Is your original "main" your "main"?




I'm only a three and a half year newb here. My main is my main. Still play him more than any other toon.

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My first ever creation on here was awkwardly to admit crafted in my own image. I know, weird. My hubby was like, '' I wonder if you..'' and it just spawned from that. Then after playing as I made it ''realistic'' as possible, lowest HP, natural, petless nin MM with a bow secondary. . . well.. yeah. No. Fun but no.

So it just kinda sits there, taking up space, modified every now and then when I cut my hair or style it a certain way. I'm such a freak geek.



My first main was a BS/Inv scrapper, who remained my favorite character for a long time. Eventually I got bored with him, but recently he's been reincarnated as TW/WP, sets which weren't available when he was created, so I guess he's still my main, in a sense.



Lol am I the only guy that didn't make a character named after their forum handle?

I mean, I made Leogunner a while after I started posting, if only because I felt everyone was making characters out of their handles. But even then, he was just an AE NPC boss for an (the) arc I made, not an actual playable character. Later I did remake him and played him up a bit, but he's not my main, he's not my first and honestly, I have no feelings toward the character. But he's a lion guy with a gun (and traps).

However, the character that I consider my main is and has been my main ever since I started forum RP in the Superhero 101 thread. He's still a Kat/SR, he gets occasionally played but then I 'added' to him by making alternate versions of him; a martial arts/SR version because he's good at fighting but only got up to the upper teens, a katana/elec version which is him testing a magitech suit that creates lightning, I briefly had a DP/EM blaster as a Praetorian version but revised that and deleted, and now a TW/WP which is the version of him transformed into a werebeast with a bit more strength.

My original character, a MA/DA scrapper, still sits on Guardian at lvl 5. But in homage to him, my main's sword is named after my 1st character.



Yep, though I changed my global, Winterminal remains my main character. Though I don't play him as often lately, he remains the most fun character I have, and is always the first toon with which I play through new content.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Lol am I the only guy that didn't make a character named after their forum handle?
Personally, I named my forum handle after my character.



The first character I ever created to play back when the world began is still one of my "mains". But because I have chronic alt-itis I don't actually play him as often as I do some lower characters but I dust him off regualrly. He's always my first character to test out the SSAs, for example, cuz he's easily the most survivable.

But you could make a case for my first villain I created when that issue (was it 6?) began is my true main. He's the one who's spawned the most "clones" on other sides, servers and realities in different games entirely. He's got the most iconic "voice" and he's the easiest for me to fall into character with. If I could only keep one character out of the dozens I have to play it would be him.

VICTORY: "We have our own /emote"
VICTORY: "Because we're not Virtue"
VICTORY: "The red headed step-server" (CuppaJo)
VICTORY: "Most people just aren't sexy enough for it"



I'm an altoholic, though when I had a family account, my rad/rad defender took my attention, followed by my ill/emp controller. When I had to delete/reroll for my own account with CoV, I remade the guy, but haven't played him much since.

It wasn't because of his glory days, or because the character was bad, or because his play was boring. It was because the poor guy had been remade too many times. With his first iterations, icon wasn't around. I played him to 10ish 3 or 4 times, deleting him each time when colors/textures weren't quite right. I finally got something I liked, and icon was released! Hooray! I got him to 30...Then when CoV came out, it was time for me to get my own stuff. Goodbye, little guy, time to tread the ladder again. I got him to 30 once more, (this was solo) but I made myself do it. (This was still in the Jack grindy progression rates)

I did it, but it was old hat. Meanwhile, the new archetypes called...specifically, my dominator. It was my 'Main' villain, my first 50, and still my main character. My defender has survived almost 8 years of time and so many rebirths, but he still sits at 35. I think it's been about two years since I've played a mission with him.

Meanwhile, now being across two servers with 30+ on my main server, I still play my 'main' villain 2-4 times a week, every week. Not getting old. Besides the two 'mains,' I've had my handful of solid #2's. (Strangely enough, my 'secondary' controller was my first hero 50) They are all 50, and played between new alts and my dominator, but none so consistently as that 'main.'



When I started playing back during Issue 1 with my RL friends on Victory, I rolled five characters, one for each AT and Father Xmas was my tank. The other four have been left behind, in their high teens or low 20s for years now.

The Forgotten:

Agent Kei - Scrapper MA/SR - Kei from Dirty Pair knockoff.
Dark Umbra - D3 (Dark/Dark Defender) - Resembles The Shadow.
Doc Hawking - Controller Gravity/FF - Resembles Onion parody piece about Stephen Hawking in a power suit.
Doc Einstein - Blaster Energy/Energy - Guess who he looks like, but with glowing eyes and he Teleports.

Within a year most of my friends moved on to other games and I caught altitius and ended up playing other power combos on other servers.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



For the most part I guess....... my "main" that im most well known for is probably always going to be Psynder since not only was he my first toon ever but also the name ive posted under since beta AND my badge toon. However I have a VERY soft spot for my night widow "Knight Widow" and she easily takes up most of my play time. Shes may not be my "main" but she is easily my fave.

Funny too cause my main is a blaster and my best fave toon is a widow but my fave AT is dominators .... go figure.

Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk



yep, rian frostdrake is and will be my main (ma/sr scrapper) here and on another superhero game, my main badger, the first through heroic content, first to incarnate content, and my borderline mary sue, but with scales, a tail and massive dragon wings. he was the first character i made, though due to a silly big, i had to reroll him with a slightly different facial marking and set of horns after he got stuck in some bug and wouldnt load my sub main is even the same as in the beginning, seraph blue (empathy/electric defender) will always be my second and my main villain..well, she isnt a villain any more, her bio always pegged her as a catwoman'ish thief with a heart of gold so rogues fit too well, but violet tendencies (plant/thorn dominator) is always my main red...even if she mostly plays blue now. i thnk between those 3 I have a fairly broad feel for the varieties of the gameplay styles, be it a direct damage, a crowd control ranged damage, or a team oriented protector, so they are my mains. they have my favorite bios, they have my favorite costumes, and they have enormous segments of my life invested in them.



My original main is a level 50 souvenir scrapper from 2004. He's still camping on virtue complete with all his original Pre-ED SO's.

Since then, I have no main but play whatever suits me at the moment. I now have 9 50's but the characters played the most are always under 50.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Lol am I the only guy that didn't make a character named after their forum handle?
No. "Nuclear Toast" is me. My characters are themselves.

Although I did create "Nuclear Toast" on Exalted, in case I wanted to do anything in-game as me, like special events.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
Did anyone completely switch their main? Go from a tank to a defender or whatever?
My main and namesake is in semi-retirement these days. I still dust him off when new content comes out so he can run it first, but I usually focus on other characters.

For a while my BS/DA scrapper was my de-facto main since I played him more, but the Claws/Regen is still my #1.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Lol am I the only guy that didn't make a character named after their forum handle?
It's the reverse for me. The character came first, then the forum handle. The character Claws and Effect predates my forum registration by a couple months.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Chyll himself himself (started circa I7) is still in game, and while I do not necessarily play him regularly - he does get a spin around the block on occasion, including being my first or second to get incarnated and trialed up, etc. etc.

I still have his first costume in one of his slots, and Build 1 on him is his first (and never respec'd) leveling build - mostly SOs, with some IOs (though he fights crime using Build 2 99% of the time).

That said, my current primarily played characters are a lvl 50 SR/StJ tank and a 40ish DA/StJ scrapper as I (oh, so patiently) await Dark Control.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



I have a pretty severe defination of Original Toons. For me its not just a matter of being your first character, In fact that has nothing to do with it, as most tended to make dozens of throw away test powers until lvl 6 or so toons in mass in thier first days on the game.

No my standard starts with it being that first character that felt RIGHT for you. The one who knew you where taking to 50, back when that meant something, no matter how hard the road lay before you.

The next requirment is it had to be your first 50, no matter how long it took you.

3rd and this is the mean one, to be an original main, it requires to have been made in the first year of the games life. Yeah I know so few first years are left, and so many new citizens are among us.

Well to be fair those characters who have been around that long, with players filled with lore about the game, are in thier own way Icons as deserving of new comers respect as the NPCs like Miss Liberty and Positron.

My own is named T'Keron Valmaz. A katana/SR scrapper on virtue. Based heavily on COX lore my time with him has been rich in moments of feeling as if the game was made just for me. This was especially true after CoV and finally GR to let me turn him intoa true red sider. Several SFs over there when played with my original character on the team often has other players, especially newer ones tripping out thinking I am something like a old member of the cryptic team returning to my baby incognito or something

I have 2 accounts, my younger has its own main, not an original year one hero but still very lore based, and he is in fact the one who shares the name with my forum handle.

When I run Demetrios on the revamped posi tf, part 2 I always go fight the end av solo while the team clears the bombs. Most have said there is little more epic to witness at low lvls then a battle between Doc Vahz and Demetrios Vasilikos, Creys paragon protector given a DNA memory core made from Vahz's DNA.



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
Chyll himself himself (started circa I7) is still in game, and while I do not necessarily play him regularly - he does get a spin around the block on occasion, including being my first or second to get incarnated and trialed up, etc. etc.

I still have his first costume in one of his slots, and Build 1 on him is his first (and never respec'd) leveling build - mostly SOs, with some IOs (though he fights crime using Build 2 99% of the time).
right there with you, althoguh when Inc stuff hit id not dusted off T'Keron in ages, I felt compelled to make sure he was top priority to incarnate up.

For those on virtue who where running lambs and bafs alot right after it came out you may recall a certain demon scrapper clearing turrets in lam solo while the team cleared the streets.

I grew quite fond of hearing people go, hey where are all the turrets as the team finished clearing the courtyard and began looking for them.



Originally Posted by Haggard4Life View Post
Yep, my main is still my main. Still the same character I came up with during the original CoH beta. Still fun to play, too.
Yep. This describes me as well.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
Did anyone completely switch their main?
Whaddyamean, "main"? I am Shadow Kitty! The other toons are my toys!

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



My "main" has switched a few times... first it was a grav/energy dominator on Triumph, then I moved to Virtue and made a sword/shield scrapper who became my main, then I joined a new supergroup and my widow became my main, then an alt who was in that supergroup got promoted and my widow had a plot-related disappearance and the alt, a grav/kin controller, became (and remains) the closest thing I have to a main character. He'll probably stay that way for a long time, due to IC officership and also I freely admit that I've become somewhat infatuated with him.

{}... .-



Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
No my standard starts with it being that first character that felt RIGHT for you. The one who knew you where taking to 50, back when that meant something, no matter how hard the road lay before you.

The next requirment is it had to be your first 50, no matter how long it took you.

3rd and this is the mean one, to be an original main, it requires to have been made in the first year of the games life. Yeah I know so few first years are left, and so many new citizens are among us.
What I consider my main fits all of this. My Katana/Invul scrapper definitely felt "right" (I knew right away). He was definitely my first 50 by far. He has the Year 1 badge.

Oddly, I think my 2nd 50 was my WS, which I have, but is the ONLY toon I have on a shelf. I really hate playing him--not interested, but can't delete. What if I find I want a lvl 50 WS at some point? Or devs change them enough that I get interested?

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Lol am I the only guy that didn't make a character named after their forum handle?
Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
There is no "UberGuy" character.
Uh uh.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
3rd and this is the mean one, to be an original main, it requires to have been made in the first year of the games life. Yeah I know so few first years are left, and so many new citizens are among us.
This isn't mean, it' stupid. The idea of a "main" is based on the player, not the game. Each player may or may not have a "main". Whether or not the character existed within the first year of the game has nothing to do with the topic at hand. It's simply old school elitist BS.