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  1. Infernal_Marquis

    I'm Heartbroken

    It's been some time since I've hit the boards but I still remember many of your names. When I read the news about the shutdown, I was pretty torn up. It's difficult to type this even though I haven't played in over a year.

    CoH was my first MMO, and Liberty server will always be in my heart. I started playing in Sept 2007. I made friends, formed a guild, formed coalitions. I've been on PVP Committees and Base Builder committees. I've modded channels, leads MSRs, hosted Shadow Shard Shaturdays and Master of Mondays. I've probably teamed with all of you at some point or another. Every single minute of it was a blast and I consider my time here to have been some of the best times in my life.

    I made a very special friend in October 2007. She and I teamed up at every chance and became best friends even though we were on opposite sides of the country. She moved to be with me in September 2010. We got married in June 2012. We met in Croatoa right next to Skipper LeGrange. We'd have talks that lasted until 4 AM on the remote islands in Ouroboros.

    It breaks my heart to know those places will never exist again. She and I will always have those memories of our heroic adventures and budding romance. And I'm sure many of you probably have similar stories. My eyes are watery and my throat has a lump in it, so I'll wrap this up now. Thank you. Thank you all. It truly has been a pleasure fighting villains and saving the world by your sides.

    TL;DR Fell in love with the game, fell in love with a woman. Now it feels like a part of me has died.

    Infernal Marquis

    P.S. If any of you want to team up again, I'm playing Star Wars The Old Republic on the Canderous Ordo server as a trooper named Infern'al, leading the guild Crimson Order.
  2. welcome back

    a lot has changed in the last couple of years. I'd recommend you check out while the game client is still downloading. It's a good resource with plenty of knowledge about game systems, mechanics, and lore
  3. Infernal_Marquis

    Wake up!!!

    The badge description says "You helped 50 teams complete a Weekly Strike Target even though you already received the bonus for the week"

    I take that to mean you need to run it first, and every time you run it after that it counts towards the badge until the new Strike Target is set, at which point you'll need to run the new one (which won't count towards the badge) and any runs after that count towards the badge again.
  4. ha! that tells you how long it's been since I've placed telepads. I completely forgot you had to craft them. Thanks WoefulKnight!
  5. The empowerment stations can be placed into a workshop and require invention salvage to craft the buffs. They're not too expensive. the telepads you can buy from the editor screen, but they require a beacon to be attached to the telepad in order to transport you to the zone. Two beacons can be attached to one pad. you unlock the beacons by earning all of the exploration badges while in SG mode. Not every zone has a beacon, like the Hive or the PvP zones. I'm at work, otherwise I'd log in and check the prices. Different size plots allow different numbers of items, such as a hidden vs secure plot will allow you to place 1 or 2 major control items, and I believe different size workshops will let you place a different number of storage bins. The maximum number for a single base though, regardless of plot, is 18 storage items, if i recall correctly. There is not a way to store recipes.
  6. 26.50!! That's crazy! Lol
  7. The last days of the Winter Event are here and Pocket D has been looking a little empty. In an effort to liven up the place, I'm offering 20 million influence to the first person to beat the large ski slope time of 42.38 seconds. Please include a screenshot; this contest only applies to residents of Liberty server.

  8. I'm not proposing that benefits be applied based on roster size, I'd rather the qualifications for buffs be based on activity
  9. With a fully developed base, close to 15k-17k items, and a maxed out plot, I still have over 200 million prestige with which to build. That prestige is just sitting there since I can't add anything more to my base without risking corruption. That being said, assuming we get to keep current prestige amounts with an overhaul to the system, it would take quite some time for me to rebuild.

    In order for me to support an overhaul, I'd like there to be something unique for the larger plots or bigger SGs. That might seem elitist to some, but I think it would be one more of those things that encourages people to seek out the larger SGs as someone mentioned earlier with the item buffs. I'd like to be able to spend this prestige on something really kick *** instead of just having it sitting in the bank collecting dust. If I could donate it, I would. If I could convert it to infuence, I might. If I could use it to open a subplot under the same SG name and build another base, I would. But currently, it's not doing me any good and there's no incentive anymore for members to play in SG mode to earn prestige because we're not saving up for anything. It's like having a fully purpled out lvl 50 with all the badges; there's nothing more to work towards unless you roll a new toon, but I'm not an altaholic and I am a monogamist when it comes to my base.

    I like to be working towards a goal, an objective, a mission, a purpose. Some would say the purpose is just to have fun, but I'm a completionist and my idea of fun is collecting all the badges, unlocking all the items, etc. I want to max out my base's potentional and I feel that having an extra 200 million prestige in the bank makes my base feel like it's not living up to its full potential. And the exact amount of prestige is not important so much as the fact that once you have a completed base, there it sits. At least with the main toons, there's something more to do with that completed toon every new issue because new badges/content/powers/enhancements/etc are always rolling out. Sometimes you have to respec your main but at least it's still seeing action.

    To sum up, I'm OK with respec'ing my base, so long as it feels bigger and better than ever when I'm finished.
  10. so where are you at on this, Michelle? If you're still looking for rooms, I can whip up something this weekend for you, or next weekend. Just let me know.
  11. Infernal_Marquis

    The Cape

    it's also available on Hulu.

    As for the show, I enjoyed it. The hero and villain costumes make me think of a gritty noir detective comic, which I feel is appropriate because he will have to find the evidence to clear his name so there will be a lot of sluething, and because he doesn't really have any powers. I dont believe this show is meant to be a "super hero" show, but more of a "caped crusader" or "masked avenger" style. I hope that they capitalize on that aspect. I dont much like the latest Batman movies because it's too gadget-heavy. I'd like it if the show focused more on the detective work and crimefighting, and doesn't get crazy with Orwell playing the Q to Faraday's Bond by supplying him with all these high tech gizmos thoughout the episodes.

    In short, it's nice to see a story about "one man against all odds, making a difference, fighting the good fight to get back what's his*" when all that man has is literally the clothes (or cape) on his back, unless you count the huge amount of cash he has access to from the Carnival of Crime and the uber-tech of Orwell... which I'm trying real hard not to because it ruins my "one man against all odds..." buzz.

    *you got to say it in a cool movie announcer voice. Try it... "one man..." See? It makes all the difference.
  12. BEEFARONIE should still be available
  13. how many images can we submit in the email?
  14. What a blast!! We had just enough people show up despite the low registration count. Once we all zoned into Pocket D, we split up by archetype and got the teams together. We had at least 1 tank and 1 empath on each team, but that just wasnt enough to keep everyone alive. Not everyone that attended had shivans and warburg nukes, but despite that we got damn close to taking out the AV at the end.

    Our first attempt was bugged, so we ran radio missions and a few folks went to get shivans while we let the timer run out. Our second attempt was also bugged, but here's how we worked around it:

    Each team leader zoned into the map and discovered it was bugged where not everyone was on the same map. So the team leader that was on a different map dropped team, then one person dropped from my team and I invited the other team leader. That team leader was then able to zone into the correct zone, at which point he dropped from team and re-invited the rest of his team members who were then able to zone into the correct map with the other 2 teams. By the time we got that squared away, we had already lost 20 minutes (discovering the bug, cursing the bug, figuring out a workaround, then implementing the workaround, and then some of the people on that bugged team were on /hide and it took some time to get everyone back together).

    All in all, despite the failure to complete it, it was a great event and a good educational experiencing for the first timers (including me)!

    Alpha 911
    Whale Puncher
    Joseph McCloud
    Aether Mythrildawn
    Citizen Sasha Grey
    Kimi Hisakawa
    Mystic Flame
    Red Cresent

    Infernal Marquis
    Johnny Liberty
    American Majority
    Frozen Ray
    Tempest Teacup
    Love Illusions
    Impervium Fist
    American Valor

    Burly Dark Fist
    Crime Basher
    Cannon Balls
    Lighting S
    Knight of Gears
    Oh My
  15. no worries, ukie. i'm sure there will be other times
  16. *Reposting from a different thread.

    Sunday, 3pm EST, Noon pacific, Cathedral of Pain trial. Please have your Shivans and all 3 Warburg nukes ready to go. If you dont have them or dont know how, I'll get some folks together to lead teams to get those temp powers on Saturday afternoon. Specific time on Saturday to be determined based on how good my friday night goes

    We'll meet up in Pocket D 30 minutes in advance (Sunday at 2:30pm Eastern, 11:30 pacific) to talk about strategies, hand out ventrilo info, etc. Then we'll hit the Crimson Order base and get this thing started. I honestly don't expect to complete it successfully since it will likely be the first time for lots of people, but it'll be good hands-on experience for the next time.

    Sign up below

    Team 1:
    1. Infernal Marquis
    2. American Valor
    3. Tempest Teacup
    4. CannonBallRun
    5. American Majority
    6. Porran
    7. Steel Magnolia

    Team 2:
    1. Burly Dark Fist
    2. Nights Dawn
    3. Sagamemnon
    4. Jello Shot
    5. Lord
    6. Secret Lover

    Team 3:
    1. Alpha 911
  17. Infernal_Marquis


    good in theory, bad in practice IMHO. What i foresee happening if such an institution were implemented is that the channel would be too bogged down by interpretation of the rules or that hardly anyone would use/join said channel. I dont think it's possible to say "this channel is the official channel of Liberty" but only to have a very select group of folks that dont mind free speech being censored so much.

    The way I see it, ALL channels are the official channel of Liberty because it's a channel on Liberty and anyone using that channel is a representative of Liberty. Let's say 1000 people from all other servers suddenly join Liberty for whatever reason (purely hypothetical) and those people all join different channels (any or all of the channels stated above). Each of those people will have their own impressions on who and what Liberty server is all about. Let's say some prude joins a channel that's designed to accomodate jerks and some jerk joines a channel designed to accomodate prudes. Each one will walk away with their own impressions and reasons for hating or loving that channel. But regardless of what happens or how they feel about it, they'll both know it was a channel on Liberty server.

    I dont believe in ONE CHANNEL FOR ALL OF LIBERTY because there are too many different kinds of people, so we will end up with all sorts of different channels. At the end of the day, they're all on Liberty and that's what anyone from the outside looking in will see.

    *this message brought to you by the power of Capt Morgan and Coca Cola
  18. I always thought Han Solo was a blaster, not a scrapper
  19. I got a few folks together last night just to start the trial and run around the zone so we could get a good look at the map before trying it. Here's a few things we learned that I havent seen mentioned above or on paragonwiki:

    - the teams don't need to be in the same SG, just the team leaders. So let's say my SG was to do this, we'd only need 3 SG members to be team leaders and the other 21 people can be from anywhere else

    - any SG members that log in after the start of the trial will see this as the active mission and see the timer and can enter the zone without being on any team. If the map will only hold 24 people, make sure some random SG mate doesn't enter the mission map while one of your teammates is at the hospital

    - if someone quits and leaves the zone, you CAN invite someone else to replace them in the middle of the trial provided they are not already inside the map

    - because there is a mission timer, if you're the hosting SG please don't have your raid telepad in some remote secluded section of your base. People will need to be able to zone to the base or hospital and get back in the action as quickly as possible, so try moving your raid pad as close to your entrance as possible. You can always move it back later

    - the mobs have to be killed before the shields will drop on the obelisks, then the obelisks have to be killed within 30 seconds of each other (according to the in-game mission description, though I heard the timer was being bumped to 35 seconds) and the mobs will keep respawning. I'm wondering if *most* of the ambushing mob can be killed to slow or prevent further ambushes. Someone try leaving one guy alive from the ambush mob after the shields drop and let us know how that works.

    - the map is like the shadow shard, so there are a bunch of floating islands and stuff. If you dont have a jump pack or rocket pack, make sure someone on the team has fly and TP

    - unlike the old CoP, you do not need to have the dimensional anchors, the base item that holds the item of power, and whatever else was required. For this, you just need the mission computer and the raid telepad

    I'll likely give this a go this weekend and make more notes. I'll keep you posted.
  20. If i don't like a toon by lvl 35 then i delete it. I recently went thru and deleted all but 5 of my toons, most of which were 50s. I typically roll a new toon every few months, get it to 50, fully slot it out with IOs, then it sits there until the situation arises for which i created it (usually a TF). If it sits there for longer than 5 months without any use, i respec and sell everything then delete it