Join the Resistance!
We will let you build your "resistance" to the maximum! We want you to know that even at your maximum strength, you are no match to us TRUE Praetorians!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Thank you for your attention. This has been a test of the Subversive Propaganda Simulation Alert System. We trust that none of our Praetorian citizens have been in the least discomfited. If you experienced troubling emotions or disloyal thoughts, consult a Seer immediately for rapid relief.
Please be advised that genuine subversive propaganda, should it ever succeed in being broadcast, is likely to be far less skilfully constructed. It will be characterized by crude appeals to emotion and hectoring rhetoric. The approved reaction is to smile and go about your business. If you are compelled to act otherwise, consult a Seer for free counselling.
Thank you for your co-operation. Praetoria prevails.
Thank you for your attention. This has been a test of the Subversive Propaganda Simulation Alert System. We trust that none of our Praetorian citizens have been in the least discomfited. If you experienced troubling emotions or disloyal thoughts, consult a Seer immediately for rapid relief.
Please be advised that genuine subversive propaganda, should it ever succeed in being broadcast, is likely to be far less skilfully constructed. It will be characterized by crude appeals to emotion and hectoring rhetoric. The approved reaction is to smile and go about your business. If you are compelled to act otherwise, consult a Seer for free counselling. Thank you for your co-operation. Praetoria prevails. |
Yay us Praetorian loyalists have you! We're starting to get quite an army!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Thank you for your attention. This has been a test of the Subversive Propaganda Simulation Alert System. We trust that none of our Praetorian citizens have been in the least discomfited. If you experienced troubling emotions or disloyal thoughts, consult a Seer immediately for rapid relief.
Please be advised that genuine subversive propaganda, should it ever succeed in being broadcast, is likely to be far less skilfully constructed. It will be characterized by crude appeals to emotion and hectoring rhetoric. The approved reaction is to smile and go about your business. If you are compelled to act otherwise, consult a Seer for free counselling. Thank you for your co-operation. Praetoria prevails. |
(We need to start putting badges in our sigs stating where we stand. Who wants to photoshop something up?)
Thank you for your attention. This has been a test of the Subversive Propaganda Simulation Alert System. We trust that none of our Praetorian citizens have been in the least discomfited. If you experienced troubling emotions or disloyal thoughts, consult a Seer immediately for rapid relief.
Please be advised that genuine subversive propaganda, should it ever succeed in being broadcast, is likely to be far less skilfully constructed. It will be characterized by crude appeals to emotion and hectoring rhetoric. The approved reaction is to smile and go about your business. If you are compelled to act otherwise, consult a Seer for free counselling. Thank you for your co-operation. Praetoria prevails. |
Wow someone is going to get a promotion..grats Lady!

Now this is a thread I can get behind.
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
*passes out*
I will not be co-operating with that murderous Tyrant. I can not stand by and watch this man outlaw pancake making due to having to flip sides.
Codename ph10t1x this is p4nc4k35 joining the resistance!
Viva la resistance!
Viva la pancakes!
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
I'd put that in my signature if you could somehow add a MALE character to it too.
I saw the slideshow for the HeroCon meeting that had a slide that showed a couple of Freakshow-looking Resistance fighters on it. Perhaps we could convince a dev to publicly release those images?
There, much better.
Loyalist one coming soon.
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
I wonder what the Praetorian symbol will be? I'm sure it'll be available for costume parts too - in fact, a while back, I suggested a Praetorian booster pack
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
So, how are we going to take down that Cole dude?
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
Trip him?
Ah, Freedom. Such a lovely term. You're jealous of our counterparts in Paragon City, aren't you little one? You wish you had their freedoms.
Shall we examine the freedoms you so covet? The people of Paragon city enjoy the freedom to be:
- Shot
- Stabbed
- Kidnapped
- Experimented Upon
- Mutated
- Sacrificed to ancient gods (my personal favorite)
OOC: Oh my, this is going to be fun.

I think my Sig shows where I stand.
Thank you for the time...

Orion, I took 3 screen shots of the concept art for the Resistance off of the YouTube video of Herocon coverage... think you can do anything with them?
I actually don't think they're really THAT bad a quality for a personal digital camera...
When cropped and reduced in size to be the proper size for the signature, I think it will look better, you won't be able to see the "grain" as much.
But you're probably better at it than I would be.
Orion, I took 3 screen shots of the concept art for the Resistance off of the YouTube video of Herocon coverage... think you can do anything with them?
I actually don't think they're really THAT bad a quality for a personal digital camera... ![]() ![]() ![]() When cropped and reduced in size to be the proper size for the signature, I think it will look better, you won't be able to see the "grain" as much. But you're probably better at it than I would be. |
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
This is codename ph1L0t1x, sending a message to all who would hear on the Undrn3t:
The Tyrant Cole has ruled for too long. While everything may look **** and span on the surface, there are those of you out there that can see the scum underneath. We ARE that scum.
We are the ones lurking underneath it all, hiding, waiting, and biding our time. We will show the Praetorian Guard that life, true FREE life, can never be snuffed out! For every time they pave over a patch of dirt, the weeds WILL grow, and through their growing will CRACK that concrete and SPLIT the pavement. Life will NOT be denied. Freedom will NOT be denied!
Now we have seen into another world, a world where we have freedoms we could only DREAM of here! A world where the very government is accountable to EACH citizen!
The people should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people! Ordinary citizens, do NOT be afraid. Go about your daily lives, but keep your eyes and ears open. Document personally every injustice that you see occurring, every abuse of power. Make sure to protect the evidence that you've collected in a safe place, free from the Tyrant's watchful gaze. Because there WILL be a reckoning.
The Tyrant WILL be overthrown, this is guaranteed. No people can be controlled forever, the vein of freedom will burst, and you will see the raw, dirty, bloody beautiful mess that is a free and unclean world.
But I ask all of you, lay low, and bide your time. Wait for the signal, you will know it when you see it. Whatever you do, do NOT draw attention to yourself. Especially do not respond to this post if you value your lives.
On the other hand, there are those among you who do not feel that a life under Cole is a life worth living. One of my ancestors once said during a previous tyrannical rule: "Give me liberty, or give me DEATH!" If you feel the same, if you would rather speak out for freedom as I have and risk your life for it, then by all means let your voice be heard. Speak out, and we will find you.
Then you can join the growing rush of of the resistance, those of us that still remember the days before the rising of the "Dark Nobleman". He WILL be brought down, it's only a matter of time.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Remember this.
This is codename ph1L0t1x, signing off.