Summer Event Preview Live!!1

Agent White



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
That would be good for the Omega slot. Omega Radial: changes all your KB into KD.
Yes, that would be awesome!

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Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
Oh my god. Hand Clap. I'm going to start taking Hand Clap again.
Wow, yeah good point. I need to start leveling my SS tanker again. And add this proc to Shield Charge too.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
You do realize why melee characters hate KB right? Because it takes the things they are trying to kill and pushes it further from them. It the gives them a head start if they decide to run. Yes I hate KB on MY toons. As long as my teammates are considerate with theirs, it doesn't bother me. However, there is little in the game more frustrating than having a group around me that I need to use energy drain on, only to see them scattered by a teammate's KB power before I have a chance to use the power. That is why there are people who dislike KB.
I hate to say this... but there are two words I need to say to this: adapt, move. That is all.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I hate to say this... but there are two words I need to say to this: adapt, move. That is all.
I tend to be the team leader, I guess I can adapt by using the kick function more. If they are not being considerate with their KB, there is no reason my mouse and clicker should be either.

KB is annoying. I am so glad some awesome programer has found a way to remove it if we so chose. I hope they find more and more ways.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I tend to be the team leader, I guess I can adapt by using the kick function more. If they are not being considerate with their KB, there is no reason my mouse and clicker should be either.
"If they don't knuckle under and conform to my playstyle, I should just kick them."
I see.

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Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Did you even read what I said? THERE IS NOT A DIFFERENCE. Go on live server with an Energy Blaster right now. Go ahead, do it. I'll wait. Okay? Look for someone who hates knockback, and then team with them. What's that? You got kicked because you have tons of knockback and there is currently no way to mitigate it on Live? Well holy crap! How is this better than a universe where mitigation exists but you simply choose not to use it anyway? As far as you're concerned, nothing has changed. Even Chicken Little thinks you should slow down and think this through a bit. Also, as many others have said, it's apparently unique, so you're not gonna be able to slot this across your build even if you want to.

And all of that aside, in the 6+ years I've been playing the game I have never been kicked from a team because of my powers or build. Ever. EVER. So y'know, maybe find people to team with who aren't complete jerks, or maybe the problem lies with you and you need to learn how to conrol your knockback better. I dunno, I don't know anything about you, I'm not casting judgment, just laying out the possibilities. Either way, the fault does not lie with the devs.
7 years playing and I have never been kicked from a team for power selection/use.

And NO ONE is saying this will make cookie cutter builds moreso...

I think the problem with you people getting supposedly kicked because of your powers is more than JUST that. Here is a great example of that:

Teamed on a lowbie team with me on my TA defender a few melee, an emp and a ice/storm controller. We picked up the troller after about 2-3 missions...and before them we were doing great...not steam rolling but moving at a nice comfy pace. BOOM... troller gets on and unleashes gale, hurricane, and tornado in one mob.... The team leader asked them to please leverage their attacks better so as not to cause SO MUCH scatter... they continued to play like a complete moron... get ready for it though... their reason: "I am Loki I bring chaos!" ... I kid you not. Three of us were on skype and when he typed that it was a resounding WTF?!?!?! So after the mission with him... we "disbanded" and then reformed without him because we didn't want to seem rude by kicking him. He sent me a tell a few minutes later asking if I wanted to team and I told him "No sorry not atm...pllaying with friends." He then asked if he could join to which I politely told him no...but wished him GL and Have fun.

Anyways my point is....not always the powers....usually the person behind the powers.

And I have played many toons without "needed" powers; kins without SB/ID etc. If someone wants to kick me based on their preconceived notion on my performance based off of powers i have taken or not taken...their loss.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



My hope? That in the aftermath of this thing going live, we can get KB-KD conversion as an option on Null the Gull.

If they're going to devote whole Trials to careful positioning, they shouldn't render entire sets useless in those trials.



Can't wait for this, my main since I started playing in Issue 7 is Lightslinger, an Energy/Energy Blaster and while I appreciate the KB when solo, I hate it when I'm teaming. Can we slot more than one of these procs or is it unique? If I can it will be going in Torrent and Explosive Blast post haste.

Edit-Just read up and saw that it's unique, now to decide what power to put it in, probably explosive blast.



Originally Posted by Lightslinger View Post
Can't wait for this, my main since I started playing in Issue 7 is Lightslinger, an Energy/Energy Blaster and while I appreciate the KB when solo, I hate it when I'm teaming. Can we slot more than one of these procs or is it unique? If I can it will be going in Torrent and Explosive Blast post haste.
can only slot one atm as the set is unique

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
A note on the KB proc: by the looks of it, you can only have one. So it's not "buy 9 of them for your energy blaster." It's just put it in one that's always really annoyed you. Heck, I see the addition of Knockdown to a power without Knockbacks as a bigger deal. Why? Because I might just go and throw it, say, in Caltrops.

And sit back and watch the hilarity.

But really, to me? The proc is just gravy. I don't have any plans to use it on my Plant/Storm controller to knock down Tornado's KB. Why? Because I took the set for the knockback, and I'm gonna damn well get it!

Might throw it in my Tanker's Laser Beam Eyes though.

This can't be emphasized enough: It will affect just one power of a character because it's unique, and only powers that do damage. So, Nemmie Staff and Whirlwind will still do KB.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
This can't be emphasized enough: It will affect just one power of a character because it's unique, and only powers that do damage. So, Nemmie Staff and Whirlwind will still do KB.
Of course, now that the tech exists, we can start campaigning for a common Damage/KB to KD IO to be created. And all the standard objections fall out because such an IO already exists!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Oh yeah the summer event looks like it'll actually be kinda fun to run!



I cant believe this IO isnt on the Market. Each one I get essentially opens new possibilities for all kinds of alts I wouldnt touch before.

I doubt I'll get enough of them during the event.

Oh and I'm sure the event is fun to. Whatever.



Originally Posted by Everything_Xen View Post
I cant believe this IO isnt on the Market.
Yet. But I think they know that this:

would be the result of putting these on the market.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Nobody is going to kick a knockback person from a team unless the person doing knockback is being an ******* with the knockback powers. Its the griefers that knock and scatter enemies all over the place that make you want to beat your head on the keyboard.

Me personally, I'll be putting this baby in tornado and explosive blast and probably solar flare on a human form kheld.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
"If they don't knuckle under and conform to my playstyle, I should just kick them."
I see.
If a person wants to play on a team then they should be considerate of the team. It's not just knockback either. If someone spams immobilizes while the aggro holder is gathering groups or splits up spawns because they can't agree how to manage aggro or over-aggros because they want to showboat, they'll be asked to stop. One's right to enjoy themselves only extends to the point where it impinges on another's right to enjoy themselves. When a reasonable compromise is proposed (which means asking one to direct their knockback, rather than not using it at all) and a person continues to place their own enjoyment above others' they'll be asked to leave.

As for this IO, I'm a bit curious to how it is affected by level scaling. For instance, Jolting Chain is knockdown on even level or higher foes; it, unfortunately, becomes knockback on -1 enemies (very problematic with the alpha slot and facing level 50 enemies). I wonder if this IO will be able to do anything to prevent that.



Originally Posted by mcnum View Post
this is already one set too many.

I wish this set didn't exist at all. If i'm ever asked to have this set one any of my characters by someone who thinks knockback is the devil, i'm giving serious consideration to cancelling right then and there.

This is a mistake and will only cause more social friction in the game.
completely 100% agree!

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Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
7 years playing and I have never been kicked from a team for power selection/use.

And NO ONE is saying this will make cookie cutter builds moreso...

I think the problem with you people getting supposedly kicked because of your powers is more than JUST that. Here is a great example of that:

Teamed on a lowbie team with me on my TA defender a few melee, an emp and a ice/storm controller. We picked up the troller after about 2-3 missions...and before them we were doing great...not steam rolling but moving at a nice comfy pace. BOOM... troller gets on and unleashes gale, hurricane, and tornado in one mob.... The team leader asked them to please leverage their attacks better so as not to cause SO MUCH scatter... they continued to play like a complete moron... get ready for it though... their reason: "I am Loki I bring chaos!" ... I kid you not. Three of us were on skype and when he typed that it was a resounding WTF?!?!?! So after the mission with him... we "disbanded" and then reformed without him because we didn't want to seem rude by kicking him. He sent me a tell a few minutes later asking if I wanted to team and I told him "No sorry not atm...pllaying with friends." He then asked if he could join to which I politely told him no...but wished him GL and Have fun.

Anyways my point is....not always the powers....usually the person behind the powers.

And I have played many toons without "needed" powers; kins without SB/ID etc. If someone wants to kick me based on their preconceived notion on my performance based off of powers i have taken or not taken...their loss.
I'm a big storm player...can't count the number of times I have been kicked BEFORE a team even gets started. Simply looked at my power sets and just kicked me. Same with my cosmic themed Energy blaster types. I think the perception problem is that you may just play with close friends a lot. I PUG a lot simply because none of my real life friends still play the game and I am an altaholic which thanks to the way SGs are limited by numbers of characters instead of players means I'm not really a good fit for joining other people's SGs..and I can tell you it happens a whole lot.

Classic Dungeon Crawl Arc ID: 2232-"A satirical look at your average dungeon"
Down the Rabbit Hole Arc IDs: 24346 24397-"Rescue a little girl from an insidious dream invader."



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
This is already one set too many.

I wish this set didn't exist at all. If I'm EVER asked to have this set one any of my characters by someone who thinks knockback is the devil, I'm giving serious consideration to cancelling right then and there.

This is a mistake and will only cause more social friction in the game.
My first reaction is "You have GOT to be joking..." Then I realize you aren't. Cancelling because someone asks you to use an IO... um.. yeah.. have fun playing any other game.. because if you are THAT touchy then you are missing the point of a game.

Seriously.. KB is a PITA for the majority of the playerbase. The main reason being that most who use it either can't or don't bother learning how to use it effectively. If you have, more power to you!! But you are in the minority and that is why this IO was created...

KB is integral to some playstyles so wholesale changes to a powerset is a no-go. So this is the perfect solution.. those that like powersets but hate the KB can negate it and benefit their team without seriously affecting their own solo playstyle. If you get pissed because of an IO then you need a break from the GAME. In 7 and a half years I have NEVER EVER seen anyone booted from any team due to KB- even when they should have been. This is a BOON.. (Can't wait to use it on my Human-form PB!)

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Originally Posted by Counter_Agent View Post
I'm a big storm player...can't count the number of times I have been kicked BEFORE a team even gets started. Simply looked at my power sets and just kicked me. Same with my cosmic themed Energy blaster types. I think the perception problem is that you may just play with close friends a lot. I PUG a lot simply because none of my real life friends still play the game and I am an altaholic which thanks to the way SGs are limited by numbers of characters instead of players means I'm not really a good fit for joining other people's SGs..and I can tell you it happens a whole lot.
Uhhh no... I PUG 90% of the time... Even when I form trials of the participants almost all are randoms. And I have NEVER been kicked for my power choices and I have:

Ice/Storm Corruptor
FF/NrG Defender
Bots/FF MM
Which supposedly people with those powersets are being kicked off teams left and right.. never seen it on a team I have been on nor have I been the "victim" of such a thing.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
And all of that aside, in the 6+ years I've been playing the game I have never been kicked from a team because of my powers or build. Ever. EVER. So y'know, maybe find people to team with who aren't complete jerks, or maybe the problem lies with you and you need to learn how to conrol your knockback better. I dunno, I don't know anything about you, I'm not casting judgment, just laying out the possibilities. Either way, the fault does not lie with the devs.
I haven't been kicked for KB either. Sure, I've had a few people bicker or whine when I use Gale or Shockwave and knocked a group off of an Ice Slick or Tar Patch another member was in the process of placing down (instead of using it near the wall I was knocking foes into). I've had people cry when I used Telekinetic Blast a few times and prissy Tankers tell me to take care of stuff I knocked around despite the fact I'm running Dispersion field on them and keeping them shielded.

But no, I've never been kicked.


The *INSTANT* I hear a teammate even *BEGIN* to insist I have this IO even if I don't want it or some prissy tank dictate that I play a certain way just because I don't, there will be hell to pay on these forums. I will link back to the posts in this thread with a bloody vengeance so you better delete these posts now or they'll be shoved back in your face when that time comes.

I know how to use KB and prefer it in some places although I can see the use of this in powers like Tornado or Lightning Storm, but that is a vast price to pay for having my other KB dictated by others more than it already is.



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
If I'm EVER asked to have this set one any of my characters by someone who thinks knockback is the devil, I'm giving serious consideration to cancelling right then and there.

This is a mistake and will only cause more social friction in the game.

This set is the similar type of thing I have been expecting/hoping for as an answer to Solar Flare and anything else people have problems accepting KB with in "their" toons. As for other people, anyone being a princess against constructive/acceptable knockback might just need to be ignored.

Constructive KB is to walls, corners, floors. Acceptable KB is inconstructive but in self defense.

A brute once complained about me using gale. I used gale to prevent a mob from being in melee and hitting my toon. Now had the Brute not lost the aggro I wouldn't of had to use gale ergo it was his fault.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



PS: I think I predict right now, some of those that are so sorely anti-KB will actually carry e-mails full of these KB>KD enhancements and offer them to the offending KBer and if they don't shape up, throw a hissyfit.

Cause they're so 733t, they can afford to just throw around inf.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
I haven't been kicked for KB either. Sure, I've had a few people bicker or whine when I use Gale or Shockwave and knocked a group off of an Ice Slick or Tar Patch another member was in the process of placing down (instead of using it near the wall I was knocking foes into). I've had people cry when I used Telekinetic Blast a few times and prissy Tankers tell me to take care of stuff I knocked around despite the fact I'm running Dispersion field on them and keeping them shielded.

But no, I've never been kicked.


The *INSTANT* I hear a teammate even *BEGIN* to insist I have this IO even if I don't want it or some prissy tank dictate that I play a certain way just because I don't, there will be hell to pay on these forums. I will link back to the posts in this thread with a bloody vengeance so you better delete these posts now or they'll be shoved back in your face when that time comes.

I know how to use KB and prefer it in some places although I can see the use of this in powers like Tornado or Lightning Storm, but that is a vast price to pay for having my other KB dictated by others more than it already is.
So you are threatening us that if someone tells you or suggest to you to get the -KB IO that you are gonna give us hell?? Maybe instead you should educate them through the proper use of KB that you don't need it....

I truly feel sorry for the people who take this game THAT seriously...I play it to relax and enjoy my time. I also feel sorry/bad for the people who have allegedly been kicked off teams due to their powers etc...If that were to happen to me I would probably just gignore them and move on because it is just a game and there are thousands of other players to play with

I kinda hope someone does suggest the -kb IO to you come back here frothing at the mouth and I can reply with "So?? Move on to another team." When you group thousands of people together in a semi competitive will always have people telling you how to play...I look at what people say and if it doesn't apply to me..I move on... I never have understood the drama.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!