5 Year Anniversary Celebration! ~ Discussion




Three Words!

Zombie . . . Dance . . . Party!



A colossal Mark Twain attacking Skyway City would please me greatly.



Unfortunatly I won;t be available the evening of the 28th either - fortunatly the updates to the boards are usually quick -so when i get home that evening I hope to be able to atleast read the announcement...maybe they will reveal if it all is a nemisis plot or not



Was the 1st Rikti invasion anything to shout about? I missed that event and also missed the 5th/Council war.



Was the 1st Rikti invasion anything to shout about? I missed that event and also missed the 5th/Council war.

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Events tend to grow in importance as time goes by because the participants remember it fondly as their "sovereign experience".

Truthfully, the Rikti invasions we have today would not be so different than the end of beta invasion, except that the rikti leaders were controlled by devs (hence, playing intelligently and nigh invulnerable). Even if the general chaos level rose to the level that the old beta testers remember (or think they remember) the power sets and slotting today is nothing like what players had back then. We are both stronger and weaker, though mostly stronger.

I suspect there would be a lot of people saying "Wait, this is what we've been envying all this time? We get this every weekend..."

Honestly, if you go do a mothership raid, it's a reasonable approximation of what the end of beta invasion was like.

Similarly, the Fifth Column/Council War was great because it was new. There had been NPC's in the streets and NPC's threatening each other, but never NPC's actually battling and destroying each other.

Nowadays, that's ho-hum. We can make a whole roomful of battles in the architect if we want.

So, I guess I'm saying "You had to have been there." I think it will be great to experience it again if that's what happens, but I suspect a lot of people will be scratching their heads and saying "What was so great about that?" because they won't be getting the "wow, never seen that before!" rush from it that the original participants got.



Just for god's sake please someone take plenty of screenies and videos for those like myself who will be working 12 hour shifts from tuesday through saturday. I'd love to be there as a 60-month vet, but I doubt I'll even be able to log in the evening when I get home.

and again, congrats to devs and community.

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Was the 1st Rikti invasion anything to shout about? I missed that event and also missed the 5th/Council war.

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Events tend to grow in importance as time goes by because the participants remember it fondly as their "sovereign experience".

Truthfully, the Rikti invasions we have today would not be so different than the end of beta invasion, except that the rikti leaders were controlled by devs (hence, playing intelligently and nigh invulnerable). Even if the general chaos level rose to the level that the old beta testers remember (or think they remember) the power sets and slotting today is nothing like what players had back then. We are both stronger and weaker, though mostly stronger.

I suspect there would be a lot of people saying "Wait, this is what we've been envying all this time? We get this every weekend..."

Honestly, if you go do a mothership raid, it's a reasonable approximation of what the end of beta invasion was like.

Similarly, the Fifth Column/Council War was great because it was new. There had been NPC's in the streets and NPC's threatening each other, but never NPC's actually battling and destroying each other.

Nowadays, that's ho-hum. We can make a whole roomful of battles in the architect if we want.

So, I guess I'm saying "You had to have been there." I think it will be great to experience it again if that's what happens, but I suspect a lot of people will be scratching their heads and saying "What was so great about that?" because they won't be getting the "wow, never seen that before!" rush from it that the original participants got.

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As 1 of those having been there, I agree 100% with the above.



First, the good stuff: grats on 5! Five years ago, I honestly didn't expect my one and only MMO to have this kind of longevity.

Now, the grumpy stuff: seriously guys, I know the 28th is the official day and all, but throwing your big celebration in the middle of the week, mostly during the day? I'm sure I'll be seeing plenty of you guys in Pocket D by around 9 or 10pm (Pacific) when I get home on the average weekday evening.

In a better economy I might call in "sick" like I did for the wedding event last year but ... nah. Are you folks allergic to throwing events on weekends, like "City of Heroes 5th Anniversary ... observed," so more of us with real-life day jobs can attend?

Ah well. I wish my real day job accrued benefits while I was offline, but no such luck. Get some good screenshots, and I'll shop myself into them later.


Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



People, pipe down or I'll kick you.

To all the five year vets, it's been a long road and I'm glad to share it with you.

To all the rest of you noobs, rtfm!

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I had planned on a snarky comeback, but for the sake of the 5 year anni, I'll resort to grumbling, instead.

*grumble, grumble, grumble*




its official, its going to be a joke, issue 15 will be 5th column tf/sf and sme new costumes and such. So there will be no new powers or more powerset proliferation. Why rush out a new issue so quickly. There are enough bugs with issue 14.



Truthfully, the Rikti invasions we have today would not be so different than the end of beta invasion, except that the rikti leaders were controlled by devs (hence, playing intelligently and nigh invulnerable). Even if the general chaos level rose to the level that the old beta testers remember (or think they remember) the power sets and slotting today is nothing like what players had back then. We are both stronger and weaker, though mostly stronger.

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I thought all the Rikti at the End of Beta Event conned 50-54 and not like they are now to where they spawn even level to everyone.

bleah, work 6pm-12am, not going to wake up early for the event



its official, its going to be a joke, issue 15 will be 5th column tf/sf and sme new costumes and such. So there will be no new powers or more powerset proliferation. Why rush out a new issue so quickly. There are enough bugs with issue 14.

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For those who didn't see:


Our next free game content update, appropriately named Issue 15: Anniversary, features a host of new content and updates. Here's a quick overview:

- 5th Column Task Force and Strike Force missions

- New costumes, costume change emotes and character faces

- Mission Architect updates

Click HERE to read about all the features included in Issue 15: Anniversary.

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And for this poster -

Not everybody was working on Issue 14. Issue 15 has been getting worked on since issue 13. It's not "rushed." I14 was *part* of I13 initially. As far as "no new powers and powerset proliferation," they hadn't released all the details. Those were just the highlights.

The link isn't ready yet, we don't have all the info they were planning on release.



*looks at the banner for I15*

I knew it...the 5th Column are a sub-division of Shadowloo.



Happy 5th!

LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom



Maybe they'll give us access to the old Faultline and Rikti Crash Site zones.



"orange" popped up in a few other places too. Perhaps a very oblique hint? Will this finally be the year they introduce the "Rhymes With Orange" villain group?

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*)obscure reference to monkey island



If they are listing MA updates as a "highlight" of issue 15, I wouldn't expect much Bill. Hope I am wrong, this might be the straw that breaks my back.



It is end of the month, and I'm gonna have to work very, very late, so I'll miss all the fun like several others on this thread. It's too bad that some of the festivities couldn't wait for the weekend.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control




My 1:00 PM staff meeting (which I otherwise would have had to be at) was just canceled!

I am so taking half-personal day this afternoon now.

CoH Codex : Demo Models/FX/MOVs : Demo Info

Arc 111022: "Doctor Geist and the Scientific Method"




I thought all the Rikti at the End of Beta Event conned 50-54 and not like they are now to where they spawn even level to everyone.

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Sounds right, I can't recall for sure though. I do remember the massive Independence Day-style rikti ships over the sky before the attacks started which is what made that event the most memorable for me.



Nice to know I'm beating the deadline for making a video celebrating the 5th anniversary because MINE will go live on the actual anniversary.

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So, how's that comin'?

CoH Codex : Demo Models/FX/MOVs : Demo Info

Arc 111022: "Doctor Geist and the Scientific Method"



I do remember the massive Independence Day-style rikti ships over the sky before the attacks started which is what made that event the most memorable for me.

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Ooooh...if that happens today, somebody PLEASE take screenshots! I'm stuck in the office till 1PM! WAAAAAH!



can someone limk the post about i15? cant find it..

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."