Quickpoll: Time Travellers?
got one only :P
1) Paschendales Victor
Costume: electric muscle suit for super strength and durability.
AT: thugs/traps
fought in the battle of passchendale and found an ouroboros portal. entered it and somehow became all powerfull. He later found his praetorian self and sent him to the pressent and brainwashed him to be evil like him. He made his own faction and his archenemy is Ripple Boy.
I have, um, quite a few. It's my favourite superhero trope.
I have two, Malkavian Who; he/she was a Gallifrian who merged with a Nitus while Regenerating. He/She lost any ability to remember much of its Past life and has no clue of its own gender Name or anything really, the Name was just random he/she saw a poster for a Movie Starring John Malkavich and took His Last name and made it a first. (Sort of a constant shape shifting “Master” in carnation, just not the master he/she was someone else)
The other is my Mastermind, Tiburon. He is from the year 41399 a.d., and is an Imperial Inquisitor Ordo Malleus. (Warhammer 40k Based Character)
and for the few who have no Idea what Gallifrey is, this is the Name of a world from the center of the universe. Moreover, home to one of the oldest intelligent races in the Universe they were called "Time Lords" the Most Famous Is the Doctor but at one point the time lords where the Guardians of the Time Space continuum until they got pulled into a Time War with the Darleks now Very few Time Lords Exist. None should have survived but some did.
edit spell check
I got nothing :/
I have Sir Garanoth, a BS/Shield Scrapper of mine who was originally a Mage hunting knight in England in medival times who found an artifact that sent him through time for 10 years until it broke when he got to Paragon in 2009.
I also have Infinite Zen (ill/sonic Controller), a powerful psychic who can travel through time at will, but chooses not to unless he needs to. He's from the Future originally.
@Mazzo Grave

Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
The closest that I have to a time traveller is someone who is from a different dimension which, although listed as being the same year, the people from that dimension was actually 17 years more advanced agewise than their Primal Earth analogues; in other words, the Primal Earth analogue of her is actually only two years old right now, where she is 19.
Ashes to ashes,
The Cape Radio
"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman

My main (Adeon Hawkwood) currently has this as his backstory (the tossed to the time streams variant). However over time he's changed to the point that I'm no longer really happy with that as his backstory. I originally did it primarily to make bad time travel tense related jokes, sci-fi/fantasy references and to explain why his power armor looked like a cross between medieval armor and mega-man.
Over time I've changed his armor to a much more sleek modern look and given him a new suit (he's AR/Dev but now has a new suit which makes him a Traps/AR) both of which really contradict the "tossed to the time waves in a suit he can barely use" backstory. I've also taken to using Mercenary as his badge title and given his face more of a tough guy look (with implanted circuitry instead of tattoos). So it's time for a darker and edgier retcon (which may or may not involve time travel), but I haven't gotten around to writing it .
Sonic/Psionic Defender
Costume: What costume? She prefers street clothing, although she does have the obligtory skintight leather outfit for heroic activities.
Mellissandria has been on her own for some time now; since there was no real work for a musicologist on her home world, she decided to take off and see the universe..Somewhere along the line, her time/space ship decided to go dimension hopping as well, so she is now several realities away from her own, as well as in what might be the past for her people...
To make things worse, she recently landed in Paragon City for repairs. While she was out looking for parts, the Clockwerk discovered her time/space ship, and proceeded to gut it for their own uses.
Mellie has managed to partially recreate and repair her ship, after declaring war on the Clockwerk and scavenging for spare parts. Her weapons are the futuristic tools she carries with her in her backpack (handy for opening the odd door) and her own mind-her people are naturally psionic to a degree...Mellie is just more so.
Now, she has to adjust to living in a reality where her people and culture are considered part of a fictitious science fiction series, and where metahumans run around and sometimes amok in really tight, sometimes skimpy clothing and masks.
Global is @Mellissandria
I don't have that much art, but I do write stories and I do collect art on
my DA account
Neon Cherry: Also known as Zia 124 is from an alternate time line Earth 2134 where humans and machines have merged almost completely. Every human has a self-healing nanoskin, provided at creation, which provides computation support for the human unit inside. Hair isn't necessary but as an asthetic, and as a bit of a fad, fiber optic cables can be implanted into the nanoskin and powered to act like real hair. Colors are easily changeable and the tips glow.
As each human unit is a part of a massive web of data, they are also nodes of information storage for others to access. In Zia 124's case, outside of the current social structures knowledge pack, she is also a repository of swordplay techniques, old programming languages, ballroom dancing, lemurs, and the citrus industry.
Zia suffered horribly when she first arrived and was cut off from the alternate timestreams Flow, their equivalent to our Internet, only amplified many thousandfold. Streaming our TV, radio, and internet traffic together on a 24 hour basis allows her to keep some semblance of her home environment, but she will still remark at times at how quiet everything is. She laughingly calls her bombardment of all our media a Trickle.
Her speech patterns are garbled and very hard to understand as she is still getting used to speaking very slowly. Also, it is heavily code ridden so to answer 'Yes' she usually says 1 or 'No' is 0. I figured leet speak would gain a foothold in common speech as well for such a world so things like 'KTHX' suffice for her to say Thank You. When a villain is 'arrested' she'll usually say something like 'Double Tap = null'. I have tried to type while stringing it all together but most folks I think just find it confusing so I don't do it alot and it causes my head to hurt. "Burninlecks. Delayloopcause?" means "We are burning electrons here. What is the holdup?" :P
Never worked out fully how she got here, but in the back of my head I believe she was engaged in a transport vehicle used too near an dimensional experiment by Earth 2134's version of Portal Corporation. Her transport vehicle, or what was left of it after crossing dimensions and time, was found by alley scroungers and sold to a curio shop where she has been taken in and given shelter.
Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall
I have two time traveller characters.
Grae Knight was frozen in the medivel times and then thawed in the modern age.
Sir William the Grae was once a proud and brave member of King Arthurs court. He was known also as Sir William the Vain for his unnatural obsession with his appearance (early day metrosexual). One fateful day Sir William was answering a call of help from a nearby village that was being forced into slavery by the evil wizard, Gargamel. While fighting Gargamel, Sir William was frozen and cast down a deep canyon and left for dead. Hundreds of years later a mining exploration team came upon Sir Williams frozen body and had it transported to Paragon City for examination. Scientists worked feverishly to attempt to revive Sir William and breathe life back into his body. It worked! At first Sir William was overcome with grief by the thought that he had been frozen for so long and that all his friends and ladies were dead and gone, until he hit the streets of Paragon! He was in awe of the beautiful women, abundance of evil to be dealt with and the wide array of hair products now available! With a new lease on life, Sir William removed his helmet in honor of his fallen comrades and donned a stylish pair of Ray Bans to hit the streets with his trusty magical sword, Tim, and rid the city of evil. The Grae Knight as been joined in his battle against the forces of evil by a band of brave and powerful superheroes that have banned together under the banner of The Paragonian Knights! |
![]() |
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
Warshade, Level 25
Primary costume:
Alternate costume (with Biography):
Misc. notes:
The character dabbles between time and dimensions. Working not only with the past, present, future but also that of alternate realities.
As far as her time travel goes, I was playing around with the idea of reframing the concept of the Butterfly Effect as a Rubik's cube - adding dimension to time. Nearly every time travel movie or book I've seen has the protagonist discovering the result of their actions at the end and falling into a perpetual loop of "do-over".
Rather than have Starmada working in a linear path, I imagined her living in a layered world. One in which she can see the past, present, and future all at once. Much like a Rubik's cube, she'd be working on one side (time) of the problem but have the ability to do so while seeing and working on the changes occurring on the other sides.
Adjusting every action while 'in the moment'.. especially if there is a disheartning outcome regardless of any given number of infinite solutions. She'd choose the lesser of two and twenty million evils. Ideally, there would be a happy ending but that would be unlikely for every challenge as split second decisions still carry restrictions of a fleeting present state. There would be no over extending do-overs available.
I suppose the bulk of the premise is from the old addege, "had to see that coming a mile away...". In a way, we do. And yet, we don't always take advantage of that opportunity to avoid distaster.
Never got into the whole Time Travelling shpiel. Only so far you can go with it, ya know. Because the char either comes from a post-apocalyptic world, a utopia, or a dystopia. It gets kinda stale....
You pay to play. Having fun is ok. Kill Skuls or kill Crey. Hunt at night or in the day. Black or white or shades of grey. Play it your way. We have no say.
Silas' official theme song: Word Up!
Lucent Lass, Ill/FF controller.
Her bio is: "From a distant future... yada yada yada... terrible war... yada yada yada... sent back to stop it... yada yada yada... plotline."
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
... Most? My husband and I are guilty of this to expanding levels.
Sofia and Alexander Rabinovich
Fire/Rad and En/En
Costume: Alex has a labcoat occasionally, does that count?
Okay, they are only time travelling a few years into the past, but hey, that still lets them be enigmatic when they want to. Of course they are trying to keep it all quiet... but Alex has occasional slipups.
Lorenzo Mondavi
Costume: Costumes are for lesser people, he prefers his greatcoat and Nice Hat.
Not precisely a time traveller, in that he got here the long way, but he was trapped in the spirit realms for seventy years, and missed a nice chunk of history along the way. Born in 1868 and trapped in 1938, he has a tendency to be a little on the archaic side. And he has a really nice hat. He also skipped a few years back with the Rabinoviches, which only helped augment that enigmatic mage vibe he had anyway.
Future Mind
From some distant future where they no longer use our calendar. She's my subversion on time travel from the future tropes. She was 'driving' home from school one day, went through a wormhole, and got trapped in the infinitesimal chance of getting tossed elsewhere. She fights crime because it's fun, has no doom to prevent, and has absolutely no all-knowing enigmatic vibe going. Her future is neither a utopia nor a dystopia, just a society with its own problems. Tia just happens to be a huge history fan, but, sadly, by whenever-it-is AD things got a little mangled. She is still bemoaning the lack of dinosaurs.
Cynics of the world, unite!
Taking Care of the Multiverse
I have a toon called 'Knight Arrow' who is an archer from medieval times.
I kinda based him on tales of Errol Flynn. He's what you get if you cross Errol Flynn's Robin Hood, with Errol Flynn in real life (but without the darker stuff!).
So he's a hedonistic womanizing drunkard who just happens to be amazing with a bow and arrow. And he knows it. He has a strange set of archaic gentlemanly morals, but he's also supremely egotistical and self confidant to the max. So much so that one day whilst drunken seducing a Nun he found himself magically transported to the modern day by a being of light who he swears was God himself.
He has no idea what he's really doing here in the modern day, but by God he's going to take advantage of all the wonderful possibilities. He will flirt with anything in a skirt regardless of whether that person is even human, and he is convinced utterly that they find him devastatingly attractive in return.
Needless to say he's the only toon I have that I roleplay with from time to time.
Blueside Level 50's.... Knightingale (Def), Rogue Elevenex (Blast), Lady Rogue (Scrap), Mr Infinity (Tank), Miss Infinity (Troller), Knight.Shade (WS), Knight.Bringer (PB)
Redside Level 50's... Colonel Rogue (Brute), Sergeant Domino (Stalk), F411-OUT (Dom)
Next Project: Psiryn Psi/Psi Cor Global Handle is @Knightingale
I had two... kinda...
The first is a TA/Arch defender named Splinter Arrow, who has the ability to freeze time. The catch is, that when time is frozen, he can only move what he was directly touching when he entered Null Time as I called it. Anything else would feel like it was bolted in place. It did allow him to take his time making shots and manifested as him teleporting and runing at superspeeds.
The other was a contact for an abandoed AE mission, who could time travel to any point in history so long as he had a primary source of the events (e.g. newspaper, youtube footage, and radio events.) and rigged the AE technology to send heroes to these events.
Sister Saturn, level 35 Gravity/FF Controller. Costume: Techy Stuff
She is from the 31st Century, sent back to stop... something from happening. She's not telling. She's starting to feel the loneliness. She's trying not to get involved with other people, but it's getting harder. She's not trying to *save* the future per se. The group she belonged to in the future pinpointed the moment the world changed to set in motion the situation the world is in in the 31st century. She's also starting to doubt that changing the catalyst she was sent back to change would make the world any better... in fact, it just might make it worse...
I have one called Chrono Guard. He has come from the future to help organize a group of heroes. He hasnt revealed why or anything about the future he comes from.
Member of the Hyperion Force
I have one that is quite unique...since he's on each server!
(or name variation with a "." on end)
Within a day of Ourboros issue going live, I got the "Chrononaut" badge while hunting the zone for any additional badges (a full day of location/badge hunting, all for one badge). I thought it was a great name (since I'd created a Marvel Super heroes RPG character called that once), and checked to see if the name was available; it was! Thus I got to work on the cross-server idea.
I made this character up with the same costume, same powers (grav/kin Controller with Stealth and teleport pool powers), same look; different levels, all on each server.
His origin is he is from the future, and went back (as part of his historical archive duties) to get better records of the events that happened in Paragon City at the start of the 21st century. During his travel, his belt device malfunctioned, and continues to malfunction every several to a hundred uses of his teleportation power; this 'malfunction' sometimes shunts him into a parallel dimension (Liberty, Guardian, Freedom,etc (all servers)) where he tries to record history, but usually gets confused and annoyed that things get 'different' when he unknowingly shunts to parallel dimensions (servers).
He has tried to repair his timebelt and get back but he just keeps shunting 'sideways' in time instead.
To prevent others from knowing he exists, he's supposed to 'flash' people with the same type of device in the movie MIB to wipe their memory of him.
I've had a lot of fun with this toon! A few times I went to do an SG event where my villain VGs got to PvP against him; then later that night they'd shift to another server and see "chrononaut" in their zone searches, send a tell, and be surprised its the same toon (per se).
I have two! I'm still shock and awed Chronal was free.
I saw you yesterday I think Joe. Well Chronal.
Anyways, *waves*
Oh crap! Spamming.
/e leaves.
Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall
I have Urban Gladiator, a gladiator from ancient Rome. He was actually a slave to fight in arenas of Romulus' creation. It is still unknown how he came to Paragon
ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker
Does it count as time travel if you simply lived for those years?
I've got a Mastermind, Violet Valkyrie, who is a Valkyrie in service of Hel. She's been around a long time, and sees prophecy of the future as well. Not sure how much that counts.
So, just curious.
How many of you have characters who are Time Travellers, whether on par with the "Time travel at a whim" level or simply "Tossed into the timestream by other forces"?
Since I'm starting this line of questioning, I'll go first.
I have two, sorta.
1) Cinae Genesis
Fire/Kin Corrupter
Costume: Magic-y stuff
She (and her sister(s) whenever the mood to expand upon the feel of a magic-y Kinetics character hits me) is from Moldavia (aka Moldova). According to CoH lore, Baron Zoria (founder of the CoT) arrived in England in the late 1800's, presumably from Russia. So I thought of a what-if that involved a tiny country that could have been in his path on the way. The what-if proposes that Zoria (and whatever cultists he was leading at the time) encountered resistance at this point and a magic-wielding Prince of this land may have sent an apprentice to modern times to learn ways to defeat this threat. Since she is currently in this time, presumably she will (or had? paradoxes possible) fail. Or fail to return.
Fire/Kin Corrupter
Costume: Magic-y stuff
2) Lt. Ferber (Bots/FF) wears some kind of a Buck Rogers kind of military-looking uniform. (sleeveless robe, armored pants and sleeves, elongated helmet with antenna)
His bio states that he wears patches on his uniform labelled "4th Mechanized Infantry" and "Martian Defence Force"
His claim is that he and his squad were exploring a deep cavern when they encountered an alien device. And that while stranded here on 20th century Earth he has had to build crude (by his standards) robots.
(Of course, he could be entirely delusional, or lying through his teeth.)
How about you folks?