Summer Event Preview Live!!1

Agent White



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
Uhhh no... I PUG 90% of the time... Even when I form trials of the participants almost all are randoms. And I have NEVER been kicked for my power choices and I have:

Ice/Storm Corruptor
FF/NrG Defender
Bots/FF MM
Which supposedly people with those powersets are being kicked off teams left and right.. never seen it on a team I have been on nor have I been the "victim" of such a thing.
What server do you play on the most?

**Honestly too many variables to go into, You could be on a more l33t minded server or, your play style may be to power level and not do actual missions or maybe it is just how long you've played the game...Who knows. But I can tell you happens to me like clockwork about once a month or so. I play nearly every day as well even if it is only to log in and manage IOs or something for a few minutes.

Classic Dungeon Crawl Arc ID: 2232-"A satirical look at your average dungeon"
Down the Rabbit Hole Arc IDs: 24346 24397-"Rescue a little girl from an insidious dream invader."



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
PS: I think I predict right now, some of those that are so sorely anti-KB will actually carry e-mails full of these KB>KD enhancements and offer them to the offending KBer and if they don't shape up, throw a hissyfit.

Cause they're so 733t, they can afford to just throw around inf.
I honestly do not care what powers a toon has as long as they can effectively use them. I think the last person I kicked from a team was a heal know the healing aura on auto while they put the brute/tank on follow. I don't kick people for bad powers... I have kicked people for being bad players who refuse to adapt/learn/follow simple instructions.

Back to the OP... since coh forums always seem to go on tangents... I can't wait for the summer event...and look forward to the new IO set. I only have one toon that I will be using it on...even though I have 4 toons with a lot of KB.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Counter_Agent View Post
What server do you play on the most?
I play exclusively on Freedom now. I generally play 1-2 hours a day during the week and more on the weekends. I love to team even if in simple radio itrials..and TFs. The gfriends I do have tend to be more TF/Trial type of people, but some days I just wanna do lowbies etc...

(Feel like I was just describing myself for a Meet Single Heroes promo )

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
I kinda hope someone does suggest the -kb IO to you....
So you can be utterly wrong in everything you've said so far in this thread? Gotcha.

But I already do educate by the demonstration of proper KB use. I don't even need a wall, hover or hoping around to show that. But as I said before, that doesn't stop prissy whiny gits from getting their panties in a minor twist. This new enhancement just puts fuel on that fire. And how long is it going to take for someone to start suggesting more of these types of enhancements to make that other 'it's unique' argument eventually invalid?



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
So you can be utterly wrong in everything you've said so far in this thread? Gotcha.

But I already do educate by the demonstration of proper KB use. I don't even need a wall, hover or hoping around to show that. But as I said before, that doesn't stop prissy whiny gits from getting their panties in a minor twist. This new enhancement just puts fuel on that fire. And how long is it going to take for someone to start suggesting more of these types of enhancements to make that other 'it's unique' argument eventually invalid?
Actually no I am not wrong in everything I have said...since I have spoken from my experience in the game...kind of facetious of you to claim I am wrong..based off MY experience.

Go ahead..come back screaming and stomping your feet... to which I would say "wow you had a bad experience...get over it." or "Wow that person was stupid.. I hope you showed them you were right." People who try to dictate other's playstyles without even seeing their playstyle...are quite obtuse to say the least. I have seen people use KB in awesome ways...which is great, but I also know people have been asking for/wished they could change their KB to KD in powers...and tada..again the devs have heard the requests of the many and supplied them optional option. To you I say.. go KB the fu** out of stuff...and if people don't like it.. FU** EM! If you get kicked off a team or told to change your playstyle.. FU** EM! But to threaten that you are going to come back here and "raise hell" well that's just silly..especially over a game. If you don't like the people you are gaming with..find new people

I just find the DOOM and threats of this to be quite over the top...but that is one reason I come to the is another form of entertainment to me...because it seems no matter what people get their panties in a minor twist (to quote you) and freak out over the smallest things.... there is no DOOM here unless you make it. Nothing has/will change... you will always find stupid people who think their way of playing the game is the only way...and that's why I don't play with them.... of course I guess I should be coming on the forums and raising hell over them though is JUST a game

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



My own opinion on KB/KD (and for the record, I am strictly talking about my own KB powers on my own characters, I don't judge or force my opinions on others):

  • KD is awesome in every possible form. The occasional quirk of enemies having KB vulnerability is tolerable, for the effectiveness on the 95% of foes that don't.
  • KB with 100% chance (eg. Force Bolt, Gale) is a strong mechanic, if you know how to use it.
  • KB with <100% chance in a ST power is ok. I'm not a fan, and would prefer if it was KD or even 100% KB, so I can plan around it, but it's not all that much of a hassle to compensate for it.
  • KB with <100% chance in AoE is the devil. Generally I will only use these on teams when I know there's -KB being thrown around, either from my own other powers or from teammates. Knocking back some mobs but not others (not to mention misses) is frustrating to me.
  • More exotic cases like Tornado or Bonfire are judged on a case-by-case basis.
That being said, I am grateful for the KB to KD enhancement, but I think an enhancement may not be the most elegant way to handle this. In a roundabout way, it could be considered a handicap for people with KB, who feel obligated (either by peer pressure, or their own dislike of KB) to dedicate a slot to the "be less annoying" enhancement, instead of a typical "be more awesome" enhancement that would otherwise go in there.

A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations

- Jonathan Coulton



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Am I the only one who thinks there shouldn't be an IO that converts KB to KD?

[Edit: I see by the above... that I am not. Though it seems fervor is well above what I have going on.]
No. I don't think it should be an IO, but for different reasons. I think it should be a straight up built in option via a system that everyone has access too (such as Null the Gull, though really I think all of Null's mechanics need moved to the standard UI options).

There are certain powers that having knockback on severely hampers their usefullness. Having the only way to mitigate that tied to a temporary event is ridiculous. Not to mention that some of those powers (Wormhole) don't do damage, so this IO doesn't even work for that.

Originally Posted by mercykilling View Post
Except not. I can fully see people kicking someone with KB from the team with the reasoning being "you don't have the converter proc. And I hate KB."
And those ********* people would kick you for your KB anyhow, so what makes this any different?

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I haven't been kicked for KB either. Sure, I've had a few people bicker or whine when I use Gale or Shockwave and knocked a group off of an Ice Slick or Tar Patch another member was in the process of placing down (instead of using it near the wall I was knocking foes into). I've had people cry when I used Telekinetic Blast a few times and prissy Tankers tell me to take care of stuff I knocked around despite the fact I'm running Dispersion field on them and keeping them shielded.

But no, I've never been kicked.


The *INSTANT* I hear a teammate even *BEGIN* to insist I have this IO even if I don't want it or some prissy tank dictate that I play a certain way just because I don't, there will be hell to pay on these forums. I will link back to the posts in this thread with a bloody vengeance so you better delete these posts now or they'll be shoved back in your face when that time comes.

I know how to use KB and prefer it in some places although I can see the use of this in powers like Tornado or Lightning Storm, but that is a vast price to pay for having my other KB dictated by others more than it already is.
Calm down.



Suddenly Dark Blast Blasters are looking a LOT more palatable.

EDIT: Surely this can't be slotted in Bonfire though, or atleast the chance to knockdown is penalized somehow? 100% chance to knockdown 5 times per second for 45 seconds would be... interesting.

EDIT2: Can an aura take this? For example, could a Blaster with Hot Feet put this proc in there? Death Shroud? Blazing Aura?



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
So you can be utterly wrong in everything you've said so far in this thread? Gotcha.

But I already do educate by the demonstration of proper KB use. I don't even need a wall, hover or hoping around to show that. But as I said before, that doesn't stop prissy whiny gits from getting their panties in a minor twist. This new enhancement just puts fuel on that fire. And how long is it going to take for someone to start suggesting more of these types of enhancements to make that other 'it's unique' argument eventually invalid?
You're a couple of pages late with that prediction.

As I see it, this IO is two things: A pretty neat quirky IO, and a bullying tool.

The former, I have no issue with, there are several IOs that do some odd things. Some are good, some are... eh. It's the second part I worry about. There's sort of an uneasy truce between people who are good at knockback and melee types where everything has to be herded up into a tiny little ball of death. This IO does not help keep this peaceful, at all, as I hope this thread is beginning to show.

This IS a problem, and one that really needs to be addressed before this IO makes it to Live. Otherwise, things risk getting ugly. This genie cannot easily be put back in the bottle. In fact, now that we know this tech exists, it may already be too late.

So before this IO goes Live, the devs really should ask themselves this: "Are we okay with giving in-game bullies another way to harass other players?" Because that is what this IO is.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Suddenly Dark Blast Blasters are looking a LOT more palatable.

EDIT: Surely this can't be slotted in Bonfire though, or atleast the chance to knockdown is penalized somehow? 100% chance to knockdown 5 times per second for 45 seconds would be... interesting.

EDIT2: Can an aura take this? For example, could a Blaster with Hot Feet put this proc in there? Death Shroud? Blazing Aura?
Those are some very interesting possibilities. Bonfire is a nice bit of damage when you can keep mobs in there. And the possibility of adding some more soft control into Hot Feet is also quite intriguing.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Suddenly Dark Blast Blasters are looking a LOT more palatable.

EDIT: Surely this can't be slotted in Bonfire though, or atleast the chance to knockdown is penalized somehow? 100% chance to knockdown 5 times per second for 45 seconds would be... interesting.

EDIT2: Can an aura take this? For example, could a Blaster with Hot Feet put this proc in there? Death Shroud? Blazing Aura?

Any proc that gets slotted into auras, rain powers, etc., only has its chance to fire trigger once every ten seconds.



Originally Posted by Billy Mailman View Post
Any proc that gets slotted into auras, rain powers, etc., only has its chance to fire trigger once every ten seconds.
The thing is, it wouldn't be the *proc* firing here, it would be bonfire's native KB effect (which has a 100% chance to fire unlike the KD patch powers) being converted to knockdown but still going off 5 times per second. Unless, anyway, the 'convert KB to KD' effect itself would for some reason subject to that limit, which seems like an odd choice.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
The thing is, it wouldn't be the *proc* firing here, it would be bonfire's native KB effect (which has a 100% chance to fire unlike the KD patch powers) being converted to knockdown but still going off 5 times per second. Unless, anyway, the 'convert KB to KD' effect itself would for some reason subject to that limit, which seems like an odd choice.
Yeah, I was thinking about this sort of thing myself. Most of the ticking KB powers that could become much more powerful with KB converted to KD don't do damage and thus wouldn't be eligible. Bonfire is an exception. And it's not like Fire Control is underpowered...

This needs testing for edge cases.

I really should do something about this signature.



I'm glad we all reacted in such a civilized man--

oh wait no. Whoops.

Welp! Neato IO. Don't see myself using it, but, maybe somethin'll come along that catches my eye.



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
The conversion (Knockback to Knockdown) happens 100% of the time; if the power you slot this in does not have Knockback in it then it adds a proc to do Knockdown.

A Gamechanger! I can finally take my PB out of retirement!

Thank You!

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post

A Gamechanger! I can finally take my PB out of retirement!

Thank You!
It's unique and you can only put it into one power.



Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
It's unique and you can only put it into one power.
Apart from energy blast, i think the majority of powersets only have 1/2 KB powers?

I know im thinking about which cones/AoE powers i'll slot it in so i can use them again But seriously . . . .

Is it here yet?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



KB is not "t3h 3v1l" the problem is people who are inconsiderate or lazy using it. I'm lazy in a different way, and tend not to use it as I prefer not to have to do all the additional movement necessary to use it well, but I have a real problem with stormies as hurricane graphics (only power to do this) make me puke if I'm in them and lots of KB on the target I'm fighting tends to give me a headache when I'm playing melee toons, so while I don't kick stormies on sight, I do point this out and sometimes they or I leave the team. The storm elemental lore pets I'm having real issues with atm.

The IO is interesting, and I may well use it. I will never insist on other people using it, but if somebody is slowing the team down by scattering badguys out of all the other team AoEs, I will react as I do now if I'm leading the team, and send them a tell.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Nobody is going to kick a knockback person from a team unless the person doing knockback is being an ******* with the knockback powers. Its the griefers that knock and scatter enemies all over the place that make you want to beat your head on the keyboard.
This sums it up. Chances are if they are being an *** with their KB then they are being an *** in other ways also. It tends to start small "Please don't use KB when the mobs are being grouped for an AoE." in case they are new. Then it moves one to various other forms of the same request, then when those are ignored or some one leaves because of it, then they are kicked.

So, look at it however you want. If you don't care about the game being enjoyable for me, they I really don't care about your enjoyment. This has nothing to do with a proc, and everything to do with common courtesy.

Types of Swords
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Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
So you can be utterly wrong in everything you've said so far in this thread? Gotcha.

But I already do educate by the demonstration of proper KB use. I don't even need a wall, hover or hoping around to show that. But as I said before, that doesn't stop prissy whiny gits from getting their panties in a minor twist. This new enhancement just puts fuel on that fire. And how long is it going to take for someone to start suggesting more of these types of enhancements to make that other 'it's unique' argument eventually invalid?

Few pages backs, I already suggested more of them.

I am sure some jerk is going to suggest it or offer it. It is just one more tool for people to use while Those people were already complaining and being jerks about KB. I was excited for my own PERSONAL use of this IO. Because as I primarily play melee toons, I hate chasing my own mobs all over the map.

There is no way on earth I am offering to give something like this away, unless it is to help a friend who is looking for one. If some one does offer you one, take it. Then promptly mail it to me.

Types of Swords
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Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
The *INSTANT* I hear a teammate even *BEGIN* to insist I have this IO even if I don't want it or some prissy tank dictate that I play a certain way just because I don't, there will be hell to pay on these forums.
And when you're relentlessly defecating all over these forums because some random person in the game was rude to you, no doubt you'll insist that THEY made you behave in such an infantile fashion. I'm sure the mods will see things that way, too.