whining about a "problem" you're contributing to. It's like a cokehead complaining about people selling drugs.

Originally Posted by RagManX View Post
No you didn't. You chose to buy pistons for 1M. You could have bid, say, 10,000 and logged out. Then in an hour or two, when you went back, you would have bought all 4 most likely. Certainly you would have them after an overnight wait. There - I just saved you 3,960,000 off your next purchase of salvage that is temporarily out of normal selling range.

WTH? That's crazy talk! Hydraulic Pistons are worth 1 mil. Stop trying to kill my buzz, dammit!

Originally Posted by Eran_ View Post
But, then again, you can always stick your head in the sand, screaming out of the mouth you've left in the air "It's ALL THE EEBIL MARKETEERS FAULT!!?!?!!!!!!111!111!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!111"

It's your game, and your $15/month. have fun.
OMG, Eran_, where do I send the bill? I need a new keyboard, thanks to you. By the way, is that the mouth that emits the strange odors?

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions



Originally Posted by MsMisery View Post
ok the person that pointed out that we are talking about the period immediately following dbl xp is correct and I have played cov long enough to expect the spike my statement was that this is not a normal spike and yes I had to buy pistons for 1 mill to complete a toon lucky for me I only needed 4 more but 4 mill for something I normally pay as suggested 5k or less for was painful and no I am not JOKING its not FUNNY
8 AE Tickets for a random Tech Common roll. Just do an AE arc (Farm, non-farm, whatever) and hit the random button until you get what you want.
If you somehow manage to fill your salvage pockets before getting four of what you want, then sell the other stuff. I sincerely doubt that only one of the salvage items in that group would be jacked up. You should then be able to buy what you need.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
8 AE Tickets for a random Tech Common roll. Just do an AE arc (Farm, non-farm, whatever) and hit the random button until you get what you want.
If you somehow manage to fill your salvage pockets before getting four of what you want, then sell the other stuff. I sincerely doubt that only one of the salvage items in that group would be jacked up. You should then be able to buy what you need.
Trying to reason with someone dumb enough to spend 4 million on common salvage isnt likely to work.

Theyre like those morons I used to see all the time when i worked at a gas station who would roll in with their expensive gas guzzling SUVs or Humvees with ironic (to me when theyre using such a costly on gas vehicle, anyhow) support the troop's bumper stickers, then complain to me about how they were spending 100 dollars at the gas pump just to fill their vehicle up. (as if I forced them to buy the most fuel inefficient vehicles on the earth)

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



I buy/craft/sell one set IO to make my market money. Since 2XP, I've still been able to buy the recipe for ~500k. I used to get ~2mil in profit from selling the enhancement. Now, since right before 2XP and last night, I'm getting anywhere from 5-7mil profit, and I'm left shaking my head wondering why people are so willing to give away inf. I mean, I'll take it. I expect that if current trends continue, I'll hit 2bil by the weekend on my current marketeer. Oh, and I have NOT adjusted my asking price, either. It's still where it was pre price spike.. So people could buy for less, they're just choosing not to.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
conspiracy theorists who are confused by numbers.
Sounds like more of a conspiracy hobbyist to me.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



People are wacky. They look at the last 5 prices, think "Oh, I have that much" and don't actually bid. This is my theory, anyway.

In other news, I've been trying to start a character from zero or nearly zero.

I had someone who managed to get to level 22 without me doing any ebil whatsoever. On a villain. I ask you, when did I lose my edge? Pathetic. So I decided to start from near-zero. It was an interesting experience;I couldn't do my my normal "round up to 55,908" or "assume crafting cost is trivial" stuff.

So the current way forward from near-zero looks something like this:

Vendor 40-ish confuse and snipe recipes (bought for 500 or so, sold for 4000 or so) until you have half a million or so walking-around money.

Blow most of it on a Karma Def/End which still hasn't sold.

Buy a level 40 resist damage recipe (20K), appropriate salvage (10 or 20K), craft it (60K), list for 300K, sell for 600K. Do that a couple times.

Buy something level 50 for 55K, salvage for less than that, craft for a couple hundred k, list for 1.2 million, get paid 3 million in the morning for it. I don't even remember what it was- capped at level 40, common set, something like a Focused Smite acc/dam/rech .

Couple more generics (200K in parts and crafting, 400K sale price) and a Kinetic Combat Acc/Dam (recipe for 1.1 million, last 5 crafted in the 8 million range) and that's where we stand. Should be about 24 hours to my first 10 million.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by ElectricaBanana View Post
I buy/craft/sell one set IO to make my market money. Since 2XP, I've still been able to buy the recipe for ~500k. I used to get ~2mil in profit from selling the enhancement. Now, since right before 2XP and last night, I'm getting anywhere from 5-7mil profit, and I'm left shaking my head wondering why people are so willing to give away inf. I mean, I'll take it. I expect that if current trends continue, I'll hit 2bil by the weekend on my current marketeer. Oh, and I have NOT adjusted my asking price, either. It's still where it was pre price spike.. So people could buy for less, they're just choosing not to.
2XP has lead to some crazy stuff, hasn't it. I had a dozen or more identical crafted IOs from levels 40-42, listed for 80-105% of last-5 pricing. They sat literally for weeks before 2XP week-end with no more than 1 sale every 10-20 days. The week after 2XP, 6 of them sold for around 175% last-5 price. That someone would bid 17M for something typically selling for 10-12M without at least trying a bid around what was successful in the past just boggles my mind. I'm happy to take their money, but really don't mind if they just pay around what I'm looking to sell for.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are