5 Year Anniversary Celebration! ~ Discussion
"From around the globe that call was answeorange?"
So is positron's In-Game ADress being delivered on a specfic server or via an Admin (or admin like channel)?
"orange" popped up in a few other places too. Perhaps a very oblique hint? Will this finally be the year they introduce the "Rhymes With Orange" villain group?
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
"roes and villains came into direct conflict with PvP battles, uncoveorange new powers,"
Someone must have skipped breakfast, or has a vitamin-C deficiency.
Anywho, I'm thinking we'll see the end-of-beta Rikti invasion again.
Also on Steam
Post deleted by duane
The orange is making me curious... I can't really recall any particular orange themed anything in the game, color or theme wise, with the exception of the Prisoners (and that would just be strange).
I think they'll bring in the council fighting the 5th. Just thinking...
ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker
Uhh 11am till 12am is 13 hours not 1, if it was 11am till 12pm that would be 1 hour.
Agreed, 1 hour in the middle of a workday is not cool. I'm not gonna take time off for that. Guess I'll miss it and read about it in the forums.
Hmmm, didn't notice that...I guess you're right.
So is positron's In-Game ADress being delivered on a specfic server or via an Admin (or admin like channel)?
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It will be across all servers, probably by updating the MOTD or something (which will force it to pop up on your screen).
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Thanks for the heads up on where the announcement will be, Posi!
Also, first after Positron!
ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker
Because a day without uncoveorange juice is like a day without uncoversunshine!
A whole hour? A Tuesday in the middle of the day? This sounds about as much fun as hearing about that wedding last year .00001% of the population could attend.
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11AM until 12AM is notorange one hourange. 11AM until 12PM is one hourange. 12PM is noonorange and 12AM is midnightorange.
I'll be at work due to timezones
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
They're going to roll back ED and travel suppression for the month of May! All perma'able clicks will be returned to their issue 1 values! Instant Healing will be a toggle! Smoke Grenade will self-stack and apply a 50% tohit debuff again! Wait, those aren't the "great" things they were talking about? Well, I'm sure it'll still be cool.
As long as I get the badge and some weird Inspiration/Temp Power/Emote, I'm fine.
This is so freaking awesome.
I'm hoping for...
Rikti invasion
Rularu invasion (where I came in the game, during the invasion! woot!)
ICE PONDS! Winter Lords!
5th vs Council!
I'd most like to ice skate. Seriously. Under a Rikti warship. With zombies coming out of the ice. Being shot at by 5th.
I love this game.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
get ready to re-experience some of the things that have made City of Heroes® the great game that it is over the past five years!
[/ QUOTE ]
Rikti, zombie, and shadow Shard invasion all at once
Oh...well I guess there are other things that make this game great besides invasions....
What is this Orange thing everyone is going on about? I see nothing in the announcment that has the word orange in it. There's orange text in the forum post but that's about it...
Quite excited for this. I wonder what the in-game events will be? And I wonder if Positron will be mentioning or hinting on some future stuff in his address?
Very excited!
Hopefully it will lure enough people out of the AE building for a good old time in the city
Uhh 11am till 12am is 13 hours not 1, if it was 11am till 12pm that would be 1 hour.
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I hope you're right and that's what they mean. That'll give me 30-45 minutes for whatever it is, which is a lot more than the other special for-one-short-time-only stuff they do.
Forum Game: Lower the Rep
Well ok we know there was going to be an event... what is it? Hmmm...
Announcement of i15 most likely and the goals of the company, etc.
Maybe special goodies. Maybe the whole COX experience is destroyed and a new world emergies?
Remember someone's Capsule will be open then... Hero 1's.

<center><img src=http://www.cityofheroes.com/CoH_5year%20logo.jpg></center>
Please use this thread for discussion about the 5 year Anniversary Celebration announcement