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I was called an elitist for having a character on Exalted. I just explained that sometimes I needed some time away from the filthy peasants on the other servers.
I think Exalted should be a Hollywood (or Broadway, I assume) server, in that it really wants to be an actor and is only here to pay the bills until it's discovered.
"Hi, I'm Exalted, and I'll be your server today." -
Last time I told someone at work I was after her booty I had to go to sensitivity training!
Yarr! I be a sensitive pirate, I be! -
Is the Legion planning anything special for Monday?
Haven't been hanging around the boards much lately, so may have missed an ad. -
Quote:How about a special account-wide badge for people who have to work whenever you schedule events?Please note that as a gesture of appreciation and recognition, a special account wide badge will be given out to everybody taking part in the Freedom Protection effort on Friday, May 27th!
Quote:Will they be playing the Sharks?
The Jets are going to the Superbowl !!!!!!!
I stopped keping track of the NFL years ago. I don't even know what team is where any more. -
Australian Lumberjack: Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Captain Outhouse: Who are they? -
Hmmm... I wonder how close to Army dress blues I can get on MOUT?
I used to be a part of a VG of mercenaries. Now that there's a Mercenary badge, does that count?
And if we're basing new characters on badge names... dibs on Slacker! -
I have a mid-20s Axe/Shield Brute named Kargat.
Backstory, short version... he's a cyborg barbarian from 1000 years in the future who was somehow yanked back in time from the sacking of Rome, and is none too happy about it. -
A friend of mine in the Army got tired of people bumming slices of pizza from him, so he started getting some weird combo... anchovy, tuna and squid, or something. It worked; everybody stopped asking him for a slice of his pizza.
This was out in Germany a couple decades ago... not only did we have to ask the local pizza shop each time to cut the pizza into slices, but when we ordered Hawaiian pizza, we had to tell them put the pineapple on BEFORE cooking the pizza.
One wonders what sort of RP these anecdotes would relate to. -
Quote:Kind of reminds me of a character I played in WotC's Star Wars RPG... a Gungan Jedi. His master wouldn't let him have batteries for his lightsaber until 2nd level.A wanna-be swordsman who keeps cutting himself with his own blades unintentionally. Have him pick lots of fights.
I attended the Hami raids, played for a couple of hours with some VG members who just returned to the game, and watched season 2 of Big Bang Theory.
I have my double xp weekend all planned out, based on extensive research compiled during previous events.
1. Thursday-Friday: be swamped at work with a lot of stupid questions (whoever said 'there are no stupid questions' was blessed with coworkers who can think for themselves), and so be so burned out when I get home that all I want to do is curl up in the fetal position.
2. Saturday: try and fail repeatedly to get into the server.
3. Sunday: finally able to get in, but be unable to do anything due to lag. Give up and watch a Big Bang Theory marathon.
I believe these are realistic, reasonable, and feasible goals. -
Quote:I like seeing those, unless they get to be too spammy.Slight change of subject:
What are your thoughts on text binds during team combat? Example: a stalker binding his assassination power with a local chat string that says, "Iron Slash!"
Example of (much) too spammy... if I macroed a chat comment together with my AR blaster's Burst and/ or Slug attacks, and then used those macros to routinely fire off the attacks.
On the other hand, if I macroed "Backblast area clear!" together with my LRM attack, that would probably be fine with most teams, as that attack is used much less frequently. -
Quote:Shouldn't that last line be "u r" (if not "ur" or even "u")?
Jessica: "im pregnent"
Joseph: "omg whose teh father?"
Jessica: "u are." -
Quote:It was fun, but I doubt if I'd want to do it regularly... I took my empath and was on a scrapper team, so the only breaks I got from buffing was in Holding the Greens. I was so tired of spamming buffs and holds at the end that I almost forgot to attack Hamidon for the reward.It was fun ... I hope we can make our normal raids like this or more often...
Why did I think a mind/emp controller would be fun, again?