If you haven't looked at the new Skulls, please do.

Agent White



I like the update. Not so much the accents if all their voices have changed as per thread but like the pictures.



Originally Posted by Disappearing Girl View Post
I like the update. Not so much the accents if all their voices have changed as per thread but like the pictures.
Just imagine a gang of Count von Counts.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I like the new skulls a lot. But I like the new CoT too, so maybe I'm the wrong one to ask.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



The new CoT grew on me after a while, but that one photoshop by blastchamber in the 'WHARGBLENEWCOTSUXXORZBLAHBLAHCITYOFWARCRAFT' thread was so very awesome it sort of soured me on them. I don't hate them but I just wonder what could have been.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I like the new skulls a lot. But I like the new CoT too, so maybe I'm the wrong one to ask.
The CoT revamp was thankfully tweaked due to community feedback. I think after the initial terribad images were leaked, the devs did an excellent job in correcting what was wrong with their original revamp.

This revamp? They're very easily recognizable as Skulls. It's a good revamp.



I'll add my voice to the chorus saying that they like the revamp, but hate, hate, Hate, HATE the club hair.

I absolutely despise it.

Aside from that, I actually feel like there's TOO many female members in the Skulls now. They should have a much lower spawn rate than males, just because that much more closely resembles my experience having lived in the "ghetto" most of my life. That's not to say there aren't girls in gangs, just that they tend to be far less overtly so.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



I think it would be good to show a mix of vanilla and slavic accents, unless the idea is that the gang is made up of nothing but immigrants. I think that could be a bad idea, given some conversations I've participated in recently in another thread.



Originally Posted by Zandock View Post
I like that some of the female Skulls have their own Skull's Girlfriend NPCs hanging around. This may have been a simple oversight on the Dev's part, but I think some more progressive relationships are okay in the game.
Hah, that's awesome. I think I can get a good story idea out of that. Several, in fact.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
I think it would be good to show a mix of vanilla and slavic accents, unless the idea is that the gang is made up of nothing but immigrants. I think that could be a bad idea, given some conversations I've participated in recently in another thread.

Actually, then in that case, a lot of RL gangs are racist.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Accents and dialect styles that reflect a certain ethnic/linguistic background, like Slavic, are really hard to do right. Doubly so in writing. Part of this is because what everyone thinks many accents sound like is actually absolutely nothing like what they actually do.

I can see the upper echelons of the Skulls having more Slavic accents though, as a lot of them are probably from the group's early days. Old veterans and stuff from when it was the brothers and their buddies.

As for the costume, I like it. I don't mind the club hair being used as much here. They made it one color. The guy just has this mop of hair. I can live with it.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



I like everything about the new Skulls except the hair. The Pocket D hair for boyz is terrible, and I think I saw one of them sporting the "shaved except bowl cut" abomination when I was wandering around kicking things with my Martial Combat blaster. Bowl cuts are bad, mmkay. Especially ones that make you look like you laid a badger on your bald head and called it good.

EDIT: Turns out, this shows the ugly shaved-bowl-cut I was talking about - the one on the right, with his back to us. That is FUGLY. GET RIGHT ON OUT OF HERE. You are not an edgy gang member, you're 8 years old and your gramma did your hair.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Yeah, males have had hair issues for a long time. Even after the "hair expansion" a few years back....I can't bring myself to use more than 2 or 3 hair styles without the rest looking ridiculous.

The Pocket D hair is hilariously bad. That Skull is saying: "Oh God, knife fight....I HOPE they don't go for my hair....oh good, braised my rib.....oh good, stabbed in the eye, but NOT THE HAIR!!!!"

EDIT: Making the point more clear: only the hair seems to be an issue on some models, but in general, they look better.

Level 53: Arrows/Devices/Munitions Blaster

....and hopeless Science-Natzi.



Originally Posted by Zandock View Post
I like that some of the female Skulls have their own Skull's Girlfriend NPCs hanging around. This may have been a simple oversight on the Dev's part, but I think some more progressive relationships are okay in the game.
Surely this should have been added for the Hellions first?

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
The CoT revamp was thankfully tweaked due to community feedback. I think after the initial terribad images were leaked, the devs did an excellent job in correcting what was wrong with their original revamp.

This revamp? They're very easily recognizable as Skulls. It's a good revamp.
The CoT revamp will never be 100% awesome until we get the popehats and back part.



The CoT revamp was one of the most misguided things this game had ever thrown at me. I seriously, to this day, have no idea why they thought that was in any way good. Strip everything away that made them special, then put bland tights on them. They looked like a lvl 1 PC at game launch, created by someone who just wanted to play and didn't care about the look. It was terrible. After they redid them, they looked great again. I'm perfectly happy with the CoT we have in game now.

Which brings me to the Skulls. They look like Skulls. They look like better Skulls, actually. I have no idea why the OP thinks this is an issue, or how it can even compare to the horribleness of the initial CoT redesign.

I suppose it's like the people that still bring up extreme examples and try to connect them to current issues. "They are changing Corrupter's Rain of Fire? This is exactly like ED, and people will leave in droves!"*

*No one I know has said that, but the sentiment has been flung around on way too many occasions.

We often sit and think of you,
We often speak your name;
There is nothing left to answer,
But your photo in the frame.



Originally Posted by Ossuary View Post
The CoT revamp was one of the most misguided things this game had ever thrown at me. I seriously, to this day, have no idea why they thought that was in any way good. Strip everything away that made them special, then put bland tights on them. They looked like a lvl 1 PC at game launch, created by someone who just wanted to play and didn't care about the look. It was terrible. After they redid them, they looked great again. I'm perfectly happy with the CoT we have in game now.

Which brings me to the Skulls. They look like Skulls. They look like better Skulls, actually. I have no idea why the OP thinks this is an issue, or how it can even compare to the horribleness of the initial CoT redesign.

I suppose it's like the people that still bring up extreme examples and try to connect them to current issues. "They are changing Corrupter's Rain of Fire? This is exactly like ED, and people will leave in droves!"*

*No one I know has said that, but the sentiment has been flung around on way too many occasions.
Some people have different opinions. (This is fine if you ask me.) Some people are easily angered. (Some people lose their tempers when they WIN at chess) Some people are also resistant to change.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
EDIT: Turns out, this shows the ugly shaved-bowl-cut I was talking about - the one on the right, with his back to us. That is FUGLY. GET RIGHT ON OUT OF HERE. You are not an edgy gang member, you're 8 years old and your gramma did your hair.
It's called "Doofus". It's also on some of the new Family members. The devs keep using it, thinking it's good and it'll catch on. It won't. It's awful.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
It's called "Doofus". It's also on some of the new Family members. The devs keep using it, thinking it's good and it'll catch on. It won't. It's awful.
As it's available free to every single player, I'm not sure why you think the devs might be trying to promote it or get it to catch on.
If you'd said it about the male Club Hair, which every single player has to buy, then that would at least have made some kind of sense.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
It's called "Doofus". It's also on some of the new Family members. The devs keep using it, thinking it's good and it'll catch on. It won't. It's awful.
On the Skulls, it could work, at least on the Gravedigger initiates. At that level, they should look like what they are: a ragtag group of jackasses who think they're hardcore because they're part of a gang. In fact, I could see the Death Heads throw barbs at the Gravediggers over it.

"Did your grandma take this long giving you that stupid haircut?"

"Yeah, you're an artist. Now do something artistic with that haircut. You're embarrassing me."

"Think faster, will ya? I'm gettin' sick of looking at your hair!"

Stuff like that.

Now, as for the accents, I'd rather that stay restricted to the higher ranks. The Gravediggers and Death Heads should be your average punk, with MAYBE some Slavic mannerisms slipping through from hanging out with the higher-ranking Skulls. Perhaps have a few of them say something in a Slavic language, as though to keep passing heroes from overhearing their plans.

But to give them all this accent? No.



"Did grandmother take long giving you stupid haircut?"

"You like artist. Now do artist thing with haircut. You embarrass to me."

"Think fast, I get sick looking at your hair!"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Epic Win!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
As it's available free to every single player, I'm not sure why you think the devs might be trying to promote it or get it to catch on.
If you'd said it about the male Club Hair, which every single player has to buy, then that would at least have made some kind of sense.
I mean catch on in a fashionable, trendy sense. I think I've probably seen maybe five people ever in game use it, compared to much more popular and good looking hairstyles that get commonly used.

It's like they're trying to say "This hairstyle isn't bad. We'll use it on our NPCs because it's so good!"



Eh, its neither good nor bad. Just..eh. Some of it works, some of it doesn't.

It's kind of the double-edged issue of using player parts for enemies, sometimes it looks good, sometimes it looks like a really lazy player character.

Like, some of the skulls in the Party Pack wear look decent,

but then the new DeadDoll types just look like a lazy player.

its a mishmash of... adequacy.