Liberty Name Watch




Okay, so I looked around on the forums, since I remember seeing it here once before, but apparently it has been wiped. I would like to see this get stickied so that everyone can see what's out there if they have a creative name cramp to go along with their alt-itis. Anyway, I was checking various names on Liberty, mostly holiday themed, and these are some of the names I found that are available for anyone to grab up.

Negative Kelvin
Fair N. Height
San DeClaus
Han Ukkah
K. Wanzaa
Holly Dai
Seasonal Greetings
Yul Tyde
Yul Tide
Jacque Frost

Enjoy! I hope someone gets some use out of at least one of these. I am surprised that the last one is still out there.

A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'up to, and including, my life'.
Visit Amarillo
Check out my arcs: MA# 494947, "Operation: RISING STORM", MA# 407176, "I Got Your Mothership Right Here!"



Lol I MUST make X-Tend



lol I would think that Jacque Frost would have been taken too.

I will get online and put a list together sometime too, but if you were wanting The Great and Powerful, too bad. Scooped that one up the other day.

Ok here is the list:

The Brawling Bouncer
High Flyer (coincidently the name of the mascot at my mom's elementary school)

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
I will get online and put a list together sometime too, but if you were wanting The Great and Powerful, too bad. Scooped that one up the other day.
LOL - that just happens to be the name for my red star in my SG.

As for my list:

Static Bubble
Al Bientot

Ya, that's all I got... for now.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



Two that I've been after for a long time, and therefore likely not gonna happen (talking December '04 here) are:

Siberian Tigress
White Tigress

I'm trying for a few more tigresses, since Bengal's got the Flying Tigresses SG close to starting a base on her own, and frankly an evil Praetorian double'd be nice if I could get one of the above. (It won't be an all-tigress sg, but it couldn't hurt to have more than one.)

Thanks for restarting the thread, Geronimo!

~Raven Lord

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



A few more names that I found to be available if anyone's interested.

Whiz Zard
Dino Sore
Sarah Fina
Asian Tigress
Harry Son's Ford
Hans Olo

Although the last one may just end up as my newest DP blaster.

A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'up to, and including, my life'.
Visit Amarillo
Check out my arcs: MA# 494947, "Operation: RISING STORM", MA# 407176, "I Got Your Mothership Right Here!"



The last 2 on that list seem kind of tongue-in-cheek.

Dino Sore was evocative enough that I read the name and immediately had a vision of a Huge Body with the Reptile (lizard?) costume in green using Super Strength. This Dino'll make you sore, alright.

Dino Sore also makes me wonder if Thunder Lizard is available.

Good find on the Asian Tigress, Geronimo, thanks. I might snag that one.

~Raven Lord

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



Those last two were very tongue-in-cheek, and I had to see if they were out there. Hans Olo is no longer available as he is now my new DP/Traps blaster. A possible suggestion, were someone to make a character along the same lines, would be the name "I Shot First". Just throwing that out there.

A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'up to, and including, my life'.
Visit Amarillo
Check out my arcs: MA# 494947, "Operation: RISING STORM", MA# 407176, "I Got Your Mothership Right Here!"



The toon name Snooki is free.




Originally Posted by Geronimo_69 View Post
Those last two were very tongue-in-cheek, and I had to see if they were out there. Hans Olo is no longer available as he is now my new DP/Traps blaster. A possible suggestion, were someone to make a character along the same lines, would be the name "I Shot First". Just throwing that out there.
I saw Hans Olo in Outbreak the other day! Made me laugh.

"You're the sun and the moon to me..."

My Antiquated Earth/Storm Controller Guide!




I've deleted a few characters recently, so these should all be available now:

Atom Boy
Sir Steel



Originally Posted by Geronimo_69 View Post
Hans Olo is no longer available as he is now my new DP/Traps blaster. A possible suggestion, were someone to make a character along the same lines, would be the name "I Shot First". Just throwing that out there.
Quoted for truth, lol. And also because I think it'd be hilarious if Hans Olo could have a badge titled kind of like I Shot First, you know?

Btw, do you mean DP / Dev blaster or DP / Traps defender / corruptor?

~Raven Lord

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



Yeah, he's a DP/Dev blaster. Shows how much I play around with blasters. I figured that was as close to being accurate as possible. Then once he gets to 20, I'll just keep him as a vigilante.

A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'up to, and including, my life'.
Visit Amarillo
Check out my arcs: MA# 494947, "Operation: RISING STORM", MA# 407176, "I Got Your Mothership Right Here!"



Hans Olo should get the badge "It's not my fault" automaticly. lol

Liberty Server
Active Character: Canadian Firestorm
Fire/Rad Controller Level 50



BEEFARONIE should still be available



Here are a few for you to peruse.

Cindi Grade
Gifted Angel
Split Personality
Binding Ties
Southern Breeze
Stormy Ride
Rising Winds
Corrupted Dove
Soiled Angel
Soiled Dove
Miss Quoted
Mobster Moll
Split Disorder
Magical Myst
Heartless Harlot
Dangerous Dame
Minor Infraction
Magical Mystery
Mystical Fantasy
Mystical Madam
Mystical Mystery
Ms Felonious
Ms Takin
Ms Terry

If you use a name, a post here to say as much would be appreciated! It will help to minimize disappointment at the creation screen.



Found a few more names for the perusal of my awesome fellow Liberty folks.

  • Kill O Hurtz
  • Zappa Blappa & Zappa Scrappa (inspired by Frank Zappa, who's name might be available, too)
  • Bloody Holly (quite a shock to see this was available)
  • Charlie Fox Trot
  • Mr Charlie Foxtrot
  • Mr E Meat (This one screams Science or Mutant origin to me...)
  • GilliGun (I can imagine a DP with this name, who calls his pistols Ginger & Mary Anne)

Might snag one of the Charlie Foxtrot names myself. Found a gem of a name for a Kin / Rad Defender: Never Mrs., already used it, too.

Enjoy, and as always, post here if you use one of them, please!

~Raven Lord

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



Originally Posted by RavenSoul View Post
[*]GilliGun (I can imagine a DP with this name, who calls his pistols Ginger & Mary Anne)
Nah. Sniper in a Ghillie Suit.

"SARS, Bird Flue, 9/11, Anthrax in the Mail, Mad Cow Disease. Pope John Paul didn't die, he preboarded." - Christopher Titus "5th Annual End of the World Tour"



Originally Posted by Roughtrade View Post
Nah. Sniper in a Ghillie Suit.
Yeah, that's a better idea. Forgot about ghillie suits, myself. Not really sure how to make one in CoH, but I'll bet it's possible.

~Raven Lord

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



One word: plant

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



The toon name **** lips McGee is free.

Hmmm, they censor the word ****. The nerve of them!



We were passing this back and forth on LB earlier this week. I rolled the toon "General Dynamics" just to see if it was available. For you military folks, you should be familiar with the name.

Now, I'm off to delete him, lest he get generic'd for copyright infringement.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
We were passing this back and forth on LB earlier this week. I rolled the toon "General Dynamics" just to see if it was available. For you military folks, you should be familiar with the name.

Now, I'm off to delete him, lest he get generic'd for copyright infringement.
Sounds like a fun name for a military type. How would the Copyright Infringement problem be if I spelled it slightly differently?

Say, General Dynamix, or something similar?

~Raven Lord

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



Liberty is once again full up for me. This means it's time to delete some alts.

Below are names I have released:

  • Caped Chameleon
  • Hidden Ignition
  • Paranormal
  • Wildman

These are some good names, treat them well.

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.



Wow... I can't believe you gave up Paranormal. I guess it time for me to clean my closet a bit too. But I am not givin up The Late Show Host.

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)