Is your original "main" your "main"?




I made and deleted a couple of characters when I first started playing, but my two "Main" characters (i.e. the ones on which I have logged the most hours) were both created within my first... maybe 2-4 weeks of playing.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Lol am I the only guy that didn't make a character named after their forum handle?
Nope. My original forum handle had nothing to do with any of my characters. It was a variant of a chat handle I'd used in IRC chats, website based video chats, forums, as well as being my handle in various FPS game.

When globals were added to the game I changed my Forum Handle to match my in-game main, Texas Justice. Of course, due to "no spaces" restrictions, I used _ instead of the space. When they switched to vBulletin for the forum software it allowed spaces in the names so I asked Ex Libris or Niviene to change it for me when they made the offer and they did change it to the version with the space.


As to whether or not Texas Justice is my original main, well, yes and no. During Beta, the Texas Justice character was one I kept recreating on days when they'd have a stress test with creating new characters. He was also the character I used for trying different looks and modifying the costume during Beta until I got what I wanted from the look.

Texas Red was the version of Texas Justice that I tested with in Beta. I use that phrasing because at times Texas Justice seems to have some memory lapses. Of course, he blames it on getting older and having swiss-cheese memory. But is it really?

Texas Red is a bit clueless as to where these neat little gadgets he keeps finding come from, as well as this odd looking costume that was in a box hidden in his attic. He seems to have a bit of amnesia at times as well, and doesn't know very much about his own life.

Some people suspect that Texas Justice and Texas Red are the same person, but no one has ever really found out the truth about the two, even super-powered relatives that have met both. Doc Texas and Texas Lawdawg thinks Red is just some nice guy that stumbled on an old costume similar to what TJ wears, and humoring him they invited him to join the South Texas Knights. Very few of the other members have met him, but they do have to wonder about the two of them given the similarities in powers and costumes, the physical resemblances and the memory issues.

Maybe some day the world will find out the truth, but maybe not.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Lol am I the only guy that didn't make a character named after their forum handle?
It's the reverse for me. The character was definitely first, the forum handle

To top it off, when the game went live, we were guaranteed the name on all
servers, so there are several other FourSpeed toons of mine around on various
servers, but only my original Elec/Elec Blaster from the original beta went on to
a successful career beyond L10 or far...


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



My first rolled characters were tankers. It took me a few tries to figure out that tankers just weren't for me. Then followed a string of Gravity/FF controllers and TA/Archery defenders. Leveling was slow and alts were plentiful. I had no main character.

I had joined in Issue 11, and when Issue 12 rolled out, I really wanted to make a Crab Spider. By that time I had 2 high level characters -- a level 32 DB/Fiery Aura brute and a level 30 Ice/Cold corruptor. I had to choose which one to try to get to 50 so I could unlock VEATs, and I chose the corruptor. I thought teams would want the buffs and debuffs and that he'd be more popular than the brute for invites. I played the hell out of Jakob Frost to level him up. I set aside my altitis because I wanted that Crab Spider!

Jakob Frost was my first 50. My Crab Spider was my second 50, but by then I'd really figured out how to play my corruptor. He's been my main ever since. When I started playing much more on Victory than Virtue, I moved Jakob Frost right on over, where he is today. He's my badger, my go-to character when times are tough and critters need debuffed and killed. He was the first character I really spent money on IO sets for. When incarnate content came out, there was no doubt who'd be doing it first.

He didn't initially have much of a personality, but he's really become a recognizable character to me now. I've written a short story about him for a contest, and really enjoyed doing so.

He became my main by accident, and because I wanted a VEAT, but he's remained my main because I really enjoy playing him.



My original toon when the game came out will always be my true main even though he's fallen on the wayside. He's a machine as a BS/SR Scrapper with a unique build that works really well for my playstyle.

My Ice/Cold Corrupter after getting her IO'd out (semi-old vet returning when Freedom launched) and then Incarnate is just so much more enjoyable. Kind of a jack of all trades but yet I don't feel like a master of none. So she's basically become what I deem a "co-main" or I guess a Vice President of my toons.

The rest are just alts who I play on occasion if the team needs a certain AT.

This space is intentionally left blank.



My original main character and first 50 was Two Dollar Bill, Illusion/Empathy Controller. Best support character ever. After The Great Nerfing (Issue 5) he was never quite the same and my Warshade soon became my main character.
The Warshade was never nerfed into obscurity but another alt, my Crab Spider, eventually rose up to usurp his position.
Both my Controller and Warshade are semi-active on Justice, mostly in iTrials.



Maiden Canada was created at launch and today is my only Incarnate. I am working on other characters a lot lately, but she will always be my "main". She still looks the same as 8 years ago.

Est sularis oth Mithas



My first character (rad defender) was created deliberately as a character to try out the game systems. I played her exclusively to level 50, and then I created my actual main, which was the character type I intended to create as my main all along (fire blaster).

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



My first character was Ullikummis. He was my first 50, my first incarnate, my only character to have all T4 incarnate powers, and as my badger, he is still frequently played. But, when there are no badges to be had, others take over as my "main."

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



Yes. Tyger is my main.

The character I always wanted to play as.
The guy who has all the badges.
The guy who gets first dibs on any new systems that come out.
The guy who gets all the cash and/or supplies all the others.
The patriarch of my character lists and my accounts.
He'll be the guy who turns out the lights.

He's also my strongest concept, something which I feel is more than just what powers they wield.

Sitania for example was made when Thugs came out. She was made months after my first villain and overtook him, hitting 50 right before VEATs hit. She's also my easiest and hardest to play, straddling the line between weak and powerful. So much fun which is why I still enjoy playing her and she took the mantle of my main villain till GR came along and she got the job of being 'the Destroyer'. She's always the second I take through the new systems.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
Did anyone completely switch their main? Go from a tank to a defender or whatever?
Pretty much the reverse. Well, almost.

The first character I rolled was a Scrapper. But I didn't play him much at all.

The first character I stuck with and made friends with others while playing was a Fire/Kin Controller (the third character I created, so I had no idea that the combo was so good).

My Controller was my first character to make it higher than 40, but stalled at 41.

Meanwhile I had gotten a fire/fire blaster to the 30s and continued to push on with her and hit 50 with her.

The blaster never really became my main though.

I went back to the Controller and hit 50 eventually.

Meanwhile I had a few Scrappers and Tankers that I never really played gathering dust at low levels. And then I actually started playing them. And I realized that I much prefer the playstyle of Scrappers and Tankers.

There were a few Scrappers that I considered my main for a while; a BS/WP for a while, and then a Fire/Shield, also a Fire/Regen. And I got a few more Scrappers to 50 too.

And then eventually I went back to my Inv/SS Tanker that I had rolled up long long ago. I had always enjoyed SS and always wished that it was available for Scrappers since Tankers felt too slow for me. But I played her anyway. And I forget what the timing was like, but she ended up hitting 50 and I ended up giving her a good IO build (I think the IO build was before hitting 50, but I'm not sure. IOs might not have even been out then). But anyway, eventually she got to be really enjoyable, and then the incarnate system was introduced and I had to figure out who to incarnate. So I picked a few and she was among them. And now she's my main.

So yeah, I went from Controller (sort of to Blaster) to Scrapper to Tanker.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters




Originally I played the Silver Sledge on Virtue, maybe a year or two. Since then the closest thing I've had to a main was my namesake Starflier.

Unfortunately, I don't really enjoy playing characters after they hit level 50, so now that I get free server transfers, my 50's get shipped to the boonies whenever they hit 50 to make room for characters I will actually play.

Closest thing I have to a main at the current time is Dynamite Jack, an Energy/Energy brute.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




My first toon back in Issue 3 was a fire/Storm controller which was deleted around Issue 11-12 I think. That was back when I had no clue really about the game. Took me forever to make it to 50 LOL. Since then I have made and deleted roughly 30-40 50's.

Until now - My Fire/Time Corruptor is my main toon and my names sake. It took me 5 years to find a main, but I am loving every minute of it

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



My very first CoH character, Masked Shrike (Inv/EM tank) will always be the one I consider my 'spiritual' main. She's a character that has been through many incarnations, and she's dear to my heart. She's been retired for quite some time. I can't actually remember the last time she came out to play, but maybe she'll get Incarnated once Dark Astoria is redone. Weirdly, my mains on all three MMOs I play are tank classes, so I must like that type.

Shrike was not my first 50, though. My Ill/Emp controller, Scarlet Specter, made it to level cap first. I'd have to say she was my main for a time. She is my badge collector, and at one time I was a fairly obsessive badger. Nowadays I'm merely casual, but Scarlet still comes out to get new badges, here and there. I quite like playing controller-types; my two other 50s are both 'trollers.

I'd have to say that these days, PinUp Girl is my 'functional' main. A DB/WP scrapper, she's a hoot to play. She's dear to my heart for different reasons, and she was the character that led me to make the switch from Victory to Virtue. She's my only character who has any Incarnate stuff. She still gets playtime on a semi-regular basis. Through her I have discovered that DPSing is jolly good fun.

Busting heads since 1938

Character references * My DeviantArt gallery * I am an altoholic



My original main is not my main. I enjoy Force Fields, but with all the new Defender/Corrupter sets, as well as all the melee stuff, I'm always working on new toons.

I guess my current main is a Kinetic Melee/Ninjitsu Stalker. I also have a main Blaster, but once she hits 50, my Beam Rifle/Time Manipulation will probably be my main

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Kobolt my very first char was made in beta...when the game went live I re-rolled him and figured it out that elec/elec blasters were lam-o (2004) lol. Fire Chief was born a fire/nrg blaster and WOW!!! NO lookin' back after that, took him to 50 (or was it 40 then lol) but anywho shelved him and re-rolled Kobolt (ice/cold baby) when corruptors came about he was prob a mistake but started diggin' the powers and went to 50 really quick. Sooooo yeah in my mind he is my main and my only character to have all T4 incarnate powers.
Prestige Award
My DA page

@Fire Chief



I created two characters during my initial trial period. Golden Avariel (elec/elec blaster) and Shadowguardinal (dark/dark tank). I love both and both were made to pair up with a friend who joined me in the trial period. The other person preferred the Shadowguardinal team so that one really became my main for a long time and my first 50 while GA languished at 28th level. I played her off and on for years getting first 1 then 2 and 3 levels ahead of her partner. When xp-manipulation came to the game I turned it off and started playing her a lot. She was level 31 for a LONG time. I finally decided to set her free mid-last year and last night finally dinged 50 after almost 43 months of play.

I play all my characters a lot but those two have a special place in my lineup and also happen to be my first.



I do have a main, conviently named WarMain and I've stuck with that character a good many years.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Tabby_Cat (Claws/Regen) went into retirement shortly after she dinged 50, she does make appearances on rare occasions. As to why she did i realy could not say, maybe she misses her regular group so much that when they left that she decided to leave the saving of the city to other heros.

Triumph Charactors: Tabby Cat: 50 Claws/Regen
Isabella Ice: 50 ice/ice
Wondderland: 50 ice/cold
Mindfull: 50/Kin



My very first toon I ever created is still the one that gets all the shinies first... gets completely min-max-ed when possible and is my badger.

So the answer is yes!!

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!