Praetoian Loyalists! Report for Duty!
"Emperor". If you're going to be a slave, at least spell your master's title right.
Viva La Resistance!
That is all.
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
You're misguided attempt to undermine our way of life will end in the gutter along with your own worthless corpse.
Edit: You are more then welcome to your opinion, citizen of Praetoia. Please note, however, that when one breaks the pillars of their shelter, they should be careful that the roof does not fall on them.
Reflection Of Damz reporting for duty to protect Praetoria!!!
We'll show those primal earth weaklings that it was a mistake to come to our world!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
All hail Emperor Cole!
Primal Earth you may have Nat King Cole but we have Emperor Cole!
Bring on the wall!!!!

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Sign me up Marcian,hell if this was Star Wars I'd be with the Empire.
I have a funny feeling that if you have powers and are loyal to Cole then you probably have freedoms that the ignorant populance doesn't enjoy.That's fine with me.
Strength through Purity. Purity through Faith.
Praetoria prevails.
You people are powered by Steam, punk! We're powered by science, robots, and high powered weaponry.
You're misguided attempt to undermine our way of life will end in the gutter along with your own worthless corpse. |
And you smell.
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
Sign me up Marcian,hell if this was Star Wars I'd be with the Empire.

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Heil, mein Kaiser!
With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.
The freedom you deny us we shall give to you, oppressor. Endsville is burning.

But, as I mentioned in the other thread too, Praetoria would attarct the 5th Column types as well as the Empire types

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Wrong dimension and wrong version of Statesman
![]() But, as I mentioned in the other thread too, Praetoria would attarct the 5th Column types as well as the Empire types ![]() |
Already your dimension is deserting you and your causes! Primal earth will fall!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Marcian, I think it's hysterical that you misspelled Praetorian not once, not twice, but three whole times ("Praetoian"). You also spelled the 'world' as "Praetoia". Do you have a speech impediment that prohibits you from saying the 'r' sound twice in words?
No wonder you're a Loyalist! Don't have to think...Emperor Cole will think for you! Spelling? Not necessary! Happy fun ball time now!
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Prime Earth Arachnos vs Praetorian's!
I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.
Marcian, I think it's hysterical that you misspelled Praetorian not once, not twice, but three whole times ("Praetoian"). You also spelled the 'world' as "Praetoia". Do you have a speech impediment that prohibits you from saying the 'r' sound twice in words?
![]() ((No wonder you're a Loyalist! Don't have to think...Emperor Cole will think for you! Spelling? Not necessary! Happy fun ball time now! |
As no one corrected me until now, I just assumed that I was correct.I know now. Thanks!
Now, let's crack open the etymology on the word "hysterical" for a second, shall we...? ;-) ))
Or, to put it another way...
We have far nobler goals and virtues than worrying about every little word. Whereas you pass your spelling bees and run "Spell checks", we ensure a perfect society, in which everyone is protected, loved, and given a place!
You spell Onomatopoeia from memory. We'll run the world via the glorious beacon of light that is Praetoia. Deal? Deal.
The thread sizes are telling.
Already your dimension is deserting you and your causes! Primal earth will fall!
![]() |

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Weak minded loyalists, I have furnished a signature for you:
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
While people like Golden_Girl* threaten our Praetoian way of life, I make the call to you, dedicated, unwavering, and enduring many that understand the peace we have brought to our city.
Our city is free of random violence. The citizens live safely. Evil is quashed and science develops responsibly! By tracking our peoples' thoughts, we cull danger before it starts, but never while compromising the individually of each and every unique member of this society.
There are those that Primal that think that we have gone too far. These are the people who let their city get over run by Mayhem, finding themselves only to Safeguard in a scrambling manner and praying, frantic and mumbling, that innocent bystanders didn't get too badly broken and battered. A legal system... a system in which people with silver tongues and fancy suits can keep crazed murderers and heinous mad men on the street, doing what they wish. This is the "free will" they value so highly. By allowing every lunatic with a five-day patience to own a gun. To let people slander each other, lie, and cheat their governments.
In their world, it is common practice to steal from the government that protects you. We practice gratitude. Gratitude for the shield of our City: The Praetoian Police Department. Gratitude for the lifeblood of our City: You. And, of course, gratitude for the eternal protection from danger that is provided by our fearless Emperor Cole.
For want of chaos and high wire justice, they would rip from us our very safety! Imagine a world where you must lock your doors every night and arm yourself as you sleep. A world where you may not have the dignity and honor of an office job, but are forced to work in the sewers, cleaning excrement and blood while people spit on you for not using your "free will" to better your lot. Their people live in the streets, while we live in a shelter for each and every one.
Your lot is good here. You will always have food. You will always have warmth, and you will always have Emporer Cole.
Do not let them take this from us! Tell them to try! Tell them to come at us with their zealous and fervent ways. Bring their guns soaked in blood and hands worn and calloused from cruel work. We will defend what we hold dear with our intelligence, with our honor, and with our compassion for a system that works.
Eschew them! The Primal and the Resistant, and any other that may not understand.
We are the strong! We are the many and one! We are, with pride, valor, and unending strength...
The Loyalists!
Now, who's with me?
~Marcian Tobay~
* <3 Consider this a love letter.
Edit:Previously spelled Emperor incorrectly.