Need some help New to base construction
The empowerment stations can be placed into a workshop and require invention salvage to craft the buffs. They're not too expensive. the telepads you can buy from the editor screen, but they require a beacon to be attached to the telepad in order to transport you to the zone. Two beacons can be attached to one pad. you unlock the beacons by earning all of the exploration badges while in SG mode. Not every zone has a beacon, like the Hive or the PvP zones. I'm at work, otherwise I'd log in and check the prices. Different size plots allow different numbers of items, such as a hidden vs secure plot will allow you to place 1 or 2 major control items, and I believe different size workshops will let you place a different number of storage bins. The maximum number for a single base though, regardless of plot, is 18 storage items, if i recall correctly. There is not a way to store recipes.
1. Base buffs last 60 minutes and are all available by building the last of the Empowerment Stations. They require invention salvage to build using workbenches that are bought by prestige. They are set up in Workshop rooms. The buffs are generally small but some are useful (KB protection, increase Recovery, increase Recharge) and they require invention salvage to craft.
2. For a basic base the basic energy and control is more than sufficient, no need for PvP generators and such.
3. No only enhancements that were built from recipes, salvage (all types except incarnate) and inspirations.
4. Telepads are built using the basic workbench and invention salvage. When you build them they show up in that characters personal items. When you enter the base you select place personal item to set them down originally. Once in base the base editor can be used to move them around. You pay prestige for the telepad and then again for the beacon. To set up a very basic base runs about 500k prestige and a pretty fully operational base around 1.7M prestige.
During double XP weekend you also get double prestige so play alot this weekend and the prestige will be more than adequate to get you going.
Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)
ha! that tells you how long it's been since I've placed telepads. I completely forgot you had to craft them. Thanks WoefulKnight!
Hello everyone, I am a several year vet, not even sure how many right at the second, but i know its been a long time!
also how difficult is it to get telipads and how much do they cost?
I am just now diving into the base construction world and I must say i am very impressed, I love the fact of having my own base, and i heard that some of the buffs that you can get from your base are pretty substantial!
What i need help with is figuring out exactly how much i will need for my goals and how to achieve some of them!
1. The base buffs are a pretty big deal as i usually only run 4-6 man teams all of which are family/close friends and sometimes we want to be able to complete the harder content with fewer people which i understand is very difficult, how do i get all the base buffs and what kind of room do i need for that?
2.Managing energy/control, i dont want a massive base but i see theres ways to unlock better generators and such through craft tables, are those worth it?
3.Is there a way to store recipes?
4.Like i said, my SG is mainly composed of family and close-knit friends so i do not demand a HUGE base, or TELIPADS TO EVERY AREA! I just need a functional base, some storage, and a place to call home
Jordon Justice