Is your original "main" your "main"?




Nope, I have never switched... except name and server and alignment. The first character I ever made is the one I still play the most! He has survived a move from Infinity to Justice and a name change from Wylde-Fire to Pointsphere (and a completely new costume as well)... not to mention him going from hero to villain and back and then to around again to rogue, but he has always been my "main" and is my Badger as well.



My first character was my namesake on Infinity. He's a Dark Melee/Super Reflexes scrapper and for the longest time he was my "main" as far as being the one I spent most of my play time on and thus the first one I got to level 50.

But a couple of the Supergroups he had belonged to imploded and most of my friends on that server weren't around much anymore so my focus shifted to another DM/SR scrapper (I like the combo) on Protector. He got to 50 before the majority of his SGmates (the RL component) moved on to other things. He was my second Incarnate.

My first Incarnate was a Dual Blade/Willpower Scrapper. I'd consider him my main as far as him also being my Badge collector. However, I've been leaving him mostly parked getting the last few Day Job badges while I've been playing characters with some of the latest powersets.

So the short answer is: no my original main is not my main anymore.



Back in 2004, my first character was SS/Inv Tanker. I got her up to around level 8 then stopped and didn't play COH again until 2007.

When I resubbed, I made a scrapper just to get to 50 and then made a Peacebringer. That Peacebringer was my 'Main' for probably two years, but then I got nostalgic for my first character ever and I busted her back out....but I wasn't completely happy with her, so I rerolled her as a SS/WP Brute and she's now been my 'Main' for most of the last 3 years. I've played other characters here and there, but even now I go long stretches where my SS/WP is only thing I play (currently been a month since I've played anything else). I dunno why; I guess she's an idealized 'me', she's certainly the most immersive one I play.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I should mention that I have never retired a level 50 character. I have a lot of characters who have never made it to 50, but I have vague intentions to do so "someday". Anyone who I have absolutely no intention to get to 50 gets deleted. Anyone who gets to 50 gets played, at least some of the time. You might see how this leads to me having less time to level new 50s as I go along.
Yes, I do this as well. I just recentely deleted a level 20 Praetorian because the character was created before crossover was allowed, just so I could team with friends leveling up new alts. But I'm not fond of Praetoria and didn't have any emotional investment in the characters, so </recyclebin>.

And my poor Street Justice scrapper is so much fun but still only level 23, as I also work on my 30-something Time/Beam defender and all my 50s.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



I'm still me. Kurrent was my first character ever created, and she remains my avatar.



I have two mains, a hero and a villain (they may switch alignments temporarily to do content for both sides, but I like to handwave explanations for why that might happen), dating back to I4/5 and CoV launch, respectively. I have a bunch of other alts (ugh too many) but these two are the ones I focus on for everything. They're also my badgers (I considered turning their Praetorian counterparts into "Praetorian mains" also and having them be badgers, but that's probably not realistic in the slightest).

Also, my hero main has the distinction of being the first character I ever created. He's also a somewhat shameless self-insert.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



My "main" when I started out was my spunky teenage android dude, Zeta Silver, a Claws/Regen Scrapper. I played the heck out of him, RPed a ton, had a grand time as I leisurely climbed to 20...

...And then came Capt. Stormrider.

I think it was mostly due to a falling out among my SG mates, and my success in finally getting my RL best friend to play CoX, but when he insisted on making a Corruptor (this was years before side-switching) I realized I needed a villain too. So I created my throwaway Elec/Storm Corruptor Space-Pirate with a lame storyline and a name that I had pulled straight off of the Iced Earth album of similar name. I had no intention of playing him much, as I already had a villain of about level 15, and Stormrider existed just as a holding pattern to get my friend caught up.

I don't know when or why it happened, but I suddenly realized that Stormrider was rapidly becoming my favorite. Nowadays, Zeta remains untouched at level 20, and the aforementioned other villain only recently reached 50 as my second, but Capt. Stormrider will forever be my main and first to 50, nearly fully decked-out in sub-Purple IOs and well on his way to Incarnate completion. If I ever do amassthe collective resources to purple out a character, it will be him before anyone else. What started as a throwaway villain with a lazy backstory became my most carefully-tooled character with the longest, richest storyline woven in and out of existing CoX lore and still evolving with each new part of lore released.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
Did anyone completely switch their main? Go from a tank to a defender or whatever?
Yep. Twice, even!

My first main character, created during the tail end of the original CoH beta, was Axegrinder: an Inv/Axe Tanker loosely based on the Green Knight of Arthurian mythology. I played him until about the middle of the CoV beta, at which point I very briefly quit CoH altogether because I had a possible opportunity for overseas work and I wasn't sure that I'd be able to play if I got the position. I went so far as to delete all my toons so that their names would be freed up for other players. The job fell through at the last second, so I re-subscribed and focused on beta testing CoV.

It was there that I fell in love with the Brute AT and made my first long-term main character in Smashmouth, an SS/Inv. He remained my main character until I was able to beta test the VEATs and became enamored with the idea of the Crab Spider path. That's when I created my third and final main character, Goliath Bird Eater. Smashmouth is still around, but he's used mostly for gathering Villain Merits as GBE is a Rogue.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



I think my very first toon on live was a Grav/Emp Controller. Yep...he got deleted around lvl 12 (my best friend, who played with me at the time, kept making fun of his!).

Probably a month or two after live (maybe less?); I made a Kin/Rad Defender, Energizing Ion, now he's my main; still is for the most part.

Now I do play a lot of toons and the only time I really play EI is when there are new badges to get; however, I still think EI is my "main" even though I'm lvl'ing up all my other toons.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



My very first main was an Energy/ Energy blaster. When it made 50, I started alting more but it was still my main go-to toon. I started to make different ATs, and found I liked tanks. BUT the original Mr Body was a Stone/ Mace tank before the Mace changes and I totally hated the combo. I stopped playing the blaster and alted alot until... Shields was announced. Having saved the name Mr Body on all servers I could, I felt it was time to remake him as Shield/ SS. And he is now my main. I still alt alot but when I don't have a toon I am currently leveling, or am uncertain what to play, out comes Mr Body.



Like some others, I'm not much of a "main" person - I have a lot of alts that
I play regularly, and usually a few more "junior" characters that I'm also working
on at any given time.

To be sure, I like some of my toons more than others, and some are definitely

That said, I don't delete characters, and I still have (and play) my original toon
from day 1. He still has his original (amusing to me) SO build along with a much
more current respec'd, and nicely IO'd build, along with some iPowers as well.

I don't really have a character that I'd consider my "main" (including my namesake
original toon).


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



My very first character was my namesake as in Ice/Strom on Pinnacle back in 2004. As he is currently level 24, I think it's safe to say no, he is no longer my main, though still one of my favorite characters. My second character was a DM/Regen back in the IH toggle days. Compared to my controller he hit 50 so fast my head spun, shortly after they upped the level cap. He still exists on Pinnacle under a different account and since Freedom hit, I have taken him out for a spin just for "old times sake".

Now my next "Main" was a Dark Dark Defender. I fell in love with that one and played her constantly until I left the game. Vindictive Wife has long since been my favorite character. What I liked about her was her back story. The wife of my Dark Melee scrapper she came to paragon to take him back and put her family back together. This gave her a deep hatred for the man she felt took her husband from her. That would of course be Statesman.

This was long before there was even a red side, let a lone a way to convert a hero to get there. I hadn't recreated her under my new account, kind of out of respect for the original. However, when they dropped the news about the January SSA, I recreated my beloved Vindictive Wife on my new home, Freedom. She has been my main ever since and is now 50 and well incarnated. She salivates every night over the thought of finally ending the man that ended her family.

TLDR; No, I don't play my first main any longer, but I recreated my 3rd ever toon (from pre-cov days), and am happy to have her be my current main character. Even more so by the ability to "Go Rogue". I guess I never realized how much I missed playing her.



I don't really have a main. I hold more or less equal value to the toons that I play.



Although I screwed around in the character creator a bit when I first started playing, I actually specifically played three characters more than a few minutes. Those three eventually became my "mains" although I didn't specifically set out to make them that. They just had the largest investment in time, particularly because the leveling curve was so flat back then and the game did not have as much content depth as now; plus I was still figuring things out as was everyone else in the game. So they have experiences tied to them you can never get again. As a result, they became the characters I felt and feel most attached to. In particular, my Energy/Energy blaster which was the first character I got to 50, and the character that will probably forever be the one that I spend the most time getting to fifty: 907 hours.

I have friends I haven't spent 907 total hours with.

To this day that character is the first character I do any content with. First to 50. First to spec into epic powers. First to add inventions to. First to run iTrials. Also my primary badge hunter, which had I known then what I know now I'd have probably spent more time leveling my Ill/Rad first.

I still play all three a lot, and I still play other alts, but I just don't consider myself to have done something until I've done it on that one first to 50 character. And that's always been true, so for me my "main" has just about always been my main, at least since leveling past the teens.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



My original main was a Dark/Elec/Elec Defender.

But then I started playing Controllers a lot, and an Ill/Emp/Psi Controller became my new favorite.

Then one day I tried out a Tanker. I didn't even know what I was doing or if the powersets that I picked were any good. But I fell in love with my Ice/Fire/Soul Tanker and he's been my main ever since.

Winteriel Ice/Fire/Soul Tanker | @TBoxer Global | City of Heroes R.I.P. (2004-2012)



My namesake used to be my main, but got most of the Master badges and having done the new content she sits shelved until new shinies arrive and I roll yet another Dominator to perma (Electric/Thorns).

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Yep. Knight'Hawk was the very first character I created when I joined back in 07. He's gone through a couple name adjustments due to server switching and the current appearance is nothing like the original. It's been fun the last 4 1/2 years, but now that he's finally level 50, I've considered re-rolling him as a StJ/WP Scrapper as that would actually be more in line with his backstory.

I've never really been much of an altoholic cause while I do have a few extra characters, most aren't above level 15. Dark'Falcon is my gateway to villain content (started as a Praetorian Loyalist) and only recently have I started playing with an alternate hero; primarily to experience the new low-level stuff. I have one more in mind for Blueside (starting as a Praetorian) once staff fighting comes out, but that's probably about it.

Knight'Hawk however always will be my "main". I even have variations of him in the other hero games as I tend to play those periodically. As I've said before, that character is me. As long as there are hero games like this and the other two, I'm going to have a toon with that name in some form, and as some kind of melee class.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
Did anyone completely switch their main? Go from a tank to a defender or whatever?
i rotate ATs, characters, and servers pretty regularly. i tend to go for several weeks to several months bouncing between various alts until one really clicks and then focus on playing and leveling that one for several months. Then it's usually a couple months after hitting 50 and getting most sets slotted that i shift to a new main. Some former mains i play fairly frequently, but others have been mostly abandoned for years.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...




Redlynne dates to Issue 2. She was my first character I rolled up on my first server (Virtue), my first Level 50 character, and still occupies the #1 character slot on Virtue for me. Redlynne walked the path of NO GET HITSU!! in Issues 2-5 ... back when 6-slotting with SOs was the best you could do (I had Hover 6-slotted with Fly enhancements back then!) and was almost always the last one standing whenever the (rest of the) team wiped. The costume you see above was made possible by Issue 4 (and it has certainly "endured" and worn better over time than the PvP introduced in that issue!).

I originally wanted the name of Redline ... or even Red Line ... but, needless to say, those were already taken on Virtue (in Issue 2 no less!) ... so I "settled" for the closest misspelling I could get to that didn't involve L33Tsp34k silliness.

I even managed to dig up a screenshot I took back in Issue 2 and posted at the Hero Dawn fotopages on 8 Dec 2004 (which are now really bad at serving up webpages and effectively defunct) ... so I copied the image to a "better" image site so you can see her in action as a "young" hero (at 640x480 full screen resolution!) ...

This will hurt you a lot more than me ...
As a bit of (extremely ancient!) game trivia, it wasn't until AFTER I'd finished playing for the day, and uploaded this screenshot, that I realized ... "Hey, these Fifth Column guys are like NINE FEET TALL!!" ... because Redlynne is only 5'0". The screencap makes it look I'm about to punch this gigantic Fifth Columnist somewhere ... painful ... when in fact the picture actually captures Redlynne "hauling back" to use either Thunder Kick or Storm Kick on this guy. (Also note the totally *crappy* boots I had to wear until we got Pants and Sneakers in Issue 4!).

MA/SR Scrapper ... Issue 2 Vintage. That's me.

And as you can tell from my Forum Handle ... Redlynne is still my Main Identity, even after all of these years.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



My main character and my forum namesake is the character I've logged more hours on than any other. I don't play him as much these days, due to being fully T4'd and having a build I'm happy with, but he's like a nice suit: I bring him out for special occasions.


Also on Steam



Ironically my main is never played and has never reached 50 in any incarnation. I've never found the right powerset combo. I do have altitis though so I play many mains but my very first main ever, Goblin Queen, sits collecting dust (although I do log in and make different costumes for her out of all the new stuff we get). I'm hoping Dark Control really fits with her and if we ever get Whip Assault for a secondary for Doms, Mastermind customization or Dark Illusion then I'm sure I'll reroll her at least one more time.

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



Never had a main untill I made Brand-X. No other character has been considered a main since then.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Yep, my main is still my main. Still the same character I came up with during the original CoH beta. Still fun to play, too.