Virtue Hami Raid [evac free]




Sat Oct 3rd we will be doing an evac free hami raid @ 7pm EST.
This will be the 2nd hami raid so we will be in hive2
Hope to see you all there

edited to meet high kitty standards**



Count me in Exx .

Mains: Xero Curve, King Geo, Ahnix, Sphere of Light.
Globals: @XeroCurve, @ZeroCurve



Wait, Oct 5th is a monday. Is it the 2nd? or is it really monday the 5th?



Originally Posted by Exxcaliber View Post
Sat Oct 5th we will be doing an evac free hami raid @ 7pm EST.
Sounds like fun. The last few redside Hami raids I've been in have had only one ATTer (me), so the evac-free part won't be anything new.

However, I'll probably still bring my blaster MOUT, since there will hopefully be ample opportunity for healing credit from rezzing and he's still working towards the 2nd badge.

Originally Posted by cp2_4eva View Post
Wait, Oct 5th is a monday. Is it the 2nd? or is it really monday the 5th?
I'm assuming October 3 (the 2nd is Friday), and that referring to the 5th is from looking at the September calendar instead of October's.

Forum Game: Lower the Rep



Yes Oct 3rd....5th is when I leave town
I'm told Justice server does this commonly....and we all now Virtue is the best lets proove it



Curious, since I've never seen Justice post strategy. Is it a variation of Virtue's evac-free nuke raid? Added measures like map-tacking the lemon mitos for the new spawn? I was chatting with Sandy and Andra the other day and wondered if you were going to substitute RA's for nukes.. calling a closer gather next to the big guy and casting right before the next spawn of mitos.

If so, and crunching numbers on how many would be needed, are you looking for sign ups of specific ATs or powersets-holding heroes?



I will volunteer to head up the Tank team with King Geo if you want. If we are going to do it like last time, Ill need 7 tanks and an Emp. Last time with the Angels having the tanks tack their respective yellow positions and keeping all yellow and hami agro, worked out pretty well.

Mains: Xero Curve, King Geo, Ahnix, Sphere of Light.
Globals: @XeroCurve, @ZeroCurve



Originally Posted by Angry_Angel View Post
Curious, since I've never seen Justice post strategy. Is it a variation of Virtue's evac-free nuke raid? Added measures like map-tacking the lemon mitos for the new spawn? I was chatting with Sandy and Andra the other day and wondered if you were going to substitute RA's for nukes.. calling a closer gather next to the big guy and casting right before the next spawn of mitos.

If so, and crunching numbers on how many would be needed, are you looking for sign ups of specific ATs or powersets-holding heroes?
Exactly, tho Robokitty is handling the tactics, pre mito bloom there will be a call for buffs, tanks will have yellows pre mapped and taunt them while we finish the job. The only specific AT's we will need will be the right quantities of tanks and buffs and no leechers. It will of course depend on what shows up however.



Originally Posted by XeroCurve View Post
I will volunteer to head up the Tank team with King Geo if you want. If we are going to do it like last time, Ill need 7 tanks and an Emp. Last time with the Angels having the tanks tack their respective yellow positions and keeping all yellow and hami agro, worked out pretty well.
keep in mind that the taunting tank will need ranged attacks to get his 'hit' in for reward



So is the idea to keep pounding on Hami through the spawns or cycle out and smack mitos?

Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



As I understand it all but the tanks will pound on hami



Im a bit confused Exx, I thought you were starting this with a strategy in mind.

Mains: Xero Curve, King Geo, Ahnix, Sphere of Light.
Globals: @XeroCurve, @ZeroCurve



Perhaps some clarification is needed.

A 'nuke-raid' is performed without any evacuation during blooms. The blooms are ignored and Hami is killed all at once. Warburg nukes and masses of temp power pets, as well as tanks in thumbtacked positions pulling yellow agro out of the middle, are employed to survive this. It takes under 10 minutes to execute, but requires participants spend time to acquire the nukes/temps.

A 'no-run' or 'evac-free' raid is a normal Hami, where each bloom is cleared before attacking Hami to spawn the next bloom. Instead of pulling out (evac'ing) when the next set of mitos bloom, the raid buffs during the hami attack phase just prior to the bloom, and the tanks take up position to intercept the fresh yellow mito agro. Each clearing proceeds normally except for raid buffing which takes place at Hami in the goo and the tanks moving into position, both just prior to the bloom percentage.

I am guessing they are doing the second (non-nuke) version, as it can be done normally without special preparation, and there had been some discussion about method and expectations to which I was a party. Times on this should be near or under 30 minutes.

I'm not exactly sure of Justice's Hami method, but as they have claimed near 30-minute runs as typical, I assume they use at least a partial 'no-run' method.

I'll also add that even more time could be saved by skipping clearing of the final bloom (25%) and simply killing Hami all the way down. As long as DPS can be maintained (especially during the 90 secs of RA stacking), there should be no reason Hami can't simply be taken down and the final mitos ignored (by all except the tank yellow taunt team).

Anyway, good luck on the raid if I cannot make it.

"When heroes fail, the Angels will save you."




There is a plan in mind, I was asked to post on the forums to announce the event. I'll ask Robokitty to address concerns on the forums, if not I know she will reveal her detailed master plan out prior to spawning hami



Originally Posted by Exxcaliber View Post
Exactly, tho Robokitty is handling the tactics, pre mito bloom there will be a call for buffs, tanks will have yellows pre mapped and taunt them while we finish the job. The only specific AT's we will need will be the right quantities of tanks and buffs and no leechers. It will of course depend on what shows up however.
How many have you calculated that at? I'm sure if you list a heads up or sign up for the core group, you'll meet the number. Be shame to have the zone fill with too many of everything but.

There is a plan in mind, I was asked to post on the forums to announce the event. I'll ask Robokitty to address concerns on the forums, if not I know she will reveal her detailed master plan out prior to spawning hami
Ah. Ok.



I have been away for a long time, and came back alittle bit ago playing casually, but ready to get back in the saddle again. I did't think Hami Raids still went on.

My 1st toon, Lokbane (50 Fire/Storm Controller), is pretty much Hami-O'ed in most of his powers, and still has about 5 sitting in his 10 slot inventory to trade.

He was the 3rd Controller on Virtue to hit 40 before they upped the cap to 50 and still fun to play, but not much to do with a Level Cap Toon.

Has anything changed drastically? I was at most of the scheduled raids along time ago. It would be nice to see hundreds of people in action again, even though it took a minute or more for an action to happen. 8^)

I am still a member of VirtueUnited Channel that used to be the old Hami Raid Channel. Is there a new one to listen to the chatter?



Originally Posted by Sandolphan View Post
A 'no-run' or 'evac-free' raid is a normal Hami, where each bloom is cleared before attacking Hami to spawn the next bloom. Instead of pulling out (evac'ing) when the next set of mitos bloom, the raid buffs during the hami attack phase just prior to the bloom, and the tanks take up position to intercept the fresh yellow mito agro. Each clearing proceeds normally except for raid buffing which takes place at Hami in the goo and the tanks moving into position, both just prior to the bloom percentage.
Silly me... I was thinking it was a normal raid, but every man/woman/robot/alien/demon/catgirl/etc. for him/her/itself at the bloom.

Forum Game: Lower the Rep



Originally Posted by Lokbane View Post
I have been away for a long time, and came back alittle bit ago playing casually. I did't think Hami Raids still went on.

My 1st toon, Lokbane (50 Fire/Storm Controller), is pretty much Hami-O'ed in most of his powers, and still has about 5 sitting in his 10 slot inventory to trade.

He was the 3rd Controller on Virtue to hit 40 before they upped the cap to 50 and still fun to play, but not much to do with a Level Cap Toon.

Has anything changed drastically? I was at most of the scheduled raids along time ago. It would be nice to see hundreds of people in action again, even though it took a minute or more for an action to happen. 8^)

I am still a member of VirtueUnited Channel that used to be the old Hami Raid Channel. Is there a new one to listen to the chatter?
Lots has changed. I only did hami raids a couple of times in the old days back on Pinnacle, but I've attended maybe a dozen since June this year on Virtue.

*zone is capped at 50 players.
*Hami respawns mitos at 75% health, then again at 50%, then again at 25%.
*Hami itself is spawned by player action (hunting GMs once everyone's ready).

I'm sure there are a lot of other differences, but given that I don't remember old-style hami raids very well, I wouldn't be the best person to explain the differences. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Lokbane View Post
Has anything changed drastically? I was at most of the scheduled raids along time ago. It would be nice to see hundreds of people in action again, even though it took a minute or more for an action to happen. 8^)
Well, for one, only 50 characters can be in the zone at a time. A summary of the raid strategy is in the thread Virtues i9 Hamidon Raiding Guide (Hero-side)

I am still a member of VirtueUnited Channel that used to be the old Hami Raid Channel. Is there a new one to listen to the chatter?
The current incarnation is "VU2009".

Forum Game: Lower the Rep



Virtue we Hami raid blueside on Mon-Wed-Sat and redside on Sun-Tues



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Lots has changed. I only did hami raids a couple of times in the old days back on Pinnacle, but I've attended maybe a dozen since June this year on Virtue.

*zone is capped at 50 players.
*Hami respawns mitos at 75% health, then again at 50%, then again at 25%.
*Hami itself is spawned by player action (hunting GMs once everyone's ready).
Originally Posted by MOUT__ View Post
Well, for one, only 50 characters can be in the zone at a time. A summary of the raid strategy is in the thread Virtues i9 Hamidon Raiding Guide (Hero-side)

The current incarnation is "VU2009".
Originally Posted by Exxcaliber View Post
Virtue we Hami raid blueside on Mon-Wed-Sat and redside on Sun-Tues

Sweet! Thanks for all the info, and I will definately read up for Saturday.



Hihi, lemme clarify this a little.

This was primarily Sandolphan's idea, actually. I was just the one who proposed a time by request. The purpose of this no-evac raid is to familiarize raid regulars with this approach, which has the potential to be much more efficient, and then we can switch to this strategy for more of our scheduled raids.

A common complaint from people who dislike current Hamidon raids is that they feel very repetitive, and a lot of 'sitting around' happens after each bloom when teams recover, reorient themselves, and reacquire targets, and these interludes are also when people go afk and chatter on the safe rock. Nothing is wrong with any of that, of course, but Sandy feels it's time for us to start staying the course...

The strategy is going to stay roughly the same, but with some changes:
-For this experimental run, it may be prudent for everyone to bring/save some EoEs and medium/large status-protection inspirations (three of each or more).

-We'll try to do this with the people that show up, so it can feel more like a normal raid rather than a one-time special event. There's no need to bring nukes unless you want to.

-First countdown on the safe rock remains the same. However, aggro-managers will need to thumbtack the locations of their respective yellow mito targets. For Virtue, this would be scrappers, backed up by tankers not taunting Hamidon.

-The first assault will be the same until it's time to attack Hamidon. Instead of calls for teleporters to leave for safety, a two part buff-cycle will be called. Evac calls will be replaced by calls for scrappers and tankers to take their positions. This is the most critical change, and the reason for carrying spare EoEs/antimezzes. Though with quick reaction and enough damage debuffs, inspirations may prove to be unneeded.

-At each bloom, teams will spread out to take out the mitos, using the same strategy we use now. Assault teams will be encouraged to be aggressive and eliminate as many blues as possible during yellow phase.

I think that's about it. ^^

I18 Hamidon raiding guide



First post after a Robokitty!

I will be there saturday for the fun!

Arc ID 104041 Attack of the Mini Phalanx Solo Friendly; Custom Characters; Comedy.
Arc ID 292449 The Shadow of Eihbon Solo Friendly; Canon Related; Magic.



Originally Posted by Lokbane View Post
I have been away for a long time, and came back alittle bit ago playing casually, but ready to get back in the saddle again. I did't think Hami Raids still went on.

My 1st toon, Lokbane (50 Fire/Storm Controller), is pretty much Hami-O'ed in most of his powers, and still has about 5 sitting in his 10 slot inventory to trade.

He was the 3rd Controller on Virtue to hit 40 before they upped the cap to 50 and still fun to play, but not much to do with a Level Cap Toon.

Has anything changed drastically? I was at most of the scheduled raids along time ago. It would be nice to see hundreds of people in action again, even though it took a minute or more for an action to happen. 8^)

I am still a member of VirtueUnited Channel that used to be the old Hami Raid Channel. Is there a new one to listen to the chatter?
Your name sounds familar, were you in Evolution back then? I remember when Evo were the only ones raiding (of course that was like Issue 3).

Just a clarification, this strategy is being attempted in Hive 2 for the second raid of the night, correct?

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
Just a clarification, this strategy is being attempted in Hive 2 for the second raid of the night, correct?