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  1. Only if NCSoft sold the game to someone else. As long as NCSoft still owns it, I won't be back.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bubblerella View Post
    Goodbye to NCsoft, forever!
    Amen to that! I'll never buy another NCSoft game again. As far as the friends that I've made over the years, I will miss you all. Now excuse me while I cower in the corner to cry.
  3. Yes, very nice tribute. It was done very well. I kinda cried a little too. We will miss you Statesman.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darkonne View Post
    If the devs want to kill him off, he at least deserves a good death. Instead, he goes down like a rank newbie.-D
    I kinda have to agree.


    I was a little underwhelmed at the end, I guess I was expecting some sort of epic battle between Statesman and Darrin Wade. But instead Darrin Wade just killed Statesman like some kind of Æ baby.

    Sorry devs, but I wasn’t really impressed with the story…I was expecting a lot more from all the hype that it generated.
  5. NOOOO! Say it isn't so....... *crys*

    <== Check out my new avatar.
  6. Mind if I add my .02 cents in. What’s with the Hospital during iTrials making you wait 15-20 seconds sometimes before it will unlock the stupid door for you to get out?

    There have been many times, our team it getting our butts kicked and some of us go to the hospital just to wait another 20 more seconds before the hospital door will unlock. That’s kinda annoying. Me, I just want to get back out there and continue fighting, not waiting at the door to unlock, that’s just silly.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    The thing I HATE about iTrials the most:

    There is guaranteed to always be ONE person that fell asleep at the keyboard and we all have to wait until they wake up and click the green button...
  8. There have been numerous times where I would fight like my life depends on it, granted I am participating on everything possible and not just sitting there like I’ve seen some people do and all I get for my hard work is a fricken common incarnate salvage. I had one person that didn’t do much work at all and got a VR, so I really think your reward is based on your participation is just bull crap.

    Incarnate Trial rewards needs to be looked at because there is something really wrong, how can you reward someone who actively participates in the trial and give them in a sense a lump of coal (common) and then turn around and give someone who doesn’t do crap a VR.

    This my friends is the one thing I hate the most about these incarnate trials.
  9. Marsha_Mallow

    +4x8 Solo ITF

    Originally Posted by TheXor View Post
    Did the leader turn the mission in? Did folks quit the team, or log off?
    I honestly don't know, but I was told by one of the other teammates that when you were the last person it would automatically boot you from the TF. I don't know if that's really true or not, but it's possible that the leader might have mistakenly talked to the contact and turned the mission in.

    BTW, this is my 666th post.........I'm scared! LOL
  10. Marsha_Mallow

    +4x8 Solo ITF

    I’m kinda curious how did you not get booted from the TF when the last player left?

    I was in a iTF this past Tuesday as part of the WTF, when we were on the last mission and completed the TF everyone else wanted to leave. So I asked the leader if I could stay to mop up the extras that were left over with my scrapper.

    Once the last person left the TF, I got booted out of it. So my question is, I know you had to have at least 6 people to start the TF, but how did you not get booted out of it?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pengy View Post
    Ceiling items sometimes don't want to move even when the doorways are max height. If you rotate your camera so you're looking up at your base, the AES should become mobile.
    Thank you very much..........that worked. Didn't think about that. Although I now remember when I installed it initially I had to do something like that because it has to be mounted on the ceiling. Again thank you very much.
  12. I have an interesting dilemma, below is how my base is setup.

    Base plot: Large Secure Location (16x20)
    Control room 1: Communication Center (3x4)
    Control room 2: Secure Comm Center (4x5)

    I have a "Autonomous Expert System" in my existing control room "Communication Center". I'm trying to move it to the new control room "Secure Comm Center" which is completely empty.

    The ceiling, walls and floor height are all maxed out and are wide open so there is nothing in the new control room to obstruct.

    But it won't let me move it, it just keeps saying "Item will be placed at closest valid location."

    What could I be doing wrong, any ideas?
  13. I have a question…If Statesman is suppose to die when SSA05 is published, what are they gonna do with him? He’s pretty much an icon of the game itself. If they kill him, then they’re gonna have to remove him completely from the game as he is in a ton of missions and story arcs to the Statesman Task Force. How are we gonna have a Statesman Task Force without Statesman?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by flipside View Post
    I searched but couldn't find the answer at all. As the title says, is there a command line parameter to forced windowed mode on or off?
    Yes, to get windowed mode use.

    -fullscreen 0

    To return to full screen use.

    -fullscreen 1

    Also, you can use this to specify the initial size of your window when the game starts.

    -screen 1024 768
  15. I like how the devs mentioned once before that they dislike farming, however these new TF are a bit like farming. I agree add Threads or Shards into AE, either it be earning them through missions or trade them in using tickets. Either case, the existing TF are boring. And the new TFs once everyone has done them a million times will get boring too.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kinrad View Post
    </Not so serious rant on>
    Hospital doors, elevator doors, mission doors.
    These things drive me nuts.
    I don't need to see myself walk through a door, I know it happened.
    It takes like one-hundred-and-eleventy-one minutes for the animation to play, and I want to go kill the guys who made me faceplant!
    </Not so serious rant off>

    If you don’t mind, I'd also like to add my own </Not so serious rant on>
    Allow us to click on the Tram doors if they are open.

    Some stations, if the doors are open you can't click on them unless the doors close and then you can choose which destination to go to. So in essence, you have to wait for the next train to get where you’re going otherwise, you have to stand there with the doors wide open and can’t get in. I think some elevator doors do the same thing.

    Very Annoying.
    </Not so serious rant off>
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
    Without giving too much away

    One Word..... Ewww!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marsha_Mallow View Post
    I'm looking for someone with good base building skills that can turn my bland old bare bones base into something eye catching. It's a fairly medium size base with all teleporters to all zones and full of salvage & storage bins, medical bay, energy & control rooms, it's mainly used for me and my alts. It's current value (according to the Supergroup Registrar in Atlas Park City Hall) at 9.1mill prestige with 3.6mill prestige available. I can inject another 2.6mill immediately if needed.

    I have the patience, but not the time to build it myself and I know that base building is time consuming, so I'm willing to pay for your service too. If your interested, please send me a global tell to @Penny Sillen (Yes, I've recently changed my global)

    P.S. Forgot to mention, this base is on Freedom.
    WOW, I just went back through my old posts to see if anything has been updated. So far, I've got absolutely 0 (zero) responses in almost 3 months. So much for asking for help.
  19. According to my account.

    84 months - Loyal Customer Dec 20, 2012
  20. Marsha_Mallow

    Can't log in

    Originally Posted by Cracked View Post
    its 9:22pm est and can't log in. Was playing find for about an hour and then got map served and haven't been about to log back in. Anyone else having a problem?
    Yes, there have been a few people mentioning it, including myself. Seems like Freedom took a dump.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Myrdinn View Post
    ...and the server hamster went on vacation?
    Same here, but I was in my base and clicked on Atlas Park. I appeared in Atlas Park with the "Lost connection to mapserver" message welcoming me. Now I cannot login......oh joy!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
    Threads are much easier to get. Shards drop far less often, but are expected to be traded one to one best case senario? No thanks.
    Unlike most people, I can only play for maybe 1 or 2 hours a day. One of my newest characters has just gotten their first tier Alpha slot. I'm working on getting their 2nd, 3rd and 4th tier Alpha's.

    Other than running the new incarnate trials, is there another way to earn threads? Cause so far, I've not earned any as I don't have much time to join these trials as I get interrupted by family life constantly, so I solo a lot.

    Or is it the only way to get threads is to run these new trials?
  23. Marsha_Mallow

    No Vanguard Pack

    Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
    Yeah, you will. The required period for the Vanguard pack was Feb 14th till April 18th.
    I thought so, but was just curios as my current subscription expires on April 28, the same day they will be awarding it.

    Although I though it was Feb 1 also, but I stand corrected.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ultrawatt View Post
    Yeah, all you really want in fly is a single end redux IO.
    Endurance use to be a problem years ago, but they've changed that so that it doesn't use much endurance anymore. So i just slot my characters that have it with just a single Fly IO and never seem to have an endurance issue.
  25. Marsha_Mallow

    No Vanguard Pack

    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    It's not going live till the 28th.
    OK, so my account has been active during that time frame (Feb 1 thru April 18) also. But due to RL issues, I have to let my account laps for just 2 days on April 28, and won't be able to renew until April 30. Do you think I'll still get it?