Summer Event Preview Live!!1

Agent White



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
When did or when is this supposed to occur? I dont recall seeing any announcements at 5pm today.
It was a Live Preview of the Summer Blockbuster Event.

The information was posted on the Facebook page and on Twitter.

There was no official announcement on the forums (at least none that show in Dev Digest or Community Digest).

It's already happened (almost 2 hours ago) at this point in time.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Only a shame that the set is 47+. Especially for an event that's designed from 15 to 50 >>

When you play a level 50 character level 50 enhancements drop, when you play a level 20 character level 20 enhancements drop. We saw a level 50 enhancement drop for a level 50 character, that's why that enhancement can only be used on level 47+ characters.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
When you play a level 50 character level 50 enhancements drop, when you play a level 20 character level 20 enhancements drop. We saw a level 50 enhancement drop for a level 50 character, that's why that enhancement can only be used on level 47+ characters.
you sure? It looked like it was attuned, not a typical level based enhancement.



Originally Posted by positron View Post
the conversion (knockback to knockdown) happens 100% of the time; if the power you slot this in does not have knockback in it then it adds a proc to do knockdown.

So Happy right now!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
you sure? It looked like it was attuned, not a typical level based enhancement.
After rewatching the reward part of the video again, I can't say I'm sure. I thought there was a level attached to the enhancement when it dropped, but after the rewatch there clearly isn't.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
After rewatching the reward part of the video again, I can't say I'm sure. I thought there was a level attached to the enhancement when it dropped, but after the rewatch there clearly isn't.
Your own screenshot earlier in the thread shows that it is attuned.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
They're gaming journalists. They have to play hundreds of games for a living, so maybe we could give them a bit of leeway?

Look at it this way: people who would be new to COH aren't exactly looking to see how well the guy behind the keyboard is playing the game. These live streams are great exposure for the game, which is why we're looking to host some ourselves.
There's also the fact that someone who knew the game very well wouldn't need to ask questions - the whole stream would be silent - but with someone who doesn't know the game so well, they'll ask questions, and get answers from the devs.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
And this is why I'll not be doing this event.

(for those that have difficulty interpreting comments, the / text that follows is put there just for you, as is this explanation)


I'm so glad that they've decided that forced teaming is required for any new events.

It's 4 people - that's a small team even in normal mission content

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
So what happens if you put this proc in... say... Tornado?
It becomes awesome-er?

Seriously though, it will probably help folks who have to work an AoE root into their rotation with Tornado.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
Yes! all of these. Wait, It wont work in hand doesnt do damage.
Dang it, I just realized that this means it won't work in Wormhole either. Hopefully they'll come out with a universal control set or something that has one of these in it.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Also pretty interesting about the 6 set bonus. Isn't the only other set that offers knockback protection has a set bonus one of the PVP IOs? Glad to see the devs are starting to play with set bonuses.

Though, I can't help but wonder if we'll ever see some expanded sets eventually, because so far it's been nothing but attuned stuff that you can't craft via recipe. (Not that I mind -too- much, I <3 ATOS, and a universal damage set sounds nice to shore up like Targeted AoEs).



Originally Posted by McNum View Post
This is already one set too many.

I wish this set didn't exist at all. If I'm EVER asked to have this set one any of my characters by someone who thinks knockback is the devil, I'm giving serious consideration to cancelling right then and there.

This is a mistake and will only cause more social friction in the game.
KB is the devil. The rest is up to you. For me it means there are powers I can now enjoy on my scrappers and stalkers. This will go right into Crane Kick on my MA toons. CK has kept me from enjoying the MA set for 8 years now. Finally I can enjoy that power set.

Not to mention my PB, the cone I skipped in KM, Shockwave! WOW I am so excited by this!

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You number crunching types do know that there's more to this event than just some enhancements, right?
Til they release more info on the badges or if the other reward options are new shinies, I don't expect you'll get many more folks jumping for joy over it.

Not to detract from the event, it seems cute and fun but.. that's about it. It's not some compelling plot twist involving anything else in the world. The coliseum has some cool bosses, but it's nothing but a tank and spank. The casino heist has some pretty neat mechanics but nothing mind blowing. It's like the Halloween event, it's got some neat new tricks and we'll run it a few times but after that... well, that's it.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
I don't expect you'll get many more folks jumping for joy over it.

Not to detract from the event, it seems cute and fun but.

I think time gladiator is awesome. Kinda wish it was a permanent event and that it could be done solo. I was a bit disappointed that there wasnt more matches. Think of the matches at the game place in FF7. That was some fun stuff. Minus the horrible effects it placed on your character between matches.



you know what's funny?

watching the recorded version of the stream for the gladiator part is what just now convinced me to play a Beast MM. for the Dire Wold pet. it will be my only pet though :P

it's ranged powers look like wind D:

and since we dont have wind blast yet, that's about as close as i'm going to get. [dont tell me about sonic! XD] dear synapse: please make wind blast nao. thanks! check the powers suggestion thread it's in there some pages back. sorry i couldnt make it to the summit!


im excited about this though! and cant wait to play through it! the double feature was a GREAT idea. i hope there are some neat badges with this, and the gladiator movie part has some really exciting parts to it. i would love for this event to be around a lot longer than the other holiday themed ones. a whole two/three months [june-august] of having this available would be awesome.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
KB is the devil. The rest is up to you. For me it means there are powers I can now enjoy on my scrappers and stalkers. This will go right into Crane Kick on my MA toons. CK has kept me from enjoying the MA set for 8 years now. Finally I can enjoy that power set.

Not to mention my PB, the cone I skipped in KM, Shockwave! WOW I am so excited by this!
Knockback is a tool, one that has been nerfed repeatedly in the last year or so. Every time it becomes useful in some way, it gets nerfed. You notice that lava doesn't do damage to anyone anymore? That's because knockback became useful, even somewhat powerful. Can't have that. So bye-bye verisimilitude, lava is now harmless.

And now this abomination of an IO appears. If I had the Inf, I'd buy every single one that came on the market and destroy it. The fewer of these that exists, the better. It unbalances several powers that were dependent on their knockback to be allowed to be that much more awesome, like Tornado and several AoE attacks.

But the worst part is, if this IO becomes even slightly common, it becomes a "requirement". Not officially, of course, but as you said, why not slot it in Crane Kick (except for losing the awesome "Kick badguy off high building" finishing move)? It's the "optimal" strategy. And that is terrible. Especially if it becomes a widespread idea. There's already too much unjustified stigma against knockback, this will not help that, at all. It will only make that problem worse. Much worse.

What we need is MORE knockback. Useful knockback, though, none of this "chance to" stuff. And stuff to knock enemies into, other than the Scrapper. We need knockback, a standout feature of CoH, to be awesome. The ability to affect Archvillains would be a nice place to start. Knockback is the only status in the game where a mag 10,000 protection exists. Why is that? It's not like there's anything dangerous left to knock anything into. That's nerfed already.

Frankly, I'm sorely disappointed that this IO even made it out of concept stage. It's such a bad idea, it should have been rejected outright. So many balance issues coming up...

And the worst possible thing? That this means that knockback will never get looked at properly, and turned into what it could have been. Knockback is a superheroic staple. It should have been front and center from the start.

The solution to the knockback "problem" is not to be able to switch knnockback off, it's to make knockback useful and desirable in several situations.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Am I the only one who thinks there shouldn't be an IO that converts KB to KD?

[Edit: I see by the above... that I am not. Though it seems fervor is well above what I have going on.]



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Am I the only one who thinks there shouldn't be an IO that converst KB to KD?

[Edit: I see by the above... that I am not. Though it seems fervor is well above what I have going on.]
No, you're not. *points to wall of text above*

EDIT: Yeah, I might be a little too harsh on it, but this is exactly what I do NOT want to happen to the game.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
You number crunching types do know that there's more to this event than just some enhancements, right?
Is not!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I can't seem to find a recorded version of this... can I get a link?



I actually see no harm in the proc as it is an OPTIONAL mechanic. No one is forcing anyone to take this proc and only those who want it for their own reasons will take it.

Maybe someone doesn't want their MA scrap to knock someone away from them?
Maybe I would like to use this in explosive blast for my TA/Arch defender so I have two AOEs that don't scatter baddies.

I seriously think some people are say the least. Those people who already despise KB don't like it for their own personal gaming style. This is just giving people another choice..plain and simple. I refused to take Explosive Blast because while the damage is decent I cannot always fight baddies by walls etc..and knocking them outside of my debuffs...well not the best move to say the least.

So chill..relax...calm's not like they are changing KB universally..they are simply giving people the option to change ONE power from KB to KD....

Seems people will DOOM just about anything any more.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



So bonfire becomes a knock down and damage patch <3



Eh, I just want a companion IO set just for Knockback powers. With a +1 mag KB (unresistable) IO in it. (Call it "Irresistible Force") I'd slot Force Bolt with that in a heartbeat. Of course, it would make knockback universally useful to do that, so we'll never get one of those. Or will we? Surprise me! A purple Knockback set would be funny.

And yes, I do see how useful this IO is, it's why I'm being so loud about it. Yes, it's "optional", except, you know, not. And that is a problem. If there's going to be a KB/KD tradeoff, it needs to be an actual tradeoff, not a no-brainer. So my question is, really, what are the devs going to do to improve knockback so this IO is no longer a no-brainer to slot?

Knockback needs help, it's needed it for a long, long time. And this IO? It's not helping, at all. It just makes the problem even more obvious. But maybe that's for another thread, really, a bit of a brainstorm on how to fix this, properly, not just put a band-aid over a gunshot wound.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"