22 -
I am so glad I took half the day off work for this, I was on victory for about 8 hours. I made sure all my SG had plenty of notice for this with the post from Niviene on 4-23-09.
The title of the Choas Invasion was exactly what we got, and what a blast. When I 1st got home nothing was goin on then about 1 hour later all heck broke lose. I hope they do this again. Everyone getting on teams for a common goal was just like the good ole days. My lag wasn't bad but I had a hard time shooting off my powers due to so much happening on the servers(powers saying they are charged but really not).
So much fun, Thanks Devs
Please do this again............. -
It was mesorry guys!
[/ QUOTE ]
Its ok Niv, it seems to happen everytime the community leader wand gets passed on. -
Ex / Jill,
This was not the way I wanted to start my friday. You came to so many of our events with Q-Patrol/Q EVIL. I wish you the best in your new adventure. The Q's will be crying today. Come see us on Victory or heck even add a toon to our group, Dj Blu, Myself and Astrolynx can promise you'll never get bumped. The community is going to miss you so much(you know what I'm talking about). I will miss you.
Kris / Ida Slapter / Queen of EVIL -
Please don't fix this, I found some amazing combo's and layering some of these items lets me make awesome Queen like outfits.
Folks, I'm on a limited income. I'm disabled, on social security, and I really shouldn't be paying for City of Heroes in the first place, let alone now being tempted to pay even more to NCSoft for these excellent graphic pieces of art...
This blatant money-grubbing is really insulting to me.
[/ QUOTE ]
Several others have said they are upset for having to pay more for these items. Here is how I justify it on my limited income. I pay for my subscription by the year(yes it can be a big chunk to pay at once) but it also saves me about $36, instead of paying the $15 a month fee. This way I can spend that $36 on slots, packages ect.. and still pay the same as monthly subsrcibers(and basically I get it for free). This year I have spent more than my alloted $36 in extras but I want them. Just another option to think about. -
Can you purchase the jet pack again once your 30 days runs out? Just wondering, I wont buy it(looks like fun but its to easy to get them in bank mishs and getting to lvl 14 is also easy). I did buy the cyborg pack OMG BLOW MYSELF UP to much fun. I will prob do this for the 1st hour I get to play when I get home!!! Thanks Devs great job, cant wait to see all the secrets your keeping about I13 to come out.
I ran it again last night. We had an ambush in the 1st mish of dwarfs and squids at the very end before we got sybil to the altar. Is this part of the new patch or a bug? Ive never seen it before and it was abit of a shocker cause Ive run this alot.
I've done this 15 times now on live(5 fails in the beginning). My best method of finishing the nicti is dont aggro the AVs, target the healer(if your facing Romi , healer is on left) everyone with a range attack of 80 ft or more take out the healer. Once hes down and stun wears off we all rush romi 3 times. He drops stuff the nicti do not. Its been said before and there are many diff ways to do this, but I use this one and it works well for me.
[/ QUOTE ]
You've done it 15 times wrong then.
[/ QUOTE ]
If it works- then it's right- which makes YOU wrong!!
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Not when they are claiming their method that takes significantly longer and for far less rewards is the "Best" method. Killing Romulus 4 times and ignoring the nictus completely is shorter, more rewarding and far more efficient.
[/ QUOTE ] I think you miss quoted me I said "My best" not "The Best". I was just giving another option out for players to look at. -
I've done this 15 times now on live(5 fails in the beginning). My best method of finishing the nicti is dont aggro the AVs, target the healer(if your facing Romi , healer is on left) everyone with a range attack of 80 ft or more take out the healer. Once hes down and stun wears off we all rush romi 3 times. He drops stuff the nicti do not. Its been said before and there are many diff ways to do this, but I use this one and it works well for me.
This is so great and I will be buying a 5pack just to pad NC's pockets on top of the 3 free I'm getting.
1 Optional Character Slot for a one-time fee of $5.99
2 Optional Character Slots for a one-time fee of $9.99
5 Optional Character Slots for a one-time fee of $19.99
Me being able to make 1 of each VEAT branch PRICELESS -
Not fair I have a head cold and If a dev posted that Pink Elephants and Flying Pigs where being put into the game, i would believe it right now. Can someone pull my other leg, its feeling neglected.
That was awesome.
That's NcSoft's version of a Rick-Roll.
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Im so excited!!! Great Job Devs!!!!
Best post ever. Gives me warm glittery feeling inside. Now I want my niece to play.
I saw the pics and had to have them. I picked the ones i liked for certain toons and the emotes are great fun. I throw a ton of rose petals at the feet of anyone who has superspeed and watch them turn into a grab-for-cash looking thing. So much fun. I got my $10 worth the 1st night of play. Its an option and not for everyone.
I had a great time (about 45+ hours) My 2 issues were global chat down for alittle bit and my eyes burning out of my head LMAO.
I have 2 50s now and a 45 Dom plus 6 alts, not bad for 15 months(warning I am not a casual player, min 30 hours a week) My 1st 50 was about 4 months into game but then i caught altitis. -
I played about 50 hours this weekend on Victory and I only had 2 minor issues. 1 was global chat, went down a bit for us on Sunday. 2 was eye strain LOL. All the players I encountered were real nice and tons of teams were looking for players in just about every zone red and blue side. It was a fantastic weekend for me and my SG/VG mates.
Thank You to the Devs for a great weekend and working through your days off to make this a smooth event for most of your customers. -
I very happy about this whole deal. Congrats to the old and new NC crew.
/signed at the least the devs should rework this, so that if you exmp down from a 45 to like a 35 for the accolade it should work at 35. Ive thought about this alot and yes you could have the issues of people exmping down to the lowest possible level to get the last badge of a certain accolade, but you still had to do the hunting and searching for the badges. Which I believe is way beyond the course of normal game play. I dont know if this fits here but i also find it totally annoying not being able to get any of the PI contacts for Portal Jockey because I chose to go to RWZ. Trust me, none of my other toons will be taking contacts in RWZ. Sorry for my rant but I think this is an important issue.
Well I read every post in here, some of my SG mates said that you need to have your diffculty level set to rugged or higher. Any proof of this? Inquiring minds want to know. LOL